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NC Catfish Social Thread! *<3 KEV*


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
If you want stories

It was pretty foggy that night. The neighborhood never saw one so thick in years. Not even sure I was very much alive back then. I just sat in my room, viewing whatever branches I could see out my second story window. In what I assume was distance, I could only see a glare of light, a hue I know only to be the street lights. I really couldn't think that night. Could it have been my head was just as bad as the weather? Possibly so, because no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't think of what to write.

So much time passed, or so the clock said. Hour to hour. I counted seven in total, but the fog told another story. The fog told me that no time has passed. The fog was telling all the time has passed. Either way, the fog was consuming all. The neighborhood, the sky, the view, and my head.


I could here a faint voice amongst the all consuming fog.

"You can hear me! I know it! Concentrate!"

Concentrate she said. I tried, and noticed something. The fog was all around me. Where did my room go? It didn't matter, I was getting tired. I didn't want to think, or do anything anymore. Just sleep.

"UGH! NO! Don't go to sleep. That's the first thing you want to avoid!"

THAT'S RIGHT! She wants me to concentrate. And amongst the thick fog that has everything in its grasp, I see a faint glare. But the color is not the all familiar street light. It was rather white. A clean white. Something so beautifully innocent and crisp, there was nothing I could compare it to.

"GOOD! Good stuff! Just, just THINK HARDER! You're the first who has come this close."

Amongst the beautiful glow, a silhouette began to form. Just seconds later I see a girl in a white dress. A girl of blond hair and almond eyes.

"Finally. Who are you? doesn't matter. You're the first to not fall under control. Well, other than me. I was all alone for what felt like forever, but something inside me urged me to head in this direction, and I then find you. You're a sexy looking one, too."

The first thing I wanted to know was what was going on. It was pretty clear, though, in what she said that she knew just as much as I.

"Well, it's felt like DAYS. Maybe even weeks. Yet, I haven't been hungry, nor needed any reason to go to the bathroom, not that I could find one. Name is Arianne, and I come from the town Fahl. Where are you from?"

I was a bit offset. I never heard of Fahl. I come from Queens, New york. Maybe it's my lack of knowledge on my own world. Since she can speak english with an accent much like mine, I assumed she was from the United States. So I asked her from what part is she from.

"United . . . States? America? Never heard of them. I come from the largest country in the world, De Enmire. Surely you heard of it. But, anyway, I been very alone, and you are nice looking . . . and I'm bored, so . . . Can you guess what I'm leading up to, here?"

Before she could finish that thought, the fog was clearing up to our left. Unfortunately, it wasn't clearing to light, but more like a dark forest. All of a sudden the atmosphere changed from a chilly stillness to a warm, damp, dark and wet forestation.

"What? I was standing here for days, and you were only here for minutes. Why did you get the better end of the deal? Doesn't matter, I can see fire in the distance. PEOPLE! Follow me, then. I don't want to lose the only person I know."

She spoke as if I was going to go home. As if that was a possibility at this point. She was rather energetic and seemed to fly past everything to the fire. I, on the other hand, got hit with every branch she had pushed aside. All the water that was left in those branches flicked on me, leaving me soaked when we reached our destination.

"HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! You have some visitors!"

Out of this primitive shack came a Horse's head on a body of a extremely well built human and reaching eight feet tall. I was speechless, but Arianne didn't seem to have been phased.

"What? Look at this! We got Phu for visitors. A rare sight. Come in. You must be hungry. And the man phu there needs a new set of clothes I happen to have."

"THANKS A BUNCH! My name a Arianne. What's yours?"

"We Qurrs have names that may be difficult for you Phu to speak. You can just call me Mars."

I remember something Arianne said before. She said we were two who didn't fall under control. I wanted to know what she knew that I didn't. We settled in Mars' little shack. I changed my clothes in a room they provided for me. Arianne was trying to peak, but Mars' wife pulled her away from the door. It wasn't but three hours since we entered that a meal was served and we sat at a table to eat.

"I'll be frank. You Phus seem to be disappearing more quickly lately. The Fog only seemed to have set once a year and only took one or two of you. But lately it's been a weekly thing and darn near all of you have been taken. This is a first that the Fog has spit you out. You must be special. Something the God couldn't keep hold of."

This was perfect. He got on the subject I wanted to speak with Arianne about. I looked in her direction, about to ask my question, but instead notice a serious tone overtake her face.

"It's true. My world of Surre has all but been wiped of my kind. The only things left to rule the land are animals and bugs. The God has removed us from Surre."

"Surre? The fog brought all the way to Rruu? You're almost four galaxies away. Please stay here for a while. I don't know what I can do for the two of you, but surely the spirits have chosen you to change whether your kind lives on or dies off."

I was again put off. Galaxies? Surre? Rruu? Horse people? As I tried to understand what was going on, my heart was pounding. I felt like I was about to choke. I tried gasping for air, but fell out of the chair i was sitting at to the group, grabbing at my chest. I couldn't think. I couldn't breath and black was what surrounded me soon after, much like the Fog before.

As I regained my consciousness, I see Arianne's face. But this was no dream. Arianne was sitting on me, staring.

"You been out cold for a few days! Why did you pass out? Too much to consume at one point, eh? Well, let me tell you, you're one hot thing when you're asleep."

"I think the Girl is trying to say she's happy you're awake and was worried about you. In her own way." Mars' wife said, pulling Arianne off of me. Why did she allow her to sit on me in the first place? My mind was still on what Arianne had said, though. About control. So, while sitting up I asked my questions. Her face quickly fell from excitement to a more serious look.

"In my land, a fairy tail is told. The Fog takes those who are doing wrong and are brought to God. God places judgment and returns them. They are burdened with the punishment God set forth as retribution so these people can die and go to heaven. But, one day, things go awry and God seeks out those who oppose him. The Fog retrieves these 'sinners' and God 'judges' them. Or rather, he puts them under some hypnotic control. He then returns them to fight for him and have all find belief in him. So far, we have yet to see the war break out."

"Yes. We have a similar tale, but it ends the same way. Everyone is forced to believe in this God. But our tale doesn't end there."

"Yeah. There's a light found amongst the tyranny. The spirits culminate their power into several beings. These beings come down and fight God. A clash unlike any other is seen in the sky on all worlds, and the beings take victory. God sees his mistake and rights the wrong he makes."

I could only sit and ask if they thought this is what was occurring. They could only nod in agreement. As I sat, I looked out the window and notice a bright green globe rise from the sky. Could this be their sun? The sky turned multiple shades of green until it finally reached the yellow green it would remain at for hours. I noticed we were in nothing advanced, technological, or electric. Everything was jungle and forest.

I turned back to Arianne and Mars' and asked what we were to do.

:V I just can't finish a post, can I?


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
Too bad I didn't go on with it . . . I had to go play some DUTY.


Which reminds me. I have a battle with LozR to make up . . .

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
I thought you were going somewhere else with that story when you said "she" and "white." Then again, I'm a terrible person.

I wanted some closure, but it was interesting.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
That's just ish I came up with on the spot. I have amazing stuff that I been tweaking since i was in the seventh grade. :embarrass


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
Well, I'm glad there's people who actually enjoy reading my works. It's as they say, too, you'll have your haters. You just need to disregard them and put your stuff out there anyway, if you want recognition.

So don't be hatin', be 'preciatin. :bee:


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
i ain't hatin zio, i read the post (for the most part), but once i saw that the end was just the materialization of a female, i feel like i hit the ending of the first part of the first episode of a decent anime. teaser text.

it was just easier to make a post like mine at the time.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
Oh, it's cool, d00d. I would continue, but that's just something I do. I stop in the middle of something.

Like, I don't know how ling it would take for me to finish that . . .

**** it.

I'm going to give it a better finish.


Gotem City Vigilante
Sep 25, 2007
The back country, GA
What PP you don't like my new sig idea? lol

Did you get caught in the women's bathroom? I can see it now...

Oh! Um, sorry miss... I'm Doctor Peepee. I'm hear to make sure the toilets are flushing properly. *PP walks out*


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
my brawl pools are up (lolz)

Pool 1

Armada - you know armada
Candy - candy is a mad legit snake in md/va
Captain Jadde - european alcoholic who i didnt know played brawl
Jonas - idk
Nacker - used to play rob but quit brawl but is entering this apparently
Stingers - the best

3rd seed here I come :embarrass


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
yeah, but i havent seen any videos of him in a long time. and i youtubed it and its still the same stuff I saw a year ago. i can't find anything of jadde either, and jonas is too generic of a name to search. nacker quit brawl so candy is the only person I can actually watch :p
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