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Mr Tingle?

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Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
I can't really hate Tingle, since I never played a game involving him, infact, I haven't played a single LoZ game. He would be unique and strange if added to the Brawl roster and all that jazz.

Tingle is extremely popular in Japan from what I've heard, but elsewhere he is hated to extremes, so I don't know what to think of his chances.

What I do know however, is that there are more LoZ characters worthy of his spot, should he have one, such as Midna, Vaati, Skull Kid w/ Majora's Mask, etc.

Actually, I have seen Tingle before though, on Wikipedia's description of him, and his Japanese spinoff game covers. And I have this to say:

Just looking at that abomination of nature makes me want to punch a child in the face multiple times.

Deleted member

To be honest I would rather play as a tissue roll
Good point.

As much as we might want to see him in Brawl, how mnay of us can safely say we would use him as our main? I mean, unless Sakurai does wonders with a balloon, he would be like pichu, ie, weak and relies on items.

I can't somehow see him fighting with Ike or Metaknight.

AT? That's more likely.


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2007
He's one of the characters you either love or hate. Some people don't care about him, which is fine too. But personally, I couldn't (and I wouldn't like) see him in Brawl. First of all, he isn't the most important characters, we are talking about the LoZ franchise, there would surely be a better choice than Tingle. Second, what could he do? What would be his moves? Some people have interesting ideas, but that wouldn't be enough. Last but not least: He is SO getting on my nerves, I even think he is supposed to get on one's nerves. So I can clearly say that I really DON'T want him in Brawl. I wouldn't mind him as an AT though, that fits more in my book.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 6, 2007
He's one of the characters you either love or hate. Some people don't care about him, which is fine too. But personally, I couldn't (and I wouldn't like) see him in Brawl. First of all, he isn't the most important characters, we are talking about the LoZ franchise, there would surely be a better choice than Tingle. Second, what could he do? What would be his moves? Some people have interesting ideas, but that wouldn't be enough. Last but not least: He is SO getting on my nerves, I even think he is supposed to get on one's nerves. So I can clearly say that I really DON'T want him in Brawl. I wouldn't mind him as an AT though, that fits more in my book.
i heard that he will have a sword in an upcoming game. i dont want tingle as a playable character but i think he would be okay as an AT.

Creo needs to start posting in this topic again, he's actually convinced some people that tingle could be in brawl lol.


Smash Rookie
Aug 20, 2007
I think he can and should for several reasons:

-He's the most (not going to use popularity here, because it's not just strictly that) INFAMOUS Zelda character besides the Triforce 3. Ever since his appearence in MM, he's made one in every Zelda game henceforth (except in a Zelda GBA PORT and TP, but even in that he was given a character to represent and resemble him), and even spawn two of his own games. One has to admit that no matter how heated anyone feels about him, there will always be a perverse attarction to his character. No other Zelda character (besides T3) are more recognized, and that is important to an all star roster where every character should stand out as unique in some shape or form.

-He has a balloon. And a Balloon fighter game. So? you may ask. So, think about it, does Balloon Fighter have as much potential as regualr Brawlers do to be given a role in this game? Does he have enough moveset potwntial? Not very, and popularity is strictly tied down to just his game and not his character. But Tingle on the other hand has a pretty fair moveset potential AND can fill some of the roles BF would have, which would satisfy people who desired a Ballooon Fighter inclusion of some sort.

-The LoZ deserves at LEAST four character slots, as Pokemon is undoubtably getting that number at the minimum also, and next to that and Mario (which is likely getting 5), is Nintendo's flagship series. SO, we know at the very least the Trifoce 3 are getting the first slots and Young Link is almost undoubtably getting the boot. WHo would fill the fourth slot? Many people argue Vaati, Midna, etc but mainly out of personal perference. Think about it though, who is more fit to represent the LoZ series as the last character, minorish characters and few time villains who only have a few appearences (sometimes 1 in some cases like Midna) in teh series as a whole, or the next most recognizable character besides Link, Zelda and Ganon? Tinkle's appearences as mentioned has thus far encompassed the whole series, so his significance to the feel and taste of the series is very obvious.

There's very few other reasons I'd see him not being a playable besides size/character quota issues, and as an AT he just would seem very limited (I mean a Hammer Bro, all he can really do is throw hammers but Tingle's proven that he's capable of doing many other ridiculous and amazing things.)


Smash Rookie
Aug 20, 2007
I think some people who are against Tingle are just afraid of being beaten to a pulp by his manliness, lol.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 6, 2007
heh, last three posts were for Tingle :D it would be funny if he were playable, but i can really seen him more as being an AT.


Smash Lord
Aug 26, 2007
right here...at smashboards
No offense but I'd rather the termina stage to return then Tingle becoming a playable character. He's just not really that good of a character; the termina stage was fun though.

Dr. Strangekoopa

Smash Cadet
Aug 29, 2007
Tingle is a disturbing possibility. His popularity in Japan makes me tremble with fear of his potential inclusion.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
I think Tingle is one of the most controversial figures in the gaming industry. It's a very fine division of hate or love or obsession. He's so repulsive yet when you discover his character, he's strangely amusing and entertaining! :p It's Wind Waker's incarnation that really made me fascinated in his character. Despite being totally random and excessively fruity, he's so confident and effecient. Thus I personally stand on the positive side of the Tingle force! :D

I prefer unique, obscure, silly or interesting character over killing machines out for blood. I wouldn't mind Tingle in Brawl as long as there aren't too many overly weird characters that give stateside fans a headache. For me, it's not how hard it is to imagine moves for Tingle, but rather which ones to pick with a limited amount of button combinations. xD

Deleted member

Tingle is a disturbing possibility. His popularity in Japan makes me tremble with fear of his potential inclusion.
Same. I find him quite hilarious, but not playable material. He just doesn't seem to have a possible moveset.

I think an AT is the best solution, with him dropping in a balloon, and sprawing the field with bombs or landmines. Heck, I'll bet a lot of money that Tingle will be an AT. He seems made for that postion.

Tingle is more manly than Snake.


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
Tingle? I'd rather him be an AT.

If Zelda where to get another playable character I'd say it should be Skull Kid. Again, I say it should, that doesn't mean I think it's likely at all.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 11, 2007
i think tingle has a big chance.
he is similar to wario how he is greedy and would put himslf in dangerous situations just to get money. youtube Tingle's Rosy Rupee land

hes popular in japan, hes a spinoff of Zelda and he is a comic relief.
and dont bring up moveset problems because Captain Falcon comes from a racing game! these are top developers in the business. their imaginitive skill surpass the people who doubt movesets.
but anyways, G&W was kinda a comic relief to melee. bu tit wasnt that much on purpose.
wat if tingle is that wtf character that is funny to play with.
i think he would be funny and support him 100%


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
i think tingle has a big chance.
he is similar to wario how he is greedy and would put himslf in dangerous situations just to get money. youtube Tingle's Rosy Rupee land

hes popular in japan, hes a spinoff of Zelda and he is a comic relief.
and dont bring up moveset problems because Captain Falcon comes from a racing game! these are top developers in the business. their imaginitive skill surpass the people who doubt movesets.
but anyways, G&W was kinda a comic relief to melee. bu tit wasnt that much on purpose.
wat if tingle is that wtf character that is funny to play with.
i think he would be funny and support him 100%
For those who can't be bothered;
tingle is the reason for all existance
Fixed. ;P



The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Tingle's just a little too disturbing to be put in Brawl

and not disturbing in the good way...disturbing in the bad way...

Deleted member

That comic is full of win. Reminds me of Ralph's leprechaun that tells him to burn things.
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