Story time!
So a few weeks ago, I applied for a promotion at the Target I work at. I didn't get the promotion, but basically the feedback I got was that they'd try to develop me more. Basically, this meant I got taught a lot more about how the store works, and got put into roles with a lot more responsibility. (Up until now, I've basically been one of the poor ****s who tries to avoid eye contact with you when you see them on an aisle. This job sucks, is mindless, and has no real impact on the store.)
One of these roles came up by happenstance; one of my coworkers who is basically tasked with ensuring the entertainment displays are up to date, and that the department is properly stocked, was getting married in the next few weeks, and she was more or less the only person in the store who knew how to do all that stuff, so she learned me how to do it all, and I basically was let loose on the week she was on her honeymoon.
The job was actually kind of fun. Most of it happens away from the view of customers, so you're not being constantly interrupted, and you can develop a rhythm with the tedious stuff that lets you pretty much automate the process and let the rest of your mind wander. I'm an introvert, so for me spending time with my mind is sedative at worst, and cathartic at best. Needless to say this quality made the role very easy for me to enjoy.
Apparently I did a good job, too. My coworker recently got back to me on it, and was thrilled at how well I had done. She had just gotten me a gift card for $5 as a gift, which is a free lunch, which I will not turn down, but she also is an artist, so she drew me this:
Sure, it's clearly based on
That ****ing vector, but for me, the fact she (having never really watched the show, and finding the whole thing kind of silly) extrapolated from two idle comments of mine on the topic that Rainbow Dash was my favorite, and took the time to find the picture and draw it out and color it was just
so awesome.
Now, I'm usually a very unflappable person in real life. If you look up phlegmatic in a psychology textbook, they have a picture of me there. And this is about all my coworker had really encountered of me, so imagine her surprise when I literally squeed for joy in the middle of the sales floor and practically picked her up in a bearhug.
Basically, I have one of the greatest coworkers ever, and I wanted to share with you all my tale. Seriously, this made an otherwise terrible evening at work bearable.