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New Characters for Project M Discussion Thread (Voting Closed)

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Nov 3, 2013
Anywhere but Spain
One surefire way to detect a bad Smash player is they'll claim they can beat you before even watching you play.
I do that all the time.

I won't lie, I'm always confident because a lot of people have said they could beat me and I ended up.... :cool:Smashing them:cool:
At this point I've only met one brawl player who could back up his words, and one melee player who backed up his words as well.

But I would never do that to anyone on smashboards since I consider all of you gods and want to fight with you all, but am too afraid that I'm not ready yet.


Smash Ace
Nov 22, 2013
Isn`t it weird how people were wanting Mewtwo since before the Clone engine yet once he was announced hardly anyone cared past posting "Awesome!" in the comments?
Probably because of all the hype towards Roy, after Roy was announced everyone saw Mewtwo coming so when he was announced, the hype faded.

Also I just realized that your picture is absolutely gorgeous, please PM me the full version.

what about it? he's cool, we don't have someone with purple hair.

also I'd rather him without the mask.
Butbutbutbut... the mask is super symbolic! Maybe an alt for him where he has the mask? He could be like Young Link's replacement.


Smash Ace
Nov 6, 2013
I made an recolour for outset Link that looked like Kafei in the costume thread... dunno if that would be enough for most people though.


Smash Ace
Nov 22, 2013
I made an recolour for outset Link that looked like Kafei in the costume thread... dunno if that would be enough for most people though.
I'd reply there but seems I can't for some reason. Also that's Dark Link from the Four Swords manga.


Smash Ace
Nov 6, 2013
I'd reply there but seems I can't for some reason. Also that's Dark Link from the Four Swords manga.
Oh I know that's dark link. I'm not silly. I had posted it some time ago I should have linked it but it was a while ago.

[collapse=Here it is again... a set of recolours that work as Alts but without the added work of an alt (I guess)]
Kafei being the 5th one... as I said not sure if that's enough for most people or if they'd want a full on Kafei clone.[/color]


Smash Ace
Nov 22, 2013
Woah, those look absolutely amazing. I can honestly say that I want every single one of them. Especially Gerudo Link.

But we should really take these to the alt costume thread, huh?


Smash Ace
Nov 6, 2013
Woah, those look absolutely amazing. I can honestly say that I want every single one of them. Especially Gerudo Link.

But we should really take these to the alt costume thread, huh?

Oh I was just posting them to show an alternate to actually adding Kafei in... all the Outset Costumes I made are actually in the alt costume thread somewhere back there...(and there are quite a few more lol)


Smash Ace
Nov 22, 2013
Oh I was just posting them to show an alternate to actually adding Kafei in... all the Outset Costumes I made are actually in the alt costume thread somewhere back there...(and there are quite a few more lol)
You bet that I'll be looking for those.

Also Kafei as a Young Link replacement would still be awesome.


Smash Master
Oct 2, 2013
Kalispell, MT
Please don't tell me anybody is trying to suggest Kafei. The dude had like, one attack. If people were throwing a fit about Ganondorf...

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
Please don't tell me anybody is trying to suggest Kafei. The dude had like, one attack. If people were throwing a fit about Ganondorf...

The idea was that he'd use Majora's Mask items that the other Links don't, like the Razor Sword or Ice Arrows...

Honestly, I'd love to have that Kafei Tink costume. Is that just a mockup, or does it already exist?


Smash Cadet
Nov 8, 2013
Who even plays Subspace Emissary after getting every character, anyways?
Boss battles sir. I do it with every character at least once.. It would look completely bad to have some tiby ass ridley fight the boss ridley. Plus fighting him as a boss is awesome. He looks like he will eat all of your hits and just wreck you. Then to fight this miniature version. Why?? He can he resized but that's like people wanting to play as giga bowser and make him regular size... Defeats the whole "giga" aspect

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
I made it in photoshop... I don't know how to actually edit real life costumes yet.
Oh? Well I should look up a tutorial and try it out some time.
It really is incredibly easy to do. The only difference is that the textures are laid out flat instead of on the model. Other than that, it's exactly the same. In fact, it's often easier to edit the textures than the renders. After you change the texture, you just replace the normal ones with the new ones in Brawlbox, which is as simple as right clicking it, choosing replace, and selecting the file.


That boss isn't Ridley, and it's not a very good boss either. Neither is Meta Ridley.
Of course it isn't Ridley. It's obviously Ridley-X, from Metroid Fusion, and Mecha Ridley could be pure machine rather than a cybernetically upgraded Ridley. :joyful:

All joking aside, if people really care about the size issues, it's still possible to have his adolescent 'mysterious creature' form from Other M playable with the TRUE Ridley being a Final Smash.


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
I made it in photoshop... I don't know how to actually edit real life costumes yet.

Wow, you're awesome! If you do make those into real costumes, I'd definitely want to put them in my game. :D The Kafei, Gerudo and TP ones are so pretty. I think having those in there would actually push TL to 10 costumes too, which (I think) is what the alt costume engine lets you do. I could be totes wrong, though, haha.


Hologram Summer Again
Jan 16, 2013
Tri Hermes Black Land
Rewarding players for their mistakes instead of their skills, while acting as a double-edged sword in that Pichu would suck at low percentages.
Doesn't solve the problem.

First of all, pichu would hopefully be buffed otherwise and given enough base speed so that pichu would be able to avoid attacks, have decent mobility, and be able to poke and run away and cause some damage at low percents. He would be buffed enough that he wouldn’t suck at low percentages and that he could build up some damage to help with his higher-percentage game.
Second, there are ways in which pichu players are rewarded for their skills rather than their mistakes. The key thing about lucario was that he relied upon being attacked in order to attack others with any decent power. The thing about pichu and pichu’s self-damaging moves is that the player no longer has to bait the opponent to attack them, as a pichu player has control over their own percent. It rewards players for their skills, as timing self-damaging moves and avoiding the attacks of the opponent with a character with the weight of jiggs (ie, dies at 85%) reward the player with a pichu that has powerful knockback, speed, and power. Also, it punishes both players for their mistakes. At a high percent, when pichu has ample power to kill, but also a large likelihood of being killed, any interaction between pichu and the opponent could easily result in death for both parties, and whichever one makes a mistake will most likely lose a stock.
The key difference between this possible pichu and lucario would be the weight of the two characters. Lucario, being a relatively moderate character in terms of weight, would usually be at an advantage in a 100% v 100% fight. This is fixed however, by pichu’s weight. If pichu is at kill percent (85%) it makes sense to have its power and knockback be such that when it is at kill percent, it has the power to ko most characters when they’re at 100% or the “accepted” kill percent. An even back-and-forth fight with both characters at 85% would favor the opponent of pichu, as the opponent has pichu at kill percent, but pichu’s power has not grown enough to kill them. Pichu can’t fight an even fight and has to avoid mistakes that would either put pichu at an even percent with its opponent or put pichu at a percent disadvantage. However, if pichu players have more percent, they can more easily close the gap in percent because of lucario’s mechanic. Pichu players are not being rewarded for their mistakes because if they were playing a match between equal players, and the pichu had much more percent damage, the damage increase and ko ability that the pichu player would have would due to a higher percent damage would be ideally less than the opponent’s increased ability to ko pichu due to pichu’s higher percent.
Essentially pichu is the most fragile but also most powerful of glass cannons. Playing pichu is a constant gamble between self-inflicted damage that increases power and self-inflicted damage that acts as free percent to an opponent which puts pichu behind in a tight percent-dependent battle. Other mechanics could be introduced such as something like self-inflicted damage causing more power increase than an equal amount of battle damage. This makes it more desirable for pihcu to play a mobile and evasive playstyle that emphasizes not getting hurt by the opponent.
To recap: Pichu does not reward mistakes because of pichu’s light weight
Pihcu does not emphasize mistakes because pihcu can control its own percent with self-damaging moves.
Pichu can use its self damaging moves to immediately catapult it to a higher percent, where it avoids the difficulty of causing damage at a lower percent
Pichu will hopefully have enough speed and power at 0% to enable it to be sufficiently capable of causing damage at such low percents, rendering it not useless below 50%.


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2013
I'm not convinced yet on Kafei, but the whole "give him Majora's Mask items" isn't totally baseless. Zelda has no unique specials, they're the three Great Fairy spells that Link finds in Ocarina. But it still kinda makes it at least excusable for her to have those because she's always been connected to the Goddesses, so seeing her use them fits her as a magic fighter of sorts. Likewise, Kafei would be seen as an oddball choice for using Link's items but, again, he could be fun if done right, especially if his moves focused on the powers of the various masks.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2013
Neither here nor there
Wouldn't mind Kafei, but I feel like that's digging kind of deep for another Zelda character when there are so many other choices. Skull Kid would seem the better option for a Majora's Mask character, in my opinion.


Smash Ace
Nov 22, 2013
Wouldn't mind Kafei, but I feel like that's digging kind of deep for another Zelda character when there are so many other choices. Skull Kid would seem the better option for a Majora's Mask character, in my opinion.
I personally still think that the extra Zelda representations should be Toon Zelda/Tetra since Ganondorf is actually the same in all representations and they could actually do a lot of originality with Tetra (maybe not so much for Toon Zelda but at least they could give her the bow and arrow standard special)


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2013
Wouldn't mind Kafei, but I feel like that's digging kind of deep for another Zelda character when there are so many other choices. Skull Kid would seem the better option for a Majora's Mask character, in my opinion.
Yeah I'd cheer if Skull Kid was revealed, but if Kafei got in a lot of people would just go "huh? Umm, ok I guess..." even if he turns out to annihilate the spacies or something. But I tried to express why he could be a decent character.

Also, what with SmashBoards suffering attacks, the voting has died down meaning Anti Guy can update the OP...riiiiiiight??

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
Of the many mentioned Zelda characters, I would choose Tetra or Skull Kid. Vaati is better than either of them (my #1 Zelda choice), but he's not eligible because he didn't appear in Brawl. Kafei, I wouldn't complain about, but the more I think about him, the more I'd just like that Tink recolor...


[Get Ready]
Jan 27, 2010
I'm not sure that's right. Neither of those characters are all that popular in the casual scene from what I've observed. Kirby is quite popular for people who never really play aside from a few times a year, but that isn't a casual player, that's a nonplayer.

I'm a competitive player and I love kirby, idk why people assume that people who like/main kirby/pichu are casuals/nonplayers..... >_> that's not the case, I hate that stereotype. You have heard of low tier tourneys right? and obviously we have secondaries for tier reasons, which is why I go marth at times.

Anyway i'm glad we got PM trying to be as balanced as possible, so that anyone can pick a character they like and won't have to worry as much as they did before in other smash series.


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
I'm not convinced yet on Kafei, but the whole "give him Majora's Mask items" isn't totally baseless. Zelda has no unique specials, they're the three Great Fairy spells that Link finds in Ocarina. But it still kinda makes it at least excusable for her to have those because she's always been connected to the Goddesses, so seeing her use them fits her as a magic fighter of sorts. Likewise, Kafei would be seen as an oddball choice for using Link's items but, again, he could be fun if done right, especially if his moves focused on the powers of the various masks.
If you caught the info I posted on the page before, Kafei was originally part of the Bomber's Secret Society of Justice, and he is affiliated with the guy who sells stolen goods at the night shop. It is also assumed that he retained the strength of an adult male in his transformation into a kid. I could actually he him having an arsenal of his own variety. Bomb-Chu and Blast Mask are two things I can see him having easily. Perhaps he can be a character dedicated to stance change via taunt by changing masks.

Come to think of it...wasn't there a bird who steals your items and they end up in that night shop? It wouldn't be a stretch to assume Kafei would barrow things from that guy. I could imagine his physical playstyle being a mix of Sheik and Young Link. Some people even checked the differences between Kafei and Link's attributes in MM. Apparently he is more agile. He can backflip farther than Link can and moves a bit quicker on foot, which would make sense if he retained the strengths of being an adult while appearing as a kid.


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
That's what I was saying.
I was the one who suggested Kafei. It seems to have caught a decent discussion so let it play out.


I'm a competitive player and I love kirby, idk why people assume that people who like/main kirby/pichu are casuals/nonplayers..... >_> that's not the case, I hate that stereotype. You have heard of low tier tourneys right? and obviously we have secondaries for tier reasons, which is why I go marth at times.

Anyway i'm glad we got PM trying to be as balanced as possible, so that anyone can pick a character they like and won't have to worry as much as they did before in other smash series.
1) It is SOL-bliminal.

2) I wasn't part of the casual player discussion nor do I have an opinion on it. Don't lump me in an argument I wasn't part of.


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
I think the ideas for Kafei are really cool, and I love all the Skull Kid stuff, but if I had to choose I'd proooobably still go with Tetra.

Still, it's really fun to talk about all this stuff. I had no idea there was so much backstory about Kafei!


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
I think the ideas for Kafei are really cool, and I love all the Skull Kid stuff, but if I had to choose I'd proooobably still go with Tetra.

Still, it's really fun to talk about all this stuff. I had no idea there was so much backstory about Kafei!
I feel there is a lot more to Kafei than people realize. He was the first playable side character, his backstory is deeper than any of the side characters from that game, he is practically considered a much bigger character in the manga, he is a rather interesting replacement for Young Link since he has attributes that make Kafei physically superior to him (much more agile and retains his adult strength).

As far as his story goes, it is much deeper if you wear Kafei's mask and ask people about him. Some people will reveal bits of information about him, such as how he was part of the Bomber's Secret Society of Justice and his closest friend runs the Night Shop of stolen goods. The Keaton Mask was given to him from the same theif who runs the Night Shop, back when they were kids.


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2012
New Sand Fall

I'm a competitive player and I love kirby, idk why people assume that people who like/main kirby/pichu are casuals/nonplayers..... >_> that's not the case, I hate that stereotype. You have heard of low tier tourneys right? and obviously we have secondaries for tier reasons, which is why I go marth at times.

Anyway i'm glad we got PM trying to be as balanced as possible, so that anyone can pick a character they like and won't have to worry as much as they did before in other smash series.
You got the stereotype backwards, it's not "people who play Kirby/pichu are mostly casuals" it's "most casuals play as Kirby/pichu" see the difference?
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