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NCSU Smash Rehash Vol. 5 "The Next Best Thing" Results!


Smash Ace
Jan 7, 2010
North Carolina
1: Peepee ($126.00) -
i'm starting to know how zhu felt vs mango at like every socal local
2: mike ($63.00)
3: Lozr ($21.00) - we should've had a falcon ditto mm for old time's sake... it would have been more hype than anything :falconmelee:
4: twitch - that mm was so tight.... best set at the tourney imo
5: esam - can you stop being so friendly so we can talk **** to each other? :embarrass:
5: Camron - gooshi hommy.. *behind back slap* :yoshi:
7: dop - i really enjoyed teaming. hopefully you can overlook the fact that i knee'd you at least 20 times throughout our bracket matches and team with me again
7: jim - missed you bubby
9: chris - thanks for the ride, and good **** being the homie
9: darksyde - regardless of all the teams bull**** that happened between us, i'm still cool. i don't hold grudges.
9: eikellmann - kudos for coming from FL for our tournament. hopefully my awful advice helps you with falcon v ganon

big krit - yuh gs [i guess]

ace & dorsey - it seemed like after me and dop played you guys in friendlies, you disappeared. i was hoping to get some singles friendlies and **** in, but hopefully you two don't wait another 4 years before coming to another tournament ;)

dj - bring 64 next time

raph - can't wait to see the vids. thanks for recording.


Smash Lord
Dec 25, 2010

Tiny pants
Natsu's mix-ups
Toon Link
Punk Goes Pop
Lines at Cook Out
My bad habits
Caitie for teaming with me
Craig and Eric for car rides
Nima and Danny and their parents for housing and delicious food
Dark Hart/Lucas for knowing who the **** I am
Everyone I talked to/hung out with
Yay's salt
Smith's trash talk
Alex for hosting




Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2011
I'll start uploading videos in a few days, definitely before the end of the week. There's some technical stuff I won't bore you with that's stopping me from doing it sooner, but I know how to fix that for the next tournament.


Smash Legend
Feb 17, 2008
Shoutouts to:

Craig for sucking but not sucking so much that we didn't win doubles
Stongers for being good but not being good enough to beat me in singles/doubles (Close though~)
Caitie for wanting to hug me at every moment possible
Yayuhzz for being ****ing black as hell and funny
Salt packets for being really annoying to clean up, but very worth it
Kevin Nanners for making more money than me.
Other Nanners (Twitch) for not choking in loser's bracket. Going fox next time.
Koozy for being a fun ****-talker and showing me that the Dre Beats are godlike, although not worth the money
Smith Soiejwroi for having 2 last names and a small enough head that I could flip the hat off easily
Steve for placing worse than 313
313 for placing better than Steve
Stockfield for getting MAD close game 1
Sushi for being free against Samus, but not so free against DK
Danny for being the opposite of me in marvel, solid at basics, terrible with combos, and good
Nima for taking 6 years to get downstairs this morning to eat breakfast.
That ***** in SC5 for seeming broken
My wallet for being fatter now
Waldorf for stealing my DK gimmicks


Smash Ace
Oct 22, 2007
Raleigh, NC
shoutouts and ****

Alex: good tourney and thanks for teaming as usual we only got 3-2d by Esam and craig :|
Stock: good matches glad I helped you decide which character to go against DK lol
Scotty: same deal, finally got to play you in tournament which was nice.
Steve: good talking to you/ playing you some. Double wario is bad and you should feel bad. seriously **** that
Esam: loool at DK and samus that was silly. good doubles matches, twas fun. pikachu is silly.
Cray: cray y u so fray
Sushi: w/e I play you all the time y so gdlk. also you're welcome for knowing the DK MU against ESAM.
JD: I'm never gonna play you. muaha
Dyno: from georgia? good ****. playing two great warios tired the **** out of me that night.
All those random guys I played against: ggs I guess? thanks for coming. I don't know who you are as you all went by like, joe, alex, normal names.
NIMA: gs dude! your bowser ****ing wrecks I was watching some doubles and was amazed. I will never be able to play that character lol.
I forgot people but w/e you already know
sorry for being kind of down for most of the day, I had some bad news about family in the middle of the tourney and it wasn't doing wonders for my concentration.
but I got 4th
so **** sadness.


Smash Lord
Dec 25, 2010
Oh yeah shoutouts to Waldorf for being the same person as me and refusing to play me in friendlies because he didn't wanna hurt my feelings by like bodying me and stuff.

Эикельманн [РУС]

Banned via Administration
Jul 17, 2009
9: eikellmann - kudos for coming from FL for our tournament. hopefully my awful advice helps you with falcon v ganon
Thanks a lot. I appreciate it, and congratulations on placing so well.

Also, if you wanted to play 64, why didn't you bring a controller!? I posted that I was going to bring my setup. :embarrass:

Oscar: Thank you SO MUCH for housing myself, my mother, and my girlfriend. I enjoyed seeing you and spending time with you the most out of this trip, to be completely honest. Please come down to Orlando sometime so that you, Javier, Mark

Chris: I know that we definitely could have gotten 5th, maybe even 4th, lest I had obtained a decent amount of rest (johns, yeah, whatever). It was nice teaming with you and playing with you. I look forward to our rematch. :)

Jim: Congratulations placing 7th. I also look forward to our rematch.

Dave: I'm glad that you were able to make it, and that you entered. It was nice to play you was well. You have an admirable amount of information about Ganondorf, and I would definitely enjoy having a conversation with you about unique things sometimes. I feel I could learn from it. Alas, I'm actually rather disappointed that you didn't perform at your best, because I know that Mark and Zane both hold you in rather high regard, and I know that you're a great player capable of performing much better. I suppose I must attend another NC tournament to play you at your best. :)

Raphael: I'm disappointed that you used Kirby at all in tournament. Don't give up on Ganondorf! He's a difficult character, but I promise you that if you enjoy him, that the success with him will feel even greater. Thank you for contributing so much to the community yesterday by recording so much. I really hope all of my matches will be put up. You can identify my matches by the Blue Ganondorf, as I know that no other person played there with that colour.

Lucas: Very disappointed that we didn't play more. It was nice to finally briefly meet you and play with you. Come to Orlando sometime!

Aasem: Colin and Javier both said they would have come to this if only the timing were more convenient. I'm sure that they would have liked to see you. I'm also disappointed that we didn't get to play or hang out at all, seeing as how you're so far and all now. Looking forward to when you come back to Orlando. :)

The other Ganondorf player that entered: I don't know your tag/name, or who you are, but good job using him for as long as you did, and try not to give up. :bee:

I don't really have any other shoutouts. I think I did well at my first real Brawl tournament, too. I'll have to work on my matchups. Using Ganondorf in Brawl is crazy challenging.

Good matches to everyone that I played, and thanks so much for having me in your wonderful city!! :bee:



Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2010
The Smang House in Trollingwood, NC
i used gw also and lost to sushi and caitie big woop lol...

mark it down on ur calander i did reallly bad guys lol

atleast i didnt lose to jaurice... :troll:

i made money in dubs tho :)

grats to everyone who did well


Smash Hero
Jan 18, 2007
Throw that P***y at me? B***h I think Im Babe Ruth
Jd- For being a bro and hanging with me all weekend

Esam- Showing me exactly what I wanted to see and confirming my theory on just how bad ics vs gnw really is lol

Stingers- Sorry I wasn't really up to playing, I know you wanted to try and get some get back from the previous tourney. I'll make a legitimate effort to get matches in at the next tourney we both attend as well

PP- for being that bro on aim and not chilling AT ****ING ALL! For the last 3 or so tournaments now >.>

Yay- For all the fun, rocking that thin mustache :) and making the tourney hella fun

Ksk- Subway was legit, and omg those pictures!!!

Sushi- I like that you're getting into Marvel. And as always it's good to see and chill with you again bro, always reminds me of the old times

Chillbologna- Those matches were fun, if you want to learn more about pikachu try and talk to Esam at the next tourney you attend.

Waldorf- For the fun teams matches

Shady and I- For having the tiniest ****ing pants the entire tourney

And to everyone else who did something hype for having slightly tiny pants during that time

Everyone else much love to you all and hope to see you around at the next tourney

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
craig people constantly attack me and S if I tried to hang people would just come up and attack me all the time

idk we gotta plan something so we can execute at a tourney lol

I have a bad headache


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2011
Raphael: I'm disappointed that you used Kirby at all in tournament. Don't give up on Ganondorf! He's a difficult character, but I promise you that if you enjoy him, that the success with him will feel even greater. Thank you for contributing so much to the community yesterday by recording so much. I really hope all of my matches will be put up. You can identify my matches by the Blue Ganondorf, as I know that no other person played there with that colour.
Don't worry, I'm not quitting Ganondorf. The only reason I went Kirby was because I knew I'd lost that set, and wanted to see how my Kirby would compare. I still have a lot of room for improvement with both characters, so I'm going to keep working at it. I'm looking forward to the next time we play. Also, keep spelling colour with a u. That's how real countries spell it.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 15, 2010
RaphaelRobo your gannondorf profile picture is ugly and I think you should change to the gannondorf in brawl.


Novus Ordo Seclorum
Sep 22, 2008
North Carolina
I think a better question would be "Why haven't we changed our Ghost Trick pictures, Brian?" They are pretty cool, though.

Anyway, shoutouts to...

Soulcalibur V (**** Natsu. It's ok though JD, we still love you)
Steve and Scotty for naming their team after me. (and kicking ***)
Tiny Pants (The bulges, Craig, the bulges)
Our impromptu group performance of Rifle Burs
Yay's Salt Rain Powers of Salty Saltness
Kris, Jacob, Tony, and Mike ABB(Awesome people, good matches, and one of them was the lovely partner I worked well with ;))
Stingers makin' the most bank
Scott's beastliness
Austin and Sanketh returning
Seeing Lucas randomly playing Lucas
Dyno riding his Wario Bike all the way from Georgia to visit his GF, and play with us.
Jaurice celebrating after winning his money matches (or were they friendlies?)
Caitie stealing the King's Chair
The Bragaw convenience store (for beating UNCC's convenience stores when it comes to prices)
Eric seemingly being able to rival my brother's Spongebob trivia knowledge
rPSI's advice giving powers (I will remember to do the wall infinite next time)
Kevin and Danny putting an end to my dreams in teams.
Phoot's masterful bending motions


Smash Journeyman
Jun 15, 2010
I think a better question would be "Why haven't we changed our Ghost Trick pictures, Brian?" They are pretty cool, though.
idk. i have been wanting to switch to the shopkeeper from the original mario party for a little while now.


Smash Lord
Dec 25, 2010
We played a bit of SC5 at Danny and Nima's house on Sunday before we left. I was destroying all of them with my Natsu.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 28, 2008
First and foremost, I want to apologize to Stingers for any delays I caused for coming late to the venue. Sorry again to the UNC crew for my mishap in organizing our trip too late.(which prevented 2 of our players: Sam, Derek from entering) Next time I'll check the schedule at least 5 times before tourney, and also won't be staying up til 5:30am for no damn reason.

Thanks to Stingers for an awesomely run tournament. Sorry most of UNC left for dinner before a Crew Battle could happen. Most of us were hungry and craving 35 Chinese way too much.

Thanks to everyone at the venue who played me in friendlies like PP, Lozr, Esam, among others.

GG's to $Mike, Esam, and Jim, whom I lost to in tourney.

I'll get you next time ;)

Shady Penguin

Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2008
North Carolina
Shoutouts to-

Tiny Pants
360 Controllers
The cashier at Wendy's who held it down
Ghost Trick profile pictures
salt packets
Based God
and most importantly- Keith Ford

Yep, that's about it.
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