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Mr Tingle?

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Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Okay, you guys are kidding, right? You just want to scare people by making them think that Tingle stands a chance, right?


Numa Dude

Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2006
America's peni.... I mean Florida
The only and I mean only ways I will accept Tingle in brawl is if A. He reps the Tingle franchise and not Zelda or B. his side B is this.

Side B- STUPID FAIRY!- Takes a bat and hits Navi with it sending her flying foward damaging all who get in her way.

Legend of Link was an awesome fan film.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2006
^Well, Tingle would probably draw moves from his game, if that's what you mean, but I don't think that you can really say that he has his own franchise just yet.

Numa Dude

Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2006
America's peni.... I mean Florida
IMO Tingle is like the Zelda franchises Yoshi character (Bare with me while I explain). He is a character that got his start and is mostly known for being in the Zelda games like Yoshi is to the Mario games but like Yoshi he has a lesser known franchise of his own. This is why I think if he gets in it will be to rep his own franchise similar to how Yoshi reps Yoshi's island.


Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2007
Woonsocket, Rhode Island
Happy Mask Salesman and Tingle would be awesome. HMS can throw masks at you and use them. Tingle has a Brush to use, maps, throw rupees(more damage depending on what kind), punch, jab, kick, fly, and other stuff. Wario farts so I think they can give Tingle something. Don't give me throwing maps is gay. Peach throws turnips, hotdogs are gay too. Don't give me, "it was in his game". Maps are for Tingles games as well. Also, if you recall, Tingle uses a sword in his new DS game 'Freshly Picked Rose Colored Rupee Land'. No moves there...I don't think so. He also has battles on his cloud. Don't give me "thats ********" cause anyone that says that is ********. If you don't like him and don't want him in, fine, but don't give stupid things cause other smash characters have horrible things as well. Also, what would Balloon Fighter possibly do? Has to be realistic and in his games. Tingle has more stuff than him. Tingle has two of his own titles and occured in every Zelda to date from Majoras Mask except Twilight Princess so don't give me "he has no titles" regardless if they went gold or not. Also take to notice his fanbase in Japan is HUGE and is growing around here. Also like Numa said, he can use a fairy as an attack. That was an awesome series Numa. I like the Kaepora Gaebora one. It was only an amount of time before I stormed this topic. Now to go to HMS's.

Smile Guy

Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2007
I think Tingle would be a great character for Brawl. That's right, I said it.

His moveset doesn't need to be balloon-based at all. Instead, it should be rupee-based in accordance with his Freshly Picked: Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland game. If you really hate him then he can always be the punching bag of the game!


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Did you have to revive this thread? Now I feel obliged to be a jerk and ***** about how Tingle does not belong in the playable roster.
In fact, I know a place that would make him feel so much more comfortable.

Okay, I should elaborate.
Tingle would be a representative of the Zelda universe. He has his own games, but... really, that doesn't mean much. That's like saying Barbie is a video game character because she appeared in some run-of-the-mill "games" that were advertised with her likeness.

In the games, Tingle is a helper who does all kinds of stuff, selling you maps, translating maps, and generally being a nuisance. He should remain in such a role, come out of an AT and throw stuff or so. It fits his character perfectly.

I argue for characters like Tom Nook that they can be funnily overpowered people who don't seem like they can fight but suddenly gain the power to kick butt, like Peach. But. Tingle. ...I just don't even want to imagine that.

He may have a fanbase in Japan. But the rest of the world would, for the most part, NOT be happy.

Japan: "Eee! Kawaii!"
Rest of world: "Sakurai... DIE!"

Smile Guy

Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2007
I didn't revive the thread, if you were talking to me. Somebody else did it.

And sure, an assist trophy would be fine... except that he would be invincible. And who wants an invincible Tingle?


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Haha, he wouldn't HAVE to be invincible.. there are some ATs that aren't, as Sakurai said. Like the Laughing Dog. =P

And I was talking to Creo, whom I'm allowed to be a jerk to because he already hates me. ^^

Aaaaaaaand I edited my post to contain more actual substance.


Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2007
i think the zelda series has allot more characters to add besides tingle who would be allot better. plus i felt that we only need the triad for brawl (zelda, link, gannondorf) and then ww link and vaati for the young link rep

Deleted member


ATs seem MADE for Tingle. Seriously, would you actualy use him as a character if he was playable?



Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2007
Woonsocket, Rhode Island
Did you have to revive this thread? Now I feel obliged to be a jerk and ***** about how Tingle does not belong in the playable roster.
In fact, I know a place that would make him feel so much more comfortable.

Okay, I should elaborate.
Tingle would be a representative of the Zelda universe. He has his own games, but... really, that doesn't mean much. That's like saying Barbie is a video game character because she appeared in some run-of-the-mill "games" that were advertised with her likeness.

In the games, Tingle is a helper who does all kinds of stuff, selling you maps, translating maps, and generally being a nuisance. He should remain in such a role, come out of an AT and throw stuff or so. It fits his character perfectly.

I argue for characters like Tom Nook that they can be funnily overpowered people who don't seem like they can fight but suddenly gain the power to kick butt, like Peach. But. Tingle. ...I just don't even want to imagine that.

He may have a fanbase in Japan. But the rest of the world would, for the most part, NOT be happy.

Japan: "Eee! Kawaii!"
Rest of world: "Sakurai... DIE!"
First off, that elaboration failed. His games do matter. I don't want Midna in Brawl but what you say means it doesn't matter that she's an antagonist. And that anology of Barbie was gay and horrible.
Second, an Assist Trophie can suite any character so don't say that.
Third, Tom Nook can be overpowered funnily to fight and so can Tingle. I'll quote you. "...they can fight but suddenly gain the power to kick butt, like Peach. But, Tingle. ...I just don't even want to imagine that." Your just saying that cause you don't like him in general which isn't fair and is a bad point.
His Japanese fanbase is in fact huge but your opinion of the rest of the world is making him sound horrible. He is not that bad. I have about 50 people in a small state of Rhode Island(just my city to add)that like Tingle and I am sure at other parts of the world, that is true. He is getting more popular whether you want to except the fact or not. I also don't hate you. I don't necessarily love you but not hate. I just seem to disagree with you a lot Oh and he wouldn't be a clone of Balloon Fighter. If you knew anything about him, he has a lot more in his arsenal. Read my above post. Also, I would use him and if he was good, many people would start liking him and he would get even more popular.


Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2007
well out of popular japanese characters i think stafy has allot bigger of a chance then tingle, that and the FE characters block him as japanese rep

Deleted member

First off, that elaboration failed. His games do matter. I don't want Midna in Brawl but what you say means it doesn't matter that she's an antagonist. And that anology of Barbie was gay and horrible.
Second, an Assist Trophie can suite any character so don't say that.
Third, Tom Nook can be overpowered funnily to fight and so can Tingle. I'll quote you. "...they can fight but suddenly gain the power to kick butt, like Peach. But, Tingle. ...I just don't even want to imagine that." Your just saying that cause you don't like him in general which isn't fair and is a bad point.
His Japanese fanbase is in fact huge but your opinion of the rest of the world is making him sound horrible. He is not that bad. I have about 50 people in a small state of Rhode Island(just my city to add)that like Tingle and I am sure at other parts of the world, that is true. He is getting more popular whether you want to except the fact or not. I also don't hate you. I don't necessarily love you but not hate. I just seem to disagree with you a lot.
Not that we hate Tingle, but I just don't seriously see him as a character. There are several other Zelda characters who have a much better potential moveset. Anyway, it might be funny to play as him for a while, but after the novelty value wears off...

Just my two cents.


Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2007
Woonsocket, Rhode Island
OMFG...Stafy would fly and headbutt you. Don't start this, this is about souly Tingle so leave that there.

And these are my two cents as well but do you get what I am saying. You as well as many others know Stafy would be horrible yet they choose him over Tingle because they like him. Except the fact that Tingle can be a good character regardless if you like him or not.


Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2007
plus balloon fighter would be allot better then tingle, especially if he gets to use a lance as his needle

Deleted member

OMFG...Stafy would fly and headbutt you. Don't start this, this is about souly Tingle so leave that there.

And these are my two cents as well but do you get what I am saying. You as well as many others know Stafy would be horrible yet they choose him over Tingle because they like him. Except the fact that Tingle can be a good character regardless if you like him or not.
Yes I do lol.

And I think Stafy would be a bad character choice as well.

It all depends really. Tingle, if done well, could be great. But he doesn't seem suited to main-stream battling. If he was similar to Melee, but playable, then no. They would have to seriously overhaul him, so much so that he wouldn't be Tingle anymore.


Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2007
Woonsocket, Rhode Island
Tingle Moveset-

Standard Attacks
A- Jab
Over A- Paintbrush strike
Down A- Use his map like G@W panel thing
Up A- Headbutts them up
Running A- Jumps on stomach and slides with his P.Brush out for a hit

Special Moves(B)
B- Charges Paintbrush(optional)like and Breaks Sheild like Marths Sheild Breaker
Over B- Slashes P.Brush like Over A but Shoots Paint out
Up B- Balloon Recovery that can be popped after 3 seconds of use. Allows manueverability like Pits Wings of Icarus
Down B- Pulls out Rupees to throw at people. Damage depending on what kind of Rupee you pick

First Jump- Height of Fox's or a little lower
Second Jump- Like Fox's
Up B Jump- His balloon

Smash Attacks-
Over Smash- Paintbrush Strike like Links in 64
Down Smash- Double Side attack like Marth or Links
Up Smash- Takes Paintbrush and swirls around while using it. Inside of it does most.

Aerial attacks-
Fair- Pulls out map in front of himself
Nair- A jumping kick like Fox's
Dair- Sticks his P.Brush down for a Meteor or Spike
Bair- Takes map with one hand and hits them with it

Final Smash-
Name- ???(haven't thought of it)
What he does- Goes onto his cloud(from his knew DS game)and takes out his sword and you slash enemies or just one in a cinamatec scene. If not cinamatec, you manuever it like Volt Tackle(except not as fast) and go and slash people. Cinamatec can be him flying towards you at high speeds and then keeps slashing you like Links.

Dance and Words- Tingle does his infamous dance and words of twirling around and saying Tingle, Tingle! Kooloo-Limpah!

Grab attacks- Headbutts him
Grab Throw in his direction- A Strike with Sword
Grab Throw opposite direction- Throws him back then throws his map like a boomerang for a hit
Grab Throw Down- Stabs them with his sword
Grab Throw Up- Throws like Jiggs does

This is probably the best Tingle moveset ever made and would work, regardless if you like him or not. You know it too, don't deny.


Smash Journeyman
May 29, 2007
He will never have the coolest taunt in the game

That position is already filled Captain Falcon

Deleted member

LOL. You've spent a while on that creo. Good moveset. It actualy made me laugh.

Well done.

Heheheh, I'm not exactly converted, but I can see he could work.


Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2007
Woonsocket, Rhode Island
Yeah and all those people that want Balloon Fighter and friggin Stafy, I have seen only one move from them...headbutt and needle. I can prove Tingles worth with this. I also guarantee another person that see's this will say it sucks because they don't want to admit I am right.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
First off, that elaboration failed. His games do matter.
Eh, I dunno. They don't exactly seem like first-class games to me. His first game I think was just a remake of balloon fighter, and they used him because some Japanese people like him... really, that just doesn't scream "SIGNIFICANT" to me. Other franchises would have to come first.
I don't want Midna in Brawl but what you say means it doesn't matter that she's an antagonist.
And that anology of Barbie was gay and horrible.
Nyahaha, I admit that was kinda cruel. :p
Second, an Assist Trophie can suite any character so don't say that.
Sure it can technically fit any character, but it just seems to fit him well. Think about it, he's essentially an assisting character in Zelda, and he's also designed to be a nuisance of some sort ( "You want HOW MANY RUPEES FOR A **** TRANSLATION?!" )... this fits the bill perfectly.
Third, Tom Nook can be overpowered funnily to fight and so can Tingle. I'll quote you. "...they can fight but suddenly gain the power to kick butt, like Peach. But, Tingle. ...I just don't even want to imagine that." Your just saying that cause you don't like him in general which isn't fair and is a bad point.
Point taken, I realized that. Didn't you say something about opinions earlier... but anyway. I dunno, it just seems wrong to me. I do not WANT to imagine what the tournament scene would be like if Tingle turned out to be the next Peach. I do NOT want to be owned by what is essentially, you have to admit it yourself, a comic relief character and not much else.
His Japanese fanbase is in fact huge but your opinion of the rest of the world is making him sound horrible. He is not that bad. I have about 50 people in a small state of Rhode Island(just my city to add)that like Tingle and I am sure at other parts of the world, that is true. He is getting more popular whether you want to except the fact or not.
Well... fine then. However, in what context did you ask them? If you asked me normally what I think of Tingle, I'd say he's WEIRD, but not necessarily in a bad way. However, for my favourite-game-to-be? I would not want him taking the space of a character I find at least half-decent.
I also don't hate you. I don't necessarily love you but not hate. I just seem to disagree with you a lot
You did actually say that you hate me "so much" once. But if you don't, that's cool, then, then I won't hate you either. :p
This is probably the best Tingle moveset ever made and would work, regardless if you like him or not. You know it too, don't deny.
It's pretty okay, but not THAT great.
I guess it gets the point across. I can imagine him without getting goosebumps now. Doesn't change much, though.
I also guarantee another person that see's this will say it sucks because they don't want to admit I am right.
Because they don't want to admit you're right?
That's not a healthy moveset to be discussing with.
Just saying.


Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2007
Woonsocket, Rhode Island
Eh, I dunno. They don't exactly seem like first-class games to me. His first game I think was just a remake of balloon fighter, and they used him because some Japanese people like him... really, that just doesn't scream "SIGNIFICANT" to me. Other franchises would have to come first.
I know his games aren't exactly first-class, but they do matter due to his appearances and own franchises showing his popularity of some sort.

Look at your previous thing on that. Read it through a couple of times and you will eventually get it.

Nyahaha, I admit that was kinda cruel. :p
Thank you.

Sure it can technically fit any character, but it just seems to fit him well. Think about it, he's essentially an assisting character in Zelda, and he's also designed to be a nuisance of some sort ( "You want HOW MANY RUPEES FOR A **** TRANSLATION?!" )... this fits the bill perfectly.
Yes the fact that he is an Assist Character would mean it does fit him well but I am trying to say he can be implimented as a character very well. People need to except the fact that looks aren't everything. I bet if Tingle looked like a Goron, people would love him but he doesn't so they judge by looks.

Point taken, I realized that. Didn't you say something about opinions earlier... but anyway. I dunno, it just seems wrong to me. I do not WANT to imagine what the tournament scene would be like if Tingle turned out to be the next Peach. I do NOT want to be owned by what is essentially, you have to admit it yourself, a comic relief character and not much else.
I really don't want to be owned by any character. Your not making a point here. I don't want to be owned by a Pichu by Chu Dat but it happens. Your point isn't taken and if he did infact be a great character, he would gain a lot of popularity.

... fine then. However, in what context did you ask them? If you asked me normally what I think of Tingle, I'd say he's WEIRD, but not necessarily in a bad way. However, for my favourite-game-to-be? I would not want him taking the space of a character I find at least half-decent.
See that is all in your opinion. I like him more than other people so I want him in. You don't. I can't switch your mine on who you want in, I can only try and switch people minds that Tingle can in fact be good and have people not criticize on his looks.

You did actually say that you hate me "so much" once. But if you don't, that's cool, then, then I won't hate you either. :p
Fine then but we were probably in an argument.

It's pretty okay, but not THAT great.
I guess it gets the point across. I can imagine him without getting goosebumps now. Doesn't change much, though.
I guess I can part with this.

Because they don't want to admit you're right?
That's not a healthy moveset to be discussing with.
Just saying.
How do you figure. Does none of what I posted get to you. Nothing is dishealthy about this. You guys get to learn about Tingle.>_<

Gypsy Lee

Smash Champion
Apr 24, 2007
Bethany, West Virginia
No Tingle. He's an insignificant bench warmer character for the Zelda franchise and doesn't serve a purpose other than comic relief. He sounds like a good assist trophy. If Samurai Goroh, Captain Falcon's rival and one of the few original racers in the F-Zero franchise, can't cut it as a playable character, then Tingle sure as hell can't either.


Nov 10, 2001
Dipped in Gold
Tingle AKA The Zelda character that got his OWN GAME. Who else can boast that?

"Wah wah we hate tingle because he's not cool/manly in our eyes."

It's like you guys oppose fun.


Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2007
If Tingle becomes a PC,then Leisure Suit Larry isn't too far behind. *kills self just thinking about it*


Nov 10, 2001
Dipped in Gold
Why does it seem like an absurd concept? Tingle has his own game, he's popular in Japan, he was recently in Tingle's Balloon Fight.

That's 2 games for Tingle. Tingle RPG (I forget the name) and Tingle Balloon fight.

Deleted member

Why does it seem like an absurd concept? Tingle has his own game, he's popular in Japan, he was recently in Tingle's Balloon Fight.

That's 2 games for Tingle. Tingle RPG (I forget the name) and Tingle Balloon fight.
Two now?

My days. Why can't they give Midna/Vaati/Ralph a spinoff game? Seriously, although funny, Tingle's novelty value wears off very quickly.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
What WindGuru said. I'm not "opposed to fun" or something. I'm for Tom Nook. Tingle, on the other hand, is not my type of humor.

How do you figure. Does none of what I posted get to you. Nothing is dishealthy about this. You guys get to learn about Tingle.>_<
It's always a bad attitude to assume you are right and everyone who disagrees is an idiot/won't admit they are wrong.
Also, I did listen to your points and agreed with some.


Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2007
Woonsocket, Rhode Island
Yes I am aware of that but I didn't call anyone an idiot(you may have taken it that way)and I wasn't being very serious.

By the way, yes two titles. Tingles Balloon Fight and Tingles Freshly Picked Rose Colored Rupee Land which is going to Europe now.

@Qyezx- I am not gay.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 3, 2006
Am I suppose to know That?
I want to slaughter the person who revived this thread. Well since it's up I guess Tingle could be an alright AT but only if I can torture him in the most cruelest ways. That guy is freakin creepy.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 25, 2006
over yonder...
I think that Mr Tingle would be a great playable character to star in SSBB. He was in SSBM, but not as a playable character. He was merely a piece of the Termina Great Bay stage. I think he really deserves to be the game. He could use his balloon as a recovery move and throw maps as an attack. Also his taunt would be the coolest in the game:

"Tingle, Tingle! Kooloo-Limpah! ...These are the magic words that Tingle created himself. Don't steal them!" - Tingle (in Majora's Mask)

What do you think about having Mr Tingle as a playable character?
I felt Tingle's contribution to Smash was enough in Melee. I don't need anymore Tingle.Plus Tingle isn't even a fighter. he's a wuss. I fail to see how Tingle deserves to be in Smash to that extent. What would he even attack with.?Fling maps? His limbs are so small his attacks would be ********.
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