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NC Catfish Social Thread! *<3 KEV*


Smash Master
May 31, 2009
Atlanta, GA
omg what.

is my avatar seriously animated? I don't see it.
Yeah it is.



my fav luigi that i only played 2 matches with, cool
I love you Macd.

If only these red letters lasted longer than one day and came with benefits. :(

Also - I always wanted to do an animated avatar. But I couldn't find a supported file.

I see that OCEAN has an animated PNG file. I hope that's no april fools joke, either.
Twenty times this.

Money> Woman
It's debatable.


Smash Hero
Dec 29, 2007
GA all dai
lol, def no debate on that. did you know men used money before women?

nah, but the newer the better and women def precede $


Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
Money> Woman
but, is money>women?

Now that is a question.

I wonder if we could ever make women into a currency.

Hey PP, I'll give you 3 playboy models for your skill and a PS3

Hey PP, maybe you should make your combo video a highlander spoof


Use that song by Queen and have someone with a voice similar do an intro for you (I dont mind coming up with one haha) :p

In the end, there can be only one.


Smash Hero
Apr 10, 2009
its funny how all the snake pros that had a hiatus from brawl, are coming back because of MLG. maybe he will rise in the tier list now. or maybe someone will find some over powered AT for um.


Smash Hero
Apr 10, 2009
yea hes coming back, and someone in socal, cant spell his name, and i think that other florida snake player.... the really good falco melee player guy.


Smash Hero
Apr 10, 2009
the Hispanic boy, dont know which of those names are him ( no he is just rumored)

afro thundah said he was coming back on facebook.


Smash Master
May 31, 2009
Atlanta, GA
the Hispanic boy, dont know which of those names are him ( no he is just rumored)

afro thundah said he was coming back on facebook.
This would be chops. He plays a pretty beast Snake.

But chops doesn't beat around the bush with things like that though. If he were to enter MLG, we would know by now.


Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
That is correct sir. Gave them the gift of youth until your warranty expires. The week after thats up, **** will start going wrong, parts will go bad, you'll start noticing odd smells that you don't know were they're coming from, etc. May I suggest giving me all your melee skills for a life time warranty? If you order within the next 30 seconds I'll double your order,. Thats right! You'll receive twice as many playboy models for the one low rate! And the deal doesn't end there! be one of the first 100 callers and receive this courtesy hug from the twins! I know I can't believe it either! All this for only you melee skills and a PS3!?

We accept payments in the form of cash, credit, and full frontal nudity. Takes 3-5 business days to ship. Shipping and Handling fees may apply. We will also take out regular hourly payments of $99.95 and send you monthly additions including and limited to jokes by the twins. If Playboy models are out of stock we will instead ship you Kirbykaze, MacD, and BANKS. Playboy models are not for everyone, please consuly your doctor
before use.



( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
*was interviewed*

It is true.

I once did not believe in the Magic, but given this opportunity, I have seen the truth.

You too can see the truth for such a meager price. It is highway robbery not to take advantage of such a deal.

okay, I'm done now. can I get my food? . . . WHAT!?! You said it was free! Are you serious? Well, **** YOU! I DID YOU A FAVOR!



Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
Listen to what these people have to say about this opportunity!


And if you hear anything about these being paid actors who were promised food then not fed, well that is not true! They most certainly were fed >.>

And this just in! If you order within the next .02 seconds you'll receive a used copy of Spaceballs for absolutely $199.98 charge! Thats a steal for someone!


Always remember to tip your server.


This just in! Anyone wishing to change their order to the other models are more than welcome to for a minimal fee of $638863988! (Thats literally what came out when I punched the keyboard).



Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)


Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
I wonder how many people didn't catch that it was an april fools prank and will ask how they're doing at apex or later tournies :p

Whats funny is that the facebook thing was just a misdirection prank so he would drop his guard. That night I was going to grab his spare keys from home and steal his car while he was at work :p

Had to work on my class project though so that one fell through >.>

but the facebook one did enough damage so its all good


Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
lol well in high school we were serious about pranking with friends. now its just a mild form of what it once was. There were about 10 of us and 9 of us would always team to prank a certain 1 (always rotating), as well we would start discussing a msall decoy prank with the victim so they would have no idea.


-I was duct taped to a bed (earlier stages of pranking)

-While out to eat we had someone "break in" and steal all of our friends stuff (my best friend brought over his custom built computer that he loved as well as all of our many weapons). We had a camera in a bag hidden to record his reactions. We also had a friends older bro who was a cop come over after we "called 911". Oh it was good. But that was still just childs play.

-since im off to bed i'll just tell you one of my personal favorites.

The target: Travis, 6'3 fairly built guy. His 19th bday coming up.
The planners: Me, my brother, lewis, sean, Travis' girlfriend, travis' parents (after some convincing).

The plan: to kidnap and scare the living hell out of him.

Essential facts: You see Travis had made a lot of enemies and had been threatened several times. We decided to take advantage of this fact. As well we were all avid weapon collectors, travis having the largest collection at the time. There was no 2 ft radius in his room that didn't have a blade or damaging object hidden in it.

How it went down:
The night before his bday, we had his girlfriend, Amanda, take him out to the movies, dinner, her place, etc. Anything to wear the guy down when he got home. While out and about, Sean and I went into his house with the key his mom and dad gave us. We went in his room and removed all weapons that were within arms reach of his bed. We found a K bar underneith his pillow, a giant knife in a boot on the ground were his head is (we left the sheeth so he wouldn't notice something missing out of his peripherals), blades on the desk, and a blade pressed in between the bed and the wall. Yeah this guy was ready just in case, that or else he had no room for all of this stuff :p

Around 4 in the morning, a couple hour after being dropped off we made our move. We all wore black clothes and hoodies and I wore a black paintball mask just in case he saw us. Sean and David (tw1n) wore stuff to cover their faces but could be ripped off. We brought our camera that had night vision on it. Amanda was the camera person for this. Lewis was elsewhere, more on that later.

We went in and moved quietly. His parents opted to take this night to go out and have fun for the night so no worries there. The order was that I would take his head and arms while david would pin him down and sean went for the legs. This order was chosen because david and I have years and years of wrestling behind us so we would be able to hold him down, and sean was just strong :p

The second I jumped on him he punched at my face. He just missed but he knocked the mask sideways. I covered his eyes and david quickly moved to grab his arms while I adjusted the mask. I then pulled out a cap gun and heald it to his head when he started yelling. He knew the feeling and knew not to move (cap guns are loud but harmless mind you :p). We put a hood over his head and had sean do the talking since he and travis didn't really know each other. We tied him up and dragged him out to a truck we borrowed. While david drove, I was in the back with sean and travis while amanda was in the front recording (it was a big truck).

Sean threatened him with stuff like his life, gf, etc.

quick side note: Travis claimed he could/would never cry. We wanted to test that. yes, he cried... a lot.

At this point he stopped fighting and started begging. While doing that we put clothes over him that were as prep as it gets (he hated preps). We wound up taking him to an ihop we always went to. We had become good friends with the employees and managers so lewis went to warn them about the prank. When we went in it was dead silent. We put him on his knees and asked him if theres anything he wanted to say before he died (we really wanted to push the crying thing. Prove a point if you would). he just sat there shaking, and right when we thought he was going to break down completely, we took off the hood and had all the emplyees and his friends yell SURPRISE! then we had his bday party :p

That was probably our meanest prank :p


Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
Again this was back in high school :p

He was scared to death :p
But he knew he wad it coming because he had pranked everyone else but had never been targeted himself. So he took it as a good joke. However he was pissed that he was dressed like a prep :p
We made him keep those on for most of the day too.

Just don't get the impression that my brother and Ilike to prank 24/7. Haha far from it, but we are vengeful people :D


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2007
He screamed and started throwing punches at us lol.

As I always say, the angrier someone gets, the better the prank really was. It was a good prank haha.

But yes... we love our april fools day. We got out mom really bad one year to the point she almost had a heart attack I think. Alot of kids try doing the whole "Mom/Dad, you're going to be a grandparent soon" or whatever. Small laughs and yay... One year we set it up so even the girl and child were present for the confession lol. Kyle (twin A...) had dated this girl a year earlier. Well we come home one day and he does the whole sob story saying he found out he's a dad and he didn't know what to do next. Our mom was buying it a bit but had the obvious doubts. Then the ex came over with a baby stroller... our mom laughed saying ok good one... then the baby started crying. My mom freaked, screamed, and started yelling at Kyle saying how he has to man up and be a good father.

She was freaking out up until she saw that the baby was one of those fake annoying babies you get in the family planning class. The one that cries and needs to be fed and ya... attached to the childs head was a post it note that said "April fools. Gotha Mom." We were quickly chased out of the house with whatever she could throw at us lol. Good times good times...

By the way Kyle, Dr. PP's paymnt came in. Ship him the girls while I handle his tech skill ;D
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