*Checks SmashBoards after hours of being unable to access Wifi on campus* Oh dear...
Guys, what's going on? Why are we fighting over such trivial things? I don't know if this will help anything, but here's my two cents from the top:
1. I don't agree that putting Rosalina in numerous games as of late can be a bad thing since she's such a fan-favorite loved by many. It's the epitome of fanservice. And would it really make her a better character if she appeared in fewer games? That's honestly sad to think about. Plus, wouldn't you expect to see a main character who is now a staple to the franchise be represented more frequently? Her inclusion in a game's roster, keyword roster, now really isn't much different than the inclusions of Mario, Luigi, Peach, Daisy, Wario, Waluigi, Bowser, Yoshi, Donkey Kong, etc. The unfortunate truth present day is that we really have no new main series Mario title with major new gameplay components or added story (when permitted) to look forward to. Nintendo currently doesn't seem at all interested in further characterizing anyone in the Mario cast really, but rather taking an apparent quantity before quality approach to produce newer titles full of familiar faces to be the drawing point of potential sales. Part of me does think that the business side of things, at least at this moment, could care less about what we want out of these characters in recent games.
2. I honestly don't see any problem with Rosalina having different wardrobe. I understand, M&SG, that you strongly prefer Rosalina mainly wearing dresses, and I respect your opinion. Of course, she looks gorgeous in them. But like what sonicbrawler said, variety never really hurt anyone. I personally feel that Rosalina entering these games and trying new things gives an opportunity for fans to see her take on different activities so we don't have to imagine it ourselves. Same thing I said about her game appearances, it's totally normal for a staple character like her to continue getting exposure. And Swiftie brought up a great point on how Peach and Daisy basically get a free pass while Rosie seems to be criticized more.
3. The arguments on the voices... I'll be the first to admit that Rosalina's voice clips overall have not been perfect, she's still the same Rosalina we know and love. I do agree that I'm not a huge fan of the overall voice work for Mario Kart 8 in general. It honestly wasn't Charles Martinet's best performance either. Yes, it is very true that it is important to give feedback and perfectly normal to seek improvement. Though when you express your constructive criticism in such a way, it doesn't look too good in other people's perspectives. I just don't want anyone to look at us and think, "Oh, they're just being whiny and entitled" or worse.
I'm not exactly the most sociable guy around, but I just can't stand witnessing raging arguments. We're just people who are very passionate towards a particular character and want to see the best from them. I don't really have much to say at the moment, but I hope I was saying what I needed to clearly enough.