yeah i went on the aib match finder and i got a few replays, i am better against real peepolz than i thought, so i will make the other combo vid...
and to LoganW: WTF how are combo vids fail...
I lol'd for you not getting it. YOU HAVE FAILED
Well, I'll try my best to explain how combo vids are fail.
The general consensus on Super Smash Brothers Brawl is that combos do not exist. This is nearly true, because of reduced hitstun and increased knockback on a few attacks which could previously be comboed out of (my best example here is Jigglypuff's up throw). It is true that there are some true combo, but those ones are generally lame and escapable after a bit with SDI, for instance being fox and repeatedly utilting the opponent. It can be a true combo at times, hitting the opponent before they can actually escape, but to be frank it's extremely boring to watch and hopefully nobody EVER puts that in a combo video. Another example of something that should never EVER be put in a combo video, is lame chain grabs. They're freakishly effective (speaking as a Pikachu Main) but not at all fun to watch. You can down throw a Fox repeatedly until he is at like 100% damage as Pikachu, but just because it's a true combo so to speak, does not make it thrilling to watch.
So we've gone over the fact that combos pretty much don't exist in brawl except for a few situations, which is why the actual term "Combo video" is a lie. "Cool Plays video", although it sounds rather lame, is essentially what all combo videos are. You can still make cool brawl play videos if you want, but it requires playing a lot, and against real people. Don't expect to be making insane plays right away, because they really don't happen all that frequently.
Oh, and the best Brawl Combo video I've seen to date would be this one:
lol at not getting Logan's joke xD
you guys just made my day. Especially you @ u for putting in too much effort... wtf just call chain attacks comboes... i bet some geek somewhere probably just said "these aren't combos!!!".
no offence Captain L, but wtf. its just a game.
does he get it now??