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New Characters for Project M Discussion Thread (Voting Closed)

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Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2013
Those movesets look pretty cool. Still, with the limited amount of clone engine spots we have, I'd rather they still go to Ninten or the Masked Man because frankly they're just more important. And I really love the two characters. Especially Duster, I'm a big fan of him.

Nonetheless, I'd rather root for the two in Smash 4 and beyond since, as I said, we only have 5 clone engine spots left. I'd like for them to go to more important characters than some of Ness' or Lucas' party members.

Still, man, I'd LOVE it if some other Smash fangame had a lot of Mother characters.


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2013
Super Mother Brothers confirmed?
Sakurai could make a crapton of money by making a Smash style fighter for individual franchises. Super Smash Mario Bros., Super Smash Zelda, Super Smash Pokémon, the list could go on and on.

It'd be a great way to please a lot of fans without having to neglect them every time he makes a Smash Bros. game that crosses them all together.
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Thane of Blue Flames

Fire is catching.
Nov 23, 2013
The other side of Sanity
Not at all. The fanbases may not be big enough to justify the cost of development.

What *would* make a killing is DLC for the Smash title that already in development, because it wouldn't add much to the cost of organizing the team, marketing, production and the like while the chance for downloads would be very very high, be it dedicated fans, completionists or T.O.s who need every character on every set-up :p


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2013
Not at all. The fanbases may not be big enough to justify the cost of development.

What *would* make a killing is DLC for the Smash title that already in development, because it wouldn't add much to the cost of organizing the team, marketing, production and the like while the chance for downloads would be very very high, be it dedicated fans, completionists or T.O.s who need every character on every set-up :p
While I'm sure at least a Pokémon fighter could make money, your idea sounds great as well.

While I don't know if Sm4sh will actually use DLC to give us more characters, at least Project M can potentially give us 5. That's for sure. :p


Smash Journeyman
May 28, 2013
Sakurai could make a crapton of money by making a Smash style fighter for individual franchises. Super Smash Mario Bros., Super Smash Zelda, Super Smash Pokémon, the list could go on and on.

It'd be a great way to please a lot of fans without having to neglect them every time he makes a Smash Bros. game that crosses them all together.
Super Smash Spacies 20XX: Nightmare Edition

"You did this to me...."
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Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
While I'm sure at least a Pokémon fighter could make money, your idea sounds great as well.

While I don't know if Sm4sh will actually use DLC to give us more characters, at least Project M can potentially give us 5. That's for sure. :p
I wonder if it'd work if they did a sort of mash-up? Like "Fire Emblem vs Zelda!" That might be ridiculous, but it might also be amazing. XD
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Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
I wonder if it'd work if they did a sort of mash-up? Like "Fire Emblem vs Zelda!" That might be ridiculous, but it might also be amazing. XD
Selective Smash Bros?

Mascot Smash (Mario, Pokemon, Sonic, etc),
Fantasy Smash (Zelda, Fire Emblem, Kid Icarus, etc),
Sci-Fi Smash (Metroid, Star Fox, F-Zero, etc)
Super Smash (ALL THE THINGS)
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Smash Journeyman
Mar 14, 2014
Soooooo... Anyone have anything else to talk about? Anybody? Something? Somebody? Anything? Please? :lol:
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Anti Guy

Couch Tomato
Sep 27, 2001
Trivia: the revolution in Ukraine and current crisis were a result of Pichu arguments. I think Putin was a Pichu supporter because of their similar names.


Smash Lord
Mar 19, 2007
[Hide my Location]
Let's talk about risk factors for gum disease. Or

Not really something from Sukapon or Joy Mech Fight, but an interesting mechanic that fits her and pretty much no one else:
Sue has a the potential to be a character that requires incredible precision to be successful. While this would be fun to use and master, it may not mesh well with the existing balance in character size. Being a small target becomes a greater advantage than intended against a character whose skillset is principally just landing hits. A balancing agent could come in the form of sweetspots out-prioritized by and positioned closely to regular hitboxes. Hence, while bigger characters may be easier to hit, they become difficult or impossible to sweetspot. Of course, further depth may emerge from this, such as usage as CC counterplay, and weighing the reward of a sweetspot versus the risk of letting the opponent get close.


Anti Guy

Couch Tomato
Sep 27, 2001
That was for when I wasn't sure of what Joy Mech Fight said.
"It" can make the antecedent ambiguous, and just "Sukapon" is too long and repetitive. I suppose, instead of pronouns, I could use "Sue." :b:
Fwiw, both the English and Japanese Wikipedia entries refer to Sukapon as "he." Also, "Sue" doesn't quite work because it's not pronounced like that -- the "u" is virtually silent, and it's more pronounced like "ska"


Smash Journeyman
Jan 3, 2014
Linden, NJ
this thread should have been stickied a long time ago. I officially rescind my vote for shadow the hedgehog on the grounds that I would rather have the focus go to King K. Rool and Krystal (assuming they are not in smash4) Also Sukapon would be very cool. (not my top choice but I wouldn't complain.) Finally the black shadow/ganondorf swap is probably the best idea out there for PM.

I know many people will tell me to bite my tongue but I don't want pichu or ridley. (though again I don't think I would complain no matter what the PMBR do.) Though as I say that if they really give us slippy over Krystal I will be displeased with them. And please, please no Ike Climbers, it was funny for the video but not as a real character.

Sour Supreme

Apr 9, 2014
The Homebrew Channel
this thread should have been stickied a long time ago. I officially rescind my vote for shadow the hedgehog on the grounds that I would rather have the focus go to King K. Rool and Krystal (assuming they are not in smash4) Also Sukapon would be very cool. (not my top choice but I wouldn't complain.) Finally the black shadow/ganondorf swap is probably the best idea out there for PM.

I know many people will tell me to bite my tongue but I don't want pichu or ridley. (though again I don't think I would complain no matter what the PMBR do.) Though as I say that if they really give us slippy over Krystal I will be displeased with them. And please, please no Ike Climbers, it was funny for the video but not as a real character.
Not sure if kidding or misinterpreting April Fools.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2014
The only issue with Krystal is P:M is gonna have to build a new spacie from scratch, I mean I think we all assume she will probably be a staff user, like in SFAdv, but I think as another SF rep she'd have to play at least somewhat similar to the others as far as speed and melee are concerned. Maybe her's would be more of a vertical game as opposed to the more horizontal game Fox and Falco have? I mean the Fox Illusion of course, moving at a vertical plane instead of a horizontal one? Iunno, maybe that would be unusable.
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Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2013
this thread should have been stickied a long time ago. I officially rescind my vote for shadow the hedgehog on the grounds that I would rather have the focus go to King K. Rool and Krystal (assuming they are not in smash4)
You can't change your full votes. Also, voting's way past over--the final tally was two months ago.

Sukapon would be very cool. (not my top choice but I wouldn't complain.)

Finally the black shadow/ganondorf swap is probably the best idea out there for PM.
Correction: it's better suited for a new game in the series rather than a constantly updated game mod like Project M currently is. As of right now too many people would despise the change to Ganondorf, so let's not disrupt current Ganondorf mains like that.

You CAN, however, support giving Black Shadow a moveset reminiscent of a canonical Ganondorf. It gives people a new character from an underrepresented franchise, and in your own custom build you can put a Black Shadow skin on Ganondorf and a Ganondorf skin on this fancy new-playing Black Shadow. This version isn't nearly as controversial and is somewhat supported.

I know many people will tell me to bite my tongue but I don't want pichu or ridley. (though again I don't think I would complain no matter what the PMBR do.) Though as I say that if they really give us slippy over Krystal I will be displeased with them. And please, please no Ike Climbers, it was funny for the video but not as a real character.
That's okay, it's only your opinion.

Your inferior, Ike Climbers-hating, Krystal-loving opinion :troll:
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Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2014
I think someone said before Knuckles was sort of a placeholder or a hack or something? I don't remember the exact story behind him, but he was an early test or add-on by P:M, but at this point it does not mean he will be in the next release.

Still, I could see Knuckles being an interesting character, with his gliding powers, I could see him as sort of a heavy floaty, that he could change his weight and drop faster or slower to mess up combos, plus being another brawler character could be interesting, with super strong punches with a sweet spot right on the tip of his fist spikes?

Anyway, I think it's unlikely we'll get Knuckles before Tails or Shadow, since Knuckles has always been more of a second rival or second sidekick to Sonic. But I could be wrong.


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2013
That Isaac CSS pic is unbelievably ugly.

Edit: Greninja'd by Toast, so I'll keep my mouth shut about the leak now I guess.
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Nov 3, 2013
Anywhere but Spain
Krystal doesn't need to be what is defined as a spacie.

She may be a space animal in a sense but if they were to make her, there is no point for them to make her anything like the rest of them.

Wolf already is a perfect embodiment of what a PMBR space animal is. If Krystal is coming, she needs to be unique and not reminiscent of the other star fox characters.

Breaking rumors:

-Removed for the good of mankind-

Furthermore, when this was posted on the Project M subreddit, it seems to have been removed by mods shortly after.

Hows that for some news.
It's not really news.
Project M Subreddit said:
Posting about leaks or rumors of future content is not permitted and your post will be deleted. Please keep discussion about leaks elsewhere.
Whether or not it's real it was going to be deleted. Just because of the fact that it was deleted doesn't make it any truer. It's just people using the common "they didn't want anyone to see it so it must be true!" argument.

It's not really solid proof.

It doesn't really help that people can literally do what is shown in the screen with a moderate amount of modding knowledge.
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It's ya boy
Jul 15, 2012
Man I think knuckles would be a cool addition to project m

you know who else I think would be cool?

... Isaac and Lyn.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2014
Well, I definitely Krystal should be at least inspired by a spacie moveset, I think maybe a high agile spacie, like a mesh of Fox + ZSS as far as melee in concerned, give her a powerfully athletic melee game. To be honest, I don't even know if Krystal should be a staff user, or if she should focus more on bare-handed power, maybe with a mesh of psychic abilities. Like maybe instead of a float, she could have an enforced floatiness? Like she can use her Krazoa spirit link to perform weird psychic link moves? Although I guess if well incorporated, the staff would be neat to give her some pole vaulting kicks and reach moves, as well as give her a base for her specials to be similar, but not a copy, of more traditional spacies. Like maybe Fire Blaster = Laser Blaster: With Starfox speed but the ability to tilt up and down, and Jet Power = Fire Fox.


Smash Lord
Nov 27, 2013
Well, I definitely Krystal should be at least inspired by a spacie moveset, I think maybe a high agile spacie, like a mesh of Fox + ZSS as far as melee in concerned, give her a powerfully athletic melee game. To be honest, I don't even know if Krystal should be a staff user, or if she should focus more on bare-handed power, maybe with a mesh of psychic abilities. Like maybe instead of a float, she could have an enforced floatiness? Like she can use her Krazoa spirit link to perform weird psychic link moves? Although I guess if well incorporated, the staff would be neat to give her some pole vaulting kicks and reach moves, as well as give her a base for her specials to be similar, but not a copy, of more traditional spacies. Like maybe Fire Blaster = Laser Blaster: With Starfox speed but the ability to tilt up and down, and Jet Power = Fire Fox.
If done right, pretty much any character could gain my approval.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2014
Hey, question. If Pokémon Trainer did become a character in his own right, would it have to be limited to Red? Or could you instead use the protagonist from GSC, RSE, DP, B&W, XY, as well as the Colosseum games? Would be neat if you could have a PokéBall throw with the Snag effect.
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