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New Characters for Project M Discussion Thread (Voting Closed)

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Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
Uh no. That's actually what will happen if you have too much damage Lordling. It's obviously for balancing, otherwise Lucario's recovery would be ridiculous.

Long as you can start spinning yourself over the stage or just go up you should be good
Lordling never said it wasn't possible to die from the recovery move. He is saying that the demo reel merely demonstrates it, but does not reflect on how the player will use him. All your 2nd statement did was prove his point.


Smash Master
Mar 15, 2014
San Antonio
I read it as him saying it wouldn't actually be like that in game because it was for comedy.

Idk, lets just wait to see how Lordling replies?


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
I read it as him saying it wouldn't actually be like that in game because it was for comedy.

Idk, lets just wait to see how Lordling replies?
You need to read it again. He isn't saying it won't be like that in the game. He is saying that it is a demo reel to demonstrate the mechanic, meaning that it does not display how all the players will utilize the mechanic in game. The comedy part was showing how the player could **** up if they are not careful with the aura buff, in the same regard as if a Little Mac player could **** up if they get caught in the air too far off the stage since Mac has garbage recovery. Players will learn Lucario's aura buff flaws and work around them, as will Mac mains in learning to keep their feet glued to the ground.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2014
Lyn. All my want. Plz Based PMBR. Plz.
OK, so now I am intrigued, what exactly does Lyn have to bring to the table that would make her a good candidate for PM? What kinds of moves or powers does she have that makes her different from Marth, Roy, and Ike? I am curious now.


Smash Lord
Nov 27, 2013
OK, so now I am intrigued, what exactly does Lyn have to bring to the table that would make her a good candidate for PM? What kinds of moves or powers does she have that makes her different from Marth, Roy, and Ike? I am curious now.
Katanas. Faster than even Marth. Think... Vergil from UMVC3, but remove the spacial distortion and energy swords.


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
OK, so now I am intrigued, what exactly does Lyn have to bring to the table that would make her a good candidate for PM? What kinds of moves or powers does she have that makes her different from Marth, Roy, and Ike? I am curious now.
If you are up for a read, here you go. This is the best possible example of how she can differ greatly from all the others.

I was actually hoping you'd do that so I'd get a chance to properly defend a character I've supported since preBrawl.

Well, first and foremost, it's not about what a character can bring to the table in terms of what their weapons are, but rather, what they can do as far as what their model/mold or so on allows your imagantion to give them. Now I understand what a riddiculously broad statement that is, so bear with me for a second, and you'll soon understand what I mean by that.

Personally, I think removing Lyn's ability to use bows is the best way to go about it. Actually, her ideal playstyle and the one that meshes the best with what we see in the cannon is that of a speedy close range character. Lightning fast actually. Thus, the best base for Lyn are either Marth or Sheik. I personally vouch for Sheik. Especially since battoujutsu is performed by only drawing the sword to attack, and keeping it sheathed during all other actions.

"Another Sword character" is a bad argument because people are too shallow to look at the inherent design concepts in a character. They see an article and believe that's what defines them. Isaac for example also carries a sword, but his fighting style would be radically different from anything already in Smash as well, using the sword minimally.

Look at this roster really quick:

20% of the roster is sword users, and this is regarded as one of the most diverse and fierce fighters in the industry. And each of those sword users is RADICALLY different from the other. So, if we take away clones (Roy and TLink), we're really left with 4 different sword styles (Marth's, Ike's, Link's, and Meta Knight's - 5 if you wanna add Pit's dual swords). Ultimately, does it REALLY matter so much WHAT a character is using to fight? No, not at all. As sword users, Link, Marth and Meta Knight all play VASTLY different from each other, so really adding Lyn or Isaac in, is a non-issue if you have half a brain. It'd be like complaining about adding *insert character here* because they fight with their fists... How many fist users do we have in Smash? In a way, it kinda goes back to the "representation" arguement.

So now, lets look at what Lyn can bring to the table in terms of fighting style that has NOT been seen in Smash ever before:

Lyn's greatest strength lies in the inspiration for her fictional fighting style. Take a look at the animation for her strikes in FE:

Notice how her sword is sheathed before she strikes? This is called Battoujutsu. Those who have read Ruroni Kenshi know what I'm talking about, but it's actually fairly common in media in Japan. For example, Guilty Gear's Baiken uses a similar style:

But just to add a few more visual representations of what I see in this style:

Likewise, you can see more of it in Big Bang Beat's Senna:

So in short.

What IS this fighting style? And what makes it unique, well first off, the obvious stuff. It is a Japanese sword style, that uses a Katana, Katana users are null in Smash, there isn't a single one, so technically, though a "sword user" a Katana and a Western sword are actually as different from each other as an RPG and a rifle, or to make a simpler analogy an Axe and a Spear. So that easily overcomes the pesky "b-but, ANOTHER sword user" argument. Though still a sword, it's a very different tool from what we've seen in Smash so far.

Now, to define the style. Well, as you saw in what I posted, it's a lightning fast fighting style in which the sword remains sheathed when not used and is pulled out very quickly to strike (one, two, three or more times) and then resheathed. It is focused on explioting the openings and weaknesses you see on an attacking opponent and punishing them severely with quick an ruthless combos. It's a lethal killing technique that requieres very quick reflexes. It is also a very defensive fighting style that requieres as much mental capacity as it does physical. A calm and clear head that can read opponents quite well. A swift killing art that is focused on ending combat as soon as possible with lethal and controlled strikes.

So how do we translate that into Smash? Well, simple, Lyn would be a very fast character, much faster than all of the other sword users, with very fast attacks that have low knockback, decent hitstun but also low lag so she can quickly punish with combos. To compensate, she's very frail in terms of defence. However, using a defensive sword style, obviously she'd be a character who can make healthy use of the counter, much better than Marth or MK ever could, an it would actually be a central part of her fighting style, much like Baiken in GG (and Hakumen in BB).

Anyway, I cover all the details here:

[collapse= repostan because YES]
The Moves:
Weight: 82
Fall Speed: 2.4 http://www.ssbwiki.com/Falling_speed
Air Speed: 1.222 http://www.ssbwiki.com/Air_speed
Dash Speed: Rank 2 (Melee Fox, and Brawl C.Falcon) http://www.ssbwiki.com/Dashing
Rolling Frames- Forward: 6-19/23 Backward: 7-21/27 http://www.ssbwiki.com/Rolling
Jump Height: Rank 6, Melee Sheik, Force: 2.80 http://www.ssbwiki.com/Jumping
Traction: 0.08 http://www.ssbwiki.com/Traction
Learning Curve: Medium

-Great running speed and attack speed, as well as good air speed and solid traction giving her awesome mobility.
-Fall speed allows her to stay airborn long enough to maintain her aerial combos, but fall fast enough to keep her grounded to follow up.
-Fast sword strikes allow her to do combos flawlessly.
-Gatling cancels further facilitate this.
-Good knockback from some of her Smash attacks making her a lethal killer. Allowing her to score kills at around 100%.
-Best counter in the game is a very useful tool for approach and evasion.
-Great approach options, and strings.
-Her UpB is a very useful maneuver for follow ups and evasive maneuvers.
-Vanishing rolls, and Smash Charges can make her unpredicatable

-Fast Fall speed combined with a poor 3rd Jump means she has a time recovering.
-No ranged attacks.
-Easily killed and her combo potential is diminsed at higher damage.
-Throws are useless offensively as they don't set up opponents. They're only useful defensively.
-Shorter attack range and relatively low stun damage puts her in harms way.

[COLLAPSE="Standard B: Counter"]

As I said, the best counter in the game, it comes out much faster than Marth's however, the timing is a bit more tricky, you have to be skilled in order to use this. Like all counters, she's invincible when DOING the counter. Also, in addition to using this technique, you have the opportunity to follow up with one of 4 commands, each one doing something different.

-Not doing a command will cause her to parry her opponent's attack and leave them open to a counter attack, she sets them up at her sweetspot, but does practically no damage doing this (1%-2%).

-Pressing A right after she counters her opponent's attack will cause her to counter attack with a rapid slash, it does decent damage (13%) and knockback allowing you to pursue your opponents.

-If you instead choose to press B, Lyn will vanish and appear behind her opponent and slash them with a powerful slash, this is a very quick move, however, the slight delay does allow your opponent some time to block if they see it coming, this is where the mind games come in as this is MUCH more powerful attack than the A variation, doing 16% damage and very good knockback, still not quite a killing move, but at high damages it just might earn you a KO.

-Your final option is pressing Jump and any direction (or no direction), with which Lyn will vanish and reappear a short distance away in the direction you pressed. She doesn't cover mush ground with this, but enough for evasive maneuvers. This is essentially her defense against Powerful Ranged Attacks and Explosives, but it can also be used for mind games.

Now, in addition to all this, whiffing Lyn's counter has less delay than Marth's, Peach's, Ike's or even Meta Knight's. This is done due to how tricky the timing can be on it (about as tricky as Hakumen's drive), but she's still open to a counter-attack from quick attacks. Also, her counter works on everything from attacks to projectiles to command grabs (like Bowser's Side B), not Normal Grabs (Z/Shield+A) though.[/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="Side B: Amakakeru Ryu no Hirameki (someone more creative can rename this)"]

She pushes the ground with her front foot and vanishes appearing a certain distance from her starting location. It has much less range than Fox's Illusion, but it is an effective killing move. She only attacks if she catches an opponent with it, so outside of that, it's an OK recovery move as it can also be used in mid-air. It has landing lag on both occasion, but double if she attacks, and the knockback only happens when she sheathes her sword having a delayed effect, so she DOES leave herself exposed to attack for a bit, but you have to be quick. It does 13% damage if it hits, and opponents are sent flying downward.[/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="UpB: Leap of Faith"]

She kicks off the ground doing a high leap, landing back on the ground safely. It is a very quick jump, and if used on the ground it can be used as an evasive failsafe as most of her moves can cancel into it. This attack does no damage, but it is very functional, Lyn never goes into recovery mode allowing Lyn to use this move as a sort of High Jump or Jump cancel to follow up with combos. Likewise, it can be cancelled out of my most of her techniques as well. The height of the move is about the same height as her regular jumps, however it is MUCH quicker than her normal jumps, making it a great move for combos.[/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="DownB: Suio-ryu Iai Kenpou"]

She draws her sword and does a rapid slash. This move is delay-able allowing her to concentrate, thus increasing the damage, knockback and range a bit. The high angle of the move makes it a good Anti-Air move, and the fact that you can delay it makes for good mindgames. You can only delay it for a maximum of 2 seconds. 9% damage uncharged, 14% fully charged. It launches opponents upward a set distance regardless of charge and damage. Obviously it's also usable in the air as well. [/COLLAPSE]

Normal Attacks

Her normal attacks are divided into slashes and kicks, learning to flow between them is the best way to effectively use her offensive prowess.

A = Lyn hits with the hilt of her sword. After landing this hit you can press A again and she will perform a Knee Strike to the Solar Plexus. Finaly, press A 3rd time and she stabs her opponent's foot with her sword. It is a quick move and hits low, it also causes opponents to bounce upon getting hit. Setting them up for combos.
Damage: 1st hit: 2%, 2nd hit: 4%, 3rd hit: 5%

><+A = Lyn does a rounhouse kick with her back leg towards her opponent's head and continues the spin leaving her back exposed. You can then press A again to do a reverse horizontal slash with her sword similar to Kenshin's Ryu Kan Sen (not exactly like it, it would be similar to TKD's reverse side kick (or back kick) for those who know MA, but with a sword, however that's the best example I can think of). Both of these moves are great Anti-Air techs, however the 2nd strike is slower to come out and tricky to time properly. 2nd hit is also a launcher.
Damage: 1st hit: 8% 2nd hit: 12%

^+A = This is similar to Kenshin's Ryu Shou Sen: A rising attack where she places her hand on the bottom of the blade and holds it horizontally above her head, then rises straight up, aimed at the opponent's neck. Opponents are sent downward when hit by this, setting them up for Lyn's Dair.
Damage: 11%

v+A = Lyn sticks her leg out and does a low hitting roundhouse kick at her opponents feet. It is a good footsie poke with some slide. It is a decent approach move. Pressing ><+A again at the end of the move will cause Lyn to slide toward her opponent doing a quick slash aimed at their torso. When hit by this opponents will be launched.
Damage: 1st hit: 5%, 2nd hit: 9%

Dash+A = Lyn vanishes, does a slight jump, and does 3 quick stabs aimed at her opponent's neck. You can see this move in the .gif. Not one of her best approach moves, though it can cause for some good mind games.
Damage: 3% per slash.

Note that while charging a Smash Attack Lyn takes the same exact Battoujutsu style stance for all 3 of her Smash Attacks, this makes her unpredictable and is a core feature of her character, given that Battoujutsu is built on the premise of speed and unpredictability.


><+Smash = She does a forward horizontal slash similar to Kenshin's Sou Ryu Ken. In a typical Samurai fashion, the damage has a slight (wind-like) delay effect. At the end of this attack, if timed properly (now this is tricky), you can press A again to do two more successive rapid "heavy" slashes. Pretty much video related: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFIVxm6eKBA. The follow up can only be done on the charged version. The first hit has a vaccum-like effect that pulls her opponents to her, the 2nd slash is a great killing move.
Damage: 1st hit: 9-13% 2nd hit: 2%, 3rd hit: 15%

^+Smash = She does an upward slash in an arching motion. The amount of charge determines the angle of the slash. No Charge is a 50 degree angle, half and full charge is 90 degree. At 90 degrees it is one of Lyn's best KO moves. Here's a filler sprite for it:http://www.dustloop.com/wiki/images/e/e4/BBCS_Jin_Rehhyou.png
Damage: 15-24%

v+Smash = If uncharged, she simply spins in place while crouched and does a full crescent horizontal slash that covers both sides. Fully charged it's more similar to Zoro's Tatsumaki from One Piece, minus the ridiculous lasting tornado. This is the best visual representation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHHl0sC78jI. Essentially, her crowd breaker, mostly useful for multiple enemies, though it can be great during certain situations. Though her other Smash Attacks set up better.
Damage: 12-21%

Aerial Moves

Lyn's aerial game is phenomenal. She has to be very close to her opponents in the air to land her moves, however, this is where she racks up damage the most quickly. Effective use of her UpB to follow up into quick combos is what makes Lyn a lethal opponent.

Nair = Lyn does a very quick horizontal slash. This attack has almost no knockback, but instead pulls opponents toward her. Tap A again, and Lyn will cancel into a different slash. You can tap A up to six times with this move doing 6 very quick slashes. It serves a very good combo filler than can rack up damage quickly.

Damage: 2-4% per slash.

Uair = She does a horizontal spin (she turns her body horizontally while doing a 540* rotation), and does an (upward) slash by extending her arm. This is a good K.O. move but the timing has to be perfect.
Damage: 13%

Fair = Lyn does a front flip while swinging her sword vertically above her head. She spins 3x each spin causing damage and travels forward and down for a short distance, there is little knockback from this move and it serves as mostly combo filler.
Damage: 5% x3.

Bair = A Mule Kick similar to Sheik's, but with slightly more punch if she hits from up close. One of her best aerial approach options.
Damage: 6% (10% up close)

Dair = Essentially Kenshin's Ryu Tsui Sen, she faces the ground and dives towards it while pointing her blade downward, with a slight angle. You can see it in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NK5-jY0jGhk at 2:45, except Kenshin does more of a slash. My idea is more like, the dive itself if the slash. The stance is the similar though. You can also see Lyn do this same exact stance in her critical hit .gif. What's unique about this move is that the animation allows for it to be used in conjuntion with her U+A, you can do her U+A right after this move. The slash of this sends her opponents upward allowing you to combo withU+A. This attack is great for set ups, however, at higher damages it hits too hard to be a proper set up move.
Damage: 10%


Lyn's throws are meant to be more defensive than set ups. Thus most of them focus on getting her opponents off of her.

Pummel = Knees opponent in the Solar plexus.
Damage: 2% per hit.

Down = She slams her opponent on the ground, mounts them in missionary possition, and stabs downward with her sword at her opponent's neck.
Damage: 10%

Up = She steps on her opponent's foot and does an upward slash as if she were slicing her opponents in two; opponents are flung upward.
Damage: 6%

Forward = She stabs her opponent in the torso and then kicks them away.
Damage: 7%

Back = She spins the opponent around, steps behind them and gets them in a choke hold placing her sword at their throat, and the slices. As they fall, she kicks them away from her with a side kick.
Damage: 7%


1. She turns around and whispers something, while Sakura flower petals blow in the wind.

2. Draws her sword, inspects it closely, and slashed toward her side as if to "clean the blood" a small gust appears at the ground, she twirls the sword and re-sheaths it.

3. Draws her sword places it horizontally above her brow as if glaring at her opponent, says some thing about honor in Japanese and re-sheaths it


Her critical hit in her .gif. After grabbing the Smash Orb, you must strike your opponent (like Ike's), and the opponent is then "paralyzed", she then does and upward slash with a back flip, and vanishes into thin air, only to reappear at all sides above her opponent in 5 copies and bring a maelstrom of pain down on them. The opponent is then thrown flying of the stage for a K.O.

Being a Battoujutsu/Iaijutsu user, she always has her sword sheathed when running, jumping, crouching, etc... The only times she draws it are when she attacks. That is the premise behind this fighting style.

Lyn's combat prowess is focused on Speed and Combos as previously said. Her character has an emphasis on mobility and approach, she has very quick and very good offense, with very stylized, swift sword slashes. She can string opponents into relativeley long combos in the right hands. A lot of her moves have gattling cancels, meaning she's able to flow from one move to another rather well as faster moves will cancel into slower moves allowing for quick combos.

This is where I pause to explain the difference between Lyn's sword attacks and kicking techs. Whenever Lyn does a sword based tech, she has some frame delay while she resheathes her sword. The recovery lag doesn't last long, but long enough to prevent combos. Effective use of her techs is what makes her a good fighter. To prevent this, you must cancel into other sword techs before she resheathes. You cannot cancel from sword techs to kicks or throws. This means that Lyn has to rely on gatling cancels to keep the flow going. Now while this may seem complicated at first, it's actually rather intutive, as it makes logical sense.

Also, as her focus is on quick speed and fast combos, her jumps are a bit shallow compared to Marth (I would say similar to C.Falcon, but with Fox's falling speed, Marth is too floaty for her playstyle), however her attack speed and running speed are much greater. She does more damage at closer ranges, given that her focus is all about running up and getting real close to do combos. The idea is to allow her the opportunity to do Guilty Gear style combos (think Chipp). I feel her running speed would be very similar to Fox's. Making her one of the faster characters in the game.

As I said before, she vanishes during her rolls, similar to how Slayer in GG vanishes during his dashes, this adds to her unpredictability. She has some of the fastest attack speed in the game, and the fastest running speed out of all the sword users.

Her weaknesses lie in her light stun damage in a lot of her moves, likewise her lack of long range moves, meaning she must rely on her counter to deal with those situations. Also, previously mentioned. Lyn is rather frail for a middle weight, it is the setback of her swift speed. When she's taken high damage she has a hard time setting up and following combos, meaning Lyn must be quick to earn her kill, thus making her a momentum character like Marth, but with much more risk-reward oriented.


Dtilt>NeutA>2nd Hit>3rd Hit>Ftilt>2nd Hit>UpB>Nair x6>Fair>Dair>Utilt>Dair>USmash

Neut A>2nd hit>3rd hit>FSmash>Dash Cancle>DashA>Dtilt>2nd hit>DashCancel>USmash>Uair

From (A) Counter: SH>Nair x6>Fair>Side B
From (A) Counter: SH>Nair x6>Fair>FF>DownB>UpB>UAir

SH>Bair>SH>Bair>DSmash>Jump Cancel>Nair x6>Dair>Utilt>Dair>USmash

Tell me your thoughts.[/collapse]

So, looking at things from a competitive standpoint. Lyn's potential as a fighter is clear and obvious (once again, tourney hotshot Mew2King agrees and supports her for Smash 4). She would be one of the fiercest characters on the roster, bringing a unique blend of moves and fighting styles that haven't been trialed on Smash ever before. A style that would not only be pleasant to look at, but also open new doors in terms of what can be seen done by characters on the game. Same way you see Falcon, Marth, Sheik, and other top tier characters do some crazy things in Melee, but with a unique Japanese flair that only makes it look THAT much cooler.

So, while you see SWORDS, I see a unique style that has yet to be tapped and brings a lot to the table. I honestly don't see other characters bringing in as much as Lyn barring Isaac and Ridley.

To use your same argument against you: but we already have FOUR Magic users in Smash, we don't need more (Zelda, Ness, Lucas, and Mewtwo).

Lyn's real strengths lie not in being a girl, you can slap a penis on her and make her a man, and I'd still push for her (err him). Why? Because the fighting style is unique, an hasn't been seen in Smash before, AND it's one that brings a lot of potential in terms of competitive play. A fast and fierce character that can follow up with some mean combos. In other words, PM suddenly becomes Guilty Gear (ok, maybe not, but w/e).
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Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
That reminds me... just out of curiosity, what is it exactly that makes people think of certain Pokemon in Smash (such as Ivysaur) as female?
The only one I see as specifically female is Jigglypuff, because she's pink and because she wears Leaf's hat in one of her alts. Pikachu, Mewtwo and Lucario I see as male because of the anime. The other Pokemon I see as 'it', neither being specifically male nor female. I refer to them as he, though, since the english language is sadly lacking in gender-neutral pronouns.


Smash Champion
Oct 6, 2013
Good times, KY
OK, so now I am intrigued, what exactly does Lyn have to bring to the table that would make her a good candidate for PM? What kinds of moves or powers does she have that makes her different from Marth, Roy, and Ike? I am curious now.
Ponytail, ****, dem legs.
Also she's a samurai, I guess that's cool.
But dem legs.


Smash Lord
May 26, 2012
so has this been brought up yet since yesterdays nintendo direct?..

Since waluigi, saki and dark samus have been proven to be assist trophies, not playable characters, i feel they would be high on the list of candidates to be added to P:M. Saki can be built using zero suit samus, and dark samus could be obviously built from samus very easily. Waluigi wouldn't be too hard to create either, i mean there already is a great hack of waluigi in brawlvault (i know they'll be creating something from scratch, but im sure it woudnt be too hard).

thoughts on this?


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
so has this been brought up yet since yesterdays nintendo direct?..

Since waluigi, saki and dark samus have been proven to be assist trophies, not playable characters, i feel they would be high on the list of candidates to be added to P:M. Saki can be built using zero suit samus, and dark samus could be obviously built from samus very easily. Waluigi wouldn't be too hard to create either, i mean there already is a great hack of waluigi in brawlvault (i know they'll be creating something from scratch, but im sure it woudnt be too hard).

thoughts on this?
The only one of those three I see making an impact is Dark Samus. I'd see Ray coming before Saki unless Ray gets confirmed for Smash 4. And we all know Waluigi's current position as of right now.
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Smash Apprentice
Dec 26, 2013
The only one I see as specifically female is Jigglypuff, because she's pink and because she wears Leaf's hat in one of her alts. Pikachu, Mewtwo and Lucario I see as male because of the anime. The other Pokemon I see as 'it', neither being specifically male nor female. I refer to them as he, though, since the english language is sadly lacking in gender-neutral pronouns.
I understand Jigglypuff. Plus, Jigglypuffs have a much higher chance of being female.

What bugs me is seeing Ivysaur and Eevee forms referred to as "she", especially when those species have a greater likelyhood of being male.


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
I understand Jigglypuff. Plus, Jigglypuffs have a much higher chance of being female.

What bugs me is seeing Ivysaur and Eevee forms referred to as "she", especially when those species have a greater likelyhood of being male.
I tend not to even bother when it comes to understanding something I cannot comprehend, such as figuring out the gender of a Pokemon in Smash. The way I see it, the gender is decided by the player playing the character, unless otherwise dictated by canonical information in game.


Smash Lord
May 26, 2012
The only one of those three I see making an impact is Dark Samus. I'd see Ray coming before Saki unless Ray gets confirmed for Smash 4. And we all know Waluigi's current position as of right now.
whats waluigis position? lol

and ya.. ray and issak would be before saki, but we dont know if theyre in smash 4 or not


Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2013
So am I the only one who would like Ridley NOT in a hunched up position?
I'd like to see him proportioned to a slightly taller Ganondorf, with his feet tiptoeing on the ground as his wings keep him elevated.

I think Smaller Ridley works, just gotta do something about the neck.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 26, 2013
whats waluigis position? lol
Waluigi's been fairly low on the poll results for a while. Plus, we've known that he's an assist trophy again for quite a while, so if something was going to change I think it would have happened already.

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
So am I the only one who would like Ridley NOT in a hunched up position?
I'd like to see him proportioned to a slightly taller Ganondorf, with his feet tiptoeing on the ground as his wings keep him elevated.

I think Smaller Ridley works, just gotta do something about the neck.
Trust me, I added him to my BrawlEx build for the express purpose of seeing how he plays, and seeing Small Ridley next to Samus isn't right when she practically comes up to his head and he's not even that hunched. He needs to be bigger than Bowser, even when hunched over some, or else those two won't look right together.
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Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
whats waluigis position? lol
As it stands, Waluigi is currently in C tier in the final tally. That is not to say he couldn't do better if the polling extended, but I doubt he will make it far.

and ya.. ray and issak would be before saki, but we dont know if theyre in smash 4 or not
I'm aware of that. Saki actually ranks pretty high. He is just below Sukapon and Bowser Jr. in A-Tier. More than could be said about Ray, but Ray was a late coming popular choice that didn't receive very much exposure to the voters. Though I'd say it is safe to believe Saki's chances are better than most characters.

Also, something for you guys. A video about the pros and cons of airdashes (in the case of Guilty Gear). Though it is a different game, it helps to understand the concept of airdashing, which would likely be a function that Ray would sport.

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Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2014
If you are up for a read, here you go. This is the best possible example of how she can differ greatly from all the others.
I like the concept, although it might still be neat if she had access to her Bow at least some way ... I know PM can do alternative moves as seen with Lucaryu, maybe they could program Lyn with an actualy Back Special, pressing the opposite horizontal direction, that causes Lyn to aim with her Bow? I dunno, just a thought.

Also, pretty cool playstyle, then again, I just didn't know how she worked, I never had an issue with her being a "sword user", plus the idea of Kirby getting a counter is kinda cool!


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
I like the concept, although it might still be neat if she had access to her Bow at least some way ... I know PM can do alternative moves as seen with Lucaryu, maybe they could program Lyn with an actualy Back Special, pressing the opposite horizontal direction, that causes Lyn to aim with her Bow? I dunno, just a thought.

Also, pretty cool playstyle, then again, I just didn't know how she worked, I never had an issue with her being a "sword user", plus the idea of Kirby getting a counter is kinda cool!
Honestly a lot of Lyn supporters would be just satisfied with her inclusion. It would just be a plus if she played something like ManlySpirit's post.

And if Kirby is capable of even getting a counter, it might be neat. Though I suspect if it is not possible, he will just get a different special like they had to do with Mewtwo Kirby.

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
Honestly a lot of Lyn supporters would be just satisfied with her inclusion. It would just be a plus if she played something like ManlySpirit's post.

And if Kirby is capable of even getting a counter, it might be neat. Though I suspect if it is not possible, he will just get a different special like they had to do with Mewtwo Kirby.
I think he could gain a counter. The Scott Pilgrim over Lucas PSA was able to be given one, so I'm sure they could do the same for other characters.


Smash Master
Mar 15, 2014
San Antonio
I want to find the person who wrote that about Lyn just to tell them that Zelda is the only magic user. Ness, Lucas, and Mewtwo all use psychic abilities


Smash Lord
May 26, 2012
As it stands, Waluigi is currently in C tier in the final tally. That is not to say he couldn't do better if the polling extended, but I doubt he will make it far.
oh that! lol
ya i realize he isnt super popular, but that still isnt to say that the PMBR wouldn't decide to add him in anyway if they thought he would be fun to use. He isn't a top pick for me either, but knowing that they wont be adding smash4 characters to P:M could tell us that he could be a viable option. I'm hoping nindendo decides to add ray and issak in smash 4, so if that were the case they cant be in P:M anyway.

Anyway i see waht you're saying too, I'm just speculating.
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Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
oh that! lol
ya i realize he isnt super popular, but that still isnt to say that the PMBR wouldn't decide to add him in anyway if they thought he would be fun to use. He isn't a top pick for me either, but knowing that they wont be adding smash4 characters to P:M could tell us that he could be a viable option. I'm hoping nindendo decides to add ray and issak in smash 4, so if that were the case they cant be in P:M anyway.

Anyway i see waht you're saying too, I'm just speculating.
I just don't see Waluigi making that much of an impact man. That's just me.

As for Ray, I wouldn't care where he is confirmed. Though I would greatly enjoy him more in Project M than in Smash 4. We already have Mega Man in Smash 4 and P:M doesn't have a character that fills a similar arch-type to him. I find that a major plus in his favor.


Smash Journeyman
May 7, 2012
So they ARE considering Waluigi as part of Wario's series. If he were playable, he wouldn't be a Mario rep after all. A-HA!


Also, I don't think Ridley is disconfirmed. His manner of presentation was intentionally vague—we saw his shadow. Everyone knows who that's supposed to be; even as a stage hazard, he was teased. If you have got anything to hide, why tease something? Alfonso replaces Conductor Link when Toon Link is being played on Spirit Train. Meta-Ridley could replace Ridley when he's being played on Pyrosphere.
Lol I always argued that Waluigi should represent "W"............even though I was smothered by others. Theres people who made great points though.........such as the fact that Wario only seemed to be representing WarioWARE and not the Original Wario games or ties to Wario.

Speaking of the Ridley thing............What is his stance in "Other M"? I think I read somewhere that "THAT Ridley" is actually a clone or something................sorry I just never touched the game and I would like some clarification so that I can be sure without a doubt that Ridley got a good Riddens in Smash 4 lol (I don't hate ridley, just trying be funny xD)
@Alffonzo Bagpipez: OHHH hell noo........I really want Knuckle Joe.........I thought I was the only individual who gave him good graces here.................The problem is that most people feel that Bandana Dee is more valuable than him and unfortunately it seems like he might get in since Dedede doesn't throw Waddle Dees anymore

After the Smash Direct I give my PM support to: RIDLEY, LYNDIS, WALUIGI, SAKI, KNUCKLE JOE, SAMURAI GOROH and DARK SAMUS

(Also ISAAC and RAY in case they are excluded)
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Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
After the Smash Direct I give my PM support to: RIDLEY, LYNDIS, WALUIGI, SAKI, and KNUCKLE JOE (Also ISAAC and RAY in case they are excluded)
Honestly, I wouldn't rule Ridley out of Smash 4 until Sakurai flat out confirms him. He has been a troll recently, so there is no point in jumping the gun on believing anything he has to say.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2014
So, played around with the idea of a Dan Hibiki Riolu character, have a couple ideas for his specials, lemme see what you guys think:

N Special: Aura Sphere, similar to the great manliest of men, Riou's Aura Sphere would be very untrained and volatile. It's a chargable attack just like Lucario's Aura Sphere, but it's hilariously short ranged, and barely clears Riolu before it bursts in a little mini explosion. Uncharged it actually is so short range that the blast actually hits Riolu for 1-2% as well, but as long as it's at least semi charged it'll clear him enough so when it bursts it doesn't hurt him. It is a ranged attack, but may as well be a melee attack, since it won't have any sort of range really, although fully charged the 'self destructive aura blast' can actually do sufficient damage and knockback, as long as you don't mind getting up close and personal with your target.

S Special (Ground): Leg Sweep, Riolu does a sort of SM4SH-esque Mega Man slide, sweeping out the legs of anyone. It does low damage but trips anyone who is caught in it. If successful it allows Riolu to end the Sweep on the tripped target to follow up, possibly even with an Aura Sphere. The downside? If Riolu does not successfully sweep anyone, he just keeps sliding until he trips at th move's end, leaving himself open for punishment.

S Special (Air), Low Kick, similar to Leg Sweep, but starting in the air at a 45 degree descent. Any target that's hit in the air is treated as if it was hit with a mild meteor smash, knocking them down, if the target is on the ground, it trips them up and does extra damage. Again, if Riolu doesn't hit anyone, he hits the ground and tumbles.

U Specual: Vacuum Wave, acts a lot like Extremespeed, but Riolu seems to be struggling against the air friction, causing a vacuum effect on anyone nearby, drawing them in. Not only does it do damage like normal Extremespeed, but even if it misses, and someone is close enough that it doesn't draw them in, the air friction vacuum can interrupt them. With careful timing you can really mess up an opponent's recovery or combo.

D Special: Reversal, Riolu focuses it's energy as a ring of tiny blue aura sparks surrounds him. Unlike a normal counter, this will not stop or absorb any damage or knockback, Riolu still takes all damage as normal, however it also mirrors damage and knockback on the attacker (also anyone close enough to the Reversal aura). It's a very risky move, but can be used to punish strong foes, causing possible double knockouts!

In the end my hope is to pitch a quirky but deadly mass of moves that could Riolu properly fill the slot of (Lethal) Joke Character.


Smash Journeyman
May 7, 2012
Honestly, I wouldn't rule Ridley out of Smash 4 until Sakurai flat out confirms him. He has been a troll recently, so there is no point in jumping the gun on believing anything he has to say.
*My bad......I just updated my post after rechecking the trailer

He took out sooo many heroes lol..........I was shocked when I still saw Saki as an assist trophy......and he doesn't even have a symbol which has me ask if "Sin & Punishment" is even gonna get represented.

And about Ridley......I'm leaning towards it but like you........I'm still trying to see what other loop holes stand. Also this is why asked the question with his position in "Other M" which I don't know
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Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
Seriously tho
Summer release
We'll know the full roster by summer.
Wasn't DLC mentioned to be an option by Sakurai? I wouldn't say we would know the entire roster if we do end up getting any DLC between the 3DS version and Wii U version. Just a thought.


Smash Lord
May 26, 2012
I just don't see Waluigi making that much of an impact man. That's just me.

As for Ray, I wouldn't care where he is confirmed. Though I would greatly enjoy him more in Project M than in Smash 4. We already have Mega Man in Smash 4 and P:M doesn't have a character that fills a similar arch-type to him. I find that a major plus in his favor.
Actually, ya id agree with Ray being better in P:M since smash4 has megaman. I mean in a perfect world the characters i wana see would be in all games, but clearly that's dubbed impossible by arbitrary crap that sakurai decides.


Smash Journeyman
May 7, 2012
Wasn't DLC mentioned to be an option by Sakurai? I wouldn't say we would know the entire roster if we do end up getting any DLC between the 3DS version and Wii U version. Just a thought.
Thats what I was about to say.......Yeah both game will have the same roster but never did he say that the 3DS will have the full roster immediately. I'm just saying.............

That's how they always get cha, You gotta think like a Lawyer xD


Smash Journeyman
May 7, 2012
Sakurai said DLC is an option, but he intends to make the game as full as possible at launch. DLC will be an afterthought.
I ain't disagreeing but he's made a lot of intentions to be honest and sometimes things can change with planning..........He doesn't seem too trustable, whatever tho


Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2014
Actually, ya id agree with Ray being better in P:M since smash4 has megaman. I mean in a perfect world the characters i wana see would be in all games, but clearly that's dubbed impossible by arbitrary crap that sakurai decides.
If Waluigi was in PM, he'd have to be a Lethal Joke Character methinks. Really without Pichu, Smash is missing a silly, quirky, high risk character like that IMO. Whether it's Pichu or Waluigi or Riolu, I think PM could make an amusing one!


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
If Waluigi was in PM, he'd have to be a Lethal Joke Character methinks. Really without Pichu, Smash is missing a silly, quirky, high risk character like that IMO. Whether it's Pichu or Waluigi or Riolu, I think PM could make an amusing one!
To be fair, it is never going to be Riolu. It is pretty much Pichu or bust for another Pokemon at this point.


Smash Lord
Aug 13, 2012
East Coast, USA
My thought was that it's entirely possible that, since thee's gonna be a large gap between releases, that the dev team will inevitably end up mayeb working on one or two extra characters (likely clones/semi-clones of existing characters like with the Six in Melee and Wolf and Toon Link in Brawl) that will be released as 'bonuses' for the Wii U version and then released as free DLC or something for the 3DS version shortly afterwards. Then it moves on to actual DLC-DLC, possibly.

But in any case, we know that at the very least, Lyn, Tom Nook, Dark Samus and Skull Kid are surefire bets for possible Clone Engine slots (mentioning thesebased on their popularity), and we won't have to wait much longer to find out who else is a surefire for the Clone Engine either, barring any Gap-Characters and SM4SH post-release DLC, of course.


Smash Lord
May 26, 2012
If Waluigi was in PM, he'd have to be a Lethal Joke Character methinks. Really without Pichu, Smash is missing a silly, quirky, high risk character like that IMO. Whether it's Pichu or Waluigi or Riolu, I think PM could make an amusing one!
Or Captain rainbow... lol

a character like that could be silly, but still be good though. They wouldnt have to make them TERRIBLE the way pichu was. The waluigi hack in brawlvault is pretty silly, but the character isnt terrible to play as.


Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2013
Naked in Magicant
If Ness is still there, he brings the chances up, but if neither of them are, then nope. It might be fanatical, but Smash isn't Smash without some Earthbound - to me, at least. I was introduced to Ness not as an Earthbound character, but as a Smash character. Without him, it would be incomplete to me, and I refuse to buy a half-done game.
Rest assure, Shin, at this point Ness is so attached to the SSB series just as C. Falcon, removing him, or anything about Earthbound could be the worst sin Sakurai could ever do, and well, you pretty much said it all, without Ness, the game is imcomplete.

I already feel like it's imcomplete without playable Ridley, though.
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