What drawings, Ephy?
Also, 0r0 went over to Colorado to visit Zaj, and was gonna be there for 11 days or so, so they're probably busy doing stuff.
OMG each time I see or hear someone say stuff, can't help hear Pinkie saying "doing her evil stuff"
On the 10th. Did I send you the thread or did I forget?
And for the premier I'm most likely going to San Antonio for that (and some stuff I think is the day before). If you wanna go and see the Lion King and can stay the night and would help me with gas money, I'll take you.
I wish I had the okay to to go HOBOs since back then :/
You better come, Leaf; It's already been proven that most likely is going to turn not at all at the last moment. Let there be Lion King 3D hype combined with Season 2 hype--
Lion king 3D is lion king in "3D".
I know it's ****ing lion king but i'm not watching in {MaKE-y0u-BlInD} mode.
To his or her own eye strengths and weaknesses. I can watch 3D but I personally prefer not to (in regards to saving money) but sometimes the experience, especially with friends, is worth the few extra bucks.
The lack of Lion King appreciation going on in here is staggering.
Much sorrow :{
Maan offered to house me.
I'm like 70% sure I am at this point.
I trashed my Glee, still enjoy the other stuff. Need to go to the gym more, do you need a gym buddy?
Aww yeaaah, if this happens, I gotta give him a big ****ing running-jump hug
It kind of bothers me that homosexuals, bronies, and homosexual bronies at my school are every stereotype and then some. The gays wear pink Hollister and listen to the music you would expect them to, the pony fans take it too seriously, and then there's me. The hot shot pony fan that plays Red version in class. I got my Nidoking today and named him Gertrude.
Dunno if I said it in the thread yet, but I draw ponies in-between class, right outside the next class. But it's a university so majority's older-adults that mind their own business. Speaking of which, I did some preliminary sketches of both fics and the shower today at school.
My mom said she found some baby-book-hard-cover MLP story book at HEB yesterday and wasn't sure about buying it so I checked out today. It was <Gen4 but all three of them had the incarnation of Pinkie Pie, Sweetie Bell, and Cheerlie. Also they finally have a tiny FiM toy section but $8 for brushables? Hmm nah...