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New Characters for Project M Discussion Thread (Voting Closed)

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Smash Lord
Oct 23, 2007
I feel there is a lot more to Kafei than people realize. He was the first playable side character, his backstory is deeper than any of the side characters from that game, he is practically considered a much bigger character in the manga, he is a rather interesting replacement for Young Link since he has attributes that make Kafei physically superior to him (much more agile and retains his adult strength).

As far as his story goes, it is much deeper if you wear Kafei's mask and ask people about him. Some people will reveal bits of information about him, such as how he was part of the Bomber's Secret Society of Justice and his closest friend runs the Night Shop of stolen goods. The Keaton Mask was given to him from the same theif who runs the Night Shop, back when they were kids.

So what I'm gathering from this post is all his moves will be exposition and plot development. Interesting concept, but I don't see how that'd fit in a competitive environment unless the goal is have the most interesting stories to tell the grand kids.


Apr 13, 2008
I feel there is a lot more to Kafei than people realize. He was the first playable side character, his backstory is deeper than any of the side characters from that game, he is practically considered a much bigger character in the manga, he is a rather interesting replacement for Young Link since he has attributes that make Kafei physically superior to him (much more agile and retains his adult strength).

As far as his story goes, it is much deeper if you wear Kafei's mask and ask people about him. Some people will reveal bits of information about him, such as how he was part of the Bomber's Secret Society of Justice and his closest friend runs the Night Shop of stolen goods. The Keaton Mask was given to him from the same theif who runs the Night Shop, back when they were kids.
Kafei was a highlighted side character in one Legend of Zelda. If someone wanted to get creative and replace Toon Link with Kafei while retaining his moveset, I wouldn't complain—but as far as being an additional character, too many others deserve a chance before him. Even Tingle. Given that Skull Kid appears in Brawl as both a sticker (MM, OoT), and trophy (TP), and that he's a far better representative of Majora's Mask, If that game were to get repped, you know Kafei would lose to him. Such a curious character, I wonder who he'd begin as a clone from?

Moreover, can Mewtwo and Roy be cloned?


Smash Champion
Mar 10, 2010
Shoreline, WA
Kafei could be interesting as the replacement for Young Link that everybody seems to want, but I'd still have to vote for Skull Kid and Tetra before him.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 2, 2013
Omaha, Nebraska
Oh, ROB had no attacks, I see now that Kafei had a full moveset hidden under that Moon's Mask.

Kafei still had one. Nice try, though.
I'm not trying to be snarky, there's no need to throw things in my face.

I don't know anything about Kafei, nor do I support/care about him becoming playable. My point is that ROB's moveset came out of nowhere, and he still does well; he's a popular/unique character. So is Captain Falcon. Also, I have no doubt the Wii Fit Trainer (and Villager? I don't know much about Animal Crossing) will be well-received despite having the same "problem," so that argument by itself, is debunked.


Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2013
Naked in Magicant
If people doesnt want Ridley because he is a boss and would be weird a Playable Ridley vs Boss Ridley, then the same would happen with Isaac...
Also this is Project M so that argument is senseless.


Smash Lord
Oct 23, 2007
If people doesnt want Ridley because he is a boss and would be weird a Playable Ridley vs Boss Ridley, then the same would happen with Isaac...
Also this is Project M so that argument is senseless.

I'm still waiting for the day the PMBR remove all costumes except the default ones so we don't have to sit through those absurd Fox v Fox matches. There's only one Fox McCloud, it doesn't make any sense to have Fox fighting himself but in a red jacket.


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
I'm not trying to be snarky, there's no need to throw things in my face.

I don't know anything about Kafei, nor do I support/care about him becoming playable. My point is that ROB's moveset came out of nowhere, and he still does well; he's a popular/unique character. So is Captain Falcon. Also, I have no doubt the Wii Fit Trainer (and Villager? I don't know much about Animal Crossing) will be well-received despite having the same "problem," so that argument by itself, is debunked.

Ya! Some of the characters with next-to-no actual moves have had some of the most interesting movesets. Ice Climbers come to mind - unless I'm remembering wrong, all they could do in their game was hit with a hammer. I don't ~think~ they actually had ice attacks. So all that was kind of just invented for them, and the 2-in-1 fighting style was a very loose interpretation of the fact that it was one of the first simultaneous co-op games evar.

And Ness is a great example of how a character from a single game can adopt the abilities of other characters without it feeling weird or out of place.

But mostly I'm just hoping a message saying "SITE CANNOT BE FOUND" doesn't pop up. Please Smashboards, stay with me...!


Smash Lord
Oct 23, 2007
I'm not trying to be snarky, there's no need to throw things in my face.

I don't know anything about Kafei, nor do I support/care about him becoming playable. My point is that ROB's moveset came out of nowhere, and he still does well; he's a popular/unique character. So is Captain Falcon. Also, I have no doubt the Wii Fit Trainer (and Villager? I don't know much about Animal Crossing) will be well-received despite having the same "problem," so that argument by itself, is debunked.

The difference between Kafei and WFT/VIllager is that while none of these individuals fight they do actually...do stuff. WFT is a fitness coach and Villager does all sorts of odd jobs and hobbies while living in his village. Kafei collects his mail, tells you his story of woe, and pushes blocks.

Anti Guy

Couch Tomato
Sep 27, 2001
If there's one thing that many characters in Smash Bros have taught us, it's that what they do or can do in their games have no impact on whether they make it on or not. Anyone can be a "fighter." Even Capcom is taking tips from that when they made Phoenix Wright a playable character in MVC3.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 2, 2013
Omaha, Nebraska
The difference between Kafei and WFT/VIllager is that while none of these individuals fight they do actually...do stuff. WFT is a fitness coach and Villager does all sorts of odd jobs and hobbies while living in his village. Kafei collects his mail, tells you his story of woe, and pushes blocks.
I see you. He does sound lame from your description, but obviously he made more of an impression on other people, so I dunno. Where there's a prospective moveset, there's a way. That's my point more than anything about Kafei. Like I said, I don't care about him :)

If there's one thing that many characters in Smash Bros have taught us, it's that what they do or can do in their games have no impact on whether they make it on or not. Anyone can be a "fighter." Even Capcom is taking tips from that when they made Phoenix Wright a playable character in MVC3.


Smash Ace
Nov 6, 2013
Kafei's shirt is in animal crossing... at least just the first game.

That's something right?

I'm still fine with him just being a recolour for outset link though. (If anything)


Smash Journeyman
May 11, 2009
New Glasgow N.S.
Theoretically Kefei could be a Young Link replacement but imo I'd rather see a Skull Kid with a possibility of a more unique moveset


[Get Ready]
Jan 27, 2010
You got the stereotype backwards, it's not "people who play Kirby/pichu are mostly casuals" it's "most casuals play as Kirby/pichu" see the difference?
Sobliminal, I may have confused you with paradoxium, no need to be upset.

Most casuals pick a character they think they would win with, and is easy to use, Like in brawl most casuals would pick ike because they think he's OP and stuff, in melee I see them mostly picking mewtwo, pika, or even peach.

Not to many people pick kirby, at all. I understand the pichu thing though.

As for kefei..... meh.


Smash Ace
Nov 6, 2013
why are some people complaining that characters don't actually fight would not be a good representive in Project M? I would say a good chunk of characters had no fighting abilities whatsoever until smash


Smash Lord
Jan 18, 2011
why are some people complaining that characters don't actually fight would not be a good representive in Project M? I would say a good chunk of characters had no fighting abilities whatsoever until smash
I think you're talking about the Spacies, GW, and Falcon... am I correct?


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
The difference between Kafei and WFT/VIllager is that while none of these individuals fight they do actually...do stuff. WFT is a fitness coach and Villager does all sorts of odd jobs and hobbies while living in his village. Kafei collects his mail, tells you his story of woe, and pushes blocks.
And Pichu is just a baby evolution to Pikachu that is inferior in every way possible. What is your point? Kafei was more than you are making him out to be. Despite knowing the moon was going to crash into the planet, he still went to get his stolen mask from a dangerous thief's lair, just so he could keep a promise he made back when he was a child. A promise to his fiance nonetheless. I'm pretty sure Kafei is capable of fighting. Kafei is a badass.

As far as cloning goes, he can be to Link what Wolf is to Fox. A semi-clone. Besides. If Pokemon fans get 8 Pokemon, then what is wrong with another 2 Zelda characters? Kafei and Skull Kid both would be amazing choices.

Issac, Ridley, Pichu, Skull Kid, and Kafei. I would be completely fine with this. With Issac, Ridley, and Skull Kid you get 3 unique fighters and with Pichu and Kafei, that satisfies Pichu and Young Link fans.


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
Seriously, come back to earth, guys. No Kafei.
He is a sticker. He is eligible. He has clone potential. Last time I checked that was the point of suggestions. I'm pretty sure that is as down to Earth as it gets.


Smash Lord
Oct 23, 2007
And Pichu is just a baby evolution to Pikachu that is inferior in every way possible. What is your point? Kafei was more than you are making him out to be. Despite knowing the moon was going to crash into the planet, he still went to get his stolen mask from a dangerous thief's lair, just so he could keep a promise he made back when he was a child. A promise to his fiance nonetheless. I'm pretty sure Kafei is capable of fighting. Kafei is a badass.

As far as cloning goes, he can be to Link what Wolf is to Fox. A semi-clone. Besides. If Pokemon fans get 8 Pokemon, then what is wrong with another 2 Zelda characters? Kafei and Skull Kid both would be amazing choices.

Issac, Ridley, Pichu, Skull Kid, and Kafei. I would be completely fine with this. With Issac, Ridley, and Skull Kid you get 3 unique fighters and with Pichu and Kafei, that satisfies Pichu and Young Link fans.

My point is there are much better choices, even within the Zelda universe, than Kafei. He's an interesting character, for sure, but nearly everything that's interesting about him is story driven. Just because he is able to sneak into the thief's lair doesn't mean he can fight. The game puts you in control of him for the block pushing section instead of the enemy fighting section for a reason. The issue with Kafei isn't that he never fights (see: half the goddamn roster), the issue is he never does anything. Every other character who doesn't fight who's in Smash Bros has something to pull from. Kafei has 45 seconds of block pushing. Its just a shame that Ralph doesn't have a sticker, at least he's shown with a sword in his game.


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
Why when Termina is much better?

We can have five MM reps if we do Skull kid, Goron Link, Zora Link, Deku scrub Link, and Kafei. kukukukuku *pretend that was the skull kid laugh*

But hey, you know what we haven't talked about all that much, in this thread's massive 108 pages? Donkey Kong. : >

Dixie vs. K. Rool.... go!

Anti Guy

Couch Tomato
Sep 27, 2001
Why when Termina is much better?
Because this:

Kafei was a highlighted side character in one Legend of Zelda. If someone wanted to get creative and replace Toon Link with Kafei while retaining his moveset, I wouldn't complain—but as far as being an additional character, too many others deserve a chance before him. Even Tingle. Given that Skull Kid appears in Brawl as both a sticker (MM, OoT), and trophy (TP), and that he's a far better representative of Majora's Mask, If that game were to get repped, you know Kafei would lose to him. Such a curious character, I wonder who he'd begin as a clone from?

Moreover, can Mewtwo and Roy be cloned?
You are seriously scratching way beneath the bottom of the barrel pointlessly right now.

I normally don't come out to say something is stupid, because I respect people's opinions, but this discussion has gotten stupid.


[Get Ready]
Jan 27, 2010
We can have five MM reps if we do Skull kid, Goron Link, Zora Link, Deku scrub Link, and Kafei. kukukukuku *pretend that was the skull kid laugh*

But hey, you know what we haven't talked about all that much, in this thread's massive 108 pages? Donkey Kong. : >

Dixie vs. K. Rool.... go!
I'd rather get King K.

It seems like Dixie is now the front runner for the smash 4 spot, with DKTF having no Kremling references and sakurai planned her inclusion before.

Sure it'll be hard to incorporate the moveset for him, but if they are going with a DK rep i'd say go with King K. I think the PMBR can think of something.


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
Bomber's Secret Society of Justice. Friends with a salesman who sells stolen goods. Has listed attributes that prove he is more agile and stronger than Young Link. A lot of movesets can be crafted from story driven elements. R.O.B. literally was just a toy. He had nothing to reference other than his top. I'm pretty sure Kafei has enough going for him. Just look into what the BSSoJ does. Better yet, just read up on Kafei rather than arguing against him.


Smash Lord
Oct 23, 2007
Bomber's Secret Society of Justice. Friends with a salesman who sells stolen goods. Has listed attributes that prove he is more agile and stronger than Young Link. A lot of movesets can be crafted from story driven elements. R.O.B. literally was just a toy. He had nothing to reference other than his top. I'm pretty sure Kafei has enough going for him. Just look into what the BSSoJ does. Better yet, just read up on Kafei rather than arguing against him.

I know who Kafei is, I've beaten Majora's Mask well over 10 times in my life and it's hands down my favorite in the series. The issue isn't a lack of knowledge, it's that Kafei just isn't that interesting of a character. Now, with any character you can just make crap up to make them work, but I don't see the point if the goal is to make him a 2nd Link clone. We already have a Link clone, we don't need a 2nd. We should be focusing on characters who haven't been cloned yet, and, to a much lesser extent, unique characters.


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
I'd rather get King K.

It seems like Dixie is now the front runner for the smash 4 spot, with DKTF having no Kremling references and sakurai planned her inclusion before.

Sure it'll be hard to incorporate the moveset for him, but if they are going with a DK rep i'd say go with King K. I think the PMBR can think of something.

Yeah! I think the interesting thing about picking a DK character is that you kind of have to get into Sakurai's head a bit. It makes committing to either of them right now kind of tricky.

And that's a dangerous road to walk down, because even after a decade+ of trying to figure that guy out, people still have no idea what he's thinking. XD

It would absolutely be a shame to do a bunch of work on Dixie, only for her to be announced for Smash 4 and have the character rendered unusable.

So if they did go with K. Rool, who do you think you'd want him based on? When I imagine K. Rool, I think of a kind of Bowser fighting style where he's very physical - the problem is Bowser only has that one artifact, the flame breath.

Dedede has a couple (I think the hammer counts as one, I could be wrong), but I don't really see K. Rool using a weapon like that, so a ton of his stuff would have to be changed.

Conversely, what angle could he fit for both of these guys? He'd presumably be a heavy character with a lot of gadgets, so if you base him off Dedede or Bowser, who are already heavy.... hmm.

I dunno! Who would you pick as K. Rool's base?


[Get Ready]
Jan 27, 2010
Yeah! I think the interesting thing about picking a DK character is that you kind of have to get into Sakurai's head a bit. It makes committing to either of them right now kind of tricky.

And that's a dangerous road to walk down, because even after a decade+ of trying to figure that guy out, people still have no idea what he's thinking. XD

It would absolutely be a shame to do a bunch of work on Dixie, only for her to be announced for Smash 4 and have the character rendered unusable.

So if they did go with K. Rool, who do you think you'd want him based on? When I imagine K. Rool, I think of a kind of Bowser fighting style where he's very physical - the problem is Bowser only has that one artifact, the flame breath.

Dedede has a couple (I think the hammer counts as one, I could be wrong), but I don't really see K. Rool using a weapon like that, so a ton of his stuff would have to be changed.

Conversely, what angle could he fit for both of these guys? He'd presumably be a heavy character with a lot of gadgets, so if you base him off Dedede or Bowser, who are already heavy.... hmm.

I dunno! Who would you pick as K. Rool's base?
Arrrgh, that's a tough one, I guess i'd go with dedede since he's heavy and has a projectile dee, Like i said it'll be hard to do, since he'll use gadgets/his blunderbuss maybe? and stuff.


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
Arrrgh, that's a tough one, I guess i'd go with dedede since he's heavy and has a projectile dee, Like i said it'll be hard to do, since he'll use gadgets/his blunderbuss maybe? and stuff.

Ooh I just thought of something! Dedede has 3 little guys - the normal enemy, the lightning enemy, and the huge spiky guy. Do you think those are 3 separate artifacts? If so, that's actually kind of awesome for K. Rool! It'd mean Dedede has either 3 or 4, plus something interesting with his inhale that could probably also be reworked to be one of K. Rool's gadgets. You might be able to turn Dedede's down-B into K. Rool's boxing glove, actually.

There's a model swap I downloaded on Brawl Vault a while ago that's K. Rool over Dedede, and he's using his blunderbluss as the hammer. So it's funny you mention that! It works pretty well, although I do kind of feel like it's not the most faithful recreation of K. Rool. (the model swap is amazing and the kid who did it is great, though!).


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
You are seriously scratching way beneath the bottom of the barrel pointlessly right now.

I normally don't come out to say something is stupid, because I respect people's opinions, but this discussion has gotten stupid.
So it is stupid to suggest a character who was the first playable character that was not Link? Because Toad, Slippy, and Pichu are much better suggestions right? Last I checked, we are free to suggest any character we want as long as it is eligible. Now you comment about how stupid of a suggestion it is, even if it follows the rules. Rather it is a side or main character who only appears once should not matter at all. Shiek for that matter literally made only one appearance in the Zelda series. Shiek was a character with little to no reason to be added to Smash. Zelda has proven she doesn't need Shiek throughout the series, yet she still appears in Smash. Shiek literally was just a flat out disguise turned into a full blown character. How is my suggesteion even remotely close to stupid?


[Get Ready]
Jan 27, 2010
Ooh I just thought of something! Dedede has 3 little guys - the normal enemy, the lightning enemy, and the huge spiky guy. Do you think those are 3 separate artifacts? If so, that's actually kind of awesome for K. Rool! It'd mean Dedede has either 3 or 4, plus something interesting with his inhale that could probably also be reworked to be one of K. Rool's gadgets. You might be able to turn Dedede's down-B into K. Rool's boxing glove, actually.

There's a model swap I downloaded on Brawl Vault a while ago that's K. Rool over Dedede, and he's using his blunderbluss as the hammer. So it's funny you mention that! It works pretty well, although I do kind of feel like it's not the most faithful recreation of K. Rool. (the model swap is amazing and the kid who did it is great, though!).
with the limited resources I think what you mentioned is the best they could try to do, unless they think of something else. It may not be exact but its a start, Also does he have a vid of this? I'd like to analyse it if it exists.
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