Alright listen you cocky POS I don't give a **** about what tier my main character is. All that matters is the months and countless hours of skill training I've put into sheik. You think I care if sheik isn't considered good? And for you to insult my skill without even playing me pissed me the f*** off. You probably pick OP characters like snake cause your sanfrancisco **** smelling a** has no confidence either. Leave me the hell alone and keep my friends in Tennesse out of it. My name stays Ajax whether you like it or not. It's people like u that make me hate competive games. Go blow a controller u name searching narccicist..
LoL first off, I havnt insulted your skill yet, so don't get all emotional on me.
Second, I clearly stated I have no problem with Tennesse, read the previous posts.
Thirdly, you're resorting to insulting my state (California) and getting it wrong with San Francisco (thats NorCal, NOT SoCal) clearly because YOU lack confidence in yourself. I could go off on some bigotry on how youre a "moonshiner, rifle-slinging, incestual hill-billy" but I don't have a problem with your state LoL. Apparently you don't like San Franciso or California at that, idk.
Fourthly, as for my character selection, I'll beat you with my Puff in Brawl ($10?), and THEN I'll beat you with it in Melee ($15?). You just let me know big guy.
Lastly, I hope you show up at Genesis =) But don't forget your false confidence or your money at home.