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New Characters for Project M Discussion Thread (Voting Closed)

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Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
Slippy needs a few variations on his specials if he is truly going to be added, I don't want a fourth spacie with the same base moveset.

- Laser? No thanks, what about a different projectile?
- Illusion side special? I guess, slippy did design the technology, but I'd like to see a unique interpretation of the move.
- Fire up special? Something new would be nice.

In fact, the only special I'd be alright with staying is the shine, for obvious reasons.
Exactly. One clone? Fine. Two clones? You're pushing it. Three? Get out.

If we still want a spacie to share the same abilities, though, change them up some! Make the illusion technique his up special. Imagine Fox Illusion aimed in any direction, pretty unique idea and a good way to change him up. I'd like to see Slippy use a bomb instead of a laser. You know Sheik's new SSB4 side special? Something like that! Maybe his reflector appears in front of him or behind like Lucas' PSI Magnet. Why should his normals match the animations of the other characters? He's a toad. Let him make like a Yoshi and use his tongue in some attacks.

If he's in and has the same moves as the other Spacies again, I'm gonna vomit.
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Cool Blue

Smash Journeyman
Feb 17, 2014
Next to a beach I never go to
We're sorry. The correct answer was Ike Climbers. Bcuz2manyswords.
I swear, by the way Ike handles his sword you would think it is a club. In fact, they should have just given him Urvan instead of Ragnell. I know it's not his signature weapon, but it would make a lot more sense.
Edit: As an alternate costume, of course.
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[Get Ready]
Jan 27, 2010
/passes by

if its like....


i'd be fine with dat.

Because of dis recent direct, i'll be always playing dat PM

/flies away

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
Wolf is a spacie, but he sure isn't a clone.
He's not a clone, I agree, but you can't deny the similarities. B is a blaster, side b a quick-moving unidirectional attack, up b a directional attack with multiple hits, down b a reflector/shine. His normals are all different, and that's good, but having three variations on the same specials makes the characters feel overused, stale, and boring. If we're getting another spacie, there needs to be some fresh new life breathed into the archetype.
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Smash Ace
Dec 31, 2009
So now that Saki is confirmed to be an assist again in Sm4sh does that mean he has a better chance for playable in PM...?



Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
He's not a clone, I agree, but you can't deny the similarities. B is a blaster, side b a quick-moving unidirectional attack, up b a directional attack with multiple hits, down b a reflector/shine. His normals are all different, and that's good, but having three variations on the same specials makes the characters feel overused, stale, and boring. If we're getting another spacie, they need some fresh new life breathed into the archetype.
The answer to that one is simple Shin.



Smash Master
May 27, 2010
wolf has a blaster and that's super samey but maybe if he swung it horizontally it wouldn't be so bad


Smash Cadet
Jan 19, 2013
San Francisco
I´m not if it´s too late to vote, but oh well, I´m just going to echo somebody else´s opinion for the most part so I don´t think this will hurt anybody.


Pokemon Trainer
Skull Kid
Toon Zelda
Toon everybody else
Black shadow and new Ganondorf
Samurai Goroh
Dark Samus
Sonic newcomers
Advance Wars newcomers
King K. Rool
Tom Nook

Up- vote:

+ Ridley. Get this freak in here, please. I don´t care about the size. Samus is lonely.
+ Lyn. Never played the game but I support diversity. She reminds me of Taki from Soul Caliber.
+ Sukapon. Sounds like the community has good ideas for him already. Go for it.


+ Bowser Jr./Shadow Mario : An idea that I´ve had since before Brawl came out. Like how Zelda/Sheik can change back and forth, Bowser Jr. could have an alternate form. I´ll leave the Bowser Jr. moveset to the creative powers of the PM community. But if nobody has thought of how Shadow Mario´s moveset could work, I would predict that he could have attributes of a Mario/Luigi hybrid-clone, with the addition of having a unique weapon that is not a sword or hammer: the Paintbrush. Leave colors on your opponent every time you hit them. Have fun with creating this.

+ Pokey/Porky: No ideas for the moveset. He is a villain to both Ness and Lucas. He could have a young Pokey costume for Earthbound, and an elderly costume for Mother 3. I personally think that the Mother series has the best storyline of any Nintendo game yet. Worth IMO.

My most cherished choice was gunned down by legal turrets long ago... + Banjo-Kazooie. Can´t these companies see that Project M, if anything, helps them to sell their games, a big-heap lot? Que será será.

Thank you, PMBR. Your efforts have been impeccable and admirable.


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
I´m not if it´s too late to vote, but oh well, I´m just going to echo somebody else´s opinion for the most part so I don´t think this will hurt anybody.


Pokemon Trainer
Skull Kid
Toon Zelda
Toon everybody else
Black shadow and new Ganondorf
Samurai Goroh
Dark Samus
Sonic newcomers
Advance Wars newcomers
King K. Rool
Tom Nook

Up- vote:

+ Ridley. Get this freak in here, please. I don´t care about the size. Samus is lonely.
+ Lyn. Never played the game but I support diversity. She reminds me of Taki from Soul Caliber.
+ Sukapon. Sounds like the community has good ideas for him already. Go for it.


+ Bowser Jr./Shadow Mario : An idea that I´ve had since before Brawl came out. Like how Zelda/Sheik can change back and forth, Bowser Jr. could have an alternate form. I´ll leave the Bowser Jr. moveset to the creative powers of the PM community. But if nobody has thought of how Shadow Mario´s moveset could work, I would predict that he could have attributes of a Mario/Luigi hybrid-clone, with the addition of having a unique weapon that is not a sword or hammer: the Paintbrush. Leave colors on your opponent every time you hit them. Have fun with creating this.

+ Pokey/Porky: No ideas for the moveset. He is a villain to both Ness and Lucas. He could have a young Pokey costume for Earthbound, and an elderly costume for Mother 3. I personally think that the Mother series has the best storyline of any Nintendo game yet. Worth IMO.

My most cherished choice was gunned down by legal turrets long ago... + Banjo-Kazooie. Can´t these companies see that Project M, if anything, helps them to sell their games, a big-heap lot? Que será será.

Thank you, PMBR. Your efforts have been impeccable and admirable.
First off, voting is closed for now. Second, you have to provide a reason for your downvotes.


Smash Journeyman
May 28, 2013
Slippy would be funny as a joke character but i feel like he would have to be intentionally worse. Like don't allow him to jump out of shine and give him a crappy blaster. Pichu i'm starting to think probably just shouldn't be in if slippy is going to fill the role of a joke character. Even though his moveset can be reworked and such....Idk personally i'd just prefer if pichu were to be included to be the sole joke character. Ridley would probably be an awesome newcomer but since i didn't really play metroid growing up i personally cannot see him being presented as a likable playable character. As an awesome boss sure but he doesn't give off the playabe character vibe to me unless he is seriously reworked visually. Isaac, lyn or ray i don't see a problem with.

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
Slippy would be funny as a joke character but i feel like he would have to be intentionally worse. Like don't allow him to jump out of shine and give him a crappy blaster. Pichu i'm starting to think probably just shouldn't be in if slippy is going to fill the role of a joke character. Even though his moveset can be reworked and such....Idk personally i'd just prefer if pichu were to be included to be the sole joke character. Ridley would probably be an awesome newcomer but since i didn't really play metroid growing up i personally cannot see him being presented as a likable playable character. As an awesome boss sure but he doesn't give off the playabe character vibe to me unless he is seriously reworked visually. Isaac, lyn or ray i don't see a problem with.
Your avatar is the best thing since ever.


Smash Journeyman
May 28, 2013
*in a high pitched flamboyant voice*


*normal voice*

thanks man i found it somewhere.


Smash Cadet
Jan 19, 2013
San Francisco
First off, voting is closed for now. Second, you have to provide a reason for your downvotes.
Pichu: there are too many Pokemon already in the roster, IMO. The same for the Pokemon Trainer.
Skull kid and Zelda toons: In front, I´d encourage Zelda fans and say go for it. If a female character from Zelda gets added I would be fine with that because more women in the roster would improve it´s diversity. But deep down I feel like P:M character roster would be oversaturated if more Zelda characters are included.
Black Shadow and new Ganondorf: This could prove to be an effective compromise but I main Ganon in P:M and I like how he´s developed thusfar. Would this proposed change mean that my new main in P:M would become Black Shadow who inherits Ganon´s moveset? If so I downvote that. Black Shadow gets no love from me and I don´t think any other cloneskin will.
Samurai Goroh: I loved to play F-Zero GX. Beating campaign mode on the hardest difficulty, that was a challenge. I have a haughty opinion about additional F-Zero characters and IMO P:M doesn´t need more of them.
Dark Samus: The Metroid series is one of my favorites. But the idea of Dark Samus being in P:M is uninteresting compared to the idea of Ridley being added, IMO.
Sonic newcomers: New Sonic characters would clutter the roster.
Waluigi: He´s just another dude to whup in Mario tennis, golf, party, whatever. I think he´s insignificant.
Advance Wars: Cool looking game. Never played it.
King K. Rool: I didn´t play Donkey Kong games growing up. To me he´s just taking up space.
Krystal: I´d rather have Slippy.
Tom Nook: I take my down-vote back. If the talented PMBR team puts the work in I think he would be a veritable bad-ass in the roster.

+ Tom Nook


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
Understood. If voting is re-opened, I´d like to hear people´s reflection on the ideas.
I'm going to be fair about this and say think about your votes and roam this thread before casting your vote. You will get a very clear idea of how a lot of ideas evolved and what may be interesting to you. Once we start up voting again, you can show us your votes. Just be sure to follow the voting format so that it isn't visually impairing to us who have to keep tally.


Smash Cadet
Jan 19, 2013
San Francisco
I'm going to be fair about this and say think about your votes and roam this thread before casting your vote. You will get a very clear idea of how a lot of ideas evolved and what may be interesting to you. Once we start up voting again, you can show us your votes. Just be sure to follow the voting format so that it isn't visually impairing to us who have to keep tally.
I want to get the voting format correct. Is it the format that Anti-Guy proposed in the first post?


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
I want to get the voting format correct. Is it the format that Anti-Guy proposed in the first post?
The format we use is as in the following example:



Any number of characters, but only half a point for each vote after your initial 5 +Votes.

Any number of characters, but a reason must be provided for each character for a full -1 Vote.

And note, do not just down-vote other characters to give yours a better chance if you feel indifferent about that character.


Nov 3, 2013
Anywhere but Spain
Not necessarily true. We've had Pitfall, Panel de Pon and Balloon Fight items before, and we don't have characters from those games playable. While I still strongly believe Ness will be back, I doubt. He was already almost replaced in Melee.
Yeahhhh but we kind of have never had this kind of situation before.

The fact that those items are back but the characters haven't been revealed yet is just a sign of things to come in my honest opinion.

Sakurai said everyone might not have time to make it back but they said they would do their best to get everyone in.

I'm sure that Ness and C.Falcon are just still in the works or they didn't want to show them off this direct.

Calm yourself Saito. I only wanted two character reveals rather than just one, which isn't much to ask out of a 40 minute Nintendo Direct. That bit about Earthbound just has me worried only one of the two isn't going to return. And I'm certain a lot of the veterans will return. I just felt it was really pointless to leave out C.Falcon and Ness in a veteran announcement at this point. I'll live.
Really don't know what me not being calm has to do with my statements....

Nonetheless, I would of liked two new character reveals as well. I'm sure since they said the scenes they use for the promotional trailers will also be ingame that there will be hidden newcomers that won't end up being revealed for press release.

Since the Wii U and 3ds remain unhacked for the most part as well, it will be a surprise of who finds out what first too. (Which is really exciting, like in the older days.)

With that being said.
Who is leaving their wii U & 3ds on for 24 hours straight on the new smash game? :estatic::estatic::estatic::estatic::estatic::estatic:


Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2014
I've been giving it more thought, and I've talked down about Skull Kid before because you never really fight him, so giving him a PM moveset would seem forced and wouldn't really be reflective of his role in Majora's Mask, since he's the Unfought and you only fight the Mask itself. However, the more I think about it, the more I realize that although you never fight Skull Kid, you do still see his handywork all throughout Majora's Mask in the wake of the people he's harassed and abused, a lot of which could be used to make a sort of prankster character.

For instance, in the case of Kafei, he turned a grown man into a child, reducing his strength and abilities and overall just being a jerk to the poor guy. Although it is impossible to give everyone a little kid version of themselves, we do have the next best thing, the Poison Mushroom effect. One of Skullkid's moves could be to lunge at the opponent and in a magic burst turn them into a miniaturized version of themselves, ala Poison Mushroom. It would make them a lot weaker and lighter and easier for Skull Kid to swat them away!

Another, based on the trickster archtype, maybe one of his moves can cause an opponent's controls to become temporarily inverted for a few seconds, just long enough to cause confusion and allow Skull Kid to move in for the kill!

N Special: Shrink, using his foul magic, he regresses his opponent into a smaller and less threatening version of themselves, making it easier for Skull Kid to swat them away like the insects they are! Effects mimic the Poison Mushroom.

S Special: Jinx, again using the magic of the foul mask, the Skull Kid attacks with his black magic and inverts the opponent's controls for a few seconds, left is right, right is left, up is crouch, and crouch is jump! It's a topsy-turvy world ... just the way Skull Kid prefers it!

D Special: Deku Nut, short range flash, mostly it's a flashy and weak attack, but hit in the sweet spot (the center of the flash) and an opponent is dazed, leaving them vulnerable (similar to Mewtwo's Disable)

U Special: Leap Frog, Skull Kid makes a frog hop into the air, it's not very impressive unless an unfortunate foe is in the way! If they are, Skull Kid leaps onto their back to leap frog even higher into the air, sending the poor target tumbling towards the ground ... or if their over a pit, into the abyss!
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Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
Really don't know what me not being calm has to do with my statements....
Sorry about that. Thought I was getting jumped for being salty about Greninja. I was just expressing my opinion.

Nonetheless, I would of liked two new character reveals as well. I'm sure since they said the scenes they use for the promotional trailers will also be ingame that there will be hidden newcomers that won't end up being revealed for press release.

Since the Wii U and 3ds remain unhacked for the most part as well, it will be a surprise of who finds out what first too. (Which is really exciting, like in the older days.)

With that being said.
Who is leaving their wii U & 3ds on for 24 hours straight on the new smash game? :estatic::estatic::estatic::estatic::estatic::estatic:
I completely agree. I just would have been far more hype for 2 franchise reveals to keep the hype alive. I actually would be pretty hyped about Greninja's reveal a bit more if that actually came to pass, but I digress.

I'll be happy to be surprised about actual character unlocks. That stuff was hype in Melee.



Smash Cadet
Oct 18, 2013
hey guys i was thinking ray 01 from custom robo. If you know the game you know he would be a great addition if not just do some research he's pretty awesome, i would love him. Anyway any thoughts?


Nov 3, 2013
Anywhere but Spain
hey guys i was thinking ray 01 from custom robo. If you know the game you know he would be a great addition if not just do some research he's pretty awesome, i would love him. Anyway any thoughts?
....You missed a whole discussion about why everyone wants him


Smash Cadet
Jan 19, 2013
San Francisco
I agree with you 100%.

How do you feel about isaac, lyn, slippy and ray?
Isaac has gotten this many votes because I think the community is expecting the developers to put a lot of work into him, to make him unique. This strategy could pay off well, as the PMBR team has shown some great feats already, they could do it some more. I know they don´t want to work too hard on it though. Isaac is not my favorite, though I don´t think he´s insignificant, although he´s just as significant as the female lead in the sequel. For his moves, I´d say give him the hand from the map-movement-mode of the game and take inspiration from the master hand and crazy hand´s moveset, on a smaller scale.

I´ve not played a single Fire Emblem game. I welcome a quick-precise-shanking-and-gutting-aikido female character like Lyn, as opposed to here wide-swinging male counterparts. Her public relations seem pretty good, and many players will pick her up without knowing anything about her origins because she looks cool. Sheik doesn´t have too much sex appeal as a short-range ninja character. Lyn could fill that void.

Man, that latest Turbo video with Slippy... I remember laughing until it hurt when I would play Star Fox 64 as a kid because of that Toad´s voice. The PMBR really knows how put a smile on a 90´s babies´ face.

Ray from that robot with all the guns? Like the trophy item from Brawl? That would be legit. R.O.B. looks lonely, give him a robot buddy. Give him the half-robot Masked Man too.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2014
I'd prefer Krystal over Slippy, not only would Krystal be able to break the spacie mold with Starfox Adventure moves, but also another female added to the cast. But that's just over Slippy.


Smash Cadet
Jan 19, 2013
San Francisco
You do know that Sheik is a guy, right?

Unless you are in to that kind of stuff. I won't judge.
You´re sharp but not cutting, I like that.

I have not played a single Zelda game, so I wouldn´t know. I judged from the sound of his voice. Unless he´s a unic.
Marth´s a girl too.
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Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
You´re sharp but not cutting, I like that.

I have not played a single Zelda game, so I wouldn´t know. I judged from the sound of his voice. Unless he´s a unic.
Marth´s a girl too.
You had it right. Sheik's definitely a girl. I don't know what Cool Blue has been smoking lately, but I want some.
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