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New Characters for Project M Discussion Thread (Voting Closed)

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Cool Blue

Smash Journeyman
Feb 17, 2014
Next to a beach I never go to
Knuckles (if the rumors are true, we'll be seeing him anyway. Plus I'd be fine with a heavy-hitting Sonic that can glide)
I'm pretty sure the PMBR has said that in order for a clone character to be able to glide, the original character has to be able to glide as well.
I'm sure having a Knuckles that can glide wouldn't be impossible, just very difficult as he would have to be cloned from Meta Knight, Pit, or Charizard.

I just don't see Dark Samus being justified in having her own character slot, at most, I see her being a dark alt skin for Samus, like Dark Pit and Dark Link.
You could say the same thing about Shadow. Just have a dark colored Sonic.

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
I'm pretty sure the PMBR has said that in order for a clone character to be able to glide, the original character has to be able to glide as well.
I'm sure having a Knuckles that can glide wouldn't be impossible, just very difficult as he would have to be cloned from Meta Knight, Pit, or Charizard.
Not true - there was a PSA on the vault recently that gave Toon Link a glide, using his Deku Leaf.


I also think there's a Sora over Marth somewhere that has a glide, but I can't remember for sure.
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Smash Master
Jan 2, 2014
Indiana, US
DS is a Phazon clone of Samus.
Dark Samus isn't a Phazon clone of Samus. She is the Metroid Prime (the final boss of the first Metroid Prime and a hyper-mutated, sentient Metroid), who has infested and assimilated Samus's old Phazon Suit (which was simply a Phazon-corrupted Gravity Suit). The only reason she looks like Samus is because she's "wearing" one of her old suits.

That said, Dark Samus shouldn't even be considered before Ridley is added (or disabled via unlikely inclusion in Smash 4).
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Sour Supreme

Apr 9, 2014
The Homebrew Channel
gave Toon Link a glide, using his Deku Leaf.
Wat. Too much badass. PMBR plz.
Lucas, Ness, Mewtwo, Peach, and Yoshi all only have 1 extra jump, a double jump. No character who can multi-jump (Jigglypuff, Charizard, DDD, etc) can cancel their jumps. Ridley, Tails, or Balloon Fighter possibly could and would be the first characters in smash ever to be able to. That's what I was trying to get at.
That's actually what I was picturing when I said he performed a DJC, I'd just never heard of the term MJC. Thinking now, it obviously wouldn't make sense for it to be called a DJC if he was able to continue jumping after 2 uses.
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Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2014
You could say the same thing about Shadow. Just have a dark colored Sonic.
Shadow, from my understand, has vastly different moves than Sonic, other than their shared speed. Shadow has Chaos Control, which manifests in several very specific moves that could be incorporated into making Shadow a character as fast as Sonic, but having more ranged attacks, kinda like a high-speed Samus, I guess you could say.

I've asked before what Dark Samus provides that Samus or another character we have already provides, and all I have heard is "she's like a faster Samus with different moves". Give me a moveset, or a gameplay element, or a run-down or something to convince me otherwise. I'm more than happy to have my opinion changed if someone can convince me that DS is badass and unique enough for a slot in P:M.

Not true - there was a PSA on the vault recently that gave Toon Link a glide, using his Deku Leaf.
Not really the thread for this topic, but I would love to see Toon Link tweaked and given some more moves specific to his canon instead of him being a faster Link, like have his Grappling Hook instead of a Hookshot, and the leaf glide thing sounds cool.
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Smash Master
Jan 2, 2014
Indiana, US
Shadow, from my understand, has vastly different moves than Sonic, other than their shared speed. Shadow has Chaos Control, which manifests in several very specific moves that could be incorporated into making Shadow a character as fast as Sonic, but having more ranged attacks, kinda like a high-speed Samus, I guess you could say.
Pretty much replace generic catch-all superpower Chaos Control with generic catch-all death substance Phazon. That is exactly how Phazon works. It can be bull****ted into performing pretty much any action or attack, just like Shadow's infamous Chaos Control. Anything that you could say that Shadow could do with Chaos Control can be performed just as well with Phazon, minus time-warping, which really only equates to teleportation in Shadow's case (which Dark Samus can do).

Chaos Spear? Phazon Bolts.
Chaos Blast? Phazon Field.
Chaos Control? Teleportation.
Chaos Boost? Phazon Overload.

Dark Samus is a faster Samus with science bull**** powers instead of magic ones. She is literally Metroid's Shadow, ability-wise. Saying Shadow holds anything over her is kinda...incorrect, because they're like the same thing.
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Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2014
Pretty much replace generic catch-all superpower Chaos Control with generic catch-all death substance Phazon. That is exactly how Phazon works. It can be bull****ted into performing pretty much any action or attack, just like Shadow's infamous Chaos Control. Anything that you could say that Shadow could do with Chaos Control can be performed just as well with Phazon, minus time-warping, which really only equates to teleportation in Shadow's case (which Dark Samus can do).

Chaos Spear? Phazon Bolts.
Chaos Blast? Phazon Field.
Chaos Control? Teleportation.
Chaos Boost? Phazon Overload.

Dark Samus is a faster Samus with science bull**** powers instead of magic ones. She is literally Metroid's Shadow, ability-wise. Saying Shadow holds anything over her is kinda...incorrect, because they're like the same thing.
So Dark Samus would be a faster Samus that is just as heavy as Samus with more powerful versions of all of Samus's moves and maybe a teleport? ... yeah, no thanks on that. I don't wanna see a "Spamus" with superspeed, double firepower, and even better recovery, heh.
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Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2013
Granite Falls, WA
And you want an even spammier Sonic with projectiles? No thanks on that lol. I think you're letting bias get in the way of your thought process a little too much here.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2014
And you want an even spammier Sonic with projectiles? No thanks on that lol. I think you're letting bias get in the way of your thought process a little too much here.
OK, I'm not really a Shadow fanboy, all I said really was him, Tails, or Knuckles are the the most likely candidates if they added a 2nd Sonic character is all.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 26, 2014
What about Eggman, the main villain of the franchise?
Hate to be rude, but he should already have more priority than any other cast member. Yes, I personally would prefer Knuckles and he seems likely, but Eggman would just make more sense then any other character in the franchise. Even Tails IMO
Just imagine the possibilities.
Though Eggman may be really hard to pull off.
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Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2013
Granite Falls, WA
OK, I'm not really a Shadow fanboy, all I said really was him, Tails, or Knuckles are the the most likely candidates if they added a 2nd Sonic character is all.
That's quite alright, it just seems you seem to have all this hate around Samus's playstyle and Dark Samus in general and yet you're arguing for a character who could possibly fill that same niche.

Dark Samus could have a lot of minor changes made to her playstyle to completely differentiate her game plan from Samus's. I imagine Damus being a FF with a lighter weight, making her more susceptible to combos but allowing her to create more pressure with land cancelled phazon blasts (SideB). A 4 frame jump squat would give her the capability of DACUSing, something Samus can't do and could open up a lot of potential combo trees. Her phazon blasts could create multi hit explosions on contact and act as combo enablers or create enough shield pressure to go for a grab, sort of similar to Ivysaur's razor leaf. The obvious change to UpB being a teleport, but this could actually be a nerf and not a buff, since Samus's UpB is essential for her OoS game to escape pressure.

That's just some minor brainstorming I've come up with on the spot, there is a lot more the PMBR could do with Damus than just this.
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Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
So Dark Samus would be a faster Samus that is just as heavy as Samus with more powerful versions of all of Samus's moves and maybe a teleport?
Dude, did you even read the post? And if you'd been here since early on like the rest of us, you would've seen 2 or 3 unique Dark Samus movesets. I can't look for them now since the search function is only checking the last couple of pages for me for some reason, but just as an example:
B - Scatter Shot - A non-chargeable projectile that fires multiple shots while the button is held down. It deals little knockback, but fires so many shots that it can trap opponents (although not forever).

Side B - Phazon Boost / Shinespark - Based on Samus' Speed Booster. After a short start-up time, allows Dark Samus to dash very quickly while dealing damage across the stage. Works best on long, flat surfaces like FD. Can be crouch-cancelled. If used in the air, Dark Samus will perform a Shinespark with a similar animation to the Shinespark in Other M. This can also be performed from a crouch-cancelled Speed Boost.

Up B - Phazon Warp - Teleport with a Phazon hitbox on both ends.

Down B - Phazon Shield - A shield that does not reflect or absorb projectiles, but destroys them. The shield is much larger than most (about Bowser-sized) and has multiple weak hitboxes as long as it is held. This can also be used while rolling in Morph Ball Mode (based on MP2's multiplayer Death Ball weapon), but with a much smaller area effect (Just bigger than the ball itself).

Final Smash - Metroid Prime - Similar to Beast Ganon, Dark Samus becomes Metroid Prime and performs a powerful attack.

or, alternatively:

Final Smash - Hyper Mode - All of Dark Samus' attacks gain Phazon properties, giving them a substantial boost in power. Attacks that already used Phazon will use more than they did before. Can use Phazon Warp continuously without landing while in Hyper Mode.
And, of course, the rest of her normal attacks and such can be pretty much whatever. There, a moveset that's nothing at all like Samus', just to prove how easy it is. Something to keep in mind here, though: being unique isn't necessarily a good thing, here. The more unique a character is, the more time and effort PMBR has to put into them. Remember how long Mewtwo took - 700+ hours, and that was with a character whose moveset was already laid out for them. That's why having some characters who can potentially play very different while retaining some aspects of their bases is appealing. Not every character added (assuming they fill all five) should be unique.
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Smash Journeyman
May 31, 2014
+1 Vote

Isaac: an unrepresented franchise, fan-favorite, can make for a unique move set compared to the current cast, I feel he has one of the highest potential for creativity

Sami: an unrepresented franchise, more female representation is a good thing imo, possible move set can call upon units, mini-tanks, and artillery (if this is possible for the PMBR) to avoid being a female Snake clone

Ridley: Metroid series feels lacking with only Samus even if she has two different states, size doesn't matter imo (please no sex jokes), more villain representation I feel should be welcomed

Lyn: more female representation, I feel that Lyn can have a move set that can make her seem like her own character and not just "another fire emblem sword user"

Ray MK III: an unrepresented franchise, another high potential for creativity in design and move set imo, I'm not familiar with the series but I do like Gundams so why not? :p

1/2 Vote

Skull Kid
Paper Mario
King K. Rool

I will not -1 Vote a character but I will state characters I feel indifferent with for survey purposes:

Pichu: already seen in Melee...was not impressed. Even though the PMBR can revamp or modify the character, I feel that other characters deserve their chance in the spotlight and the characters I stated above have more potential of being creative than Pichu imo.

Any 3rd party character (Sonic and Metal Gear): ultimately this is a Nintendo fighter (or party game, whatever you feel this game is) and I feel that adding another 3rd party character can spoil the game. There are many unrepresented Nintendo franchises and since we're limited to a specific amount of professionally made clones I feel that the PMBR should focus on Nintendo only characters


Smash Journeyman
May 31, 2014
He could easily be the size of Olimar or Kirby
One issue that I have with armless characters in a fighter is how they would go about fighting close ranged. By design I would think Tamagon is more mid-long range but that is my own ignorance for not knowing the character. Can you elaborate a move set for Tamagon or tell me a bit about the character's history because I feel indifferent with this character.


Smash Journeyman
May 28, 2013
+1 Vote

Isaac: an unrepresented franchise, fan-favorite, can make for a unique move set compared to the current cast, I feel he has one of the highest potential for creativity

Sami: an unrepresented franchise, more female representation is a good thing imo, possible move set can call upon units, mini-tanks, and artillery (if this is possible for the PMBR) to avoid being a female Snake clone

Ridley: Metroid series feels lacking with only Samus even if she has two different states, size doesn't matter imo (please no sex jokes), more villain representation I feel should be welcomed

Lyn: more female representation, I feel that Lyn can have a move set that can make her seem like her own character and not just "another fire emblem sword user"

Ray MK III: an unrepresented franchise, another high potential for creativity in design and move set imo, I'm not familiar with the series but I do like Gundams so why not? :p

1/2 Vote

Skull Kid
Paper Mario
King K. Rool

I will not -1 Vote a character but I will state characters I feel indifferent with for survey purposes:

Pichu: already seen in Melee...was not impressed. Even though the PMBR can revamp or modify the character, I feel that other characters deserve their chance in the spotlight and the characters I stated above have more potential of being creative than Pichu imo.

Any 3rd party character (Sonic and Metal Gear): ultimately this is a Nintendo fighter (or party game, whatever you feel this game is) and I feel that adding another 3rd party character can spoil the game. There are many unrepresented Nintendo franchises and since we're limited to a specific amount of professionally made clones I feel that the PMBR should focus on Nintendo only characters
Wow. Incredible.
Usually people who have little to no posts say something completely ridiculous. I'd know because i did myself, but you sir. Everything you've said here....I told myself i wouldn't cry.....Everything you've said here........Makes complete sense. Even if i don't agree with it, at that point it's just difference of opinion. Your post follows all the rules of objectivity and subjectivity and not only that, your opinion is legitimately........how do i say this.....legitimate. Like there are no flaws to be found in it.
Well done. You can Fsmash my peach any day of the week.


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2013
It's starting to physically pain me whenever I see Sami get priority over Andy.

Even if she's female representation or whatever she's not the main character. That's Andy.


Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2013
Granite Falls, WA
It's painful to me whenever someone dismisses her just because she's not the main character. She's been in just as many games and is just as an important character as Andy. She also has a better personality to boot.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2014
It's starting to physically pain me whenever I see Sami get priority over Andy.

Even if she's female representation or whatever she's not the main character. That's Andy.
Honestly, I get the feeling she has such an upswell of support because awhile ago someone posted a "potential P:M leak" which showed a completely rendered Sami, which looked pretty damn nice. Granted there's no proof it's a real P:M render or just something someone else did.

Add to that the fact I am sure there are people who don't even know Advanced Wars at all, so really they are just seeing "series that needs support" and just pick Sami because they like her ascetically or because she's another female rep and don't really know who she is, or who Andy is for that matter.

Of course, I could be wrong, just my guess on the subject.

Alfonzo Bagpipez

Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2013
It's painful to me whenever someone dismisses her just because she's not the main character. She's been in just as many games and is just as an important character as Andy. She also has a better personality to boot.
Well if Andy was a girl and Sami was a boy, do you think Sami would be anywhere near as relevant in this thread?
Half the people vote for Sami and Lyn bcuz grills. Their personality doesn't mean much of anything in this instance.
Lyn and Hector is a good example. Hector has the "better" personality and has more room to have a new and diverse moveset. But Lyn is a girl...and that's all there is to it. Lyn has more supporters, not because she is a unique character or because she can offer something really new, but because she's a girl (coming from a former Lyn supporter).

I wouldn't mind either character. Any form of AW representation is okay with me.
Andy is the closest to being the face of the franchise, though, and he seems more fitting to me because of that.
(plus Wrench...mmm wrench)
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Smash Journeyman
May 31, 2014
Headbutts, kicks, and buttslams?
Fair point. I do however find that the character in question would have severe trouble fighting close ranged with those limited options. But you did answer my question, so I can picture Tamagon as a candidate

1/2 Vote

It's starting to physically pain me whenever I see Sami get priority over Andy.

Even if she's female representation or whatever she's not the main character. That's Andy.
I apologize if I offended any Advance Wars fans. If it makes you feel any better, I was not informed about Advance Wars character and story-wise, I have however played a couple of the games; hence the possible move set opinion. If I knew Andy was essentially the "poster boy" of the series I would've voted for him so I would like to change my vote to the following.

+1 Vote
Andy: an unrepresented franchise, possible move set can call upon units, mini-tanks, and artillery (if this is possible for the PMBR) to avoid being a Snake clone, main character > female representation

1/2 Vote

Wow. Incredible.
Usually people who have little to no posts say something completely ridiculous. I'd know because i did myself, but you sir. Everything you've said here....I told myself i wouldn't cry.....Everything you've said here........Makes complete sense. Even if i don't agree with it, at that point it's just difference of opinion. Your post follows all the rules of objectivity and subjectivity and not only that, your opinion is legitimately........how do i say this.....legitimate. Like there are no flaws to be found in it.
Well done. You can Fsmash my peach any day of the week.

Thank you for the compliment, I try to prevent personal bias and at least try to familiarize myself with series I don't know before I start to question them. I try to prevent a huge flame war, I've seen more than enough when I used to lurk this thread :p

Well if Andy was a girl and Sami was a boy, do you think Sami would be anywhere near as relevant in this thread?
Half the people vote for Sami and Lyn bcuz grills. Their personality doesn't mean much of anything in this instance.
Lyn and Hector is a good example. Hector has the "better" personality and has more room to have a new and diverse moveset. But Lyn is a girl...and that's all there is to it. Lyn has more supporters, not because she is a unique character or because she can offer something really new, but because she's a girl (coming from a former Lyn supporter).

I wouldn't mind either character. Any form of AW representation is okay with me.
Andy is the closest to being the face of the franchise, though, and he seems more fitting to me because of that.
(plus Wrench...mmm wrench)
Just so you're informed of my way of thinking, the most important reason I'm trying to push for more female and more villain representation is to appeal to a greater audience. I try to think of the "big picture" when I did my voting and the bigger the audience, the greater awareness of Smash which will lead to more fans in the Smash community. I agree that Hector can have the potential of being more creative than Lyn because of his weapon-of-choice, but I ultimately decided to prioritize Lyn over Hector because of her being a...grill and my reasoning above

Honestly, I get the feeling she has such an upswell of support because awhile ago someone posted a "potential P:M leak" which showed a completely rendered Sami, which looked pretty damn nice. Granted there's no proof it's a real P:M render or just something someone else did.

Add to that the fact I am sure there are people who don't even know Advanced Wars at all, so really they are just seeing "series that needs support" and just pick Sami because they like her ascetically or because she's another female rep and don't really know who she is, or who Andy is for that matter.

Of course, I could be wrong, just my guess on the subject.
I wasn't aware of the "P:M leak". I just searched it on Google and it looks very well designed but there is still the possibility that someone who isn't a part of the PMBR could've designed it even though that's highly unlikely given the circumstances (posts being removed and deleted, etc.). I'll keep my hopes up, at least this rumor seems a lot more legitimate than Smash 4's rumors :p
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Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2014
I wasn't aware of the "P:M leak". I just searched it on Google and it looks very well designed but there is still the possibility that someone who isn't a part of the PMBR could've designed it even though that's highly unlikely given the circumstances (posts being removed and deleted, etc.). I'll keep my hopes up, at least this rumor seems a lot more legitimate than Smash 4's rumors :p
Yeah, just as I said, it looks really nice and it caused a buzz at the time it was first shown off, but no one knows for sure if its legit or not. However, I did notice more and more people talking about Sami after that picture got released, so it's my guess it's at least partly due to the rumor that Sami is getting more support than Andy, and AW in general is getting more support. Not a bad thing, I like under-repped series getting a representative.

It's the same reason I think that Knuckles is considered a possibility for one of the 5 slots, despite (in my opinion) Tails or Shadow being a more obvious choice if they were to include a 2nd Sonic rep at all. Rumor has it early P:M included Knuckles somewhere. Granted that rumor I have not seen a screenshot for at all, it's just been mentioned here or there.


Smash Cadet
May 25, 2014
I wanted to throw this idea out, a friend of mine wanted to see Pichu added to the game but with a bit of a rework. Now I don't particularly want another Pokemon character but perhaps this is a suggestion for how he could be different.

Instead of simply hurting himself with each attack, why not allow the option to amp up his attacks with an overcharge at the cost of hurting himself? This may mean a powered up version could be faster/do more damage/different hit reaction like meteor etc. Last stock and he could kill with just the right amount of damage? Or they have a stock lead and at a high enough percentage where they would die if hit anyway they may aswell use an overcharged attack to try get as much damage or kamikaze the opponent. Let him overcharge his smash attack by tapping B during it's startup. Or if he needs to overcharge his B moves let him power up by tapping A during it's startup. So long as the boost happens during the startup it means the move has a bit of commitment and people could just spam the safest move he has and then amp it up when they feel like it.

I have always thought the idea of a character who can have devastating attack options at the cost of self harm being pretty interesting, sortof like how the Dark Knights work in various Final Fantasy games mixed with having the option of EX moves in Street Fighter by using meter (only in this case you're choosing to take percentage).

As I said I'm not really wanting more Pokemon especially Pichu but hell even if you're looking for ideas for another character maybe try this. Like Ridley fights pretty recklessly because he's so instinctive and ferocious, perhaps he could amp up the damage of his moves where he slams into the opponent harder by tapping the altering attack button. Or perhaps for Ray Mk II it would be a reference to overcharging laser attacks limiting other options and such from Custom Chibi Robo. I could see this style working with a few characters to allow them a little more move variety and a unique risk/reward no other character if they choose to use it.
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Deleted member

Been a long time since I've been here. What have I missed?

Heard there was a leaked roster which consisted of Lyn, Isaac, Sami, Skull Kid, and Knuckles.

Dis tru?


Smash Champion
Oct 6, 2013
Good times, KY
We shouldn't talk too much about leaks. I remember the PMBR not liking it.
Fair point. I do however find that the character in question would have severe trouble fighting close ranged with those limited options. But you did answer my question, so I can picture Tamagon as a candidate

1/2 Vote
While I'm always happy to see my suggestions getting support, I want to make sure you like the character first. I played a lot of "obscure" retro games when I was younger like Ice Climber, Devil World, Balloon Fight, Excitebike, etc. That's why I end up gravitating towards characters from those games and characters from that era due to my familiarity with them.
I'm not trying to deter you from voting, because like I said, I love seeing support. I just don't want you to feel like you have to support if you really feel indifferent.

Deleted member

You heard or do you have a source? :V
I was told by a close friend of mine who's also a user here. She sent me a link to a leaked image of Sami's model.

I asked around with a couple other people, and they heard a similar rumor.


Smash Cadet
May 25, 2014
I was told by a close friend of mine who's also a user here. She sent me a link to a leaked image of Sami's model.

I asked around with a couple other people, and they heard a similar rumor.
Pretty sure they might not add Isaac since he has a chance at Smash 4. There was something on Twitter from Sakurai a while back where a fan was saying something like they'd better include of Megaman, Isaac and Geno and Sakurai replied "2 out of 3". Since Geno has like...0 chance...and Megaman is already confirmed...

Deleted member

Pretty sure they might not add Isaac since he has a chance at Smash 4. There was something on Twitter from Sakurai a while back where a fan was saying something like they'd better include of Megaman, Isaac and Geno and Sakurai replied "2 out of 3". Since Geno has like...0 chance...and Megaman is already confirmed...
I'm pretty sure the PM team already said they aren't letting the Smash 4 roster play a role in influencing their decisions for the PM exclusive characters.

Isaac and Lyn from what I've heard are as good as confirmed at this point.

And if that leak is true, then so is Sami.


Smash Cadet
May 25, 2014
I'm pretty sure the PM team already said they aren't letting the Smash 4 roster play a role in influencing their decisions for the PM exclusive characters.

Isaac and Lyn from what I've heard are as good as confirmed at this point.

And if that leak is true, then so is Sami.
I think they wanted to avoid adding characters who'd be in Smash 4 since that's supposed to help sell the Wii U and if Nintendo sees PM as a threat for offering those new characters for free they might push for a C&D.

True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
I think they wanted to avoid adding characters who'd be in Smash 4 since that's supposed to help sell the Wii U and if Nintendo sees PM as a threat for offering those new characters for free they might push for a C&D.
In that case, Lyn shouldn't be any problem as she has already been disconfirmed for Smash 4. We will just have to see if Isaac follows her fate.


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2014
Indiana, US
There was something on Twitter from Sakurai a while back where a fan was saying something like they'd better include of Megaman, Isaac and Geno and Sakurai replied "2 out of 3".
Super old and super fake.

Isaac and Lyn from what I've heard are as good as confirmed at this point..

Ridley: Metroid series feels lacking with only Samus even if she has two different states, size doesn't matter imo (please no sex jokes), more villain representation I feel should be welcomed
You. I like you.
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