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New Characters for Project M Discussion Thread (Voting Closed)

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Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2013
That would indeed be very interesting. Is there any character that could use this?
I was just joking, but I guess the closest character for that would be Samus. Make the motorcycle into a crawl like Samus' new crawl, maybe it could be the fastest crawl in thw game.

Alfonzo Bagpipez

Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2013
Also it looks like this thread has had a significant drop in traffic :( I loved seeing everyone post here with minute by minute frequency but I guess everyone's spending time with their family. My family's not doing anything so I have a lot of time to myself...
I miss the traffic here too :(. I have nothing to do, and I haven't been posting here because the current topic doesn't interest me and I have no more movesets to make. I'd make a Skull Kid moveset, but I don't know enough about Zelda, and my creative juices are waning.

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
I miss the traffic here too :(. I have nothing to do, and I haven't been posting here because the current topic doesn't interest me and I have no more movesets to make. I'd make a Skull Kid moveset, but I don't know enough about Zelda, and my creative juices are waning.
Same here, except the part about not knowing about Zelda. I'm still watching this place, I just don't have anything to add for the most part. Maybe I will build a Skull Kid moveset eventually, I'm just not in the mindset for it at the moment.


Smash Champion
Dec 4, 2013
Hive Temple
I think OrangeSodaGuy is right--we've discussed a lot of great characters that it's hard to think of anymore would excite a lot of people. All we can really do now is come up with movesets for characters again. Like, does anyone have a good idea of how Skull Kid would play? Did I miss someone's moveset for him?

Also it looks like this thread has had a significant drop in traffic :( I loved seeing everyone post here with minute by minute frequency but I guess everyone's spending time with their family. My family's not doing anything so I have a lot of time to myself...
I've followed this thread (as a guest) from the beginning. If my memory serves me correctly, most of the talk has been about, not in a specific order: Pichu, Isaac, Lyn, Skull Kid, Masked Man, 3rd parties and Blackondorf.

Other Fire Emblem chars, Dixie/K. Rool, Ridley and chars from obscure series receive some attention every 15 pages or so. And every 20-25 pages, some new character gets discussed.

I don't know what the purpose of this post was.


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2013
I miss the traffic here too :(. I have nothing to do, and I haven't been posting here because the current topic doesn't interest me and I have no more movesets to make. I'd make a Skull Kid moveset, but I don't know enough about Zelda, and my creative juices are waning.
All I know is that I can make movesets for characters that end up not very popular. Like I know so much about Mario and Mother characters but neither are desirable for another clone slot.

Though, even if he's very divisive, I might be muster enough creativity to make a Waluigi moveset. It'll be purely for fun.

...oh wow, the ideas! They're comin' a mile a minute! You guys can expect a Waluigi moveset sometime tomorrow.


[Get Ready]
Jan 27, 2010
I'm things will back up when a character is chosen, or after the hoildays are over.

Until then, enjoy my wolf face staring at you :)


Smash Lord
Oct 24, 2013
I think OrangeSodaGuy is right--we've discussed a lot of great characters that it's hard to think of anymore would excite a lot of people. All we can really do now is come up with movesets for characters again. Like, does anyone have a good idea of how Skull Kid would play? Did I miss someone's moveset for him?

Also it looks like this thread has had a significant drop in traffic :( I loved seeing everyone post here with minute by minute frequency but I guess everyone's spending time with their family. My family's not doing anything so I have a lot of time to myself...
Excite Biker confirmed for clone engine


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
You know what? I will.

Half-vote for Ray MK III or whatever you guys call him. (More robot-like/futuristic and cool characters are always welcome.)
Ray is most definitely cool. If you've not played custom Robot, I highly recommend it.

Oh gosh, you guys know what I just realized? Ray MK III and Sukapon would make good partners in the Subspace Emissary, or good rivals on the playing field. An innocent, goofy, physical fighter robot (Sukapon) vs a state of the art, action figure-esque, weapon heavy robot (Ray MK III).


Smash Ace
Dec 13, 2013
New Jersey
I'm all for Ray MK III. I don't THINK I gave him a 1/2 vote before. If I didn't before, I do give it to him now.


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
I wish Anti Guy was here to see this. Then again, I wish everyone was here. Ray would be getting tons of half-votes.


Apr 13, 2008
I wonder if Anti Guy is actually going to read through and accumulate all the strewn out votes in this thread?

Anti Guy

Couch Tomato
Sep 27, 2001
I wish Anti Guy was here to see this. Then again, I wish everyone was here. Ray would be getting tons of half-votes.

What's there to see?

I wonder if Anti Guy is actually going to read through and accumulate all the strewn out votes in this thread?

I have been doing so. Maybe not the last few since I've been on break.


Apr 13, 2008
I have been doing so. Maybe not the last few since I've been on break.
That is very admirable. There are many pages of lengthy, sometimes stressful discussions to sift through. Your commitment to collecting everyones' opinion will not go unnoticed. Thank you for being consistent and thorough.


Smash Champion
Oct 6, 2013
Good times, KY
I like both Mach Rider and Excitebiker, but they kinda overlap so that you can only have one. With Excitebiker you get the recognizability, but with Mach Rider you get some cool abilities, but you don't get much fan hype with either when you think about it.

Half votes for Mach Rider, Excitebiker, and Ray.

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
How does Rocket Science work?
Fixed that for you.

Basically, there are seven unused slots that can potentially hold characters. The Clone Engine copies an existing character to one of those slots and creates pointers to tell the unused CSS icons to load from those slots, and tells it where to load cosmetics from. The selection icons are added to the character select screen, then from there they can edit the cloned character however much they want within memory limits. If you want more detail, you'd be better off asking someone who is actually a part of PMBR. They're pretty much the only ones who know anything more than these basics about it. As far as I'm aware, no one in this thread is part of it, though I suppose I could be wrong.


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2013
It...I don't know
The PMBR is filled with magic wizards who will eventually take over video games with their sorcery.

I hope someone gets announced soon,they don't even need a trailer or anything I would just like to know who they decide on.


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2013
They are all gypsy sorcerers that fly on magic unicorns that are really smart and breath fire!The unicorns really figured it out and the PMBR is taking credit.

Charizard is the next character to be cloned from.


Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2013
That sounds hilarious, I wonder what the conversation was like

"Great Shenron please give Brawl the ability to have seven more character slots!"
"Really, just some slots? Not even some sound files too?"
"Nope, just the slots."
"You sure? Because if that's the case, you could just wish the characters you want in."
"...well we kinda don't know who to put in exactly. It's just there if we want it."
"...fine whatever. You're wish has been granted."
...It kinda falls apart when you think about it.

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
Doing anything more was clearly beyond his power. Even the Dragon Balls can only do so much, ya know. XD

Heh, reminds me of TFS Shenron -
"There are two horrible Saiyans coming to our planet, and we need Goku to be brought back to life in order to defeat them!"
"Really? You know... you could, um... just wish me - the magical dragon - to send them into an asteroid field! One crossed wire and BOOM! Right in the Sun!"
"No, you see, as long as we have Goku, we'll be fine."
"... Right. Yeah, okay, fine, whatever. I'll grant your wish! Just don't come crying to me when half of your stupid asses get killed! ... Ah, who am I kidding? You will."


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2013
I meant to post this yesterday but SmashBoards decided to update right as I hit Post Reply. Oh well.


So my Waluigi moveset's ready. Be warned, though--it all came to me in a dream induced by a crazy Mexican gypsy lady and her 1000-year-old libro de alucinaciones. Hope I ended up getting my severed monkey's head's worth--wrestling it out of an Egyptian mobster's grip is much harder than you think it is when you're only armed with a rope, a banana peel, a perfect D I C K Dastardly (spaces to avoid censoring) impression and a copy of the latest New York Times edition~

Overall philosophy behind Waluigi's playstyle

He'd basically be what Sakurai tried to do with vBrawl Wario: create one of the most trollish, wackiest, characters this side of Mr. Game & Watch, only with a lot of personality imbued into him. While he did succeed with his mission, it meant alienating many of Wario's signature abilities from his Wario Land, like basically all of his transformations (Fire Wario, Fat Wario, Zombie Wario)--any of which could've been implemented into his moveset a la Kirby having lots of his copy abilities in a single moveset. He also had his signature shoulder bash implemented weirdly as his side-smash, though I admit it fit his weirdness. All in all, Wario fans who liked doing those things were left in the dust with a character that sort of felt like Wario, but wasn't Wario.

Waluigi, though. Nobody knows who he is or what he does besides show up at sports and that he possesses a kickin' Mario Kart tune (Waluigi Pinball for life, baby) and a great remix of another game's tune (Destruction Dance is also fun dance time). He doesn't have his own game, so whatever we do with him can't misrepresent him no matter how crazy we get. He could be anything and nobody would have to be disappointed if he doesn't have Signature Attack X or Subtle Reference Y (but don't worry, I'll reference a few things). So after undergoing the gypsy's spell my mind ventured into whatever it wanted (bar anything the clone engine didn't permit--I held onto the Project M logo on my T-shirt to make sure the experience was grounded within actual possibility).

Something to keep in mind is that Waluigi moves kind of like Wario and G dubs in terms of the goal in his normal animations. Waluigi's body moves very fluidly, though--the difference is that instead of moving suddenly and sporadically he moves kind of like a spider. He's constantly flexing his arms and legs in very creepy ways. Like when he's walking it's a normal walk, but his "running" is just him taking very big steps. He'll still be janky though, as a lot of his creepiness comes from him suddenly extending his limbs. For added effect, most of his moves have him going "Waahh!" or "Waha!". Without further ado, my Waluigi moveset:


Eggplant Bomb (N-Special)

Waluigi throws an eggplant with a "Ha!". Where it lands and its trajectory depend on how long you hold B, similar to Snake's grenades. Unlike Snake's grenades, you can't move around while holding them. When it makes contact on the ground, the eggplant erupts into a purple vine covered in thorns for about one and a half seconds, leaving a hitbox that grows to the left and right of the impact point. Waluigi can only have two eggplants out at a time. If an eggplant hits someone instead of the ground it acts like Toon Link's bombs.

Waluigi Paddle (F-Special)

Waluigi swims through the air with high velocity going "Hrrrgh!" like his assist trophy yell. Think of it like R.O.B.'s side special when used on the ground, only it goes farther and the hitbox covers more since Waluigi's long body is horizontal during this move. It sends at a diagonally upward angle and can be cancelled on hit with anything except an air dodge.

Purple Power (D-Special)

Waluigi shoots purple fire (taken from the Darkness effect) out of his hands suddenly, with an assertive "Waa!". They're very powerful--lots of horizontal knockback. The flames don't have a lot of range and only last about half a second though, so early on they have to be used kind of like Squirtle's bubble, a gimping move. It becomes a reliable killing move at about 80% and higher.

Amethyst Rocket (U-Special)

Waluigi crouches and propels himself upward with the force of quickly extending all of his long gangly limbs, leaving purple fire in his wake. It's essentially a vertical version of Pikachu's Skull Bash, but it goes farther uncharged, can be angled left and right, and an opponent can't interrupt your recovery by being in your way since it knocks them away. If you charge it, you're only doing it to stall in the air like Diddy's U-Special, though charging it does mean more damage.


Jab: a 2-hit combo comprising of a snap of Waluigi's fingers followed by a far-reaching punch with the other hand. The snap emits purple fire in front of Waluigi, but there's a sweetspot on Waluigi's hands during the snap--connecting with it allows the opponent to be knocked into the punch's sweetspot, the fist, which allows the jab to send farther.

Dash Attack: Waluigi slides forward on one leg while stretching out with the other. Has good reach but little knockback.

F-Tilt: Waluigi thrusts a poking finger out suddenly after a few frames of him sticking out his head grinning--"Ha!". The head sticking out leaves him vulnerable and an easy target if you don't time the attack right, but it's worth it because the poke reaches very far since Waluigi's using his whole arm behind it, and it acts like a semi-spike.

D-Tilt: a quicker version of f-tilt but with half the range and it doesn't spike. He uses his leg instead.

U-Tilt: quickly waves his arm over his head. A good juggling move.

F-Smash: Waluigi brings his arms down hard, going "Hrrgh!". It's one of his few grounded disjointed attacks, so make good use of its range.

D-Smash: Waluigi gets on his head and he spins with his arms and legs stretched all the way out, covering his left and right admirably. "Waha!"

U-Smash: Waluigi extends his arms skyward, like Wario's u-tilt as a smash attack. "Wa!"


Waluigi's long limbs mean he has a grab range rivaling King Dedede. With that in mind:

Pummel: Waluigi thrusts his knee into his captive, using the purple flames for an added effect.

F-Throw: Waluigi punches the opponent into a diagonal angle, so it's a good throw for combos.

B-Throw: Essentially Kirby's back throw. What's Waluigi without a wrestling move? "Wahaha!"

D-Throw: Waluigi does a ton of kicks to the opponent on the ground like what his assist trophy does, before releasing the opponent. Good for racking up damage. "Hrrgh!"

U-Throw: He tosses the opponent above him as he crouches, then quickly extends his whole body for a powerful headbutt. "Wa!". Like forward throw it's good for combos.


N-air: Waluigi spins around with his limbs outstretched like Kirby. He has the most range of that kind of move.

F-Air: Essentially a vertical version of Captain Falcon's knee attack, and just as powerful. It has less range though, but if it's sweetspotted, you hear the same electricity sound and Waluigi gives his most enthusiastic "Waah!"

B-Air: a roundhouse kick like Lucas used to have, but not as powerful and has more range.

D-Air: Waluigi faces his body downward and dives down. Good for getting back to the ground quickly, it's like Zero Suit Samus' Brawl down aerial.

U-Air: swings his body above him like Mario's up aerial.

Obviously I made this moveset for fun, I don't expect anyone to like it or anyone to take it seriously, but I'd love if Waluigi was added in with similar wackiness. What do you guys think of this Waluigi? I think the character has a lot of malleability to be anyone the moveset creator wishes it could be.
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The Demon King
Dec 3, 2013
Up vote:
Original Ganondorf- either by having black shadow or this http://smashboards.com/threads/ganondorf-sword-mode-for-projectm.342640/ a Mod made by someone who is currently in the PMBR that gives Ganon an extra and unique move set when using Down taunt, it's extremely well done and something I use all the time.

Isaac- never played any of the Golden Sun games but he looks really cool an I would like to play a him. Also he is very original.

Ridley- This needs to happen Metroid needs another Character that isn't Samus. Beside using Charizard as base seems like a no brainer.

Lyn- I wouldn't mind another FE character so she's good imo. Besides a Katana swordsman would be sweet.

Half vote-

Tom Nook
Dixie Kong

Down Vote-

Pichu- enough pokemon!
Any Sonic character.


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2013
Hey where do we go to discuss the forum update? I like it a lot but I see a few things I dislike, such as my alerts being hidden from the top of the page but not my conversations.

EDIT: Oh, my alerts are in the little flag icon, that clears things up.

But I can't spoiler collapse anything! I checked and other collapse tags by other people aren't working either! How would I shrink my moveset to save page space then?

EDIT 2: Nevermind you just use [ spoiler ] tags instead of
tags. Disregard this post!

EDIT 3: okay so BOTH work. Ugh, whatever SmashBoards...
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Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
They troll everyone and all the remaining clone slots are Sonic characters
Even a Sonic fan like myself doesn't want 5 more Sonic characters. 1 more is enough for me honestly. But if we don't get 1, oh well.
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Smash Ace
Nov 6, 2013
Hey where do we go to discuss the forum update? I like it a lot but I see a few things I dislike, such as my alerts being hidden from the top of the page but not my conversations.

EDIT: Oh, my alerts are in the little flag icon, that clears things up.

But I can't spoiler collapse anything! I checked and other collapse tags by other people aren't working either! How would I shrink my moveset to save page space then?
is spoiler tag working?
test test
I miss the old lay out :(
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