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New Characters for Project M Discussion Thread (Voting Closed)

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Smash Lord
Nov 27, 2013
If Waluigi was in PM, he'd have to be a Lethal Joke Character methinks. Really without Pichu, Smash is missing a silly, quirky, high risk character like that IMO. Whether it's Pichu or Waluigi or Riolu, I think PM could make an amusing one!
*adjusts invisible neck tie and slams a fist down*


Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2014
In the end, I think for a character to be taken seriously, they have to have a particular playstyle that is lacking from Smash already, something that makes them stand apart from the crowd and gives people a reason to use them instead of whoever they are a copy/clone of. I admit I wasn't big on Lyn at first because she was a FE character, but, based on the desc. provided of her being a counter-heavy lightning bruiser melee glass cannon, I think it could have a great niche in PM.

Again, just like my Isaac idea, making him a 3 tiered chargable character, there's plenty of characters with chargable attacks, but none who have charged attacks as their central theme for all their specials, and it would be an interesting gimmick that is currently lacking from PM.

Skull Kid having the mask itself being his hitbox and his body being just a vestigial sandbag sorta deal, it's still something interesting, and something that does not exist in Smash yet.

Even the idea of a Joke Character who can become a Lethal Joke Character for those who are skilled enough to master him, whether it's Pichu, Waluigi, Slippy, even Riolu despite his abysmal chances, it's still a niche that could use a character to fill it. Honestly I think any character can be pitched in a way to make him seem interesting, but I just honestly think for him or her to be taken seriously, you need to give him or her flavor. Just saying 'add in Ridley or just add in Isaac because they're cool' isn't really enough for me.

Pippin (Peregrin Took)

Formerly “ItalianBaptist”
Jan 28, 2014
Switch FC
I still maintain that painting over trainer's model to make an oc that mercilessly mocks all the "anime characters 4 smash" kids would be the perfect lethal joke character :)


Smash Champion
Oct 6, 2013
Good times, KY
I honestly think Slippy is the best choice for a joke character.
Considering the infamy of spacies, it's the perfect base for a joke character.


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
I honestly think Slippy is the best choice for a joke character.
Considering the infamy of spacies, it's the perfect base for a joke character.
It is beginning to sound like we will end up with:

-Ridley or Dark Samus for the lack of Metroid
-Slippy for mocking the spacies and April Fools **** tease
-Pichu for that "final" piece of Melee
-Isaac for the unique new fighter from unrepped franchise
-And someone else to fill in that last spot

I can't say I'm too impressed. The only characters I would even touch out of that is Isaac and maybe whatever possible newcomer after him that is brought along.

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
It is beginning to sound like we will end up with:

-Ridley or Dark Samus for the lack of Metroid
-Slippy for mocking the spacies and April Fools **** tease
-Pichu for that "final" piece of Melee
-Isaac for the unique new fighter from unrepped franchise
-And someone else to fill in that last spot

I can't say I'm too impressed. The only characters I would even touch out of that is Isaac and maybe whatever possible newcomer after him that is brought along.
Other than Isaac, that's a very underwhelming lineup.

Cool Blue

Smash Journeyman
Feb 17, 2014
Next to a beach I never go to
Speaking of the Ridley thing............What is his stance in "Other M"? I think I read somewhere that "THAT Ridley" is actually a clone or something................sorry I just never touched the game and I would like some clarification so that I can be sure without a doubt that Ridley got a good Riddens in Smash 4 lol (I don't hate ridley, just trying be funny xD)
You are correct, the Ridley in Other M is a clone.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2014
It is beginning to sound like we will end up with:

-Ridley or Dark Samus for the lack of Metroid
-Slippy for mocking the spacies and April Fools **** tease
-Pichu for that "final" piece of Melee
-Isaac for the unique new fighter from unrepped franchise
-And someone else to fill in that last spot

I can't say I'm too impressed. The only characters I would even touch out of that is Isaac and maybe whatever possible newcomer after him that is brought along.
I was just saying if people really want a Joke Character, it is a spot that has no representation in the current Brawl line-up. And we only need one Joke Character, if even that much, so I'd say Pichu or Slippy, not both, we don't need two Joke Characters.

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
I was just saying if people really want a Joke Character, it is a spot that has no representation in the current Brawl line-up. And we only need one Joke Character, if even that much, so I'd say Pichu or Slippy, not both, we don't need two Joke Characters.
In that case, I'd choose Pichu. He's a veteran, and Fox already has a clone. A third character with the same base moveset would feel so redundant, especially considering Wolf is nearly a semi-clone as well.
And screams like a banshee.

The first time I fought Ridley X I nearly crapped my pants.
He's no Nightmare, though. Hearing that thing's cry in Other M - eugh.
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Cool Blue

Smash Journeyman
Feb 17, 2014
Next to a beach I never go to
In that case, I'd choose Pichu. He's a veteran, and Fox already has a clone. A third character with the same base moveset would feel so redundant, especially considering Wolf is nearly a semi-clone as well.

He's no Nightmare, though. Hearing that thing's cry in Other M - eugh.
Nothing beats walking through a random room in Prime 1 and having the Chozo Ghosts ambush you.

I still jump to this day whenever I play that game.


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
I was just saying if people really want a Joke Character, it is a spot that has no representation in the current Brawl line-up. And we only need one Joke Character, if even that much, so I'd say Pichu or Slippy, not both, we don't need two Joke Characters.
Who said anything about joke character? Pichu fans just want Pichu back. It doesn't really matter if he is a joke or not. My reasoning for this line-up is pretty simple to be honest.

-Appeasing Melee fans by the inclusion of melee vet Pichu and long awaited newcomer Ridley.
-Appeasing tournament tier list players by introducing another Spacie (Slippy) and probably Lyn.
-Appeasing people who are looking for something new with Isaac.

That honestly feels like the direction this is going. That is just my opinion though. I'm likely very wrong, but I would be fine with being wrong in this situation.
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Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
I'll be honest. If the line-up comes out how I predicted... no offense to supporters of these characters...but
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Nov 3, 2013
Anywhere but Spain
I'm not even mad about Greninja and not having Mewtwo. I'm more bothered by the fact Sakurai hyped everyone up for a Pokemon announcement. I know there is a large majority of Pokemon fans, but not everyone is Pokemon fans. Where the hell is Ridley, Palutena, and the other Fire Emblem character? (And yes I'm aware of the Ridley tease. It doesn't really confirm anything.) Not to mention all the missing vets. I swear I heard Shin and Edge's hearts break at the end of the trailer when Ness and Lucas were both not present.
That argument works the other way too if the other series was shown.

"But pokeball Pokemon"

All an afterthought as compared to the real characters.

Also in regards to the last two veterans, why show everything now? There's still quite a bit of time before the game releases.

Samurai Goroh was shown as an assist trophy in the direct. This hints heavily at C.Falcons return.

Franklin badge was shown in the press release. This hints heavily at Ness/Lucas return. Both might not make it back though.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2014
Huh. It's kind of weird because I was always confident that Zoroark would make it in, but now I'm not so sure.
Zoroark never really hit the level of popularity they expected from Mewtwo and Lucario. Although as a Pokeball that could be cool, he could use Illusion to copy someone on the field to confuse people.

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
Also in regards to the last two veterans, why show everything now? There's still quite a bit of time before the game releases.
Because Mother fans are the most psychotic fans in the world. Every day we go without seeing Ness/Lucas in SSB4, our urge to destroy everything Nintendo stands for rises.
Franklin badge was shown in the press release. This hints heavily at Ness/Lucas return. Both might not make it back though.
Not necessarily true. We've had Pitfall, Panel de Pon and Balloon Fight items before, and we don't have characters from those games playable. While I still strongly believe Ness will be back, I doubt. He was already almost replaced in Melee.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2014
I'll be honest. If the line-up comes out how I predicted... no offense to supporters of these characters...but
Well we already know it's not going to be just a massive 5 character dump, PM has said outright they don't even have any intention of filling up all 5 slots available with the clone system. My guess is, we'll get one, maybe two, tops, at least to begin with. Hopefully Isaac is one of them, beyond that, it's anyone's guess, Saki, Sami, Skullkid, Lyn? And that's even assuming they don't just start at one to see how the first release is taken by the fans.


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
That argument works the other way too if the other series was shown.

"But pokeball Pokemon"

All an afterthought as compared to the real characters.

Also in regards to the last two veterans, why show everything now? There's still quite a bit of time before the game releases.

Samurai Goroh was shown as an assist trophy in the direct. This hints heavily at C.Falcons return.

Franklin badge was shown in the press release. This hints heavily at Ness/Lucas return. Both might not make it back though.
Calm yourself Saito. I only wanted two character reveals rather than just one, which isn't much to ask out of a 40 minute Nintendo Direct. That bit about Earthbound just has me worried only one of the two isn't going to return. And I'm certain a lot of the veterans will return. I just felt it was really pointless to leave out C.Falcon and Ness in a veteran announcement at this point. I'll live.

Well we already know it's not going to be just a massive 5 character dump, PM has said outright they don't even have any intention of filling up all 5 slots available with the clone system. My guess is, we'll get one, maybe two, tops, at least to begin with. Hopefully Isaac is one of them, beyond that, it's anyone's guess, Saki, Sami, Skullkid, Lyn? And that's even assuming they don't just start at one to see how the first release is taken by the fans.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Warchamp7 say something on Reddit about PMBR planning to make an attempt at all 5 slots? Pretty sure I saw that.
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Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2014
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Warchamp7 say something on Reddit about PMBR planning to make an attempt at all 5 slots? Pretty sure I saw that.

Or more specifically:

"Finally to close things out, attentive users may have noticed we mentioned our limit of new characters earlier in this post. That limit as it stands is 7 new characters, it is the absolute max we have the potential to add currently. We will not have 7 brand new characters in the next release of Project M, and we may not ever create 7 new characters. The option is there though, and perhaps one day, in the distant future, we might reach that."


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013

Or more specifically:

"Finally to close things out, attentive users may have noticed we mentioned our limit of new characters earlier in this post. That limit as it stands is 7 new characters, it is the absolute max we have the potential to add currently. We will not have 7 brand new characters in the next release of Project M, and we may not ever create 7 new characters. The option is there though, and perhaps one day, in the distant future, we might reach that."
I read these things over a million times before you even became a thread member Darkmask. There is a lot more that takes place than just on their front page dude. Here. Straight off Warchamp7's Reddit page.

[–]subadfish909 37 points 4 months ago

Holy **** I had to make a Reddit account just for this. 3.0 trailer was way too hype, I thought it'd be ages before I saw the rest of the cast and that was the one thing keeping PM from being my favorite game of all time. Got tired of having to tell my friends "No, Samus/Yoshi/Kirby/X isn't in this game yet... but it's still great, you should try it." I've been stupidly impressed by every single thing PMBR has done so far and I'm pumped to see what you guys have in store.

Guess this hasn't been a question yet, so... as great as everything on 3.0 is, what do you guys intend to do after it? More costumes, more melee vets/new characters? Or just balance changes and fun modes, or something else?

[–]warchamp7 42 points 4 months ago

More costumes, cleaning up the other modes, and hopefully eventually filling all of those clone slots we have at our disposal. As well as any other crazy ideas we come up, maybe we'll top Turbo Mode somehow

[–]UberFuhrer 22 points 4 months ago

All of them? Isn't that like...46 total characters??

You guys spoil us, you know that? <3

Cool Blue

Smash Journeyman
Feb 17, 2014
Next to a beach I never go to
I read these things over a million times before you even became a thread member Darkmask. There is a lot more that takes place than just on their front page dude. Here. Straight off Warchamp7's Reddit page.
Aren't Warchamp7 and the PM website pretty much saying the same thing?

They want to add in all of the characters, they are just not sure when.


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
Aren't Warchamp7 and the PM website pretty much saying the same thing?

They want to add in all of the characters, they are just not sure when.
What Darkmask implied and what was said on the Reddit are different. He said, and I quote:

PM has said outright they don't even have any intention of filling up all 5 slots available with the clone system.
[–]warchamp7 42 points 4 months ago

More costumes, cleaning up the other modes, and hopefully eventually filling all of those clone slots we have at our disposal. As well as any other crazy ideas we come up, maybe we'll top Turbo Mode somehow
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Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2014
What Darkmask implied and what was said on the Reddit are different. He said, and I quote:
Well yeah, I guess I made a mistake there, but the gist of what I meant is still there, they may have the heart and soul to make 5 new characters, but I still don't think they are going to be making a 5 character dump with the next update. I stand by my prediction of one, maybe two, at first.


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
Well yeah, I guess I made a mistake there, but the gist of what I meant is still there, they may have the heart and soul to make 5 new characters, but I still don't think they are going to be making a 5 character dump with the next update. I stand by my prediction of one, maybe two, at first.
I was never implying they were going to make five to begin with. I was just predicting what the five would be if they were to fill those slots. Never take a complete five character wishlist or prediction on our thread seriously. A majority of us know already that all the slots my not be filled. That is pretty much covered.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2013
United States
Slippy needs a few variations on his specials if he is truly going to be added, I don't want a fourth spacie with the same base moveset.

- Laser? No thanks, what about a different projectile?
- Illusion side special? I guess, slippy did design the technology, but I'd like to see a unique interpretation of the move.
- Fire up special? Something new would be nice.

In fact, the only special I'd be alright with staying is the shine, for obvious reasons.
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