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New Characters for Project M Discussion Thread (Voting Closed)

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Smash Champion
Oct 6, 2013
Good times, KY
Well Princess Peach has a lot of moves based on her appearance in Mario Bros. 2, perhaps Toad could be moreso based on New Super Mario Bros. Wii? Like his Up Special could be the propeller hat, and he could have Ice Flower powers? I dunno ... maybe a lot of his powers could be derived from the more rare items in SMB, since Toad seems to always run the item hut and such?
Straight up Wario clone tho. Wario's Woods reference and all.
If they could give him Iceball I'd be all for it, but if not he could have the Spin Grab from the NSMB series as his neutral B. If Ice Ball is B then Spin Grab is side B. UpB is Propeller Cap. Down B is Wario Waft but with spores. Less charge time because the spores don't do knockback, they stun. Less range at full charge.
His ground pound would work more like Yoshi's. His Nair is a multi-hit. His Uair can't really be a clap tho. Stubby arms, y'know?


Smash Cadet
Jan 19, 2013
San Francisco
I HAVE FINISHED MY MASKED MAN MOVESET. Yes, this is MewtwoMOFO, I adapted a new account as to have my username here match the ones on other sites. But, my OCD habits aside, here is Masked Man!

I see Masked Man as an intriguing character, as he has the potential to balance the use of PSI with physical attacks (Something that Ness and Lucas lack) His attacks would derive from Psychic powers, as well as the use of his sword and cannon arm (Which has a lot of leeway creatively, considering it was never actually used in battle during Mother 3).

Claus’s neutral A attacks would all utilize his sword, I don’t feel the need to discuss these in depth, as they’re pretty simple visions. If you absolutely need to know, then ask.

PK thunder would be a great choice for his side-special. In Mother 3 his lightning is seemingly very powerful, so I envision it as being more destructive but less controllable than Ness/Luke’s. It would travel a mid-range distance in an up and down motion, “Do the wave bruh.”

Down-special would be PK Magnet. (Acts just like Ness/Luke)

Up-special has Claus’s wings quickly expand and flap (I’m not sure if such animations are possible, I am a dreamer.) at which point for a period of time he would be able to hover in any direction. This would act similar to M2’s float, and last a short period longer, as it would act as his only means of recovery. The wings would have small hurtboxes as they expand.

Up-smash works with him releasing very short range flames from his cannon arm as he moves it above his head in an arch fashion (from side to side once). This attack has it’s disadvantages considering range, but if used to successfully trap an opponent it would rack up damage quickly.

Over-smash swings sword. (Already included on PM 3.0’s Lucas alt.)

Down-smash would be great as PK, Freeze dealing damage and throwing the frozen opponent to the side.

As for Final Smash, I’ve had several ideas, including the use of PK Love Omega, but one was my favorite. When Lucas and gang confront Claus under New Pork, he fires a powerful PK Lightning that knocks out everyone but Lucas because of his Franklin Badge. I picture Claus emitting a very powerful lightning flash that deals damage to everyone on stage, and renders them unconscious shortly. As an Easter Egg, anybody wearing a Franklin Badge would take damage, but the lightning would reflect off of their bodies allowing them to maintain consciousness.

I hope you guys deem it worthy, if you have any better ideas I would love to hear them!

Sounds good. A couple things:

I like the idea of Up-special being wings with hurtboxes. It also provides a contrast amongst the Earthbounders by giving Masked Man superior recovery options to Ness; furthermore offering either better or equal utility compared to Lucas´ tether.

Me gusta your down-smash idea, at least the visual aspect of it. It should have a vibe of brutality akin to Ganon´s flame choke.

For Masked Man´s nuetral game, some kicks mixed in would be good. Ness has very short-ranged jabs and kicks, and Lucas is same except for his up-tilt, a wide swing kick. Masked Man´s nuetral moveset could improve where Ness and Lucas are deprived by giving him more vertical swings that cover more area, (think like Marth and Roy tilt moves) and the improved range can be compenstated by inferior knockback or combo potential.

His sword could be given a hard-to-master sweetspot that has electrical properties.

I present some PSI moves from the Mother trilogy that I think could be cool and that Ness and Lucas don´t have. :

Defense up: since Lucas was given Offense-up that increases knockback on his attacks, how about a charge move that makes Masked Man harder to kill? Either a down-special or nuetral-special move.

Life up: Why should Ivysaur get all the life-sapping fun? Every sweetspotted sword hit could heal the Masked Man in small percents.

PK Rockin: in addition the sweetspots could charge a multi-shot, PSI blast that could be like Snake´s Up-smash but much better at aiming and with slower projectiles. That would be the offensive option. Or make it more defensive, more trap-like, like Din´s Fire, but with bigger hit boxes and a trigger timer like Snake´s C-4. If they´d go with the offensive option, I would render Masked Man either unable to move or very slow until all the projectiles dissapear.

PK Magnet: Make it different? let´s say the offensive PK Rockin idea is implemented. You need some kind of hope that the projectiles will hit the opponent while you are a slow or sitting duck?
Stick the PK Magnet on the opponent, a´la Snake´s C-4. Unique meta-game, maybe.

Braishock or BrainCyclone: inflicts ¨strangeness¨ on the enemy. Who knows? :)

I like how they made Wolf very different, yet undeniably feeling like a spacie when you use him. Masked Man would deserve similar attention.


Sour Supreme

Apr 9, 2014
The Homebrew Channel
Sounds good. A couple things:

I like the idea of Up-special being wings with hurtboxes. It also provides a contrast amongst the Earthbounders by giving Masked Man superior recovery options to Ness; furthermore offering either better or equal utility compared to Lucas´ tether.

Me gusta your down-smash idea, at least the visual aspect of it. It should have a vibe of brutality akin to Ganon´s flame choke.

For Masked Man´s nuetral game, some kicks mixed in would be good. Ness has very short-ranged jabs and kicks, and Lucas is same except for his up-tilt, a wide swing kick. Masked Man´s nuetral moveset could improve where Ness and Lucas are deprived by giving him more vertical swings that cover more area, (think like Marth and Roy tilt moves) and the improved range can be compenstated by inferior knockback or combo potential.

His sword could be given a hard-to-master sweetspot that has electrical properties.

I present some PSI moves from the Mother trilogy that I think could be cool and that Ness and Lucas don´t have. :

Defense up: since Lucas was given Offense-up that increases knockback on his attacks, how about a charge move that makes Masked Man harder to kill? Either a down-special or nuetral-special move.

Life up: Why should Ivysaur get all the life-sapping fun? Every sweetspotted sword hit could heal the Masked Man in small percents.

PK Rockin: in addition the sweetspots could charge a multi-shot, PSI blast that could be like Snake´s Up-smash but much better at aiming and with slower projectiles. That would be the offensive option. Or make it more defensive, more trap-like, like Din´s Fire, but with bigger hit boxes and a trigger timer like Snake´s C-4. If they´d go with the offensive option, I would render Masked Man either unable to move or very slow until all the projectiles dissapear.

PK Magnet: Make it different? let´s say the offensive PK Rockin idea is implemented. You need some kind of hope that the projectiles will hit the opponent while you are a slow or sitting duck?
Stick the PK Magnet on the opponent, a´la Snake´s C-4. Unique meta-game, maybe.

Braishock or BrainCyclone: inflicts ¨strangeness¨ on the enemy. Who knows? :)

I like how they made Wolf very different, yet undeniably feeling like a spacie when you use him. Masked Man would deserve similar attention.

What do you think about life up being contributed through Masked Man's grabs? Every hit he gets while you're trapped removed his damage? Idk.
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Smash Cadet
Jan 19, 2013
San Francisco
What do you think about life up being contribute through Masked Man's grabs? Every hit he get while you're trapped removed his damage? Idk.
That would be good. Masked Man should be harder to kill than Lucas and Ness IMO.

If Masked Man gets his own projectiles/lightening reflected back at him it should put him in a very disadvantageous postion, even before late percents.


Nov 3, 2013
Anywhere but Spain
I just wanted to poke fun at all of the butthurt Goku fans.

While I wanted Goku to win, I wasn't that sad when he lost.

Goku should of won against that specific version of superman.

Deathbattles sketchy as all hell.

But that's for a different place.

Grey Belnades

The Imperial Aztec
Jan 20, 2009
Brawley, CA
I was joking.
I know but I rarely use that pic and it kinda fitted the situation.


Goku should of won against that specific version of superman.

Deathbattles sketchy as all hell.

But that's for a different place.
Pls. The only Superman Goku can take on is Golden Age Supes.
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Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
Thanks! Looks great. Now I can have my five current favorites on the left, and another highly acceptable five on the other side.
Shin. I think you are forgetting one absolutely, undeniably, without a doubt, most flawless character choice.

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Smash Cadet
Jan 19, 2013
San Francisco
Ok. ¨Masked Man moveset¨ by Psykid and the Mowg:

nuetral A: Use his cannon-arm. He´ll extend his cannon-arm at the opponent like it´s a jab. Think like Ganon´s jab. But you can hold the A button and it will become a flurry-jab. Zapzapzap. Use discretion on the hitbox size, have it be bigger for the single jab and smaller for the flurryjab, and have an animation where he brings his arm back when the jab finishes, with a hurtbox that knocks the foe back, like Bowser´s nuetral-special.

F-tilt: Swing the sword vertically from down to up, like Marth´s. This move should be a bread and butter combo starter, more than for fending off foes. Have an electric sweetspot on the sword. Either tip like Marth or at the handle like Ike, I cannot decide.

D-tilt: Possibly a good edge-guard tool, but not too good. Use sword like Ike´s d-tilt, a swat motion, not a poke like Marth, Roy and MK. I´d say don´t make it an annoying poker like Lucas and Ness, make it pop the opponent up.
OR: make it PK Earth. Make it a blast from his cannon-arm that could look like ZSS´s D-smash.
OR: make it a reliable defense and kill move like G&W´s D-tilt. A little quake animation on the ground in front of the Masked Man, where his cannon arm would point, will give the visual cue. CHOICES.

Up-tilt: The moves hits would be like G&W´s Up-tilt: One, two. His attack would not be a flag but some sword-play. The one and two hit´s will be signified by crackling electricity sounds, or thunder. So it´s not like he´s swinging the sword as much as he´s really using the sword as a weapon channeling lightening. If you think of G&W´s Up-tilt that would give you a good visual. It should be around the same speed too, or a little faster.


D-Special: Magnet. Ness and Lucas´ magnets seem to reflect their personalities, in my view. Lucas is more prone to perceiving the causes of his conflicts as being outside himself, while Ness is more introspective in his nature. Thus, the positioning of their magnets. Masked Man is going to put his magnet wherever he pleases. He believes that he´s cold and invulnerable after all...

His magnet can be placed on the stage and on opponents. The Magnet will give homing qualitites to his otherwise cumbersome and inaccurate PK Thunder and PK Rockin attacks. He can not use it as a shine. If it´s placed on the stage, basically wherever it can be laid on the stage. It doesn´t do damage while it´s out there; but it could do some neat non-offensive stage control like pushing the opponent, annoying them, or some unpredictable gimps when dropped off-stage. Footstool-projectile?
OR: when the opponent touches the magnet, it sticks to him. Should of watched where you´re going, buddy.

The magnet when in use should glow blue, fading in and out of sight, having no clear form other than the light fading on and off. In a way it´s easier to avoid then the little black tick that is Snake´s C-4 projectile. The magnet cannot be moved once it´s placed but it can be destroyed with any attack other than neutral A. It should have the lifespan as long as R.O.B.´s D-Special projectile.

When stuck on his opponents, the Masked Man has a lot of help in aiming his special moves. How well this mechanic will work, how unfair it might be to the opponent, etc., is what I leave the developers to find out. Masked Man should not be able to get stuck with his own magnet, and I think the magnet should disappear when Masked Man loses a stock. The magnet should disappear after being hit by one full PK Thunder or PK Rockin.

Side-Special: PK Thunder. Everybody loves Sith-lightening. The move should have a pretty decent range, like 1/5 of the length of Final Destination for a reference. Maybe that´s too much or too little. It should have a slow start-up, a tiny bit slower than Ike´s F-smash. To describe the hitbox: give it multi-hit properties like Mewtwo´s Neutral-air, but extended in front of Masked Man and on his head and upper body. Not behind him. The move should push the opponent forward but should by no means kill except maybe past 200%. The move should be used for racking up damage and in tandem with the placed Magnet for a satisfying set-up. If every hit catches you could rack up 22-24% damage. The lightening should not be the hardest thing to DI out of, but not the easiest either. It should be guaranteed at least 20% damage if PK Thunder hits the opponent when it´s used in tandem with the Magnet.

Up-Special: Psykid has the idea of giving Masked Man barbed wings with hurtboxes. I support this idea. Mewtwo´s floating and Pit´s old Up-Special properties come to mind. For me it´s more Pit´s Up-Special. Let him attack out of it. It shouldn´t put him in the helpless state when it ends.

Neutral-Special: PK Rockin. In Mother 3 this move hits multiple targets. Take inspiration from Ness´ old PK Flash, Zelda´s P:M Side-special, and Snake´s Up-smash. The move should put Masked Man in a state like when Ness uses PK Thunder or PK Flash, he´s pretty much helpless. The move would shoot 3 Psychic projectiles that could shoot rapidly or more delayed depending on the timing that the player decides to imput the move. The projectiles should shoot up and at an arc that could be controlled by the control stick. It´s hard to control these, because you are controlling 3 at once. They should be harder to control than Din´s fire. The move is not precise without the Magnet.

After 3 seconds the projectiles can no longer be moved with the control stick and Masked Man snaps out of his concentration state, and can now move around and fight. You could manually input so that you shoot only one quickly while in the fray or two and three when you have extra time to set up something. The PK Rockin zingies will hang out there, like Din´s Fire, but with a timer. You could also press Neutral-special again, like Snake´s C-4 to detonate them manually. This does more damage than if they are simply touched by the opponent.

The Magnet should be the catalyst for setups. Snake would have a rival for stage control in the Masked Man. If you stick the opponent with the Magnet it will change their behavior in the match, especially at high percents, it would make them frantic.

I´m only going to suggest aerials if someone really wants me to.

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
Shin. I think you are forgetting one absolutely, undeniable, without a doubt, most flawless character choice.

I guess Pichu can be sacrificed for the Greater Good.
Ok. ¨Masked Man moveset¨ by Psykid and the Mowg:

nuetral A: Use his cannon-arm. He´ll extend his cannon-arm at the opponent like it´s a jab. Think like Ganon´s jab. But you can hold the A button and it will become a flurry-jab. Zapzapzap. Use discretion on the hitbox size, have it be bigger for the single jab and smaller for the flurryjab, and have an animation where he brings his arm back when the jab finishes, with a hurtbox that knocks the foe back, like Bowser´s nuetral-special.

F-tilt: Swing the sword vertically from down to up, like Marth´s. This move should be a bread and butter combo starter, more than for fending off foes. Have an electric sweetspot on the sword. Either tip like Marth or at the handle like Ike, I cannot decide.

D-tilt: Possibly a good edge-guard tool, but not too good. Use sword like Ike´s d-tilt, a swat motion, not a poke like Marth, Roy and MK. I´d say don´t make it an annoying poker like Lucas and Ness, make it pop the opponent up.
OR: make it PK Earth. Make it a blast from his cannon-arm that could look like ZSS´s D-smash.
OR: make it a reliable defense and kill move like G&W´s D-tilt. A little quake animation on the ground in front of the Masked Man, where his cannon arm would point, will give the visual cue. CHOICES.

Up-tilt: The moves hits would be like G&W´s Up-tilt: One, two. His attack would not be a flag but some sword-play. The one and two hit´s will be signified by crackling electricity sounds, or thunder. So it´s not like he´s swinging the sword as much as he´s really using the sword as a weapon channeling lightening. If you think of G&W´s Up-tilt that would give you a good visual. It should be around the same speed too, or a little faster.


D-Special: Magnet. Ness and Lucas´ magnets seem to reflect their personalities, in my view. Lucas is more prone to perceiving the causes of his conflicts as being outside himself, while Ness is more introspective in his nature. Thus, the positioning of their magnets. Masked Man is going to put his magnet wherever he pleases. He believes that he´s cold and invulnerable after all...

His magnet can be placed on the stage and on opponents. The Magnet will give homing qualitites to his otherwise cumbersome and inaccurate PK Thunder and PK Rockin attacks. He can not use it as a shine. If it´s placed on the stage, basically wherever it can be laid on the stage. It doesn´t do damage while it´s out there; but it could do some neat non-offensive stage control like pushing the opponent, annoying them, or some unpredictable gimps when dropped off-stage. Footstool-projectile?
OR: when the opponent touches the magnet, it sticks to him. Should of watched where you´re going, buddy.

The magnet when in use should glow blue, fading in and out of sight, having no clear form other than the light fading on and off. In a way it´s easier to avoid then the little black tick that is Snake´s C-4 projectile. The magnet cannot be moved once it´s placed but it can be destroyed with any attack other than neutral A. It should have the lifespan as long as R.O.B.´s D-Special projectile.

When stuck on his opponents, the Masked Man has a lot of help in aiming his special moves. How well this mechanic will work, how unfair it might be to the opponent, etc., is what I leave the developers to find out. Masked Man should not be able to get stuck with his own magnet, and I think the magnet should disappear when Masked Man loses a stock. The magnet should disappear after being hit by one full PK Thunder or PK Rockin.

Side-Special: PK Thunder. Everybody loves Sith-lightening. The move should have a pretty decent range, like 1/5 of the length of Final Destination for a reference. Maybe that´s too much or too little. It should have a slow start-up, a tiny bit slower than Ike´s F-smash. To describe the hitbox: give it multi-hit properties like Mewtwo´s Neutral-air, but extended in front of Masked Man and on his head and upper body. Not behind him. The move should push the opponent forward but should by no means kill except maybe past 200%. The move should be used for racking up damage and in tandem with the placed Magnet for a satisfying set-up. If every hit catches you could rack up 22-24% damage. The lightening should not be the hardest thing to DI out of, but not the easiest either. It should be guaranteed at least 20% damage if PK Thunder hits the opponent when it´s used in tandem with the Magnet.

Up-Special: Psykid has the idea of giving Masked Man barbed wings with hurtboxes. I support this idea. Mewtwo´s floating and Pit´s old Up-Special properties come to mind. For me it´s more Pit´s Up-Special. Let him attack out of it. It shouldn´t put him in the helpless state when it ends.

Neutral-Special: PK Rockin. In Mother 3 this move hits multiple targets. Take inspiration from Ness´ old PK Flash, Zelda´s P:M Side-special, and Snake´s Up-smash. The move should put Masked Man in a state like when Ness uses PK Thunder or PK Flash, he´s pretty much helpless. The move would shoot 3 Psychic projectiles that could shoot rapidly or more delayed depending on the timing that the player decides to imput the move. The projectiles should shoot up and at an arc that could be controlled by the control stick. It´s hard to control these, because you are controlling 3 at once. They should be harder to control than Din´s fire. The move is not precise without the Magnet.

After 3 seconds the projectiles can no longer be moved with the control stick and Masked Man snaps out of his concentration state, and can now move around and fight. You could manually input so that you shoot only one quickly while in the fray or two and three when you have extra time to set up something. The PK Rockin zingies will hang out there, like Din´s Fire, but with a timer. You could also press Neutral-special again, like Snake´s C-4 to detonate them manually. This does more damage than if they are simply touched by the opponent.

The Magnet should be the catalyst for setups. Snake would have a rival for stage control in the Masked Man. If you stick the opponent with the Magnet it will change their behavior in the match, especially at high percents, it would make them frantic.

I´m only going to suggest aerials if someone really wants me to.
Why PK Rockin? He doesn't use that. PK Love would be better and you could give it the same kind of effects.
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Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
I guess Pichu can be sacrificed for the Greater Good.

Why PK Rockin? He doesn't really use that. PK Love would be better and you could give it the same kind of effects.
Like Shin said. The only rockin going on should be the jamz being thrown down by Jimmy Thang.

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Sour Supreme

Apr 9, 2014
The Homebrew Channel
Ok. ¨Masked Man moveset¨ by Psykid and the Mowg:

nuetral A: Use his cannon-arm. He´ll extend his cannon-arm at the opponent like it´s a jab. Think like Ganon´s jab. But you can hold the A button and it will become a flurry-jab. Zapzapzap. Use discretion on the hitbox size, have it be bigger for the single jab and smaller for the flurryjab, and have an animation where he brings his arm back when the jab finishes, with a hurtbox that knocks the foe back, like Bowser´s nuetral-special.

F-tilt: Swing the sword vertically from down to up, like Marth´s. This move should be a bread and butter combo starter, more than for fending off foes. Have an electric sweetspot on the sword. Either tip like Marth or at the handle like Ike, I cannot decide.

D-tilt: Possibly a good edge-guard tool, but not too good. Use sword like Ike´s d-tilt, a swat motion, not a poke like Marth, Roy and MK. I´d say don´t make it an annoying poker like Lucas and Ness, make it pop the opponent up.
OR: make it PK Earth. Make it a blast from his cannon-arm that could look like ZSS´s D-smash.
OR: make it a reliable defense and kill move like G&W´s D-tilt. A little quake animation on the ground in front of the Masked Man, where his cannon arm would point, will give the visual cue. CHOICES.

Up-tilt: The moves hits would be like G&W´s Up-tilt: One, two. His attack would not be a flag but some sword-play. The one and two hit´s will be signified by crackling electricity sounds, or thunder. So it´s not like he´s swinging the sword as much as he´s really using the sword as a weapon channeling lightening. If you think of G&W´s Up-tilt that would give you a good visual. It should be around the same speed too, or a little faster.


D-Special: Magnet. Ness and Lucas´ magnets seem to reflect their personalities, in my view. Lucas is more prone to perceiving the causes of his conflicts as being outside himself, while Ness is more introspective in his nature. Thus, the positioning of their magnets. Masked Man is going to put his magnet wherever he pleases. He believes that he´s cold and invulnerable after all...

His magnet can be placed on the stage and on opponents. The Magnet will give homing qualitites to his otherwise cumbersome and inaccurate PK Thunder and PK Rockin attacks. He can not use it as a shine. If it´s placed on the stage, basically wherever it can be laid on the stage. It doesn´t do damage while it´s out there; but it could do some neat non-offensive stage control like pushing the opponent, annoying them, or some unpredictable gimps when dropped off-stage. Footstool-projectile?
OR: when the opponent touches the magnet, it sticks to him. Should of watched where you´re going, buddy.

The magnet when in use should glow blue, fading in and out of sight, having no clear form other than the light fading on and off. In a way it´s easier to avoid then the little black tick that is Snake´s C-4 projectile. The magnet cannot be moved once it´s placed but it can be destroyed with any attack other than neutral A. It should have the lifespan as long as R.O.B.´s D-Special projectile.

When stuck on his opponents, the Masked Man has a lot of help in aiming his special moves. How well this mechanic will work, how unfair it might be to the opponent, etc., is what I leave the developers to find out. Masked Man should not be able to get stuck with his own magnet, and I think the magnet should disappear when Masked Man loses a stock. The magnet should disappear after being hit by one full PK Thunder or PK Rockin.

Side-Special: PK Thunder. Everybody loves Sith-lightening. The move should have a pretty decent range, like 1/5 of the length of Final Destination for a reference. Maybe that´s too much or too little. It should have a slow start-up, a tiny bit slower than Ike´s F-smash. To describe the hitbox: give it multi-hit properties like Mewtwo´s Neutral-air, but extended in front of Masked Man and on his head and upper body. Not behind him. The move should push the opponent forward but should by no means kill except maybe past 200%. The move should be used for racking up damage and in tandem with the placed Magnet for a satisfying set-up. If every hit catches you could rack up 22-24% damage. The lightening should not be the hardest thing to DI out of, but not the easiest either. It should be guaranteed at least 20% damage if PK Thunder hits the opponent when it´s used in tandem with the Magnet.

Up-Special: Psykid has the idea of giving Masked Man barbed wings with hurtboxes. I support this idea. Mewtwo´s floating and Pit´s old Up-Special properties come to mind. For me it´s more Pit´s Up-Special. Let him attack out of it. It shouldn´t put him in the helpless state when it ends.

Neutral-Special: PK Rockin. In Mother 3 this move hits multiple targets. Take inspiration from Ness´ old PK Flash, Zelda´s P:M Side-special, and Snake´s Up-smash. The move should put Masked Man in a state like when Ness uses PK Thunder or PK Flash, he´s pretty much helpless. The move would shoot 3 Psychic projectiles that could shoot rapidly or more delayed depending on the timing that the player decides to imput the move. The projectiles should shoot up and at an arc that could be controlled by the control stick. It´s hard to control these, because you are controlling 3 at once. They should be harder to control than Din´s fire. The move is not precise without the Magnet.

After 3 seconds the projectiles can no longer be moved with the control stick and Masked Man snaps out of his concentration state, and can now move around and fight. You could manually input so that you shoot only one quickly while in the fray or two and three when you have extra time to set up something. The PK Rockin zingies will hang out there, like Din´s Fire, but with a timer. You could also press Neutral-special again, like Snake´s C-4 to detonate them manually. This does more damage than if they are simply touched by the opponent.

The Magnet should be the catalyst for setups. Snake would have a rival for stage control in the Masked Man. If you stick the opponent with the Magnet it will change their behavior in the match, especially at high percents, it would make them frantic.

I´m only going to suggest aerials if someone really wants me to.
Really enjoy the incorporation of PK Rockin'. Thanks for the help! Unfortuantely aside from you I don't think anyone gave a **** about my move set. ; _ ;
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Sour Supreme

Apr 9, 2014
The Homebrew Channel
I guess Pichu can be sacrificed for the Greater Good.

Why PK Rockin? He doesn't use that. PK Love would be better and you could give it the same kind of effects.
The same goes for PK Ground. I nonetheless love it. And PK Love easily substitutes Rockin, as you said. I really enjoy the moveset, as we included PSI moves without mimicking Lucas or Ness too closely.


Smash Cadet
Jan 19, 2013
San Francisco
Really enjoy the incorporation of PK Rockin'. Thanks for the help! Unfortuantely aside from you I don't think anyone gave a **** about my move set. ; _ ;
I think what matters is that the more people who rally for the Masked Man, the more likely that he´ll be added.

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
Does anyone share my opinion that Ridley is a better candidate than Dark Samus?
He's more popular, but I don't personally like him. I still half-voted him just because he's one of those characters that really does deserve it. Having said that, while I'll defend him against others, I don't actually support him myself.
The same goes for PK Ground. I nonetheless love it. And PK Love easily substitutes Rockin, as you said. I really enjoy the moveset, as we included PSI moves without mimicking Lucas or Ness too closely.
I'm curious, have you seen my Ninten moveset? If not, check it out in my sig. I think you'll like it.
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Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
He's more popular, but I don't personally like him. I still half-voted him just because he's one of those characters that really does deserve it. Having said that, while I'll defend him against others, I don't actually support him myself.
Pretty much what Shin said here. I honestly despise the character. But if getting him in smash will rid us of those stupid Ridley discussions, I'm all for it. His appearance is less agonizing than having to talk about him.

Sour Supreme

Apr 9, 2014
The Homebrew Channel
I think what matters is that the more people who rally for the Masked Man, the more likely that he´ll be added.
I see what you mean. I wish I could drop a deuce in the form of Masked Man on every PMBR member's doorstep. That's not weird...

Pik on Brawl Vault Made a great model for Masked Man already. That's not to say that PMBR should include characters just cause they're easily made, but it would help if they go the route of Claus.

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
I don´t think Ness can use PK Fire in Earthbound... can he? I thought only Paula and Poo could learn that?
Correct, but there's no reason for Masked Man to take one of Ness' attacks when he has one himself that can function the same way.
I see what you mean. I wish I could drop a deuce in the form of Masked Man on every PMBR member's doorstep. That's not weird...

Pik on Brawl Vault Made a great model for Masked Man already. That's not to say that PMBR should include characters just cause they're easily made, but it would help if they go the route of Claus.
Pik is actually PMBR, so there wouldn't be any issues using that model if they chose him.
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Smash Cadet
Jan 19, 2013
San Francisco
I agree that the Ridley discussions can get stupid but I still think RIdley is Obama and Dark Samus is McCain. Who would you rather watch the Superbowl with?


Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2013
Granite Falls, WA
Does anyone share my opinion that Ridley is a better candidate than Dark Samus?
A lot of people share that sentiment, although Damus would be much simpler to incorperate. If the PMBR don't wish to take such a hard task as Ridley, a lot of us Metroid fans would be quite happy with Damus.

Sour Supreme

Apr 9, 2014
The Homebrew Channel
I don´t think Ness can use PK Fire in Earthbound... can he? I thought only Paula and Poo
Correct, but there's no reason for Masked Man to take one of Ness' attacks when he has one himself that can function the same way.

Pik is actually PMBR, so there wouldn't be any issues using that model if they chose him.
Whoah. Holy Jesus Cakes. I had no idea.. They've infiltrated the system.. They're everywhere. O_O


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
Balloon Fighter is still G as hell
I see what you mean. I wish I could drop a deuce in the form of Masked Man on every PMBR member's doorstep. That's not weird...

Pik on Brawl Vault Made a great model for Masked Man already. That's not to say that PMBR should include characters just cause they're easily made, but it would help if they go the route of Claus.
Correct, but there's no reason for Masked Man to take one of Ness' attacks when he has one himself that can function the same way.

Pik is actually PMBR, so there wouldn't be any issues using that model if they chose him.
I agree that the Ridley discussions can get stupid but I still think RIdley is Obama and Dark Samus is McCain. Who would you rather watch the Superbowl with?
A lot of people share that sentiment, although Damus would be much simpler to incorperate. If the PMBR don't wish to take such a hard task as Ridley, a lot of us Metroid fans would be quite happy with Damus.

But can they dance?

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