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My noob questions


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
What do I do if a falco just sits there on the edge and camps reflectors whenever I have a banana in my hand? Is there a decent way to punish this?

How do you DI toon link's second fsmash hit?



Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2007
New York, NY
What do I do if a falco just sits there on the edge and camps reflectors whenever I have a banana in my hand? Is there a decent way to punish this?

How do you DI toon link's second fsmash hit?

Run in, shield the reflector. Now you're in, he can't use it again without fear of being punished badly.

You have a few options. You can jump over him and z drop a banana and DI back (to punish any attempts to get back on stage). You can spam dtilt. You can throw the banana up to bait the reflector then peanut (this is hard to time, because it has to hit him when he's hanging on the edge, and it has to be after his invincibility frames are done).

There are probably a lot more options, but basically run in and bait out the reflector.

As for TL, I have no idea. Are you asking how to DI the first hit so that the second one doesn't hit you? Or which direction to smash your control stick in when the 2nd hit nails you?

I don't know either, but I can tell you how to figure out the answer to the second one. Have a friend use TL and just fsmash you at the edge when you are at high %. Do not DI. Note your trajectory. Next time jab the control stick so that that angle of trajectory and the angle you pushed the control stick in are bisected by the angle which leads to the top corner of the blast zone (I guess this is a little complicated).


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2008
Suffolk, Long Island, NY
What do I do if a falco just sits there on the edge and camps reflectors whenever I have a banana in my hand? Is there a decent way to punish this?

How do you DI toon link's second fsmash hit?

well against a falco, im not sure if this works, but against a fox, if they use reflector when you have a banana in hand, then use diddy hump or diddy F_B with an attack (the kungfu kicking thingy).

2. i have NO idea. i dont think you can


Smash Lord
May 9, 2008
Socal -> FL
if your at high %ish the first hit will stun and will not be able to DI out of it.....

if your at lower %....im pretty sure that you can either power shield it or take it like a man.....have to experiment more but 90% of the time the first will stun you long enough for TL to do 2nd slash

Fox Is Openly Deceptive

Smash Detective
Sep 22, 2008
WinMelee, Australia
I remember reading a post that might help you, the guy was saying not only can you use a down tilt while holding a banana but you can also crawl under falco's reflector.
To do this (with banana in hand) simply crawl forward (hold the joystick diagonaly down right/left) and hit A.
I hope this helped.


Smash Ace
Apr 8, 2008
When a Falco is camping reflector (because it's generally pretty obvious) I normally tend to get in close, and backwards up throw (or downthrow) the banana, and then run in, roll behind and punish. Since Falco is probably either already adjusted from the reflector, I either usually just grab, or any tilt. Dtilt is fast as hell and has some stun to it, so I prefer that.


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2006
Shine Blockaz Central
What do I do if a falco just sits there on the edge and camps reflectors whenever I have a banana in my hand? Is there a decent way to punish this?

How do you DI toon link's second fsmash hit?
People need to read more closely.

  1. Are you being edge-guarded by a Falco while you are recovering or hanging onto the ledge? If he's just kicking out his reflector while you're dangling off the ledge, your best option is to wait for the actual hit-box on Falco's reflector to disappear (it only exists for the first few frames it is out), and then you can actually ledge-hop through the reflector and Diddy Hump, Diddy Kick, F-air, or accidentally execute AlphaZealot's wall-jumped B-air (which, incidentally, I've been doing more and more of unintentionally lately). The thing to keep in mind is that even though the actual reflecting properties of his shine are still active, the hit-box will not. And honestly, don't even bother doing anything with the banana; you're in a pretty bad position in this particular scenario, and the banana will be reflected no which angle you decide to throw or Z-drop (unless you just happen to anticipate the reflector, in which case you might be able to get an early start on a ledge-jump and Z-drop it on him before the reflector is fully retracted).

    If, on the other hand, you are being camped while you are recovering, do everything in your power to sweetspot the ledge so you regain some sort of positional advantage.

  2. In order to escape the second (killing) hit of Toon Link's D-smash, you need to smash-DI in the appropriate direction. As most of you may know, the first hit of TL's D-smash drags opponents from the front of him to his rear, where the second, potential KO hit almost always connects. If you are facing left when you eat TL's D-smash, you need to smash-DI immediately to the left. If you are facing TL on the right, smash-DI to the right. You are already moving at a naturally fast speed due to the swiftness of the backward drag of the first hit of the D-smash, and smash-DIing will force your far enough past the range of the second hit of the D-smash. The only downside to doing this is that you can be caught off-guard and get flung very far off the ledge at a very low trajectory (since you are, in theory, continuing on an uninterrupted trajectory set by the first hit of the D-smash with momentum intact), so you need to be prepared to recovery immediately in order to avoid a gimp KO.


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2007
New York, NY

I am fairly sure he means that Falco is hanging on the ledge and doing a jumping reflector whenever he approaches. I could be wrong though.

Also his question regarding TL is about his Fsmash not Dsmash.


Former Smashboards Owner
Jul 6, 2003
Bellevue, Washington
The way I read that it seemed like Falco is just on the stage. Shrug. If he is hanging, try edge canceling the diddy kick into bair.


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2007
New York, NY
Yeah I'm a little confused by the wording of the first question.

Either way he's gotten responses that are answers to both meanings.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 8, 2007
garland, tx
if he is hanging on the edge then dnt use the banana. run in power shield the reflector and f tilt him that should finish it if he has enough damage he wil not be able to make it back when u hit him


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2006
Shine Blockaz Central

I am fairly sure he means that Falco is hanging on the ledge and doing a jumping reflector whenever he approaches. I could be wrong though.

Also his question regarding TL is about his Fsmash not Dsmash.


Sorry guys. I can't even come up with a clever john for this one.

For F-smash: Smash DI up and toward TL's direction.

Luigi player

Smash Master
Jul 29, 2004
Um, he probably means the Falco is standing on the stage, but near the edge, and uses his downB.

I once faced a Wolf player.. whenever I held a banana he just did his reflector and had it out forever >_> I always wanted to throw a peanut and then hold A for a fsmash. I didn't think of Zdropping it and doing an aerial on him =/ (well, after the fight I thought of that -_-)

I could've also crawled and hit him with a dtilt, but I didn't knew you could do that back then.

Anyway. If you can really crawl under the reflector I guess it won't be a big problem anymore. I also jump over a reflector spamming enemy and z drop the nana on him.
Falco can't really do anything else while doing his reflector, so he should be easily punished.
He will probably see that this won't work anymore if you hit him out of it a few times and then he might try to think of something else, so keep that in mind.

I don't know if DIing up and to TLs direction really helps... because you get even hit if you're behind him >_> it's hitbox seems really big. Like MKs fsmash... but maybe you can footstool away from him if you can go up a little.


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2006
Shine Blockaz Central
Anyway. If you can really crawl under the reflector I guess it won't be a big problem anymore.
I have to take this opportunity to correct a misunderstanding that I helped perpetuate: although you can crawl underneath the reflector, you cannot evade the actual hit-box. I haven't tested exactly when it wears off, but once the initial hit-box disappears, then you are free to crawl past the reflector and glide-toss (before the reflector is retracted), or even run through the reflector and follow up accordingly.

I don't know if DIing up and to TLs direction really helps... because you get even hit if you're behind him >_> it's hitbox seems really big. Like MKs fsmash... but maybe you can footstool away from him if you can go up a little.
It's not guaranteed, but proper smash DI will get you behind him enough so that TL's second, lunging hit-box misses.

Luigi player

Smash Master
Jul 29, 2004
I have to take this opportunity to correct a misunderstanding that I helped perpetuate: although you can crawl underneath the reflector, you cannot evade the actual hit-box. I haven't tested exactly when it wears off, but once the initial hit-box disappears, then you are free to crawl past the reflector and glide-toss (before the reflector is retracted), or even run through the reflector and follow up accordingly.

It's not guaranteed, but proper smash DI will get you behind him enough so that TL's second, lunging hit-box misses.

That thing with the reflector is probably true. I remember crawling through it and not getting hit or something... maybe I watched it in a video... I don't know, but I tried it once and then got hit, so I was a bit confused.

But yeah while playing as Falco it's sometimes annoying that the reflector doesn't hit the enemy while still being thrown. That's probably because it's coming back already. So I guess that's how it is. Avoid (or shield) it during it's start, and punish him while it's coming back to him.

And that TL thing makes sense I guess, since he goes forward a bit while doing it, but it's probably not easy =/ I hate multihit smashes... (Diddys fsmash shouldn't be a multihit too :()

People even say you can DI out of Zeldas smashes... but I could like never do it... maybe once or twice... and one time it was with Ness while she did her upsmash. I could DI down and didn't get hit because I was too small, lol.
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