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MOOSE One 10/23


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2009

1: your prize money i remember i gave that to my wife just last week, she used it to buy more money (arcnatural and irish mafia) ($48.00)
2: charge shot to rest (ycz6 and anand) ($24.00)
3: team solomid (moto and peanzy) ($8.00)
4: kanada (squid and xpilot)
5: i play brawl he plays puff(same thing) (nuris and prawn)
5: fruit loops (ck lemon)
7: The best(not actually) (ash and always wet)
7: team cuteness (egg$ and mr. burns)


1: irish mafia ($126.50)
2: arcnatural ($69.00)
3: ycz6 ($23.00)
4: nuris ($11.50)
5: shadowball
5: panzy
7: L1F3
7: xpilot
9: moto
9: duke
9: ck
9: anand
13: ash
13: always wet
13: lemon
13: squid
17: fatal
17: hotdogturtle
17: egg$
17: akc12
17: mr. burns
17: von
17: prawn

Payouts may have been a little different due to ease of money, if anyones upset just tell me and i'll get you the extra dollar or two I owe.

I'll do characters later DIP


Smash Cadet
Jun 19, 2007
Springfield, MA
i did better than i thought lol

good **** to Prawn for hosting lol it was mad fun meeting up with smashers that i came across at Mass Madness a few months back. the venue is flippin huge. too bad there werent enough TVs tho.. ill consider bringing mine next time.

congrats on top 4 lol and shout outs for shadowball for out-placing me in tournament XD

Shadow Huan

Smash Champion
Oct 31, 2008
Springfield, MA
i transferred all the matches i recorded today, i'm currently editing them together for a set per video. Just the results themselves are helpful (clears up the two different doc players) but i'll ask some questions here.

Who was the green sheik who played hotdogturtle in the first round?

Whoever it was played akc12 as well

who's the peach that played prawn?

I don't need the rounds for losers but winners might be helpful

@ the other recorder: do you want me to start a video thread when i start uploading or do you want to?

Shoutouts later when i'm not so busy



Smash Journeyman
Nov 20, 2010
Cambridge, MA
squid? Okay thanks

need the green shiek's name tho

If I had to guess, I would say Ash or Wet, because I think the only Sheik I saw was on their doubles team, but I'm really not sure. Hopefully Prawn will upload the bracket images soon. (Squid is one of my classmates, which is why I knew about his match.)

All my games, I played with the tag "OZA", if that helps (I don't think I played on your setup though.)

Shadow Huan

Smash Champion
Oct 31, 2008
Springfield, MA
i played ash and he didn't use sheik lol (i beat his pikachu)

wet might be it but i'll wait for the brackets

not only did you not play on my setup but i don't think we played at all lol :\

i should start getting matches up as early as tomarrow after work, editing then writing the files is taking FOREVER so it's not happening today lol



Smash Master
Feb 15, 2007
Hey wait, I thought I posted in here last night. I must have forgotten to click the "post" button after typing stuff ._.

Fun tournament even though it was small. The venue could definitely fit more setups/people, and it's not that far for me (half an hour on the highway, although there was traffic on Sunday and it took me an hour and 15 minutes LOL).

Who was the Dr. Mario who teamed with me in a couple friendly doubles matches right before the single bracket? We did pretty well as a team. Maybe we could enter doubles some time.

ycz6, nice to finally meet you for real. But you should go finish Everything Combos Into Knee :)

Fatal, congrats on placing the same as me in a tournament ;)

Shadowball, good playing you again too. I should try playing your other characters next time. Mewtwo just dies too easily to THE PUNCH (and everything else).


Smash Journeyman
Mar 29, 2010
Stoneham MA
Who was the Dr. Mario who teamed with me in a couple friendly doubles matches right before the single bracket? We did pretty well as a team. Maybe we could enter doubles some time.
That was me! Yea we did really good for some reason. What part of mass do you live in, maybe we can practice together.

i did better than i thought lol
We DEFINITELY need to rematch, I completely screwed up when we played and I'm still in a deep dark depression about losing.

i transferred all the matches i recorded today, i'm currently editing them together for a set per video. Just the results themselves are helpful (clears up the two different doc players) but i'll ask some questions here.

I'm one of the two Doc players

Shadow Huan

Smash Champion
Oct 31, 2008
Springfield, MA
Shadowball, good playing you again too. I should try playing your other characters next time. Mewtwo just dies too easily to THE PUNCH (and everything else).
i seem to remember playing you earlier in the day before the brackets. I nearly 4 stocked your ganon with my marth iirc

but yeah good games, tho EVERYONE dies easily from ganon's PUNCH :cool:

Lmaooo the funny thing is I beat someone but still got last. -.-
that's strange....

I'm one of the two Doc players
yeah i figured. your doc >>>>>>>>> AKC12's just to let you know

oh and Life loves fighting Mario/Doc and making the characters sad, just to warn you lol


Smash Master
Feb 15, 2007
Ah yeah. I live in Millis. We'll have to see when the next event around here is.

And Shadowball, the first person I played in bracket was "always wet". I remember because people were making jokes about the humor of our names when the first round was announced.

Shadow Huan

Smash Champion
Oct 31, 2008
Springfield, MA
so long as that's the same player that played AKC then I think I've got a fair handle on the bracket matches i have now. Thanks :D

the sum total is 16GB of stuff, i'm gonna try and upload it all tomarrow night but I might not be able to, my work scheduale isn't agreeing with the library's hours after tomarrow :/

Shadow Huan

Smash Champion
Oct 31, 2008
Springfield, MA
Lmao. I can't not jump in melee, damn tap jump and shiz, someone who is good with jumping should be my main.:reverse:
lol yeah, danged brawl habits (coming from the guy who L cancels when he's playing brawl)

I've started uploading videos but youtube's being slow, I'll be lucky if i get all of the winners bracket matches up before 7:50 when all the library comps shut down :urg:

I think i'll hold off on making a thread until I get everything uploaded, which may now take longer than expected :urg: :urg: :urg:


Smash Journeyman
Mar 29, 2010
Stoneham MA
I know like I said I did horrible in this tourney when I really shouldn't have. You played OTG...awww ****! Yea when are we smashing together?!?!?!?!?!

Shadow Huan

Smash Champion
Oct 31, 2008
Springfield, MA
if it's as dead at work tomarrow as it was today they might actually let me leave early and as a fringe benefit i'll be able to get more matches up and easily create a video thread (something that's tremendously complicated on my phone).

Only reason there isn't a video thread now actually. ;_;


Shadow Huan

Smash Champion
Oct 31, 2008
Springfield, MA
okay, got my scheduale and i'll be able to put some videos up on monday morning and worst case scenario i'll have everything up by tuesday (my next day off)

\life johns

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