Well, I guess I could always copy and paste names and change some things in a results thread. I finished sleeping and reading these posts, so I guess it's my turn now.
Karn- yes, you deserve shoutouts first for having to put up with us and working on getting venues and food and all for everyone. Good stuff. Also, I'm sooooo glad we didn't play in Brawl this time lol. Next tourney could be back to same old same old though. Be ready bro.
Knorr- I didn't see too much of you on Saturday, but you were all over the place on Sunday. DK **** was everywhere. That wrestling junk and whatever else you were doing to Darksyde at the end was pretty cool lol.
Malk- Bro, how are you always doing something hilarious lol. I love your stories about female conquests/stealing Dark Hart's conquests. Tooooo good. We should Mario ditto and see who the best Fireball spammer is aight?
Speedsk8er- where to begin??? Listening to you when you were playing was golden enough, but that wasn't enough for ya. You also had to go to IHOP with us, which will be an awesome tradition, so come to all tournies lol. SO MUCH SAUSAGE BRO!! Sausage flowers, and straight-up sausage. That waiter though"I got your sausage!" lolololol so good. Gah I hope to see you around, you're so cool.
Dark Hart- Lucas bro, please don't hate on me(I know you are despite whatever you say) too much for not staying with you Saturday night, and then crashing Sunday morning. It was fun hanging with you though, and I'll still try to help you as a player some other time aight? MK for life!!
Chocolate Thundaa- You were so funny(as always), and it was great seeing you again. I hate it that you won't be going to any more tournies, but you've been in this a while, so I respect your decision. Good luck with everything you do man.
ZIO- Also good to meet you. Gosh I felt like an idiot when you came up to that third floor and I couldn't hear/understand what you were saying lol. After we talked a little things were pretty cool though. Please get that video from Toasty to put in that montage aight? That junk was hot yo lol.
Tirforce- Barely got to see you and play matches with you, but it was mad fun nonetheless. You guys are still pretty dern good for not bring in it as much as you were a while ago. I hope I impressed.
LoZR- Argh, still the dern best in Melee!!!! I was hoping to finally get a set on you there at the end, but I guess I can't beat shieldraping yet lol. Should've done the PP combo. Anyways, your matches with Cyrain, Ali, and Tope were pretty amazing. Maybe I'll catch up to you one of these days...
D Shep- Lol, I suck at infinite grabbing apparently, but I've never tried before that, so I still have my honor. Fun matches anyways dude. I'll try to catch you in Melee some other time if you still play.
Dama- Very nice Ganon. I always knew it would be kinda awkward for Marth to fight one, and I was right. Couldn't spike/edgeguard for my life though, that might've changed it a little bit. Good matches anyways, hope to see you around.
Corey- great to see you again dude. I know you've been holding it down despite working two jobs and all lol. Great matches at the end. Hopefully I can see you when I go up to Charlotte next time?
Darksyde- Prety cool meeting you man. You know you liked my Falco lol. Your little wrestling thing with Knorr at the end was pretty hot too. Fun stuff man, I hope to see you again.
Bean/Razor- Cool to meet another original. Glad we got to talk and get a different perspective on competitive players/games and all. Maybe you can chill at a Gboro one or something? Take it easy bro.
Ali-Well...I guess this didn't quite go like I expected lol. From Tope's C-Stick thing to beating Chu+Chillin to getting ***** hard by Chu+Chillin, it was all tough, but fun. Good stuff against Chillin in Melee, but those SDs he had did factor in to the outcome. I'm just saying it would've been close. You and LoZR are closer than I thought with those Falcons, I was worried about both of you lol.
In Brawl, we had aight teamwork, but I honestly don't think that Snake is a great teammate. Either way, I'm going over the vids that Toasty puts up to see if I really played that much worse in our second set of doubles matches or not. If I did, then boy did I let you down man. If not, then I guess they just stepped it up or whatever. Good stuff in singles, I wanted to play Chu in tournament dang it, you should've just not Ftilted one extra time that second match lol. Can't believe how close that was, I wanted to get that sooo bad. Good junk, I'll see you around man.
Toastyyyyyy- Another long one lol. Your retro gangsta toaster was hot, your attitude was cool, and your nachos were wicked good! Thanks for showing the Ness tricksies at the end, and you're awesome for playing him. Your ROB was good too, those matches against Chu in tourney were mad close. I may be able to make it up to Norfolk once in a very long while to your bi-weeklies or whatever, so lemme know when that starts happening aight? Keep it real man.
Killz- That face was sooooo good lollololoolo! You were really funny too, with my virgin pancakes and sausage and all. Lol @ Chu f-ing you up with your own whorenado. Those matches were my favorites out of the whole time lol. Please come back to NC sometime!
Other SoVA dudes- Sorry, but I don't think I caught your names. You guys were chill and smart though, and those pics that one of you showed me was hilarious also. I'll try to come up at least once to see you guys.
Tope- Everything about you was legendary. Your beard, your height, your Sheik Dthrow techchasing, your "Fountain of Dreams MuthaFvcka!!!!!" lol. Oh yeah, and your laugh. Gosh that was good. I wish I could've played you more other than tourney, but I guess you had pros to whup up on, so I'll work at the matchup to get you to play me next time. Counter matchup my foot lol. I hope to see you again man.
Savedge- You were the first VA dude I played, and you were pretty darn good. I'm soo inconsistent at Marth dittos huh? Anyways, I hope you liked my Falco, and it was cool playing you. Too good with that Marth.
Cyrain- Darn it I lost, now I won't get your hairstyle lol. Your matches with LoZR were hot. I wished I could've Fox dittoed you, but I think my Fox is too straightforward, so I'll work on it until I see you again. I will see you again right???
G Reg- I missed you bro.
Chillin- Our matches in Melee were so good. I was shaking all over the entire time lol. I wanted to friendly you, but one time you were playing Ali, another time you had quit and were playing poker. Ah well...Brawl was kinda **** for you, I had no idea that Falco could play....like that. It sucked. You did very well in singles and doubles, kudos to you. Maybe I'll get to redeem myself someday. Great to play you though, I have no regrets.
Chu Dat- It was awesome finally meeting you and even getting to play you. Definately lived up to the hype. I never got to play you in Meleeeee though!! Ah well, those Brawl matches were the funniest things ever though lol. "Taunt and steal it again!" lol. I'll try to catch up those 2 nothces until I'm on par with NEO for next time I guess. Thanks for being honest with me man, and I hope I left a good impression on you as well. Great stuff in doubles too, your teamwork with Chillin was incredible. I really hope to see you again man.
Whew, that's finally it. I hope I got everyone that I meant to go get, and if I didn't, it was because I forgot you or didn't see/play/talk to you much.
In conclusion:
LoZR's women- you ever been to IHOP with us?
IHOP- Vigin Pancakes rule when you can't get waffles.
Tope's beard- Good ****.
Fountain of Dreams-Screw you!