Falco ditto = boring.... Fox ditto = kind of interesting because I do this when I play Foxes. MK ditto = happens almost every time in tournaments lol. Ness ditto I have yet to see.
I versed Nido and V in a bunch of friendlies at BAM. The MU is either incredibly fun or intensely painful, depending on whether you're the one being pressured or you're the one doing the pressuring. Personally I love it, but everyone around me hates the Ness MU. But expect at least some frustration when you feel as if all your attacks are being beaten by theirs even when you're doing the exact same thing with the exact same timing. :o
Basically mirror MUs tend to go to the better player. Not always though - I have a gigantic amount of experience in the Lucas - Lucas MU which helped me in my match against Jamwa who doesn't have a lot of experience in the ditto. Because of that, i'm genuinely not sure who's better out of us. There's more complex things going into it like how we do against better players (my opinion changed on this as I went along - Originally I thought he was far better but now i'm not sure and maybe maybe who knows etc.

) but that's the basic gist.
To clarify, right now it's a toss up between jamwa and myself for best Lucas in Australia, which isn't that prestigious considering there's not many other competitive Lucas mains in Aus anyway haha.
Anyway, Lucas is way more than Dair. It just so happens that's a fantastic move in doubles because it sets up for stuff. Insingles Lucas has PK fire and Fair/Nair/Bair/Uair. In the full air (as in way above stage), Dair is actually probably one of his worst moves because it can be predicted and punished easily and it puts him in to fastfall unless he did it when his momnentum was carrying him up and it has ending lag if he's too close to the ground and the rest of it. It's still good for if he's going upwards when he does it though.
I should also point out that Lucas doesn't have to be aggressive at all. He can retreat PK fires and reatreat Fair and heaps of stuff! :o
In the match you saw, it would've been shaky vs. PF or Fae or someone. Shaky won that set. :o
I thionk the japanese have lucas higher because they never had the top Ness players we had - Yink, FOW, Shaky, etc.
Yink doesn't play anymore and FOW switched mains (though he occasionally plays Ness) but Shaky's still going strong and shows that Ness deserves to rise.
In all, I think Ness and Lucas should be together in the higher end of mid tier, interchangeable with one another, or if one must be higher then probably Ness atm because he has better results n' stuff.
On that other subject, i've wanted a mod for this place for a while. Keeps things active, because although we have this general discussion, it's carried by like 5 of us and that's about it. We don't do as many MU discussions and stuff like we used to because our top players don't post much anymore. It reaaalllyyyy sucks.
Then there's the Lucas boards which are more or less dead because they have no mods.
And mods don't have to be strict rulekeepers. They're often just another poster for the most part and they keep stuff alive. Like, take a look at Xiroey. Without the ribbon you wouldn't even know he's a mod (<3). :o
Also Falco's not that bad IMO. -2's about right for him. :3
Sorry for the uber long post, I just had a lot to respond too.