lol sorry 313, i know you asked for room. but honestly these people asked me months and months ago. i was just trolling earlier when i said i didnt care about yall and wasnt housing.
btw stingers, i played pp in brawl the night before splash and one a few matches mk vs marth. he beat me more times obviously and he two stocked high damage me a good amount of times, but i won the first match we played, so i feel good about that. (because we had not got use to each other play-style, so that means i adapted a little quicker during the match then he did. I never beat him before, shows sign of improvement... you know, that thing you think we lack at.)
His spacing is so ******** and he is so smart :/.he absolutely haaaattteess halberd. i two stocked him there. he said it's his worst stage. like if anyone wants to beat pp, take him to halberd, no matter what char you play. ( over exaggerating a lil obviously)