[collapse=Collapsed Cause Delicious Glances]# -1: Doctor Whooves traveled back to far in time.
#1: Feel free to talk about ponies.
#3: We are bronies.
#4: Bronies are friends.
#5: Bronies generally do not forget, but will always forgive.
#6: Bronies have the potential to be horrible, senseless, uncaring monsters... but aren't.
#7: Bronies always deliver.
#8: There are no real rules about posting (besides the ones already posted).
#9: There are no real rules about the Spoiler and NSFW buttons either, enjoy your ban.
#10: If you enjoy any rival sites, post links in /www/.
#11: Oatmeal is crazy. COMPLETELY. INSANE.
#12: Do NOT challenge Fluttershy to a staring contest!
#13: Steven Magnet is and always will be more fabulous than you. But you're beautiful too.
#14: Party hard!
#15: If it exists, there's pony of it
#16: Always add streamers.
#17: Do not read 'Cupcakes'
#18: Do NOT read 'Cupcakes'.
#19: If 'Cupcakes' has been read, do not post anything about 'Cupcakes'
#21: Even lurking in a pony thread makes you a Brony, welcome to the Herd.
#23: Never mind, from now on use the bold font.
#25: This rule comes before Rule 24 at all times.
#24: See? Told you!
#26: Just kidding, I posted Pinkie Pie.
#27: Just kidding again, Gilda roasted Pinkie Pie
#28: Stop feeding the parasprites! Fluttershy can feed the parasprites, though.
#29: A tuba is needed, and a banjo if you can find it.
#30: Joining the Conversion Bureau is optional.
#31: Shrug pictures are always appropriate.
#32: Her name is Derpy Hooves, not Ditzy Doo.
#33: Hitler is a respectable and cherished member of the community.
#33:.5 His reaction towards non-bronies is frowned upon, though.
#34: If it exists, there's a shipping thread about them.
#35: What did I say about that NSFW button?
#36: You can get through a religion thread without arguing.
#37: Convert or Consume! So says demon-possessed Pinkie Pie.
#38: For the sake of all ponies around you, do NOT attempt to make Rarity whine!
#39: Statler and Waldorf love Rarity, no matter what they say.
#39.5: You see that? Those tiny horses made a rule about us! dooooooohohoho
#40: This rule is as many as four tens. And that's ok.
#41: Needs to be 20% cooler, no exceptions.
#42: Pinkie Pie is free to break the 4th wall, and it is steadily loosing containment.
#43: Know the difference between a tree and a pony. It will save your life one day.
#44: The difference between a tree and a pony is that a tree is yellow with pink hair and is much cuter.
#45: The dogs wanted whining.
#46: When Fluttershy drops her balls, so do you. No exceptions.
#47: Star Trek is relevant to Pinkie Pie: You will get Pinkied. Resistance is futile.
#48: Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows!
#49: Rainbow Dash is not a lesbian unless it aids the joke, story, or Shipping thread.
#50: Please don't post pony porn. Every time you do a Fluttertree gets chopped down.
#51: Only Pony Gaga knows when somepony has made de magicks!
#52: Winter wrap up, because tomorrow spring is here.
#53: The 80s will never die in Ponyville.
#54: Always have insulin nearby when watching ponies.
#54.5: Make sure you have sugar nearby as well.
#55: Luna is faking it; she's never alone. She's tricking you. It's a trap! Run, everypony!
#56: Princess Molestia enjoys watching you clop. Rainbow Dash too on prime numbered days.
#57: Celestia does so enjoy planning executions. Don't try and stop her or it'll be yours.
#58: Take a drink every time the show title drops.
#59: AEIOU
#59.5: You are laughing for real right now.
#60: The original video was about the moon. Therefore, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is a realistic representation of Luna's 1000 year entrapment.
#61: Fluttershy sings better than you, so does Rarity.
#62: Pinkie pie sings louder than you, so does Sweetybelle.
#63: Somepony already made guy versions of the mane cast, please make more.
#64: Butterscotch has made you consider being a colt cuddler no exceptions.
#65: Applejack is always relevant.
#66: Twilight has already read about it in a book.
#67: No matter how hard the CMC try, they won't get their cutie marks.
#68: All rules relating to tyrant Celestia are disputed.
#69: Scootabuse is NOT permited.
#70: Derpy is the muffin.
#71: Derpy speaks in a Cockney accent.
#73: The parasprites ate rule 72. Didn't I tell you this would happen?
#74: Derpy has already emptied your fridge, and may have been the eater of 72 also.
#75: Derpy is the best mom this side of Equestria
#Wait: What the heck comes after Toot?
#APPLES: Why can't I hold all these rules?
#OK Guys: No more rules that don't involve numbers.
#77: if they are ponies, there is filly artwork of them. no exceptions.
#78: The Great and Powerful Trixie doesn't need to follow these silly words.
#79: No matter how hard you try you'll never be as cool as Knight Spike. But you can get close.
#80: Any rule that is a non traditional number can be placed anywhere in the list,
#SEE?: Told you!
#81: You gotta shareeeee, you gotta careeeeeeee!
#82: The writer for rule 81 was trapped in the moon for 1000 years.
#83: The writer for rule 82 was given the elements of harmony.
#84: Rules 82 and 83 are nonexistant. They were never there.
#85: Everypony ships lyraXbonbon
#86: tis rule isnt gramaticly correck for reson unonw
#87: It's always party time. No exceptions.
#88: Why not try a holiday in Appleloosa this year?
#89: See the lovely Apple Orchards.
#90: The Horse drawn Horse drawn carriages.
#91: And many interesting furry animals.
#92: Including the majestik buffalo.
#93: A buffalo bit my sister once.
#94: No really she was carving her initials into the Buffalo.
#95: Apple pie solves all problems with buffalo. Try it.
#96: We're sorry for the fault in rules 88-95, those responsible have been trampled by Rabbits.
#97: Pinkie! careful with that pie!
#98: We now verify the existence of rules 1-97 by giving a brohoof.
#99: Everypony breaks rules 17-20 eventually.
#99.5: I haven't broken rules 17-20
#100: To the writer of rule 99.5, You will, you will.
#101: Everyponypony will take the rules as seriously as they see fit.
#102: This rule exists. Seriously, it does. It's right there.
#103: The Grand Galloping Gala is a huge deal.
#104: Most rules are not relevant. Then there are rules that are.
#105: Pinkie Pie sense will help you realize the difference.
#106 I refuse to use this "colon" of which you speak.:
#107: OmygoshOmygoshOmygoshOmygoshOmygosh!
#109: Philemina is a jerk.
#110: Angel bunny is just a tough lover.
#111: Celestia was here.
#111.5: Celestia gets all gets.
#112: Losing a friend's trust is the fastest way to lose a friend.
#112.5: FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!
#113: Taking baths with a toothless Aligator is good for the health.
#114: Gummy is the best pet ever. No exceptions!
#114.5: Angel is offended.
#115: We typed all of this with our hooves.
#116: What are you talking about? I used my unicorn magic.
#117: axsd asd i asd a asdjklasdweu89sd./fd (this was typed with hooves).
#118: I told you to stop arguing with me!
#119: Fluttershy's sorry for all the arguing.
#120: Pinkie's pinkie sense is always right, Never doubt it
#121: The best way to fight your fears is to laugh at them.
#122: Everypony gets down on Friday for more ponies, cus on that day I see my frens!
#123: Pinkie is always watching.
#124: The Ponytariat is the backbone of Equestria.
#125: Those leaves of blue are not a joke.
#126: She's not an evil enchantress! She's an alchemist. And she didn't have to lose an arm and a leg to do it.
#127: You will DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW. No exceptions!
#128: Applebloom just gave you diabeetus. Best death ever.
#129: We do not talk about G3
#130.5: There was a G3?
#131: You will love Luna unrequitedly. You will make her feel better. It doesn't matter that she doesn't exist after episode 2, you love her anyway.
#132: TL;DR, be nice to Luna.
#133: Do not overwork Applejack or ponies will be catapulted onto your balcony.
#134: Balconies can withold the weight of a tyrant.
#135: Tyrants weigh more then they look, surprisingly
#136: Fluttershy is everypony's waifu. Don't hog her to yourself.
#137: You wish you lived in Equestria. Admit it.
#138: For the last time! Scootaloo is not Rainbow Dash's sister!
#138.5: But a man can dream, can't he?
#139: You will not fight back when Lauren Faust takes over the world. It's inevitable.
#139.5: You will instead be one of her many folowers.
#140: A pony is 25 pounds.
#141: Doctor Whooves is more than one kind of pony. He regenerates, duh!
#142: The Sonic Rainboom looks suspiciously like the Orbital Friendship Beam.
#143: There is no such thing as too much pony.
#144: Ponies are not vegetarians. It's a trap.
#145: Doctor Whooves can time travel back to rule 1.
#146: A Spider Man derail does not necessitate the death of a thread.
#147: Any Raider's are to be treated with Love and Kindness, just like all other bronies.
#148: There was a raid?
#149: The writing of these rules was fueled by Rainbow Dash Energy Drink and peanut butter sandwiches.
#150: Yes, Pinkie was an amish pony. This is exactly how Equestria was made.
#150.5: Maybe on the way there i can tell you the story of how I got my cutie mark!
#151: Angry Twilight evolves into rapidash.
#152: Destiny is always a rock.
#153: It's not "Pony Twitter", it's "Rainbowdash Network". And they're not "tweets", they're "dashes". Get it right.
#154: A rock farm totally makes sense.
#155: No talking on the Rock Farm!
#156: No smiling on the Rock Farm!
#157: But Pinkie wants to smile!
#158: When presented with rule 157, refer to rule 150.
#159: And thats how Equestria was made.
#160: And they all lived happily (debatable) ever after. The end. We done guys?
#161: Done? HA!
#162: I knew it! Celestia will never be done with us.
#163: The previous rule sounded kinky, and was edited.
#164: I now completely honor Celestia. No I am not hypnotized; my eyes are naturally swirly.
#1000: The Mare in the Moon is just an old pony's tale.
#210: All rules will remain in place until revision after Season 2.[/collapse]