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NC Love - Concord, NC's 8/25 Game Crazy tournament


Smash Journeyman
Jun 26, 2007
Concord, NC
Haha, we'll see what happens, chief. You know EVERYONE thinks I cheat anyway. Just hope you get that television every time by random. XD

That's my only gripe about running tournaments, being accused of cheating.

Them: "What?! You put me against Ali in the first round! You just wanted me to lose!"
Me: "Uh, no, SOMEONE had to play him in round one, and your name got picked."
Them: "Nah, man, you cheated me! You rigged it so I would lose!"
Me: "Alright. Next time, I'll give him byes to the finals, so no one feels 'cheated.'"


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2005
Catfish Country
ali isnt gonna win this

Im going to it.

Not lol.

Twig is gonna win

Im seriously not going sry dudes and gals


Smash Apprentice
Feb 25, 2005
North Carolina
I can bring my setup too, but not if it's not necessary. I hate packing that crap up. I think we should try to get a list of who's going on the front page real fast so you can get an estimate of setups needed, if any.

Dat's word?

Dat's word.


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2005
Catfish Country
im sure you wont win if you play that character kris =P

Your better off picking like bowser someone a little faster than sheik


Smash Ace
Dec 20, 2005
Seoul, SK
big baaaaby

I'll try to remember to bring my copy of smash for you luther
hailll yezzzz i <3 you twig haha.
we're gonna **** so hard in brawl. team to beat, right here

anyway...i'll see if i enter or not. put me against ali if i enter, i'll take him out. srsly
then everybody in loser's bracket can complain to you nick haha


Smash Journeyman
Jun 16, 2005
Kelowna BC
im sure you wont win if you play that character kris =P

Your better off picking like bowser someone a little faster than sheik
Bowser is pretty fast, after a night of experimenting his worst level is Yoshi's Story and his best is Icicle Mountain. His best move is his d-air but his up-b sucks.

I refuse to read about him, because I'm always right and once I come to a conclusion it's a fact.

Sheik is so ****ing hard, you need to seriously follow your opponents DI to hit that f/u/b-air after the d-throw, it's a stupidly complex version of Rock Paper Scissors. Plus the f-air looks so gay, why would I use that?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 26, 2007
Concord, NC
I can bring my setup too, but not if it's not necessary. I hate packing that crap up. I think we should try to get a list of who's going on the front page real fast so you can get an estimate of setups needed, if any.

Dat's word?

Dat's word.
That's a good idea. Don't bring your setup, Chuk. If I need an extra, I'll just run down the street to my place and haul that piece of crap over.

Also, no worries, LOZR. I think my DM said that there may be a GC district wide Smash tourney series, and she wants me to run them! =D


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2005
Catfish Country
hey we have a game crazy here we always get together there for some fun, also i wish i could make this but ill play you soon enough


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
Also, no worries, LOZR. I think my DM said that there may be a GC district wide Smash tourney series, and she wants me to run them! =D
Interesting. Michelle really wants that? Cool, cause Steven found a great place near here that we could rent for $100 and is like the size of a gym. All we need is a minimum of 20 people with a $5 entry fee to just cover the $100.

But for you to run them? Hrmm . . . I guess she doesn't know about our ideas, but that's be cool with me, you're a riot to hang out with. I'm a passive guy, so I can't run things, but Steven sure as hell can, and then some. This would make an interesting discussion for later.

I wish I could go, but I can't, gotta work. . . It would be cool if I could just clock in over there . . . :laugh:


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2007
Concord, NC
That's a good idea. Don't bring your setup, Chuk. If I need an extra, I'll just run down the street to my place and haul that piece of crap over.

Also, no worries, LOZR. I think my DM said that there may be a GC district wide Smash tourney series, and she wants me to run them! =D

Nick, ur DM even asked me when i was lookin at the smash sign-up sheet if i would be interested in travelin and i said yeah....so when u start travelin...don't forget me lol....

El Cancel

Smash Journeyman
Aug 28, 2006
good shiz people i played.

nick- thank you, tourney host. considering the larger size, you ran it smoothly.

kt- low tier is rough journey.

jorge (pronounced yo-ur-juh)- you almost got me with your marth.

corey- intense sheik matches. gg's.

richard- marth counters peach. and you don't care. that's the spirit.

df2k- you did well young backfister. mission accomplished.

chuk- didn't get to play you. but i saw bits of your fight vs sheik: the character that determines what characters are tourney usable.

tony- ice climbers are nasty!

ralf- your fox got waveshines. nasty!

ali- intense matches. falcon is fast (never can get too fast though).

luther- thanks for the ride. join the team tourney.

sorry, i left out people.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 25, 2005
North Carolina
Hey great matches everybody! I had a lot of fun at this one, mostly because of the nice crowd we had tonight.

NickOTeen - Another well run tourney, I must say. It's great to have you back at GC so these tournaments can even exist. You are the man, I thank you.

Ali - You should practice more...I mean, seriously. You only 1 stocked me in both matches. That's not very good. I'm just kidding bro. You *****, as always. Great to see you again - minus the 'fro. ;)

Peter - 2nd place sucks doesn't it? No one knows that more than me... You played really well all around, and are definitely capable of thrashing all of us. Very nice.

Lu - You made Pikachu cry. You're a bad person. You should enter these things once in a while. Good to see you again, buuuddy.

Corey - Wow, could we have a more epic clash? Fun matches all around. Your positive attitude is contagious. Nice to see you after a year and a half of silence. Don't go behind the counter! That guy was like "OMGWTF R U doing??!?!" "Plugging...my...controller?"

Ralf - Way to go man! Despite being nervous, you played very smart and got really far. I was rootin' for ya buddy.

Lane - First tourney match victory ev-ar! Glad you decided to come.

Allison - Thanks for coming to watch me! Now all my friends know you're real and not some imaginary girlfriend I always claim to have. Hope you enjoyed yourself and got to know some people. My friends are very fun.

Richard - Your Peach is beastly. If I had some more Peach practice, I might have been more of a challenge. Next time...will be different! Nah, probably not.

Kris DF2K - Good playing man. I hadn't seen you play since that time out at Ali's. Your Peach is sexy, but I scored with the princess.

Tony - Your Icies were looking killer tonight, dude. Crazy good. You've improved even since the last tourney when we played. Very sharp.

James - I didn't see much of your matches, but it looked like you were doing well. Represent the Yoshi!

Alonzo - Why can we never get a friendly in? It just wasn't meant to be. ONE DAY! Just not today...

Katie - Excellent playing tonight. Your Zelda is top notch! Don't look so sad when I talk to you! It freaks me out, man! Thanks for taking good care of my manly lavender-pastel controller. I'm not ashamed.

The little guy I played first - Watch out for Luigi. He's got slippery shoes. ;)

Everyone else - Good matches, I had fun.

Til Next Time!


Smash Ace
Dec 20, 2005
Seoul, SK
it was fun to just be there, wish i could have gotten more friendlies in =/ . maybe next time i will enter the tourney haha, especially since it's supposed to be a teams tourney.

good to see you all again. chuk, ralf, corey...let's get together sometime and play.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 16, 2005
Kelowna BC
Whew just got home, and man am I tired.

Richard- Best Peach in NC, hands down. Our matches were too good, let's do it again sometime, we have to work on our team play. Peaches and Cream ftw!

Nick- Thanks for the tournament man, everything ran very smoothly. I really hope the circuit thing works out, this **** was just too fun. Good games.

KT- Hey, you did well. Just keep practicing and you'll get it, lemme know if you want to play sometime.

FNJ- Didn't get to play you, but I watched a few and I must say those Icies have serious potential, keep it up, dude.

Chuk- That Luigi is too good, man. I saw a bit of your Mario and your combos are sick. Oh and keep working on IIDX, you'll break through the first wall eventually.

Luther- That sucks you didn't enter, I wanted to see the Boozer goodness, oh well man. Thanks for the ride dude, lemme know if you want to play sometime.

Ralf- Peach is your worst match up but you gave me a run for my money, good ****. Keep it up yo.

Corey- Finally we meet, and I must say that Sheik is pretty sick. Work on your driving, though. :p

Ali- What can I say, you're nasty. Falcon is your character man, keep it up! Gratz on your win today.

And finally Peter- First off, I'd like to say thanks for all of the practice and advice you've given me over the past couple of monthes. You have an amazing understanding with this game and you're a great teacher. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be where I am now. Keep working on.... whoever the hell you main, you have unlimited potential.

I'm tired, so to anyone I missed, good games, good ****, good whatever, I'm out. Night.


Theory Coder
Feb 28, 2004
In a world of my own devising
Tourney was so much fun. I really enjoyed myself.

Nick - Nice tourney man. Can't wait for teams.

Ali - 'Gratz dude, nice work. Some fun matches at your place too.

Luther - Hellz yeah man! Let me know and I'll try and be there.

Chuk - LOL, too long man. Crazy fun matches. I was sweatin' the whole time. Good ish dude. See you around soon!

Richard - OMG Peach's broken! Heh, good fun playing you and Kris in teams at Ali's too. Sorry the brackets got you squeeked out of 3rd.

Kris - Hey, nice to finally really meet you man. Your Peach is really coming along. Sorry again about the car, I'll have to remember that in the future.

Peter - WHOA! Totally crazy matches! We'll get more next time.

I didn't really talk to anyone else, but if I did and I forgot, it was nice to meet you and I'll see you around probably soon.

Edit: Same time post!!!

I've Jihad It

Smash Lord
Jul 29, 2006
Storrs, School of Architecture
man this was a good tourny .. too good =D shoutouts:

Nick - thanks for hosting the tourny man, too much fun with you guys and we'll have it again in teams

Peeeterrr - you have gotten way much better, that marth of yours is getting to me :p you do have unlimited potential .. jus keep it up bro good matches all around and good practice matches too.

Luther - stop staring at me ... thanks for drivin us , i barely recognized you in the tourny because of the highlighter shirt lol and good thing beatin pikachu

Chuk - I still think your too good , and now I know that your imaginary girlfriend was real .. interesting :p ... keep that luigi up and keep on practicin !

Richard - your peach has gotten better, too good my friend just keep it up and practice your pillars or other tactics youve learned :p keep it up man , prove to everyone ;)

Kris - man your skills overall has gotten better , whether it is with marth or peach .. good matches man, you've got potential , jus keep on practicin .. curse you zwoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrg!

brian, logan and travis - you guys are a lotta fun , and you guys can get there if you pracitce smash :p but you're better than me in guitar hero haha ... and logan dont quit this game ;)

corey - gooood matches man , it was fun practicing with you and keep it up .. practice ! =D

Tony and YKB3 - You guys have gotten much better , that yoshi has gotten better and tony's IC is too good too you guys are gettin there .. jus keep on practicin , you can do it

Ralf - come to my place ! lol

KT - Im glad you listened to me and played shiek O_O .. you'll do better with a person whos higher tier , but still your zelda is nasty :p lol .. keep it up and hopefully i'll see you soon with everyone else

alonzo - you're always fun to hang out with =D nice meetin your girl .. i think :p

dotpwn + friend - I saw some of you're matches , you guys seem to have potential .. nice meetin you guys keep it up !

I guess this is it .. if I forgot anyone im sorry .. but it was fun all around , good seein everyone ! until next time ;) * cool guys pose *


Smash Journeyman
Jun 25, 2007
Concord, NC
EDIT: This is Nick O. Teen, posting under RTF's account name.
Sorry, had to work today. I'll post results now. Shoutouts will come this evening.

1st - Ali - The Original
2nd - El Cancel
3rd - DF2K
4th - BossNasty
5th - Logan
5th - Ralf
7th - Corey
7th - RTF
7th - Falco no Jutsu
7th - Trav
11th - Chuk
11th - Jorge
11th - YoshiKongBarkley3000
11th - Daniel
15th - dotpwn
15th - Vilt
15th - Brian
15th - Lane
15th - NickOTeen
15th - It Doesn't Even Matter
15th - J-Flip
22nd - Behr
22nd - Supernoob
22nd - Jacob
22nd - Noob
22nd - Cezar
22nd - Jonathan
22nd - John

Corey (Yeroc) def. Behr
Falco no Jutsu def. dotpwn
Chuk (Doctor Chuk) def. Supernoob
Ali - The Original (I'veJihadIt) def. Vilt
Jorge def. Jacob
YoshiKongBarkley3000 def. Brian
El Cancel def. Lane
RTF (RoytheFlamboyant) def. Noob
NickOTeen def. Cezar
DF2K def. Ralf
Daniel def. Jonathan
BossNasty def. It Doesn't Even Matter (A-Zo)
Logan def. John
Trav - granted bye by random
J-Flip - sent to loser's bracket via late arrival

dotpwn def. Behr
Vilt def. Supernoob
Brian def. Jacob
Lane def. Noob
Ralf def. Cezar
It Doesn't Even Matter def. Jonathan
J-Flip def. John

Falco no Jutsu def. Corey
Ali - The Original def. Chuk
Jorge def. YoshiKongBarkley3000
El Cancel def. RTF
DF2K def. NickOTeen
BossNasty def. Daniel
Logan def. Trav

Corey def. dotpwn
Chuk def. Vilt
RTF def. Brian
YoshiKongBarkley3000 def. Lane
Ralf def. NickOTeen
Daniel def. It Doesn't Even Matter
Trav def. J-Flip

Ali - The Original def. Falco no Jutsu
El Cancel def. Jorge
BossNasty def. Logan
DF2K granted bye by random

Corey def. Chuk
RTF def. Jorge
Ralf def. YoshiKongBarkley3000
Falco no Jutsu def. Daniel
Trav granted bye by random

Ali - The Original def. El Cancel
BossNasty def. DF2K

El Cancel def. Corey
Logan def. RTF
Ralf def. FNJ
DF2K def. Trav

Ali - The Original def. BossNasty

El Cancel def. Logan
DF2K def. Ralf

El Cancel def. BossNasty
DF2K granted bye by default

El Cancel def. DF2K

Ali - The Original def. El Cancel in Best 3 Out Of 5


(NOTE: As it is no surprise, as I go through this EVERY tournament I run, there was no shenanigans in making this tournament like I've been told claims have been made of. I treated everyone fairly, and tried to avoid players having to face each other more than once outside of the finals. More on this issue will be addressed later.)


Smash Journeyman
Jun 26, 2007
Concord, NC
No, it makes sense.

He made it to winner's finals.

However, he was third to last knocked out.

Richard lost to Ali in winner's finals, dropping him to loser's semi-finals. He lost to Peter in the semis of the loser's bracket. THEN, Kris lost to Peter in the FINALS of the loser's bracket, placing Kris as second in the loser's bracket and third overall.

Richard was NOT placed up against Peter in an attempt to knock him out. I try to keep it so people won't have to play the same people over and over in a tournament if at all necessary. Richard and Kris had already had matches together, so I placed Richard against Peter so the two wouldn't have to do the same match again.
May 9, 2007
yeah, the way brackets work... the loser of the winners finals automaticly is in losers semis. If you made it so that he had to play an extra set, just because you didnt want to make them play twice in the same tournament is wrong.

It's not uncommon for people to play 2 sets against the same people in the top 5. It happens.

It doesn't make sense, and you did it wrong.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2007
Concord, NC
This tournamet was really fun....and i was suprised at the tournout. Thanks to everyone on props bout my ICs...i've been workin really hard with them.

Ali- congrats on winnin....ur nasty! lol

Peter- that waveshining.....daaaaaamn

Ralf- your gannon is really good....gave me my second loss of the night...nice matches

Luther- you should've entered...you know ur bowser is too nasty lol....for real, it is

Nick- you know i love comin to ur tournaments....and enter everyone, thats what crew members are for lol....great tournament

Chuk- that luigi is still nasty....you need to be on the power rankings...you already have the best luigi in NC lol..i say.

Katie(RTF)- your Zelda is raw!!! Don't see to many so keep it up...yay-yay lol

Behr- ur a cool dude, nice friendlies we played before the tournament. Great Yoshi! That was funny when me, you and james(YKB3) were lookin through that pokemon book lol...

Dotpwn- nice matches we had in the tournament and before the tournament. Ur Donkey Kong is nasty!

James(YKB3)- Ur Yoshi is raw......ur combos are gettin really good with him....now we need to work on teams....incase Nick has a team tournament.

Kris(DF2K) and Richard(Boss Nasty)- didn't play you guys, but good to see you made it to the tournament....

Good job everybody else i didn't mention....this was a great tournament.....


Smash Journeyman
Jun 16, 2005
Kelowna BC
I think you messed up a little with the placings.

it doesn't make any sense near the end.

Richard got to winners finals, but then got 4th?
I agree that Richard should of gotten 3rd. I don't know if this tournament will effect power rankings but he definitely performed better than me and deserves my spot.


Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2005
Tarboro, NC &lt;CREW YGO&gt;
Yes this tourney will go into consideration for the next list change. The whole Richard getting third or w/e will be noted. thanks guys for trying to make these results as accurate as possible :)

oh and falcon is too good...... even if he wasn't pink :(


Smash Journeyman
Jun 16, 2005
Kelowna BC
Yes this tourney will go into consideration for the next list change. The whole Richard getting third or w/e will be noted. thanks guys for trying to make these results as accurate as possible :)

oh and falcon is too good...... even if he wasn't pink :(
Pink is a mixture of red and white(skin color), therefore Blood Falcon is the best. You're welcome, Ali. :p


Smash Journeyman
Jun 26, 2007
Concord, NC
yeah, the way brackets work... the loser of the winners finals automaticly is in losers semis. If you made it so that he had to play an extra set, just because you didnt want to make them play twice in the same tournament is wrong.

It's not uncommon for people to play 2 sets against the same people in the top 5. It happens.

It doesn't make sense, and you did it wrong.
Wait... that's EXACTLY what I did. He went to losers semis.

The tournament was run where if you lost second round, you made it to second round losers. When it got to the finals, and the loser of the finals made his way to the losers bracket, there were two people left. In this case, that person fought one of them and lost. The two left fought in the finals. Skill level involved or not, the results are accurate.

The way I ran it was not wrong, and all the attendees, with the exception of one or two people or so I've heard, had no problem with anything. And everyone ALWAYS seems to think I tried to "cheat" them somehow or another, which is not the case.

Change the results if it's going to make everyone happy, but the official standings as of that night are posted in this thread. I need not defend myself over running a tournament the way I always have and receiving no complaints from regular tournament goers.

EDIT: By the way, thanks Pac. I appreciate it.
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