This is a compendium of hallmark events chronicled to the ventures of the inexplicably exciting, the incontrovertibly intelligent, and the indisputably mature League of Legends group known as: The Dirty Dongs. Their wisdom is unbound, their teamwork is legendary, and their ELO is a lot higher than yours. Their stories, held together, are known as:
The Dirty Dong Chronicles
Part 1: A Day in the Life of Zehawesome
Zehawesome wakes up. He rolls to his side and wraps his arm around the person sleeping next to him. He nibbles on his partner's ear and whispers gently, “Hey, baby, you awake?”
A nasally voice that sounds oddly like it belongs to a girl and a guy at the same time rises from the person next to him, “Yeah.” Zehawesome bites his bottom lip and lets out a big fart in anticipation, “Wanna f*ck?” He farts again.
“Uhh, no?”
Zehawesome pulls away from his partner and raises his voice in annoyance, “What the f*ck – why the f*ck not, Saki?”
“'Cuz I'm not gay, hurr hurr.”
“What the f*ck – what the f*ck, Saki? We already did it last night. You even said you liked it!”
“No, I didn't, hurr hurr. You kept on saying 'You like that, don't you?' and I said 'No' every time.”
“WOWWWWWW, SAKI, WOWWWWWWW. That is not what happened at all.”
“Yes, it was.” Saki's voice was growing in pitch, indicating that he's totally ready to make a baby, but he rolls away from Zehawesome and steps out of bed to put on his clothes, “I have to head out anyway. I'm supposed to fly out to New Vegas over the weekend – you know – that business trip.”
Zehawesome rises out of bed too, “But what am I supposed to do with you gone all weekend?”
Saki glances at the clock by the bed and hurries to complete his morning ritual, “I don't know, go hang out with your friends, just – ahh – whatever, I need to get going. Bye, Tyler!” Saki gives Zehawesome, also known as Tyler, a peck on the cheek and hurries out the door. Tyler fell back into his bed when Saki disappeared and forlornly stared at the ceiling. “Three days without Saki?” Zehawesome put his hand down his pants and started jerking off.
After about three hours of touching himself with no results (Tyler didn't have much imagination) Zehawesome went on with his morning rituals and when all was said and done he ruminated on what he should do today. I know! He thought. I'll give Kirk a call and see if he wants to hang out!
Tyler dialed his friend's number and after a brief moment he hears Kirk's voice.
“Yeah, hey, Kirk. It's me, Tyler. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today.”
A brief pause on Kirk's end, and then suddenly, “Shut the f*ck up, n*gger,” and the call ends.
After about an hour of crying, Tyler decided on calling a different friend.
Tyler dialed his other friend's number and after a brief moment, Tyler hears his voice.
“Hi, Jimmy. It's me, Tyler. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today.”
A brief pause on Jimmy's end, and then suddenly, “Shut the f*ck up, n*gger,” and the call ends.
Tyler couldn't help but shout in rage. “What the f*ck!? WHAT THE F*CK!?” He accidentally farted during the second shout. He didn't explode any further, however. That outburst was the only catharsis he needed. After some deep breaths and a little snack, Tyler listlessly dove back into his bed and laid his face into his pillow. He groaned to himself, “I don't know what to do...” Zehawesome dozed off into a dreary slumber.
It didn't appear as if the time had changed at all when Zehawesome woke. The sun was still up and when he glanced at the clock by his bed, he noticed he had only napped for about thirty minutes. He amused himself the thought of a power napping tournament (like I said, he wasn't very good with imagination) and that he would totally get first place, but... “Wait a minute...” he said to himself. Suddenly his thoughts turned to a different thing he could do in his sleep... “OH MY GOD, I HAVE A BLAZBLUE TOURNAMENT TODAY!” Tyler farted.
The tournament was conveniently held at Tyler's favorite restaurant – Chuck E Cheese's. The entire restaurant was devoid of children, however, which saddened Tyler because he liked to hide in the ball pit and masturbate to the passing children. Regardless, he still decided he would pop one off in there, but not until after the tournament was over. He scanned his competition. They didn't look like much. There weren't a whole lot of people either, but it was a respectable amount. There was:
Lord Knight:
and about twenty other people Tyler didn't bother to care about.
When the brackets were set up and the tournament started, Zehawesome just cruised through his matches. His first round was against a guy who just learned how to play, which was only moderately difficult for Tyler. His second round was a little tougher – another guy who just learned how to play, but with Ragna – but Tyler managed to squeeze out a win there too. His third match, however, was against Lord Knight. Tyler very nearly lost, because Lord Knight already hit Tyler with an Astral Finish, which would end the round after a brief cutscene, but Lord Knight pressed pause before the cutscene ended and Zehawesome totally pounced on that opportunity to call on the referee and disqualify him. The crowd was booing at Zehawesome, at this point, but he thought they were cheering so he turned around and raised his arm in victory with a kind of 'durrrrr' face. The crowd was booing even louder in response to this hubris and one of them shouted, “F*ck you!” but Tyler thought the guy said, “Vacuum,” and he could only assume that someone had made a mess because of how awesome his Hazama was.
Amidst the jeering crowd was one man who couldn't tolerate Zehawesome's underhanded tactics any longer and he stepped forward to challenge him. He just happened to be Zehawesome's next opponent as well. Before starting the match, the man took off his pants and put it on his own head. He spoke confidently to Tyler, “Know that your defeat will be at the hands of Omniscythe.”
Zehawesome replied with equal confidence, “That's what you think, but,” Zehawesome paused and took off his pants and placed them on his head as well, “It's not over yet!”
Zehawesome lost. Badly. He ran into the center of the room and farted as he fell to his knees. He shouted to the ceiling, “WHY CAN'T I PLAY ANYONE GOOD IN BLAZBLUE!?”