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New Characters for Project M Discussion Thread (Voting Closed)

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Smash Lord
Oct 24, 2013
And like I've said before, the anti-representation argument is just as bull****. This is a mod project of a game that IS based on representing series. It's a game based on BRINGING MAJOR NINTENDO CHARACTERS TO PLAY AGAINST EACH OTHER FROM ITS INCEPTION. There is no rule to abide by that in this mod, but there is also no rule against it. To throw out any semblance of trying to keep the game in its all-star spirit and to flame those who have that mindset is to **** on the culture that has been the heart of the game and its fanbase since the beginning. It also wouldn't fit with the professionalism that the mod has been trying to be consistent with. Don't be so close-minded, all of you.
Well then if we don't count pros or cons based on representation, people will want to, and if we do, certain people WONT want to.

Everyone really needs to agree on whether or not it matters. We could put it to a vote...

Didn't mean to pseudo-yell. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVke__4OZ-0


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
Final Smash should clone Luigi's where he pulls off a Disco Dance that leaves opponents completely dazed and amazed.

Throws cats.
Absorbs projectile hits with his 'fro.
Spins around to recover.
Blinds opponent using a "disco flash"
If there's any way to use a disco ball to reflect an energy projectile in 8 directions at the same time, it would be freaking AWESOME.


Hold on guys. If we want DANCERS, who's open to the idea of AGENT J from Elite Beat Agents?


Smash Apprentice
Sep 18, 2009
Speaking of Zelda reps (not to dissuade people from discussing Ridley or the Masked man of course!) was Tingle ever discussed? Yeah he's creepy but he's the only recurring Zelda character not in yet, and he could have a move set around his balloons (balloon fighter/villager style) and dropping bombs, throwing rupees, etc. Plus he has a spinoff series to get inspiration from.

EDIT: Or Balloon Fighter! I wanted him in back in the pre brawl days!


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
Final Smash should clone Luigi's where he pulls off a Disco Dance that leaves opponents completely dazed and amazed.

Throws cats.
Absorbs projectile hits with his 'fro.
Spins around to recover.
Blinds opponent using a "disco flash"
If there's any way to use a disco ball to reflect an energy projectile in 8 directions at the same time, it would be freaking AWESOME.


Hold on guys. If we want DANCERS, who's open to the idea of AGENT J from Elite Beat Agents?

That's not Jimmy T. But no seriously. I wanna see another WarioWare character, rather it be Ashley or Jimmy T.


Smash Ace
Dec 13, 2013
New Jersey
I'm new to posting in here, so these are my first votes. I'd like to give:
+ 1 for Lyn,
+ 1 for Isaac,
+ 1 for Ganondorf/Black Shadow,
+ 1 for MaskedMan/Claus,
+ 1 for Ridley

Half votes for:
Hector and Sukapon ((Apologies to my man, Hector. He has no real shot at this point, but I love him anyway))

I'd also like to give a negative vote to Pichu. Nothing too personal for the little guy, but Pokemon is a bit oversaturated in the roster. And I'd rather see buffs to Pikachu than a clone.... I may be a hypocrite for this one, but if it were RAICHU on the other hand, he'd get 1 of my votes in a heartbeat :p

Honestly, I'd give anything for Lyn to be in this game. The fact that she's from 5 Fire Emblem games (Sacred Stones, Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn, Shadow Dragon, and Awakening / 6 if you count the Japan only sequel to Shadow Dragon) ago really makes her inclusion beyond unlikely for Smash 4. She was my favorite main character in the series.

Though even if she doesn't get in, Kirby's recent inclusion makes me giddy :kirby:

EDIT: Taking away my negative vote. I don't want to be harsh on the little guy.


Apr 13, 2008
I'm curious.

Why do so many people want Lyn? I've never played a Fire Emblem game and typically couldn't care less for the inclusion of more characters thereof, but she has a TON of support. There are certain characters I'm rooting for that I understand because I've grown attached over many, many years. Is Lyn considered not just a popular FE character, but a popular Nintendo character? Or is her support really only strong in the Smash Bros. community?

She was made into an Assist Trophy so I take it she was popular even before Brawl. From my understanding, she was one of the protagonists in the first western Fire Emblem release—the same game that Roy debuted in. Was this the game that skyrocketed her popularity? I'd really appreciate some fans' explanations about her voluptuous background as I've just been left in the dark.


Edit: I really dig her FE Awakening appearance, and if she were to be created for Project M, I'd rally for that look instead of her banal AT design. She also apparently wields a bow, so a split Katana/Bow moveset could be really healthy for the saturated sword market in Smash... even though Link, Toon Link, and Pit have that covered... I really want to support her, but damnit she just seems so redundant. At least she's female. We need more female characters.

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
Speaking of Zelda reps (not to dissuade people from discussing Ridley or the Masked man of course!) was Tingle ever discussed? Yeah he's creepy but he's the only recurring Zelda character not in yet, and he could have a move set around his balloons (balloon fighter/villager style) and dropping bombs, throwing rupees, etc. Plus he has a spinoff series to get inspiration from.

EDIT: Or Balloon Fighter! I wanted him in back in the pre brawl days!
Weeeellll, Tingle is the one Zelda character who makes me viscerally afraid to look him in the eyes, so I'mma have to say no to him.

Balloon Fighter, on the other hand, would be very fun and interesting. I've also thought about him being in Smash on occasion, especially since he was considered for Melee. He has basically zero chance for Smash 4 since Villager has his one, iconic item for his recovery.


Apr 13, 2008
I wonder what would happen if the PMBR contacted Konami and asked for permission to use Dracula or Simon Belmont...?


Smash Ace
Dec 13, 2013
New Jersey
Roy didn't debut in the first western Fire Emblem release (FE7), his father Eliwood was the main lord. (unless you count a cameo scene of Roy as a child). Even then, it was a prequel to FE6 which never made it stateside (which is where Roy is from. And old man Eliwood).

My exposure to Fire Emblem was simply Melee, where I loved the character designs, but had no access to the series. Then, when FE7 came stateside, I fell for the series. Hard. There's a lot to her "intro chapters" that come before the Eliwood/Hector game modes. It's basically an extended tutorial showing Lyn finding out about her heritage and claiming her right to the throne. That said, a lot of the appeal to certain Fire Emblem characters come from their support conversations. And I'd argue that FE7 had some of the best supports in the series. Lyn was the speedy glass-cannon, Hector was the heavy-unit, and Eliwood was somewhere in between with a magic horse that popped in from nowhere upon Promotion to the next class.

Lyn's speed was her main draw for me. In Fire Emblem, being a certain speed higher than your opponent means you attack twice in a confrontation. And her critical animations (the one in her moves list description linked in the first post is only one of her crit animations. Which I'm pretty sure there were at least 3, 4 if you include her using a bow) were pretty amazing and badass.

Despite loving the series, Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones (FE8) felt inferior with forgettable characters. Fire Emblem: Path Of Radiance was pretty well liked, and it was that game and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn that brought us Ike. Radiant Dawn.... fans of the series were disappointed.

I was really happy with Fire Emblem: Awakening, though. And feel it is the best game in the series since FE7.

The problem with Fire Emblem characters in Smash, is it seems they only focus on Marth (the first lord in the series) and whoever was the main character in the most recent / upcoming game (Roy was a walking advertisement for FE6 in Japan, Ike was there to promote FE9 and FE10). Which means even Ike isn't likely to survive to Smash 4 (probably going to be replaced by Chrom from Awakening). So Lyn wasn't even a contender for a Smash slot mainly due to when her game came out in relation to Melee (too late) and Brawl (too early).

EDIT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tibhK8tjLyI is a video of the criticals that show up in the GBA Fire Emblem games. Lyn's set starts at 1:30. The video reminded me that Lyn had a VERY high base critical chance / high LUC stat. Which basically meant she'd be able to have a 30% chance to critical with a generic sword, and as seen in one of the crits in the vids, upwards of an 80% chance to crit with the Lyn-specific swords in the game. There are characters who have a lower percent chance to get a generic hit in. And the crits do 3 times damage in Fire Emblem, so high luck is a god send.

Roy's set of criticals is immediately after Lyn if you are curious about his in game style.


Smash Champion
Dec 4, 2013
Hive Temple
It's modifications of the base, but unless the desired move is, like, a projectile or something they can change the animation/stats/everything to be 100% unrecognizable.

Who did they exactly clone Mewtwo from? I can't come up with a single character in the cast whose moveset comes remotely close...


Smash Cadet
Feb 23, 2012
North California
Lyndis is popular largely because she's the first lord introduced in the west amd would personally interact with your character and discuss events with you, while everyone else's acknowledgement of you kinda ended at "hi". So even though Eliwood amd Hector stepped in as lords too, the players connected with her more. She's also largely popular for being a female lord, something rare. The only other female lords are Celica (from an old Japanese only title most haven't played), Micaiah (generally disliked as a character) and the recent Lucina (female Marth clone). Lyndis does use a sword, but her fighting style is very distinct from every other lord implementing and Iaido technique.

Also she wears no pants.


Smash Champion
Dec 4, 2013
Hive Temple
Lucario. It took a lot of effort to get him to be like his Melee self, but as you can see, he doesn't even resemble Lucario any more.

They have really done a good job then. I figured that Lucario was the base, but man, only his Usmash, his Fsmash and neutral B look the same...


Smash Ace
Dec 13, 2013
New Jersey
The only other female lords are Celica (from an old Japanese only title most haven't played), Micaiah (generally disliked as a character) and the recent Lucina (female Marth clone). Lyndis does use a sword, but her fighting style is very distinct from every other lord implementing and Iaido technique.

Also she wears no pants.
One addition: Eirika from Sacred Stones.

You could also argue for Elincia from Path Of Radiance / Radiant Dawn because Princess/Queen is essentially a Lord class.


Smash Lord
Oct 23, 2007
They have really done a good job then. I figured that Lucario was the base, but man, only his Usmash, his Fsmash and neutral B look the same...
And final smash. I tested it just because I was curious. Mewtwo's FS is Lucario's but on roids and Roy's is Marth's but janky and kinda glitchy looking.


Smash Cadet
Feb 23, 2012
North California
I forgot about Eirika lol. Though really Lyndis is still better received than her, as is FE7 over Sacred Stones in general.


Smash Lord
Jan 18, 2011
One addition: Eirika from Sacred Stones.

You could also argue for Elincia from Path Of Radiance / Radiant Dawn because Princess/Queen is essentially a Lord class.
The problem with that is Elincia is a Pegasus Knight. She'd have infinite recovery lol. Eirika probably would move very similar to Marth or the way we imagine Lyn, due to her high skill. But canonwise, Eirika uses a strict fencing style until she promotes.


Smash Ace
Dec 13, 2013
New Jersey
You know, I think my Fire Emblem love would be sated with a Smash game of just Fire Emblem characters of the various classes. Lords get unique entries, repeat classes can have skins for the various incarnations of the class :p

I'd probably have the most fun with the mage classes. Or the overpowered Tactician from Awakening (Magic + Swords + can have skills from any class... He/She could arguably be the Kirby / Random play style character of the game)

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
And final smash. I tested it just because I was curious. Mewtwo's FS is Lucario's but on roids and Roy's is Marth's but janky and kinda glitchy looking.
Yeah... I forgot about the FS.

You know, I wish they would've used the Final Smash from Thany's Roy, it fits a lot better than the one he has now.


Smash Lord
Oct 24, 2013
I was just joking, I didn`t mean to offend you or anything and if I did then I`m sorry.
It's fine. I've had a long week so please forgive me if I'm a little irritable on this thread.

I'm liking a lot of the new ideas out here (JIMMY FREAKIN' T.) When are we allowed to vote again?

I've got some ideas for Jimmy just to throw out there. His recolors could be of his family members, and most importantly, Jimmy P.

His Side-B could be a skiing attack, like the Wario Bike but behaving differently.

He totally needs a taunt where a cat walks out from behind him, meows or whatever to get his attention, then hides. That stage in Smooth Moves was the best thing ever. Another taunt would be his signature pose, holding his cell phone.

His dash attack could be him dashing forward, sliding on his Afro and spin kicking. D-smash could be Wario's old D-smash (someone mentioned it earlier.) Most of his other A moves could be quick dance poses.

And somehow we have to incorporate Scratchy the Fro' Bug.


Dynamic Duo
Nov 15, 2007
I wonder what would happen if the PMBR contacted Konami and asked for permission to use Dracula or Simon Belmont...?
If only that could actually happen. (Miracles can happen I guess.)

I'd ****in die if they made Simon playable, because oh my god. Amazing. Instant main. Castlevania <3.

However, I doubt Konami'd agree to that unless they could make done money out of it.

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
If only that could actually happen. (Miracles can happen I guess.)

I'd ****in die if they made Simon playable, because oh my god. Amazing. Instant main. Castlevania <3.

However, I doubt Konami'd agree to that unless they could make done money out of it.
Pretty much. Not to mention Konami and PMBR both would be wary of Nintendo's lawyers if something like that happened. They'd be more likely to ask Nintendo to put him in Smash 4.


Smash Champion
Mar 10, 2010
Shoreline, WA
Pretty much. Not to mention Konami and PMBR both would be wary of Nintendo's lawyers if something like that happened. They'd be more likely to ask Nintendo to put him in Smash 4.
He should be in Smash Bros. Simon fits so much better than Snake...not to mention being significantly more important to Nintendo.


Smash Lord
Oct 23, 2007
I'm pretty sure if we ever get a game where Mario, Sonic, Mega Man, and Simon fight each other I'd poop my pants in excitement.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 18, 2009
Just because something can happen, that doesn't mean it should. :p
hahaha fair enough :)

I'll admit that he terrifies me on some very deep level, but I do think he'd be an interesting addition to the roster. That said, the hype he'd generate wouldn't come close to other characters that they could announce, and I think his inclusion would be met with a resounding "WAT", so I don't think he's particularly likely.

Back on topic, here's a few quick haikus about my favorite purple dragonsaur:

Ridley not too big
Space pirate leader so cool
Please PMBR

Purple strong and cool
He killed Samus's parents
Think of all the hype

And one for a certain Masked Man:

Masked Man Mother 3
Thunder sword and wings and PSI
So easy to clone
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