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New Characters for Project M Discussion Thread (Voting Closed)

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Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
I'm actually really digging that icon that Kafei88Ale has. A Project M Robo-Mario would be pretty damn cool. That is just my opinion though.

Deleted member

I am wondering, if the Masked Man/Claus get in, which name would they give him?

I would opt to go with Claus, because that is the name of the sticker in brawl.


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2013
I am wondering, if the Masked Man/Claus get in, which name would they give him?

I would opt to go with Claus, because that is the name of the sticker in brawl.
Too spoiler-y. I say keep him as the Masked Man. It's how he's referred to in Mother 3 and it makes him sound cooler and more mysterious anyway.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2014
i know several people have expressed interest in characters with a mechanic that allows a character to change their falling speed, floaty vs. fast falling (like Balloon Fighter for instance), why can't that mechanic be incorporated into Masked Man instead? I could see one of his taunts expanding his mechanical wings, which could give him afterburn to turn him into a floaty character. Or he could lose the wings, and be a fast faller, due to all his metal parts (why he isn't as light as Ness/Lucas).


Smash Cadet
May 25, 2014
i know several people have expressed interest in characters with a mechanic that allows a character to change their falling speed, floaty vs. fast falling (like Balloon Fighter for instance), why can't that mechanic be incorporated into Masked Man instead? I could see one of his taunts expanding his mechanical wings, which could give him afterburn to turn him into a floaty character. Or he could lose the wings, and be a fast faller, due to all his metal parts (why he isn't as light as Ness/Lucas).
Ridley might be able to do something similar but since he'd probably be a heavyweight character it might be a bit weird.

Thing is if Mask could do that a taunt is a bit limiting as he'd HAVE to do it on the ground and only between getting a KO. Making it a special or something might work but then that would take up an entire move on it's own unless they're willing to code him being able to do the taunt in mid air.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 14, 2013
I honestly don't want Blanon Shadorf any more, the moveset changing Ganondorf mod has become something that's more than just a Ganondorf like Ganondorf for Smash would be and I'm more than happy just using that from now on, a proper P:M Ganondorf hasn't even been on my mind for a long time now. Also as much as having Black Shadow would be super great I know the support wasn't really there for him and as much as I personally would have liked to see him in there I don't really want a character to be picked because of another's popularity.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 6, 2014
Pensacola, FL
Ok votes then

Pichu, cuz zomg2cute and potential lethal joke character status.
Tails, I just feel like i'd have fun with a multi-jump sanic.
Ridley, cuz Ridley
Saki, cuz trap-dante
K. rool, even though I wouldn't use him it'd seem like he'd be a great addition to the cast.

On another note, as a ganon main I could live with using black shadow.
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Smash Lord
May 30, 2014
Plus Votes

Paper Mario: Shadow Princess Peach and Mr L are already in, Paper Mario would be perfect.

Pokemon Trainer: Just give him Captain Falcon's moveset and you have an April Fools Video for 2015.

Ganondorf: He's much more usable in Project M, but he still feels like a ****tier Captain Falcon, he needs priority IMO, whoever thinks he doesn't need to be changed isn't really a true Zelda fan, you know you have a terrible character when the woman he kidnaps can beat him up. SHAME ON ANYONE who thinks he's fine.

Shadow: Those Chaos Powers would be fun to play with.

Isacc: He's Isacc that's all you need to know.

Anti Votes
Pichu: He's a ****ty version of Pikachu who takes damage whenever he does any electrical attack, he would just be a waste of Project M's Resources that could go towards making Ganondorf playable and legit.

Krystal: We don't need another Star Fox clone and odds are some sick freak would make a nude mod of her, if we didn't want a nude mod for Zero Suit Samus why would we want it for a Furry Girl who wears an already revealing outfit? Seriously, DON'T PUT HER IN!!!

Plusle and Minun: Do we really need a version of Pichu that doesn't take damage from Electric Attacks?

Tails: Tails is pretty lame, the fact he WAS in Brawl made me cringe a bit.

Knuckles: No thanks, he's not as bad as Tails, but he's become pretty useless in the Sonic games over the years.

Silver the Hedgehog: I don't know if he's been mentioned yet, but if he has, SHAME ON YOU, he's not a very original character at all, he rips off Trunks from Dragonball Z, Goes into the Past to kill Cell/The thing that destroys the world (Chrono does this too in Chrono Trigger, but that game has a reason to exist and so does Trunks, Silver only exists to rip these two off), not to mention he along with Elise killed the Sonic franchise.

I'm proposing a few additional ideas for costumes:

MGS1 Snake or Old Snake Costumes, either is fine
Toon Ganondorf Costume
Metal Sonic Costume
Iron Mask Dedede Costume (Kirby Superstar Ultra)
Paper Luigi (Clone of Paper Mario that can jump higher if Paper Mario is ever made)
Hyper Sonic Costume for Super Sonic
Skyward Sword Link
Skyward Sword Zelda
This http://images.wikia.com/noncicloped...20100915184153!Lucario_e_Mewtwo_pantaloni.png
Pichu Costume for Pikachu (I'm fine with Pichu as a costume)


Smash Apprentice
Dec 26, 2013
Plus Votes
Silver the Hedgehog: I don't know if he's been mentioned yet, but if he has, SHAME ON YOU, he's not a very original character at all, he rips off Trunks from Dragonball Z, Goes into the Past to kill Cell/The thing that destroys the world (Chrono does this too in Chrono Trigger, but that game has a reason to exist and so does Trunks, Silver only exists to rip these two off), not to mention he along with Elise killed the Sonic franchise.
I really shouldn't do this, but I want to interject here. By your logic, any character who time travels is a rip-off. Chrono is a rip-off of Trunks, Trunks is a rip-off of the Terminator, etc... That aside, it's not as if time travel is the only aspect of his character. His telekinetic powers certainly make him unique amongst the Sonic cast.

Originality is a very subjective thing, and if you're going to say such things, you might as well condemn Sonic for his super form looking an awful lot like a super-saiyan transformation, or collecting rings like Mario collects coins. I also find it funny that you consider Silver an unoriginal rip-off, but Shadow is cool with you.

Finally, how exactly did he "kill the Sonic franchise"? Last I checked, Sonic games have still been coming out for the last 8 years, some of them gathering a very positive reception. Such as Sonic Colors, which - *gasp* - features a cameo from Silver!


Smash Lord
May 30, 2014
I really shouldn't do this, but I want to interject here. By your logic, any character who time travels is a rip-off. Chrono is a rip-off of Trunks, Trunks is a rip-off of the Terminator, etc... That aside, it's not as if time travel is the only aspect of his character. His telekinetic powers certainly make him unique amongst the Sonic cast.

Originality is a very subjective thing, and if you're going to say such things, you might as well condemn Sonic for his super form looking an awful lot like a super-saiyan transformation, or collecting rings like Mario collects coins. I also find it funny that you consider Silver an unoriginal rip-off, but Shadow is cool with you.

Finally, how exactly did he "kill the Sonic franchise"? Last I checked, Sonic games have still been coming out for the last 8 years, some of them gathering a very positive reception. Such as Sonic Colors, which - *gasp* - features a cameo from Silver!
Silver is just the most unoriginal thing about the Sonic franchise to date, as is the entirety of Sonic 06, but Silver is the worst of the lack of creativity, this is just an opinion though...on Silver atleast, we all know Sonic 06 is terrible and lifeless. The Rings bother me, but personally I think a Hedgehog going Super Saiyan is so stupid and out of place that if I was in the Sonic Concept Room I couldn't resist adding it in either.


Smash Champion
Oct 6, 2013
Good times, KY
Ganondorf: He's much more usable in Project M, but he still feels like a ****tier Captain Falcon, he needs priority IMO, whoever thinks he doesn't need to be changed isn't really a true Zelda fan, you know you have a terrible character when the woman he kidnaps can beat him up. SHAME ON ANYONE who thinks he's fine.
You're right, I'm not the world's biggest Zelda fan, but I am a pretty big Ganondorf fan. Ganondorf is fun as hell as he is now. He's more viable than ever and he honestly feels very different from Falcon.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 26, 2013
Silver is just the most unoriginal thing about the Sonic franchise to date, as is the entirety of Sonic 06, but Silver is the worst of the lack of creativity, this is just an opinion though...
How so? What is unoriginal, or uncreative about Silver?

we all know Sonic 06 is terrible and lifeless.
Man, that's bizarre. I must have imagined all the fun I had playing through Sonic '06. I don't know what's taking up all that space on my hard drive and MP3 player if it's not Sonic '06's incredible soundtrack. Only God knows why I occasionally come back to Sonic '06's 2-player mode, seeing as it's so awful.

The Rings bother me, but personally I think a Hedgehog going Super Saiyan is so stupid and out of place that if I was in the Sonic Concept Room I couldn't resist adding it in either.
So, to summarize: Plagiaristic Thing A is alright, but Plagiaristic Thing B is a franchise killer.


Smash Journeyman
May 28, 2013
I'm proposing a few additional ideas for costumes:

MGS1 Snake or Old Snake Costumes, either is fine
Toon Ganondorf Costume
Metal Sonic Costume
Iron Mask Dedede Costume (Kirby Superstar Ultra)
Paper Luigi (Clone of Paper Mario that can jump higher if Paper Mario is ever made)
Hyper Sonic Costume for Super Sonic
Skyward Sword Link
Skyward Sword Zelda
This http://images.wikia.com/noncicloped...20100915184153!Lucario_e_Mewtwo_pantaloni.png
Pichu Costume for Pikachu (I'm fine with Pichu as a costume)
This doesn't go here. Go to the alternate costume discussion thread.

Anti Votes
Pichu: He's a ****ty version of Pikachu who takes damage whenever he does any electrical attack, he would just be a waste of Project M's Resources that could go towards making Ganondorf playable and legit.

Krystal: We don't need another Star Fox clone and odds are some sick freak would make a nude mod of her, if we didn't want a nude mod for Zero Suit Samus why would we want it for a Furry Girl who wears an already revealing outfit? Seriously, DON'T PUT HER IN!!!

Plusle and Minun: Do we really need a version of Pichu that doesn't take damage from Electric Attacks?

Tails: Tails is pretty lame, the fact he WAS in Brawl made me cringe a bit.

Knuckles: No thanks, he's not as bad as Tails, but he's become pretty useless in the Sonic games over the years.

Silver the Hedgehog: I don't know if he's been mentioned yet, but if he has, SHAME ON YOU, he's not a very original character at all, he rips off Trunks from Dragonball Z, Goes into the Past to kill Cell/The thing that destroys the world (Chrono does this too in Chrono Trigger, but that game has a reason to exist and so does Trunks, Silver only exists to rip these two off), not to mention he along with Elise killed the Sonic franchise.
While these are probably going to be counted I'm going to just inform you that your post is reeking of bias.

- Instead of making a new pichu you think changing ganon is a better idea. What about people who like smash ganon? F*** them is what your saying to not only pichu fans but ganon fans as well. Your also implying that ganon in his current state isn't playable and legit.
- What you said about Krystal 1. we can't control whether or not that actually happens, 2. has it occured to you that krystal doesn't HAVE to be a clone?
- Plusle and Minun, again characters don't HAVE to be clones. Just because it's called the clone engine doesn't mean everyone is going to be a copypaste of a different character. Also your saying F*** Pichu players again by stating that buffing pichu to be normal is a bad thing which is exactly what he would need to be viable. This allows me to make the implication that you don't actually care about moveset potential or any other semi objective reasoning for a character. As long as they are under a certain name it's a yes or a no from you. In pichu's case it's a no because he's pichu which is horrible reasoning for not wanting a character in.
- Tails....You didn't even explain. He's just lame for no reason. That'd be like me calling you stupid for no reason. Unless you do or say something to make yourself seem stupid, what i said is completely unwarranted.
- Knuckles has the most legit description. He hasn't been represented in recent years so his inclusion could be better spent. Your okay there.
- Silver.....Oh boy. Almost everything about that statement made me consider deleting my account permanently. The only thing i can agree with is that he shouldn't be in. otherwise there's enough wats in that statement to light up a football stadium.
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Nov 3, 2013
Anywhere but Spain
Anti Votes
Pichu: He's a ****ty version of Pikachu who takes damage whenever he does any electrical attack, he would just be a waste of Project M's Resources that could go towards making Ganondorf playable and legit.
Goddamn it
I assume you said this because you knew I would reply.

First off, from my knowledge the Project M developers tend to work on things together in conjunction, yet alone as well. It's why certain PMBR members have more influence on certain characters, but no changes are made without it being reviewed by a majority or everyone in the PMBR. At least this is what I believe.

If I remember correctly, Jceasar has done the majority of work for R.O.B. I'm sure whoever is working on ganondorf is trying to think of creative ways that make him more viable without destroying his core gameplay. I'm sure any clone engine characters will not have priority over the balance issues of the cast.

The parallel exists in the form of roy being what previously was a "****ty" version of marth. Revamped and made extremely viable and even more different than he was in his Melee incarnation to better fit the game.

If you understand that and still downvote then I don't think I can change that opinion.

What's this feeling I'm getting through?

The arguments feel like they are coming from a different type of person...
The kind I might find on the darker side of the internet.
>The kind that comes with this kind of divisiveness
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Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2013
Granite Falls, WA
I find all this recent hate for Tails and Knuckles a little strange, but it might be because the only Sonic games I've played are 2, S&K, 3D, R, and a tiny bit of Adventures. My favorite by far was S&K, so I might be a little biased though.


Smash Journeyman
May 28, 2013
I find all this recent hate for Tails and Knuckles a little strange, but it might be because the only Sonic games I've played are 2, S&K, 3D, R, and a tiny bit of Adventures. My favorite by far was S&K, so I might be a little biased though.
I can't speak for everyone else but what i can say is that i don't actually mind the characters but I'd prefer they stay out of smash.


Nov 3, 2013
Anywhere but Spain
I find all this recent hate for Tails and Knuckles a little strange, but it might be because the only Sonic games I've played are 2, S&K, 3D, R, and a tiny bit of Adventures. My favorite by far was S&K, so I might be a little biased though.
Even still, tails managed to be a hero in Sonic adventure, and played a significant role in Sonic adventure 2. I don't think those roles could hinder him.

It's the fact that he's perceived as young, inexperienced, useless without sonic, and whiny.
Too bad he's actually calculative, and quick to think of a solution. He lives in the shadow of sonic too much lol.

Knuckles is probably just looked down for getting soft, despite the fact that he's still fundamentally the same person. Just less significant than he was in the past. His roles in Sonic adventure, were still important and without him playing his own significant role in SA2, they would of got DUSTED.

Sonic adventure 2 was my plot based story for sonic games and probably my favorite one as well.
Sonic 3 & knuckles is probably my favorite oldschool one.
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Deleted member

I would prefer sonic side crew to stay out of PM also, there are Nintendo characters that will probably never see the light of day in smash 4 and beyond, and project m has a chance to breathe them to life. Waluigi, or Sami, probably not going to be happening any decade soon.
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True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
I can't speak for everyone else but what i can say is that i don't actually mind the characters but I'd prefer they stay out of smash.
I feel the same way. If it were a Sega crossover, I'd be one of those people wanting several Sonic characters. But this isn't a Sega crossover. This is a primarily Nintendo crossover with a few special guests.


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
Hot damn. I missed the party. Rasgar defending the hell out of Silver was the most entertaining read I've seen in a while. Props Rasgar. You get the Solbliminal seal of approval.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 26, 2014
I feel the same way. If it were a Sega crossover, I'd be one of those people wanting several Sonic characters. But this isn't a Sega crossover. This is a primarily Nintendo crossover with a few special guests.
Agreed, I still,want my Sega crossover though. But this is a Nintendo Crossover, let the Nintendo All Stars shine first and including the niche ones.

And while I mostly agree with Rasgar on his stance on the franchise, if a 2nd Sonic character should be included, it shouldn't and wouldn't be Silver. There are much more popular and more unique and more deserving characters in the Sonic series that should get the honor of a playable character. At most Silver could be an assist, even that is pushing it.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 26, 2013
On that note, I should mention I'm not intending to push for Silver being in P:M. I just happen to really like him. If, somehow, another Sonic character made the cut, there are others more deserving of the spot.

Doesn't mean I can't dream, though.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2014
I'd be perfectly fine with one of the 5 spots given to a Sonic character, personally I see Sonic as being one of the biggest franchises in Smash, up there with Mario and Link, with a rich history and vast cast of characters, not to mention plenty of fans behind it. As I've said before, I've thought the best compromise would be Metal Sonic, since with his Copycat powers he could, as a single character, have several references to other Mobius denizens to try to get the most bang for one's buck, lots of callbacks of specials moves and abilities, plus a villain, which I always like. However I already know a lot of people here don't back him up, thinking he has 0% chance of even being considered for P:M. Oh well.

Realistically, I think the best candidates would be Tails, Knuckles, and Shadow. Tails for being Sonic's sidekick, and one of the oldest characters of the franchise, pretty much only beaten out by Sonic and Eggman, Knuckles for being Sonic's "friendly rival" as it were, and one of the best heroic fighters, being stronger than Sonic but slower than him ... personally I would not really consider him a candidate, if not for many people pointing out P:M had screenshots showing him in the roster, so it seems some of the crew like him, and of course Shadow, Sonic's other and darker rival, antihero/enemy type with a lot of special abilities that could make for a different kind of a Sonic.

Any one of them would be great, in my opinion, and I would be happy to see any one of them being brought into the fold. Of course, I am a little biased since I could see each of them filling some nice niches in the Brawl roster, which as I've mentioned before, is what I really want out of a new character, something playable that fills a void we do not yet have or can't be done better by someone else.


Smash Ace
May 8, 2009
I'd be perfectly fine with one of the 5 spots given to a Sonic character, personally I see Sonic as being one of the biggest franchises in Smash, up there with Mario and Link, with a rich history and vast cast of characters, not to mention plenty of fans behind it. As I've said before, I've thought the best compromise would be Metal Sonic, since with his Copycat powers he could, as a single character, have several references to other Mobius denizens to try to get the most bang for one's buck, lots of callbacks of specials moves and abilities, plus a villain, which I always like. However I already know a lot of people here don't back him up, thinking he has 0% chance of even being considered for P:M. Oh well.

Realistically, I think the best candidates would be Tails, Knuckles, and Shadow. Tails for being Sonic's sidekick, and one of the oldest characters of the franchise, pretty much only beaten out by Sonic and Eggman, Knuckles for being Sonic's "friendly rival" as it were, and one of the best heroic fighters, being stronger than Sonic but slower than him ... personally I would not really consider him a candidate, if not for many people pointing out P:M had screenshots showing him in the roster, so it seems some of the crew like him, and of course Shadow, Sonic's other and darker rival, antihero/enemy type with a lot of special abilities that could make for a different kind of a Sonic.

Any one of them would be great, in my opinion, and I would be happy to see any one of them being brought into the fold. Of course, I am a little biased since I could see each of them filling some nice niches in the Brawl roster, which as I've mentioned before, is what I really want out of a new character, something playable that fills a void we do not yet have or can't be done better by someone else.
I'd prefer Emerl over all of them.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 16, 2013
If I had to choose a Sonic buddy, I'd pick Tails. Not because he's cool (because he isn't), but because I think he would have really cool, unique properties relating to his flight and speed.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 6, 2014
Pensacola, FL
If I had to choose a Sonic buddy, I'd pick Tails. Not because he's cool (because he isn't), but because I think he would have really cool, unique properties relating to his flight and speed.
That was like the majority of the reason I wanted Tails, the sheer possibilities of how his playstyle could work, the other being that he is the most recurring character in the series after Sonic.
I doubt there will be another Sonic character introduced into Project M, but if there was Tails has the most potential out of any other character in the series in regards to uniqueness.

And he's adorable.
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Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2014
That was like the majority of the reason I wanted Tails, the sheer possibilities of how his playstyle could work, the other being that he is the most recurring character in the series after Sonic.
I doubt there will be another Sonic character introduced into Project M, but if there was Tails has the most potential out of any other character in the series in regards to uniqueness.

And he's adorable.
I think Shadow has just as much protential in a unique moveset, what with access to his Chaos Control, plus being an antihero could give him appeal. But I'd be ok with either one.

Now something I've mentioned before but will expand on, and hopefully this won't cause a flame war, but I really don't see Dark Samus as a potential candidate, really. I just really don't see her/it being unique enough to qualify her for her own slot. I do, however, see Dark Samus being an alt costume for Samus. And I know DS fans hate that I say that, but really, since DS is a Phazon clone of Samus, I see her being in the same boat as Dark Pit and Dark Link, neither of whom are Pit or Link, but similarly created clones.

Feel free to disagree, of course, but no one has given me any reason to think Dark Samus deserves her own slot, and as such, I do think the best we can hope for is Dark Samus being a alt for Samus.


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2013
Did I give any Sonics a half-vote?

If not then

+1/2 vote

Tails (my favorite Sonic character, beating Sonic himself)

Knuckles (if the rumors are true, we'll be seeing him anyway. Plus I'd be fine with a heavy-hitting Sonic that can glide)
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Nov 3, 2013
Anywhere but Spain
I think Shadow has just as much potential in a unique moveset, what with access to his Chaos Control, plus being an antihero could give him appeal. But I'd be ok with either one.

Now something I've mentioned before but will expand on, and hopefully this won't cause a flame war, but I really don't see Dark Samus as a potential candidate, really. I just really don't see her/it being unique enough to qualify her for her own slot. I do, however, see Dark Samus being an alt costume for Samus. And I know DS fans hate that I say that, but really, since DS is a Phazon clone of Samus, I see her being in the same boat as Dark Pit and Dark Link, neither of whom are Pit or Link, but similarly created clones.

Feel free to disagree, of course, but no one has given me any reason to think Dark Samus deserves her own slot, and as such, I do think the best we can hope for is Dark Samus being a alt for Samus.
Dark samus has more potential to be different than shadow.

While both have good variety from their parallel characters, Dark samus can be made as a fast version of samus with changed moves with no issues in regards to DS's abilities.

Shadow is fast, and to make him slow just for the sake of being different is criminal. He's got move variety just like DS, but his speed is similar with sonic's.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2014
Dark samus has more potential to be different than shadow.

While both have good variety from their parallel characters, Dark samus can be made as a fast version of samus with changed moves with no issues in regards to DS's abilities.

Shadow is fast, and to make him slow just for the sake of being different is criminal. He's got move variety just like DS, but his speed is similar with sonic's.
My argument is not really Shadow is better than Dark Samus, the Shadow thing was a completely separate thought.

I just don't see Dark Samus being justified in having her own character slot, at most, I see her being a dark alt skin for Samus, like Dark Pit and Dark Link.


Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2013
Granite Falls, WA
Last night I had a dream about Ridley doing a DJC.

This thread is really starting to get to me.
Technically, he could be the first with a MJC (multi-jump cancel). Others who could possibly fill that niche would be Tails or Balloon Fighter. Although, I think it would be a really REALLY weird mechanic and shouldn't even be considered.
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Sour Supreme

Apr 9, 2014
The Homebrew Channel
Technically, he could be the first with a MJC (multi jump cancel). Others who could possibly fill that niche would be Tails or Ballon Fighter. Although, I think it would be a really REALLY weird mechanic and shouldn't even be considered.
I guess I don't understand exactly what that would be.

Care to elaborate?


Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2013
Granite Falls, WA
Lucas, Ness, Mewtwo, Peach, and Yoshi all only have 1 extra jump, a double jump. No character who can multi-jump (Jigglypuff, Charizard, DDD, etc) can cancel their jumps. Ridley, Tails, or Balloon Fighter possibly could and would be the first characters in smash ever to be able to. That's what I was trying to get at.
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