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New Characters for Project M Discussion Thread (Voting Closed)

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Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
I had, I just didn't know how it could be used in Tails's moveset outside of just cloning the upb.
Well, I think they can change it into pretty much anything they want. They just need an article to work with. So, they could possibly convert it into his blaster, from SSF2.
Solbliminal, would you be upset if Tails made it into Project M?
That's what I don't get. He wants a Sonic character enough to suggest Blaze and Emerl, but he's absolutely against Tails, which is the one that's the most likely of any of them.


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
Solbliminal, would you be upset if Tails made it into Project M?
Part of me would. But I would be happy others got what they wanted. I'm not greedy with my choices. I just want to see someone I like for once. Yes I enjoy the cast as is, but none of them are personal attachments.


Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2013
Sonic fan turmoils. This game is a mod of Brawl inspired by Melee, it's roster is going to mostly consist of Brawl characters. When the clone engine worked, their primary goal was to bring back Melee characters.
This topic then began on SMASHboards, which is obviously a Nintendo franchise, and asked players who should be put in and many guidelines were put in. These guidelines made it so only characters who were in the game could be put in and, there was the implication that third parties could sue if they didn't want Shadow/Tails/whoever in. Not to mention, most people here play more Nintendo games then just Sonic here, look at Isaac/Ridley support due to people's interest in other franchises.

Face it, if you're playing this game solely for attachment for Sonic, you're going to be disappointed the whole way through.
On and Sonic is solid, just gotta learn him.


Apr 13, 2008
If you really want another Sonic character, program it yourself. There are characters I'd love to play in Smash, but I know they won't make it into Project M or Smash 4 (Impa...) and since I possess neither the programming knowledge or interest to develop a new character, I've resolved that what is available is good enough. Be grateful!


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2013
Yeah, what Spire said. Also, I don't know why but I feel like the only one repeating this: when it's ready to be used effectively, the PMBR will release the Clone Engine to the public. As in, if you're disappointed with the final roster, you can just take a character out and make one yourself. Even if you lack the programming knowledge to do something big like that, remember that there are most likely going to be communities surfacing in light of the Clone Engine being public, and more likely than not someone else just as willing as you to learn to use it to put in your wanted character.

For example: I'm positive as all heck no one will want Toad filling up one of the remaining 5 clone engine slots, but a modding community that knows how to use the clone engine might express interest and can help you form a Toad Clone Engine thread to help you include him in your mod at least. The same thing will happen with Sonic fans, don't you worry about it one bit.


Smash Lord
Mar 19, 2007
[Hide my Location]
Here's a wider range of possibilities for Joy Mech Fight's series symbol:

I went over the top row in my big post about Sukapon, the other eight are new.
  • Fifth is Sukapon being created in JMF's opening; kinda complex (although could have certain aspects changed or omitted), not too important, and features the character herself.
  • Sixth is the mic used by Sukapon as a comedian; although character-specific rather than series-encompassing, it fits right in with symbols like Kid Icarus's and Fire Emblem's, and could have the stand shortened or cropped so that its dimensions are more equal, thus I think it's another of the better options.
  • Seventh is a torn diagram based on one seen in the lab in the story's opening; vague enough to not be any particular robot, yet presents the characters' essential body structure, but it might not be too recognizable as a poster, and if only the schematic then it's kinda bland.
  • Eighth is a chip Ermin places on the first few mechs to turn them to his side; an important plot element, but hard to recognize when two-tone.
  • Ninth, tenth, and eleventh are from a screen in the background of an arena where several of the fights take place; eleventh in-particular is, I think, the best choice. It's simple, recognizable, and although not descriptive of the gameplay (besides the first boss being a bird), it's certainly descriptive of tone, so it could make for a weird little thing that makes sense to those who've played, kinda like Ice Climber's eggplant.
  • Twelfth is a machine based on the title screen; could be trimmed down to decrease complexity, and although used nowhere else in the game, the squiggliness is appropriate.
Also, I've been thinking about the actual movements required of a character, and a lot more of them than I previously realized are generic enough that I don't think they would stand out from the rest of Sukapon's movements if they were straight-ripped from another character. Animations like using ladders, hanging from edges, being held in a grab, or when shot by Zamus's Paralyzer just don't have much room for being unique.

I also realized that Sukapon has another thing going for her that no other character does: a lack of an established fanbase. While it does mean there would be less initial hype if she were revealed, that's not something that's important in the long run. Rather, as the player community and Sukapon's playerbase grows, Project M could lay claim to the character as one that is solely its own. Whenever someone is a fan Sukapon, you would be able to bank on them being a fan of Pro:M, and that's something that's pretty cool.
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Smash Lord
Oct 23, 2007
I'm just frustrated okay? I've yet to see a character in P:M that I actually personally want.
So what? Most people are in the same case as you. I could care less about Roy and Mewtwo in their respective games and don't play as either in Project M. Doesn't make them any less awesome of additions. There are 5 or 6 characters who I regularly play as, so that's 10-12 new match ups for me to learn. Sounds to me like you're just being self entitled and cranky. I get it, I really do, Pichu has almost as many haters around here as Sonic characters do, but I still never complained about the premise of getting new characters. It doesn't matter who they add, anyone they pick will be good for the life cycle of Project M.


Smash Champion
Dec 4, 2013
Hive Temple
I think the only inclusion that would actually make me angry would be someone Tingle-y. Even there, it could be amusing to have a troll character. As much as I don't appreciate some Sonic characters, Pichu, and literally half the characters getting voted here, I would still be happy to get more choices to play with, seeing as I usually try to know how to play each character. It's like getting candy. You can't say no, no matter what the flavor is (except for liquorice, I hate that ****).


Smash Champion
Mar 10, 2010
Shoreline, WA
What's not to like? He's a fun character. I honestly can't see how anyone would dislike him, he's a fun character from a fun game.
Fun is a strong word for an incredibly annoying and deluded guy in a leotard and outside-his-pants underwear who thinks he's younger than he is and bankrupts you at any opportunity. His own brothers (who are essentially slave labor in WW) hate him. His mustache and goatee are terrible and I despise the way he talks.


[Get Ready]
Jan 27, 2010
Fun is a strong word for an incredibly annoying and deluded guy in a leotard and outside-his-pants underwear who thinks he's younger than he is and bankrupts you at any opportunity. His own brothers (who are essentially slave labor in WW) hate him. His mustache and goatee are terrible and I despise the way he talks.

I usually get hated on for saying I don't like tingle on the other threads. I seriously don't understand the fascination with him, I've always disliked that weirdo for those reasons you've listed and more.

Ghirahim is not awesome, HE'S FABULOUS!


Smash Champion
Mar 10, 2010
Shoreline, WA

I usually get hated on for saying I don't like tingle on the other threads. I seriously don't understand the fascination with him, I've always disliked that weirdo for those reasons you've listed and more.
He definitely didn't deserve a sub-series of games.


[Get Ready]
Jan 27, 2010
To be fair, he's one of the most popular Zelda characters that exist in Japan. We all know what their sense of humor is like.
That dog isn't acting like a weird deluded, fairy-obsessed, rupee sucking pedophile. (the commercial was funny btw).

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
That dog isn't acting like a weird deluded, fairy-obsessed, rupee sucking pedophile. (the commercial was funny btw).
I was mainly talking about the weird dancing and creepy way he looked at the kid, but I'll grant the fairy-obsessed and rupee sucking points.

It gives off the same feel that Tingle does. That's just Japanese humor for ya.


Smash Ace
Oct 23, 2013
QLD, Australia
Guys, get a load of this. I'm tired of that horrid little hedgehog. It's time for a change of pace. We need Eggman in this game. It might take some effort, but if the PMBR has all systems full power, I'm sure they could do it. He would be a great addition to the cast. You know what the say, the more the merrier!

EDIT: This is a joke. I don't actually want Eggman. As far as Sonic characters go, Tails, followed by Shadow. Most significant and also easiest to clone. But we're not even getting any of them at all, so...


Smash Ace
Oct 23, 2013
QLD, Australia
I despise the change from "Robotnik" to "Eggman."

The dude is clearly shaped like an egg. He was always meant to be Eggman. The real mystery here is why they changed his name from Eggman to Robotnik outside of Japan in the first place.

EDIT: Also, his real name technically is still Ivo Robotnik. Eggman is just an alias of sorts.


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2013
I despise the change from "Robotnik" to "Eggman."
Me neither, but he was always called Eggman in Japan, so they pulled a Peach and reverted it. Unlike with Peach, the original name sounded dumb and I liked the American name better.


Smash Champion
Dec 4, 2013
Hive Temple
What the hell happened here? I was just being sarcastic with that phrase, and I didn't say I hated the guy, that's why I used the word Tingle-y. Gotta admit he's a bit too weird doe...

Anyways, Robotnik could be pretty cool I guess, and while I don't really care about the representation issue, I can always welcome more villains to the cast.


Smash Lord
Oct 23, 2007
Fun is a strong word for an incredibly annoying and deluded guy in a leotard and outside-his-pants underwear who thinks he's younger than he is and bankrupts you at any opportunity. His own brothers (who are essentially slave labor in WW) hate him. His mustache and goatee are terrible and I despise the way he talks.

Exactly! He's completely twisted and potentially slightly evil but at the same time totally childish. And he dresses similarly to Link but he's a 35 year old man, that to me almost seems like a playful jab at the older fans of the series. It's all just so silly but also slightly dark if you stop to think about it. Besides, plenty of villains have fans. They aren't fans of the person in a hypothetical world where they were real, they're fans of the character. In that regard I don't see what's worth hating unless you're too petty to separate the character from the unsavory gameplay mechanic (which, personally, I loved. I hated how they botched that segment in WWHD)

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
What the hell happened here? I was just being sarcastic with that phrase, and I didn't say I hated the guy, that's why I used the word Tingle-y. Gotta admit he's a bit too weird doe...

Anyways, Robotnik could be pretty cool I guess, and while I don't really care about the representation issue, I can always welcome more villains in the cast.
Ivo would be fine. I'd still greatly prefer Tails, but I wouldn't rage if the good doctor was added instead.
It's all just so silly but also slightly dark if you stop to think about it.
Well, he did originate from Majora's Mask. He's got to have some kind of darkness hidden in those bright, green tights.
I don't see what's worth hating unless you're too petty to separate the character from the unsavory gameplay mechanic (which, personally, I loved. I hated how they botched that segment in WWHD)
I don't hate him, I just find him unfunny and boring, and slightly creepy in that 'touch-you-as-you-sleep' kind of way. I didn't care about the insane amount he charged for the map translations, I found it fun finding all the maps and hunting down the Triforce pieces. He's pretty fun to make fun of, though.


Smash Champion
Dec 4, 2013
Hive Temple
I really need to get around to playing MM, seems like a damn fine game. Maybe then I could justify my support for Skull Kid (and Tingle :troll:).


Smash Champion
Mar 10, 2010
Shoreline, WA
Exactly! He's completely twisted and potentially slightly evil but at the same time totally childish. And he dresses similarly to Link but he's a 35 year old man, that to me almost seems like a playful jab at the older fans of the series. It's all just so silly but also slightly dark if you stop to think about it. Besides, plenty of villains have fans. They aren't fans of the person in a hypothetical world where they were real, they're fans of the character. In that regard I don't see what's worth hating unless you're too petty to separate the character from the unsavory gameplay mechanic (which, personally, I loved. I hated how they botched that segment in WWHD)
There is nothing likable about him to me. He's not endearing, he's just weird and creepy. I told you I don't like his character design and I don't like the way he talks or acts. So what would there be for me to like?
Oh, and let's never forget his role in FSA where he was directly opposed to you the entire game.

Also, I find it difficult to believe anyone who played WW more than once enjoyed the Triforce quest. It's nothing but a slog where there should have been a dungeon, that incidentally also forced me to interact with one of the worst characters Zelda has to offer. The improved sail and decrease in charts to find and go broke translating is a serious boon; the quest flows better without the charts and the entire game is improved by it. I would never call fixing something stupid botching it.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 17, 2010
in a yellow submarine
I cannot comprehend the thought that people like Tingle.
Tingle always struck me as one of those characters that you love to hate. Yeah, he's annoying and lame, but his lameness makes him almost endearing. He's such a lame character that he's impossible to take seriously. In that sense, I don't mind him and I wouldn't mind his inclusion, just because of how salty people would get over losing to him.

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
Tingle always struck me as one of those characters that you love to hate. Yeah, he's annoying and lame, but his lameness makes him almost endearing. He's such a lame character that he's impossible to take seriously. In that sense, I don't mind him and I wouldn't mind his inclusion, just because of how salty people would get over losing to him.
Just to really rub it in, his victory animation and one of his taunts would be that "Tingle Tingle Koolooh Limpah" dance of his.
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