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New Characters for Project M Discussion Thread (Voting Closed)

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Deleted member

So, I just played 3.0.

Now I'm stoked for 4.0. I can see them add tons of cool things now, like, obv the new chars, but also, unique FS, tweaking the ATs so they's a bit more interesting to use, tweaking the FS so they can work like Ultra moves with a sort of meter.

I'd like the special bonuses from Melee to come back personally. You know, those meaningless stats you got at the end of a match? I liked those.


Smash Ace
Nov 6, 2013
i doubt that is there primary focus, right now i figure they are working on fixing the models so that they dont cause slowdown


Smash Journeyman
Jul 27, 2013
All up in yo' bubblegum, Bahamas
Yes generally all Sonic characters are generic. So are generally all existing Nintendo characters. Mario is the generic platformer hero, Link is the generic swordsman (along with a majority of Fire Emblem, Golden Sun, and various Nintendo characters), Samus is a generic armored space warrior. The list goes on. Simplicity is best.

But bland?... that is dependant on personal preference. If people think Shadow is bland let them. He is marked the 25th most popular video game character for a reason.
holy **** its dancing!
everyone stop and look at it. Look at it!


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2013
I collapsed my moveset successfully! A heads up: you actually use the actually use the word spoiler to collapse something, like [ collapse ] tags are replaced by [ spoiler ] tags without the spaces.

EDIT: nevermind, both work now.

So what do people think about my Waluigi now that that issue's been solved?
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Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
This please. Can't wait till they get rid of those ugly warning signs.:smirk:
It may be fixed already, if we're lucky. Have you seen the changelog for the newest BrawlBox? BlackJax added the ability to optimize models.

- v0.71- (12/25/2013) - BrawlLib v0.18
. Added a tristripper and integrated it into Brawllib. This allows for mesh optimization for smaller filesize and less in-game lag.
. Added several new options to the model importer settings dialog, including tristripper algorithm options
. Added "Optimize" option to model object right click menu. This will allow you to re-optimize meshes that have already been encoded.
. Added support for writing string type user data properly
. Added toggles for texture matrices in model object properties
. Fixed a bug where exported Collada models would have _ID added to the end of all bone and object names.

I've only just skimmed the Waluigi moveset, but I like what I see so far. I'm gonna go read it in more detail now.


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2013
It may be fixed already, if we're lucky. Have you seen the changelog for the newest BrawlBox? BlackJax added the ability to optimize models.

- v0.71- (12/25/2013) - BrawlLib v0.18
. Added a tristripper and integrated it into Brawllib. This allows for mesh optimization for smaller filesize and less in-game lag.
. Added several new options to the model importer settings dialog, including tristripper algorithm options
. Added "Optimize" option to model object right click menu. This will allow you to re-optimize meshes that have already been encoded.
. Added support for writing string type user data properly
. Added toggles for texture matrices in model object properties
. Fixed a bug where exported Collada models would have _ID added to the end of all bone and object names.

I've only just skimmed the Waluigi moveset, but I like what I see so far. I'm gonna go read it in more detail now.
Thanks. Are you working on a Skull Kid moveset as well? I'd like to see it since a proper one hasn't been posted yet.

EDIT: I just realized how pushy this sounded, my bad.
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Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
Thanks. Are you working on a Skull Kid moveset as well? I'd like to see it since a proper one hasn't been posted yet.
I haven't started one yet, though I might later. I think he would be fun to do, I've just got to get into the right mood for working on it.

I read the Waluigi one a bit more thoroughly, and it sounds really fun. I'm still iffy about another Mario Universe character, but I wouldn't object to him. I like the fluid, spidery way you describe his movements.

EDIT: I just realized how pushy this sounded, my bad.
Nah, that's okay. I'm actually kind of starting to get into it a bit, now.
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Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2013
I haven't started one yet, though I might later. I think he would be fun to do, I've just got to get into the right mood for working on it.

I read the Waluigi one a bit more thoroughly, and it sounds really fun. I'm still iffy about another Mario Universe character, but I wouldn't object to him. I like the fluid, spidery way you describe his movements.
Yeah, even I'd be iffy too, which is why I made it purely for fun.

And don't sweat, just if you ever feel like it.

Hopefully traffic will start start booming again soon. Creativity's not dead yet!


Smash Apprentice
Dec 8, 2013
Chicago, IL
Yeah, even I'd be iffy too, which is why I made it purely for fun.

And don't sweat, just if you ever feel like it.

Hopefully traffic will start start booming again soon. Creativity's not dead yet!
Creativity's not dead yet!
It's gonna die eventually? D:

On a different note, how long do you think we will get a small hint on what the next Clone Engine character will be?


Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2013
A combination of when they figure it out for themselves and when they think it's appropriate.
Because holy ****, 3.0 came out less then a month ago, give it some time.

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
A combination of when they figure it out for themselves and when they think it's appropriate.
Because holy ****, 3.0 came out less then a month ago, give it some time.
Pretty much this. I mean, come on. Mewtwo took 700+ hours. Even working straight through with no rest, they can't have possibly gotten anywhere with a new character yet.


Smash Ace
Nov 6, 2013
It's gonna die eventually? D:

On a different note, how long do you think we will get a small hint on what the next Clone Engine character will be?
maybe they could have put a characters stock counter in the coding, if only the did that. . . oh wait i forgot they did


Smash Apprentice
Dec 8, 2013
Chicago, IL
A combination of when they figure it out for themselves and when they think it's appropriate.
Because holy ****, 3.0 came out less then a month ago, give it some time.
I meant judging from how long it took to make mewtwo; didn't mean to sound pushy. Seeing how it took 700+ hours, which seems to be about more than half a year in game time (I've played MH3G for 900 hours or so and have been playing since release) so once they've sort out most of the bugs from 3.0 and start focusing on the Clone Engine more, I assume it will be about the end of 2014 or so. Seems like another great Christmas gift if you ask me.


Smash Ace
Nov 6, 2013
Pretty much this. I mean, come on. Mewtwo took 700+ hours. Even working straight through with no rest, they can't have possibly gotten anywhere with a new character yet.
it only took Mewtwo +700 hours because he was completely new and required a lot of extra work compared to Roy which was said to take a lot less time, Having Pichu would be easy and not that much time


Apr 13, 2008
I haven't started one yet, though I might later. I think he would be fun to do, I've just got to get into the right mood for working on it.

I read the Waluigi one a bit more thoroughly, and it sounds really fun. I'm still iffy about another Mario Universe character, but I wouldn't object to him. I like the fluid, spidery way you describe his movements.

Nah, that's okay. I'm actually kind of starting to get into it a bit, now.
I'd love to work with you on a [more realistic] Skull Kid moveset.


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2013
How long did Roy take?I think it was somewhere between 300-400 hours which is about half the time Mewtwo took.

I'm going to guess the next 2 or 3 characters will be like Roy and not completely new like Mewtwo.


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2013
A brand new character will take more hours than Mewtwo because at least with him they had a base moveset available to them, as well as an idea of how he could be played competitively from Taj. Trying to come up with a solid moveset for a brand new character, figuring out its competitive niche, then putting in all the animations, making sure they look not completely terrible is going to be a LOT more work than for Mewtwo. I estimate about 1000 hours AT LEAST.

So most likely by next E3.

On another note, I'm posting this on my cell phone and I get like a 1 second lag for every character I type. It's really egregious, any other mobile users experiencing this? Because typing past the lag messes with what you're typing.


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2013
How could I forget about his Melee moveset to go off of...so it's probably like 1200 hours.

I'm hoping for 3 clones and 2 new characters for the last 5 slots,of course 5 new characters would be amazing,but that would be way to much work for the PMBR.


Smash Rookie
Nov 26, 2009
Is the voting over? If not, here's my vote.
Up Vote
Lyn (Fire Emblem) - She is a female, and the game lacks female character to use. She is extremely popular among the FE fans (speed over power). In addition, SSB really doesn't have much FE characters as Roy is basically a Marth a few different moveset and different attack properties.
Ridley (Metroid) - Samus been in the game since the first game, and no other character besides herself (counting ZSS) has ever made it in the game. The Metroid series are really neglected :(
SkullKid or Vaati (Legend of Zelda) - I don't really mind which of the 2. They were both good villains.
Isaac (Golden Sun) - The game he originated from was awesome. He is one of the best Assist Trophy (along with Lyn).
Hector (Fire Emblem) - I'm just a diehard Fire Emblem fan. I'm happy if either Lyn or Hector make it :/ .

1/2 Vote
Dixie Kong (Donkey Kong Country 2) - She is a female, and the game lacks female character to use. She is pretty iconic in the Donkey Kong series, and Donkey Kong Country 2 was rated as the best of the DK COUNTRY series.
Krystal (Starfox) - I don't really Star Fox, but I can see her as a playable character. However, only if she has unique and different moveset. It's sad how Fox, Falco and Wolf have near to identical moveset.

Down Vote
- Third Party character. There are plenty of Sonic fighting game, and I feel like adding characters 3rd party characters are just straying too far from the purpose of the game (Nintento Allstar).
Shadow - I don't mind it being an alternate costume but third party, so no.
Knuckles - Same reason as Tails.


Apr 13, 2008
Because the last time I voted, I listed no reasons, I don't think my votes were counted. Here is my official ballot:

↑ Up Vote
  1. Skull Kid & Majora — A phenomenally interesting and highly appreciated Legend of Zelda character who rose to stardom in Majora's Mask. Donning the titular mask, he floats around and wrecks havoc on all those who oppose, ignore, and even cower before him. An agent of evil? Chaos? The darkness surrounding this character comes from the mask, for Skull Kid is the puppet through which the mask fights. As such, it is Majora's Mask you truly control.
  2. Palutena — Goddess of Light and bestower of fate in the Kid Icarus series. She is the spiritual backbone of the series and possesses a great array of magic, both projectile, direct, and of summoning nature. With her staff she rules Skyworld and would bring a new challenge to Smash Bros. Also, +1 Female. Always a bonus.
  3. Black Shadow/Ganondorf — This is a win-win-win situation. F-Zero gets a new rep, Ganondorf gets a new, accurate moveset, and Black Shadow inherits Ganondorf's moveset so nothing is lost. No brainer.
  4. Ganon — Dark Beast Ganon, King of Evil, King of Darkness. Considering the Ganon property is in-game and clone rules don't apply to costumes, I would posit that a more classic Ganon (be it blue pig or OoT Ganon) is not out of the question. If Ganon made the roster, we'd have two Links, two Zeldas, and two Ganons. Ganon and Ridley could rival in hulking size, offsetting the awkwardness of otherwise being a lone huge character.
  5. Tingle — Yep. He's basically The Legend of Zelda's equivalent to Wario. Greedy older pudgy men who dress similarly to the hero. He could even sport his own series' logo: a Rupee.

1/2 Vote
  • Waluigi — It's Waluigi time!
  • Toad — It's Toad, c'mon! He's been there since the beginning.
  • King K. Rool — Ostensibly Donkey Kong's nemesis.
  • Tetra — Would be the third Zelda, but a toon version nonetheless, and a pirate. +1 female
  • Ridley — Obvious.
  • Lyn — I was going to up vote her, but she's got so many votes as is. Tingle doesn't...
  • Darkrai — I really dig this Pokémon. It could act as a Mewtwo-Ganondorf-Jigglypuff, putting to sleep enemies then tormenting them.
  • Sukapon — O.G.
  • Mach Rider — TOO COOL, would also be a nice rival to C. Falcon since he was the basis for the latter.
  • Isaac — Golden Sun was alright.
↓ Down Vote
  • Pichu — I would rather see other characters get a chance than see Pichu return from Melee. I'd use the "too many Pokémon argument", but there are some Pokémon I wouldn't mind.
  • Plusle & Minun — Too similar to Pichu and Pikachu.
  • All Sonic and Metal Gear characters — No more please. While there are some 3rd party characters I'd like to see enter Smash Bros., these are none of them. Smash is primarily a celebration of Nintendo and as a fan homage to the series, a continued celebration is necessary.


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
Down Vote
- Third Party character. There are plenty of Sonic fighting game, and I feel like adding characters 3rd party characters are just straying too far from the purpose of the game (Nintento Allstar).
Shadow - I don't mind it being an alternate costume but third party, so no.
Knuckles - Same reason as Tails.
I would like to point out that the Sonic series has only had 2 "fighting games". 1 of which was flat out terrible due to lack of mechanics (Sonic the Fighters) and the other barely qualifying as a fighter to begin with (Sonic Battle). If you consider this "plenty" then I can assume you are just trying to write off the series.

As for Shadow, you people really need to pay attention to Project M's main page. They will not make characters into costumes. This means Shadow, Tails, Knuckles, Silver, Metal Sonic, or anyone else will not be a costume for Sonic. That would be like turning Luigi into a costume for Mario.


Smash Rookie
Nov 26, 2009
I would like to point out that the Sonic series has only had 2 "fighting games". 1 of which was flat out terrible due to lack of mechanics (Sonic the Fighters) and the other barely qualifying as a fighter to begin with (Sonic Battle). If you consider this "plenty" then I can assume you are just trying to write off the series.

As for Shadow, you people really need to pay attention to Project M's main page. They will not make characters into costumes. This means Shadow, Tails, Knuckles, Silver, Metal Sonic, or anyone else will not be a costume for Sonic. That would be like turning Luigi into a costume for Mario.
a) The main point of my post is that they are 3rd party characters. Sure a few is nice but not more than 2.

b) The other main point of my post is that Shadow, Tails, Knuckles, etc are from their own series where they are always featured and make appearances. Whereas characters from nintendo (e.g. Dixie, Isaac or Lyn) have low chance of ever appearing again.

c) The main point of Shadow is that I'm not saying they should make a costume out of him, but I'm saying I don't think he should warrant a slot as a playable character. Although if they ever made a costume of Shadow, it should suffice.

d) Personally, I think any characters that is suggested deserve more of a chance than any of the Sonic characters since they are actually FROM NINTENDO.


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
No need to break it down. I understood the point of the post. As a Sonic enthusiast and P:M supporter, I was pointing out the unnecessary statements you have made. Nothing about Sonic having a fighting game or two of his own should be used as a point against the series. Your point was valid enough at 3rd party.

As for the costume ordeal. It is a suggestion often made without giving thought or research to P:M or Sonic. It wasn't a statement directed towards only you, but any person who suggests it in the future. PMBR made it clear that Shadow was not going to be a costume for Sonic under any circumstances. They are not the same person and it does not make sense.

To wrap this up, don't see this as an attack on your post. It is more of an informative reply.


Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2013
Free Country, USA
+1 Black Shadow/True Ganondorf - Seriously, F-Zero needs more representation, and this would be the best idea, since it also declones Ganon, but keeps his old moveset for current Falcon-dorf mains.


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
+1 Black Shadow/True Ganondorf - Seriously, F-Zero needs more representation, and this would be the best idea, since it also declones Ganon, but keeps his old moveset for current Falcon-dorf mains.
I don't see why it would be any trouble in just adjusting his moveset to compensate for the sword. Given the lack of speed and overwhelming power of his attacks, I'm surprised he doesn't have that range from the start. Even then, it looks like Ganondorf throws his body into his punches. It wouldn't be much of a chore to adjust the animations to fit his attacks with a sword.

Thane of Blue Flames

Fire is catching.
Nov 23, 2013
The other side of Sanity
But Smashondorf don't need swords.

Swords slow Smashondorf down.

He pulls it out to show you that he isn't even trying. That he COULD gut you like he's Ike's daddy any moment if he wanted to, but he wants to give you a fighting chance.



Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
Sounds fun. How should we do this? Just talk about it in the thread, or do we just do it all in PMs and post it all at once or what?
I think you guys should share it here. It would be nice to breed more discussion over the character.
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Smash Ace
Nov 6, 2013
A brand new character will take more hours than Mewtwo because at least with him they had a base moveset available to them, as well as an idea of how he could be played competitively from Taj. Trying to come up with a solid moveset for a brand new character, figuring out its competitive niche, then putting in all the animations, making sure they look not completely terrible is going to be a LOT more work than for Mewtwo. I estimate about 1000 hours AT LEAST.

So most likely by next E3.

On another note, I'm posting this on my cell phone and I get like a 1 second lag for every character I type. It's really egregious, any other mobile users experiencing this? Because typing past the lag messes with what you're typing.
Roy took a long time as well because he had new effects compared to Marth, Pichu would take a bit less time since he has all of Pikachu's effects, for Pichu it is about really changing Pikachu's move properties while adding a damage based on percent ability for Pichu

Anti Guy

Couch Tomato
Sep 27, 2001
Roy took a long time as well because he had new effects compared to Marth, Pichu would take a bit less time since he has all of Pikachu's effects, for Pichu it is about really changing Pikachu's move properties while adding a damage based on percent ability for Pichu
Is it possible for you to not write a post that brings up Pichu, even when it's not the subject of discussion?


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
Is it possible for you to not write a post that brings up Pichu, even when it's not the subject of discussion?
Why bother when you can significantly improve any post by mentioning Pichu?

Also this is my first post with the new board, what the heeeeeeeeeeeeeck?!?!?! Oh there's the smilies. :pichumelee:


Smash Ace
Nov 6, 2013
Is it possible for you to not write a post that brings up Pichu, even when it's not the subject of discussion?
we were on the topic of times it would take to create a new character for the clone engine, Pichu would just so happen to take the least amount of time to make :pichumelee:

Thane of Blue Flames

Fire is catching.
Nov 23, 2013
The other side of Sanity
we were on the topic of times it would take to create a new character for the clone engine, Pichu would just so happen to take the least amount of time to make :pichumelee:
If Pichu wasn't in fact decloned significantly from Pikachu, it would be a complete waste of potential and a clone slot.

So you know, we shouldn't be hoping for that to happen, convenient or not.


Smash Ace
Nov 6, 2013
If Pichu wasn't in fact decloned significantly from Pikachu, it would be a complete waste of potential and a clone slot.

So you know, we shouldn't be hoping for that to happen, convenient or not.
im just saying he could keep the same old moves but have different properties to some, like Falco is to Fox
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