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New Characters for Project M Discussion Thread (Voting Closed)

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still here, just to suffer
Feb 1, 2012
Birdo should be in
but only if she's a boy
since that's what she is.


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2013
Considering Capt. Falcon's status as basically a hammy anime character who calls out his attacks, I think Goroh could do the same.

I dunno, I just think he could do something similar.

I wish I knew more about him but I don't have any F-Zero games. I'm getting F-Zero X as soon as I can though, I'm long overdue to play one.

Since he's a katana weilder he could be added in place of Lyn for those who don't want another Fire Emblem character.
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Smash Master
May 27, 2010
Like Captain Falcon, the games themselves don't really so much expand on the characters in a way that isn't "backstory" and "here is their F-Zero machine vroom".

There's a reason Captain Falcon's kit was made from scratch, and Samurai Goroh's assist trophy actions are to run around and hit things with a sword - there's not really much else there to go off of.


Smash Master
May 27, 2010
everyone loses brain cells every night it just sort of happens by itself

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
Considering Capt. Falcon's status as basically a hammy anime character who calls out his attacks, I think Goroh could do the same.

I dunno, I just think he could do something similar.

I wish I knew more about him but I don't have any F-Zero games. I'm getting F-Zero X as soon as I can though, I'm long overdue to play one.

Since he's a katana weilder he could be added in place of Lyn for those who don't want another Fire Emblem character.
I want this now. Until now, Goroh has seemed like a boring waste of a slot to me. Now, I want him nearly as much as I want Ray. Still less than Isaac and Ninten, but nearly at the level of Ray.

Thane of Blue Flames

Fire is catching.
Nov 23, 2013
The other side of Sanity
Hey you narbs

Bleck had a point.

Whether or not he intended to, Shin did make an offensive statement saying that gender and biological sex are equivalent, full stop. He later corrected himself but Bleck was right for pointing it out, and got called a troll for their troubles.

Let's maybe try to be mindful of trans people when having our insignificant little pissing contest about Sheik's gender, okay? Because one is a real issue and the other literally makes no difference to anyone's life besides forum squabbling.

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
Hey you narbs

Bleck had a point.

Whether or not he intended to, Shin did make an offensive statement saying that gender and biological sex are equivalent, full stop. He later corrected himself but Bleck was right for pointing it out, and got called a troll for their troubles.

Let's maybe try to be mindful of trans people when having our insignificant little pissing contest about Sheik's gender, okay? Because one is a real issue and the other literally makes no difference to anyone's life besides forum squabbling.
Look, I have nothing against people who identify with a different gender. I'm friends with people who identify as the opposite gender, both on the web and in real life. I never saw it as an issue. The thing is, I was not talking about gender identification, nor did I say they were the same. Although I can see how my comment might have been taken that way when taken out of the context in which it was made - in relation purely to biological gender. Gender identity was an unrelated topic as far as I was concerned. I was always talking with respect to biological gender - whether she physically turned herself into a man via magic. Gender identity wasn't a part of my argument until it was brought up after the fact. Why would it be? She's still Zelda even if she changes her form, and Zelda is fairly feminine, so the only thing I was debating was how far she took her disguise physically.
Sheik doesn´t have too much sex appeal as a short-range ninja character.
You do know that Sheik is a guy, right?
I have not played a single Zelda game, so I wouldn´t know. I judged from the sound of his voice. Unless he´s a unic.
Marth´s a girl too.
You had it right. Sheik's definitely a girl. .
Sheik being a guy or girl is a whole different can of worms, and there's really no concrete answer to that. The trophy information from Brawl, for instance, clearly refers to Sheik as just a 'persona' of Zelda, meaning she's still female.
the concrete answer is that Sheik is a man
Sheik is very clearly referred to as a she in her trophies. Not to mention that Sheik is, in fact, Zelda, who is also very clearly a woman.
you heard it here first folks smash bros trophy info is more canon than the games from which characters originate
Wait, wait, wait - you're telling me Zelda has a **** in the original games? That's news to me.

You guys, I never knew that all those people were right when they called Zelda a "he".
whether or not someone has a penis is irrelevant to whether or not they're a man or a woman
There. Before Bleck's post here, what Sheik identified themselves as was never a part of the discussion, not once. We were clearly discussing physical traits such as her voice.
I'm starting to think you never learned the difference between a boy and a girl.
Again, I was still thinking in physical terms. I get what he said now, but the thing is, when it comes to identity, I don't think in terms of man and woman. I think in terms of masculine and feminine. Man and woman, I think of as physical gender. Masculine and feminine as identity. When he says man and woman here, my first instinct is still to read it as physically, so naturally I responded as such.
And again, I apologize if I offended someone who somehow took my comment as saying that biological gender is all that matters and that what you identify yourself as doesn't, but the fact is, that's not the context the comment was made in and it was not how it was meant to be taken.

PS. I can't speak for anyone who called him a troll, but I don't see Bleck as a troll for saying that. If he really took my comment that way, it's better that he said so. I do, however, see him as a condescending asshole for comments like this one.
I'm pretty sure that anybody with a furry avatar is literally incapable of understanding what 'trolling' means
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Smash Journeyman
May 11, 2009
New Glasgow N.S.
I think more people should take a look at Arcticfox8's link on the previous page and end this discussion about transgendered persons / sheik being a man or not and move onto other topics like idk maybe clone engine character speculation and discussion :p


Apr 13, 2008
Black Sheik is becoming my new main. After so many years, I have finally found the character I resonate with most. I've been a Link main since 64, but this feels ripe to explore. The bombs are one of my favorite aspects of Link, so the fact Sheik is getting grenades in SSB4 thrills me.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 17, 2013
Just something to note: as of the Nintendo Direct Waluigi is now a character in the Wario series. That means if they decide to include in him in PM they will have to change the whole 'Wario on the left of Mario' thing.

Anti Guy

Couch Tomato
Sep 27, 2001
Just something to note: as of the Nintendo Direct Waluigi is now a character in the Wario series. That means if they decide to include in him in PM they will have to change the whole 'Wario on the left of Mario' thing.
Very minor though, and I highly doubt Waluigi is going to make it anyways.


Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2013
Granite Falls, WA
I'll just make like Maximillian and refer to everyone/everything as a dood from this point onward:

Ivysaur's a dood
Mario's a dood
Peach is a dood
Zelda is a dood
Sheik is a dood
Rob is a dood
Random's a dood



Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
I'll be honest and say I never found the appeal in this character. I still find him boring even after the discussion that took place.



Smash Cadet
Jan 19, 2013
San Francisco
I´d personally like to see more Earthbound series characters. This is like the who would win Goku or Superman debate from school days but: I believe the Earthbound characters in Smash, (especially Ness) are technically the most powerful. Ganon, Mewtwo, Samus, even Wario-man could not hold a candle to Ness at the peak of his power in Earthbound, which is after he defeats his nightmare. Earthbound´s story is legit. It has dabbles in Tibetan Buddhism and would make a great Miyazaki film or something. We have a few noteworthy characters to fill the clone slots. Porky and the Masked Man are no brainers. If could only have one I would pick Porky. he is the most understated villain in video game history. I´d say Giygas too but you can´t ascertain the true nature of his attacks.... maybe if Giygas was like Charade in Soul Caliber 2, a shuffle character? I heard someone in the first few pages of this thread that he wanted to Jeff in the roster, and for him to be a clone of Snake. That made me smile.

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
I´d personally like to see more Earthbound series characters. This is like the who would win Goku or Superman debate from school days but: I believe the Earthbound characters in Smash, (especially Ness) are technically the most powerful. Ganon, Mewtwo, Samus, even Wario-man could not hold a candle to Ness at the peak of his power in Earthbound, which is after he defeats his nightmare. Earthbound´s story is legit. It has dabbles in Tibetan Buddhism and would make a great Miyazaki film or something. We have a few noteworthy characters to fill the clone slots. Porky and the Masked Man are no brainers. If could only have one I would pick Porky. he is the most understated villain in video game history. I´d say Giygas too but you can´t ascertain the true nature of his attacks.... maybe if Giygas was like Charade in Soul Caliber 2, a shuffle character? I heard someone in the first few pages of this thread that he wanted to Jeff in the roster, and for him to be a clone of Snake. That made me smile.
I agree about Earthbound being technically one of the most powerful series, along with Sonic and possibly Metroid. Thinking about it, Giygas was said in-game to fear Ness' power, and this was even before he got the huge Magicant power-up. Giygas, who literally destroyed the entire universe in the future, feared him. While Ness couldn't kill Giygas, the fact that he feared him has got to put Ness on at least a multi-galaxy level of destructive power. He's basically a nexus of the entire Earth's power after his Magicant boost. Not to mention he beat a dog made out of diamond to death with his wooden bat and can tank getting stepped on by dinosaurs...

But that's really irrelevant in Smash. We balance out these characters for a reason, or else characters like, say, Snake, would have no chance against someone like, say, Sonic.

Masked Man and Jeff would be good choices, though you already know who my choice would be. Porky in his mech could be interesting, I'll give him that, but I honestly just don't like him. Giygas could be great if he were eligible. Unfortunately, he's not. Can you imagine fighting as him in his Mother form, then his Final Smash unleashing his Earthbound form? That would be epic.


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
I agree about Earthbound being technically one of the most powerful series, along with Sonic and possibly Metroid. Thinking about it, Giygas was said in-game to fear Ness' power, and this was even before he got the huge Magicant power-up. Giygas, who literally destroyed the entire universe in the future, feared him. While Ness couldn't kill Giygas, the fact that he feared him has got to put Ness on at least a multi-galaxy level of destructive power. He's basically a nexus of the entire Earth's power after his Magicant boost. Not to mention he beat a dog made out of diamond to death with his wooden bat and can tank getting stepped on by dinosaurs...

But that's really irrelevant in Smash. We balance out these characters for a reason, or else characters like, say, Snake, would have no chance against someone like, say, Sonic.

Masked Man and Jeff would be good choices, though you already know who my choice would be. Porky in his mech could be interesting, I'll give him that, but I honestly just don't like him. Giygas could be great if he were eligible. Unfortunately, he's not. Can you imagine fighting as him in his Mother form, then his Final Smash unleashing his Earthbound form? That would be epic.
Sonic getting his credit where it is deserved. Thank you Shin.

On that note, since I'm an awesome guy:


Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
Sonic getting his credit where it is deserved. Thank you Shin.

On that note, since I'm an awesome guy:

Well, Sonic can break the sound barrier easily, and I don't care how sturdy Snake is, no physically normal human is walking away from something hitting him full force at the speed of sound that easily. Not to mention the whole thing with Super Sonic's invincibility. And I know he's even more powerful in the comics. When it comes down to it, he is definitely one of the most powerful characters in the game. If asked, I'd say his biggest competition are Ness (as described above), Ganondorf (Immortal except for wounds by holy weapons), and Samus (her own "Sonic Boom" attack in MP2 literally cracks the fabric of reality).

Going into my sig as soon as I get done with my work.
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Sour Supreme

Apr 9, 2014
The Homebrew Channel

I see Masked Man as an intriguing character, as he has the potential to balance the use of PSI with physical attacks (Something that Ness and Lucas lack) His attacks would derive from Psychic powers, as well as the use of his sword and cannon arm (Which has a lot of leeway creatively, considering it was never actually used in battle during Mother 3).

Claus’s neutral A attacks would all utilize his sword, I don’t feel the need to discuss these in depth, as they’re pretty simple visions. If you absolutely need to know, then ask.

PK thunder would be a great choice for his side-special. In Mother 3 his lightning is seemingly very powerful, so I envision it as being more destructive but less controllable than Ness/Luke’s. It would travel a mid-range distance in an up and down motion, “Do the wave bruh.”

Down-special would be PK Magnet. (Acts just like Ness/Luke)

Up-special has Claus’s wings quickly expand and flap (I’m not sure if such animations are possible, I am a dreamer.) at which point for a period of time he would be able to hover in any direction. This would act similar to M2’s float, and last a short period longer, as it would act as his only means of recovery. The wings would have small hurtboxes as they expand.

Up-smash works with him releasing very short range flames from his cannon arm as he moves it above his head in an arch fashion (from side to side once). This attack has it’s disadvantages considering range, but if used to successfully trap an opponent it would rack up damage quickly.

Over-smash swings sword. (Already included on PM 3.0’s Lucas alt.)

Down-smash would be great as PK, Freeze dealing damage and throwing the frozen opponent to the side.

As for Final Smash, I’ve had several ideas, including the use of PK Love Omega, but one was my favorite. When Lucas and gang confront Claus under New Pork, he fires a powerful PK Lightning that knocks out everyone but Lucas because of his Franklin Badge. I picture Claus emitting a very powerful lightning flash that deals damage to everyone on stage, and renders them unconscious shortly. As an Easter Egg, anybody wearing a Franklin Badge would take damage, but the lightning would reflect off of their bodies allowing them to maintain consciousness.

I hope you guys deem it worthy, if you have any better ideas I would love to hear them!
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Sour Supreme

Apr 9, 2014
The Homebrew Channel
I´d personally like to see more Earthbound series characters. This is like the who would win Goku or Superman debate from school days but: I believe the Earthbound characters in Smash, (especially Ness) are technically the most powerful. Ganon, Mewtwo, Samus, even Wario-man could not hold a candle to Ness at the peak of his power in Earthbound, which is after he defeats his nightmare. Earthbound´s story is legit. It has dabbles in Tibetan Buddhism and would make a great Miyazaki film or something. We have a few noteworthy characters to fill the clone slots. Porky and the Masked Man are no brainers. If could only have one I would pick Porky. he is the most understated villain in video game history. I´d say Giygas too but you can´t ascertain the true nature of his attacks.... maybe if Giygas was like Charade in Soul Caliber 2, a shuffle character? I heard someone in the first few pages of this thread that he wanted to Jeff in the roster, and for him to be a clone of Snake. That made me smile.
Over on IGN, a friend of mine created a move set for Giygas, and he envisioned him as a demented Ness inspired by Giygas's giant Ness face. But he had moves entirely different from that of Ness. I thought it was badass.
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Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
Over on IGN, a friend of mine created a move set for Giygas, and he envisioned him as a demented Ness inspired by Giygas's giant Ness face. But he had moves entirely different from that of Ness. I thought it was badass.
Giygas is ineligible.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2014
@ E EdgeTheLucas How would Toad work? I have not seen any ideas about him, so I do not really know what to expect.
Well Princess Peach has a lot of moves based on her appearance in Mario Bros. 2, perhaps Toad could be moreso based on New Super Mario Bros. Wii? Like his Up Special could be the propeller hat, and he could have Ice Flower powers? I dunno ... maybe a lot of his powers could be derived from the more rare items in SMB, since Toad seems to always run the item hut and such?
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