Ok before this thread devolves into fighting extravaganza, here's a thing that's better and you all like:
Nipicking over Rosalina's portrayal in games.
Here's the thing:
Bowser Jr gets shoved into his Clown Car every game he appears in, "because Smash does it"
But Rosalina is in Smash, having her Tiger Pillow of Uppercutting Fury Death Star with her as part of her character.
Yet the Luma is nowhere to be seen in spin-offs.
I think this should change for a few reasons:
1. It enriches her portrayal
Rosalina is heavily associated with the Lumas, and they're a great way to show people that she's galactic and to remind them of her origin (which is Galaxy, the only Mario game in existence)
With the worst portrayal, You can have her in something else than her galaxy dress, while being happy and actually move on from her Galaxy portrayal and develop with a voice that is actually exciting and femine and yet have her being saved from the deadly sin of resembling something trashy like a princess
Just because she has her best star buddy to remind plebs she's a godess or something.
In the best portrayal, she has telekinesis, a fitting dress and a perfect voice with the portrayal-saving echo and a floating star next to her to top it off.
2. Lumas are cute
While Palutena utters something that could be used as evidence that Rosalina is NOT A PRINCESS (cuz then she'd be like Petch and thatz no gud), Pittypattypoo compares Lumas to pillows.
And he's right.
Both pillows and Lumas are amazing, with Lumas being professional wrestlers as well.
Lumas deserve more than being side characters, just like Toad does, and the first step of that is to let them have cute victory animations with space mommy.
3. Both gain more characterisation
Rosalina can't get angry, sad (because of losing tennis instead of parents) or have any other kind of emotion, because that would imply character development, but Luma can take those over.
Just like fairies talk for Link in HW, Luma could portray hotheadedness, competitiveness and extreme happyness for Rosalina, while she does nothing (good thing too, if she'd do something, she'd have something in common with Peach)
Luma can also gain more appearances and have some characterisation in regards to how he and Rosa get along.
Imagine cute banters and animations to give her even more special treatment!
4. It's like that in Smash
Sakurai nailed it by copy-pasting her from Galaxy.
Now all we need is EAD to just follow that and to put the mom in space mom
/obviousspecialspaceponysarcasm, but the point still stands, why not have Luma accompany Rosalina while BowJow gets his Clown Car?
It fits way too much and Smash (by extension, miboo) did it to.