What? Yes you do. If you can load Brawl codes, then you have GeckoOS. If you have GeckoOS, you can load foreign region games (as long as they are actual purchased games, not just a burned .iso). So you're good.
There's a bit more installation involved if you want to play burned games. Fortunately, if you already have the HBC, then that installation is ridiculously easier.
So whoever wants me to do it, send me a PM and get your SD card ready.
As for the burned TvC, well, the .iso is free for everyone, it's just the DVD that costs money. If you just want me to burn you a copy (instead of having to download the 4 gig .iso yourself), hook me up with a DVD-R (not +R or RW) and I'll do it for you. Alternatively, I can give you one of my DVDs (with the .iso already on it) for $0.70 (I buy a pack of 10 for $7, I'm not after profit here).
We semi know each other? I know you play a mean Snake and I've seen you at the weeklies, I just don't think we've been formally introduced. Anyway, yeah, shouldn't be a problem. Just read above. And be aware that this is just a burned copy of the game, so you'll need the above installation I was talking about.