: "You shine as brightly as ever, like a Super Star!"

: "You don't need to live in your brothers shadow. You are your own star..."

: "The special ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom...as adoring as ever, I see!"

: "I've let you have your fun for quite a while, but now it's time for a lesson from someone who has experience looking after entire universes."

: "I know you're a good child who just wants to do his father proud...but he has set you on a wary path."

: "I must admit, a ride with you would be quite a thrill!"

: "Do you have any medicine for sick Lumas?"

: "Your adamant will...it feels...familiar, somehow...

: "You hold great wisdom, Princess of Hyrule, but there is still so much you are unaware of in the vast cosmos..."

: "Maybe if I took off my gown I could move around like you do! I need to use my legs more..."

: "Power without a purpose will only destroy you..."

: "So determined to protect what is important...yet such an adorable little child!"

: "You're the Lumas' favourite playmate, you know!"

: "I have watched your efforts for a long time, Star Warrior, and I commend them. It is an honour for my children to spar with you."

: "...Luma, his belly isn't a trampoline!"

: "I sense a great sadness within you...please, if you ever need someone to talk to, come to my Observatory. Constant aggression will only make your pain run deeper..."

: "I feel a radiance within you that's as powerful as the largest sun in all the cosmos..."

: "I completely understand why you want to change the fate of your special ones, but sometimes it's best to just accept what has happened for what it is...don't make the same mistake I once did..."

: "I feel a fiery passion within you, fierce as a burning star..."

: "...I get the impression you don't quite belong in this dimension. Would you like me to help you get home?"

: "You work your tiny companions too hard and rely on them too much. I hope you can come to a better understanding of them someday."

: "I've heard of your great deeds of justice within many a galaxy, and I thank you for being a fellow protector of the cosmos..."

: "...oh, so THAT'S why some people mistake me for you!"

: "The Lylat System shouldn't need me to protect it with you around!"

: "You've had your rebellious moments, but I am still happy you fight for a good cause in the end..."

: "Do you serve your goddess out of compassion, or fear?"

: "You know, I'd be willing to lend you a hand if the other gods prove troublesome for you...the offer has been there for centuries..."

: "Did Pit make contact with a Prankster Comet, I wonder?"

: "Are you still taking lessons? Mario has invited me to compete in a tennis tournament and an Olympic tournament, you see, and I hear you're a fantastic trainer..."

: "A cold robot on the surface, but I sense a warm heart and a child-like innocence inside of you..."

: "Watching you spin through the air is like watching the shooting stars!"

: "In my eternity of travelling the cosmos, I've...never seen a Luma quite like this before..."

: "Legends of you inspire fighters throughout the cosmos...I can see now with certainty, that you are more than just a legend."

: "Please don't be scared, child...I will take care of you, as I do the Lumas..."

: "You seem just like you did in a previous cycle of the cosmos..."

: "I've never run into a clone of myself from a Prankster Comet before...how peculiar that this is the first time!"