I actually never camp Jim Peach vs. Ganon. Or hell, I never really camp him period. Ever. Not with Sheik or Falco or Fox...or Peach. Don't use that as an argument. If we ever play in tournament, I'll probably camp him. And I'll probably win, Jim will probably admit that. Mainly because I ***** out the top tiers while Jim is limited with his completely average character. Jim will tell you I was better than him when I took this game seriously. It was close, it was very close actually, but I always held a slight edge over Jim in Melee. Saying that, my opinion is completely founded based on the years of experience I have with Peach vs. Ganon, and has nothing to do with who is better than who. lol @.@
You listed a bunch of random facts about the matchup that are true, but I don't know why or how any of that says that Peach wins by being aggressive against Ganondorf. Peach's float cancelled Bair to Dsmash combos at low percents against Ganon the same as it does anyone else, hey, cool. That doesn't mean that Ganon's retreating Fair doesn't safely beat absolutely every non-turnip option Peach has while approaching, something I've learned through experience. If Peach approaches, she approaches with a turnip in hand, mainly because she's willing to take the risk that the Ganondorf won't just punch right through it with Fair or WD back or get on a platform and then waveland *aerial* or even ****ing Wizkick through it because the reward is high, like you mentioned. At top level play, Ganondorf won't fall for Turnip -> Fair unless he likes to sit in his shield in which case that fault in his playstyle will get him ***** by a good Peach, like it will for any other character (protip: Shielding against Peach is bad unless the Peach sucks, like playing a Ness or Kirby in 64).
i'm young and wrong and you're old and smart
disregard everything i just said