Woah. I'm not filling my normal role.
Okay Juan. Le's do this!
Off the bat, I say something awesome: that BAir could've been followed up by a DSmash or Grab. You guys rolled at the same time, so the Grab would've been just short of getting him, but meh.
When I start off matches, I try to fish for a BAir, UAir, NAir, DAir or DashAttack. All of these can lead into another attack if done correctly.
Hitting with BAir just before Ness touches the ground gives an almost assured DashGrab. From the DashGrab, I normally go with DThrow for my trap tricks (against everyone but MK).
Hitting with UAir while landing gives a NAir or UTilt, but I often go with the UTilt in the off chance that my opponent is super quick. NAir combos into UAir at low percents up until like 20-something.
NAir leads to things through DAS stuff.
DAir pops people up perfect for free UAir follow-ups at early percents because they don't go up too high. BAir is a bit slower, but also probably at the low percent. Auto-Canceled DAirs are broken early on.
DashAttack pop's people up on the third hit, and I only go for the third hit when I use it. That pop-up, I looked into frame data and it almost always assures a NAir followup and very probably allows for a UAir followup.
Low percentage opponents give Ness potential to string moves together, and that "potential" is basically 100% on some characters.
Away from the beginning of a match/stock, let's look at other things you do.
Good that you're using AC'd DAirs. They are one of the things Ness mains must do perfectly every time, IMO. I just say use that more often. xD I use it when landing just b/c it's fun to do sometimes.
WAYYY too much grounded PK Fire. If you're going to use PK Fire, try FH PK Fire. If you hit, there's more potential to follow up afterward AND it's much more difficult to get punished (with FH PK Fire, the lag ends more quickly if you use NAir, UAir or AirDodge before hitting the ground; the aerials are basically there if the opponent stupidly rushes into you). I should take my own advice too. xP
MOMENTUM CANCEL! Whenever you're sent flying and might die, either NAir or BAir then FF. I saw you getting sent flying too many times without doing anything, and being in falling state isn't really what you want all the time. (there are exceptions) Also, one time, you used FAir instead of NAir/BAir, which didn't help you to live longer.
Try not to use FAir approaching and landing near your opponent. It almost never works b/c the hitbox is shortened for space you're trying to hit him in.
^Also, on that note, it's often good to just not use an aerial while landing or AirDodge to the ground. I AirDodge to the ground so that I can buffer a DashGrab or DashAttack to catch my opponent if he's in a bit of lag or putting up his shield too predictably. Delaying landing to try and bait your opponent into doing something stupid in chasing after you also helps, but only to an extent; Marth and MK, noteably, can destroy you if you try to PSI Magnet to stall your descent.
I saw that you tried to punish a spotdodge with a grab... I say just go with an FTilt or YoYo if you want to punish a spotdodge, b/c the hitbox lasts longer and they're pretty easy to space. Plus, 11% or 13% assured is always good. xD
I liked the one FSmash when you punished his landing. Nicely done. The problem I had was the FSmash that followed, which I'm assuming was meant to be like FAir or something. FAir would've worked better in that situation, but a UAir would've worked also. UAir almost always works.
Needs Moar PK Jump. You could've PK Jumped to close the distance safely in a couple situations.
Starting your opponent's second stock, he was charging his aura sphere and you FH'd. It would've been perfect to use FH PK Fire right there (PK Fire starting as you jump) so that you force him to shield and follow from there with either a rising aerial or something landing > whatever.
You should've absorbed so many of those Aura Spheres... I was

that you didn't get many if any.
UAIR >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FAIR!
Why so many rising FAirs when you could just UAir him and make him sad? UAir makes everyone sad. It's just like "WHY IS YOUR HEAD SO BIG NESS?!?!? WHY DO YOU KEEP RACKING DAMAGE ON ME OVER AND OVER AGAIN WITH THAT SAME MOVE?!?!

" At least that's what I do. xP
I'm not seeing as much NAir as I'd like to see. There were some situations where a quick NAir would have at least reset the playing field and allowed you to regain footing. It's always nice to just get your opponent out of attacking you for a while and take a step back.
You used BThrow way too early on your first stock... twice.
I say DThrow or FThrow all the time until like 120%. The reason I DThrow is because of traps. (EXPLAINS THE TRAPS!)
On most characters, there's a way to annihilate them if you recognize the direction they DI toward early enough.
If they DI far out,
dash or walk after them. WALKING WORKS BEST IN THIS SITUATION! The next step depends on what they do. If they use their second jump, follow with a FH and judge where they go after that. If they are able to use an aerial that hits below them really quickly, don't jump up if they can hit you with that at your full FH height. If they can't hit you with that, FH and read.
FH and read all day. xD From that FH, you can either just go with a straight-up UAir or wait a bit and fall/FF waiting for them to do something. Since they're forced to fall, all you do is wait and/or read. If they airdodge, free punish. If they use an aerial, watch your spacing, then free punish. If they wait it out, just UAir and you'll hit them a majority of the time. If they trade hits, at least you got 11% on them.
If they don't use their second jump, they're going to the ground. This is difficult, b/c Ness only has 2 things that cover distance quickly on the ground: DashAttack and DashGrab. DashAttack doesn't hit very high, and DashGrab can be risky if they AirDodge just right or use the right aerial. I was thinking you could shield and use awesome OoS options, but I haven't gotten to testing that out completely.
If they DI so that they move directly above you, free FH UAir on most characters in the game. MK, Lucario, and a few floaty characters escape it, but almost everyone is just within range of the UAir. You have to time it right, but it's either a trade or a win. I've yet to try this out on EVERY character, but Ness' head is big enough to make me think that it hits a majority of the cast. It gets Luigi by trading with NAir or just winning some of the time, so I assume it's good.
If they DI anywhere between,
this is the tricky part. Some of the time you can do your initial dash and immediately FH out of it for a UAir, but sometimes they DI just far enough for that not to work. In that case, you can either use FAir or do the same baiting as from if they DI outward.
Now that I've gotten that rant out of the way, moving on. I'll note some specific instances now.
@1:26-ish, the lucario used his aura sphere. You could've gone in with an AC'd Dair there and been pretty safe. If he goes up with UAir, he either trades or loses. FAir wouldn't reach if you space it right.
Also, the timing of that BAir was off. I say try to get it perfectly so that you land immediately after the BAir comes out every time. That makes BAir nearly un-punishable if you do it correctly, especially if you do it retreating.
@0:08, you punished the FSmash with FAir. NAir would have hit, and UAir might've hit. The FAir wasn't really the best option because a.) you were using it while landing, subjecting yourself to landing lag, and b.) either other option would have done more damage. With this situation, it's more knowing the lag on your opponent's moves. You could've been going for a NAir in that situation and made an input error, and in that situation I say to try and fix those input errors.
@0:12, you used that DAir perfectly. An Ftilt could've gotten in just before Lucario's FSmash, but from that point you AirDodged, which works well. From there, you jabbed. Jabbing is probably Ness' worst method of punishing. UTilt or DTilt are much better quick options. DTilt, you have the potential of tripping and can follow up with something else really quickly as opposed to jabbing. UTilt is fairly well ranged and just puts your opponent above you, which is nice in most cases. Against Lucario, maybe not, but oh well.
@0:27, you used your DJ above Lucario. It's my opinion that you should never use your second jump unless absolutely necessary. You could've taken hold of the ledge with some PKT stalling method or just AirDodge'd to the ground. From that Airdodge, DashAttack and DashGrab would've been awesome choices.
Oh, that reminds me, When your opponent is landing, USE DASH ATTACK! It works. ONLY TRY TO HIT WITH THE SECOND AND THIRD HITBOXES THOUGH! The first hitbox is garbage.
@0:59, a PK Fire falling down would've at least forced him to shield, preventing the landing punish. Either that or just move backward and grab the ledge. Ness is pretty good on ledge.
Try not to roll with Ness. His rolls aren't that great. There are some situations where they work, but it often leads to bad things.
I think that's all for now.
EDIT: Oh, FAir is terrible on shield. Most of Ness' Aerials aren't great on shield actually. BAir is best, UAir second, and DAir third, if you know where and when and how to use it.