Thanks alopex, maybe see you tonight.
I usualy don't feel like talking semi-seriously, but one thing i wanted to comment.
I think some of you want Brawl +'s ROB to be weakened ? To me this seems wrong, since Holy is probably the only guy that can use ROB and then make people cry. I am quite certain the real problem is that Holy is too good

not rob itself.
I can't be sure 100% that rob is not "broken" in brawl + since i dont play that game, and even if i did its just my opinion, but I think i am like 0-20 against his holy's rob at regular brawl

he is good
thats just me, but personaly if I did good at brawl + with a character that i put time in effort in and because of that some guy from montreal got my character to be weakened by the developers. I would not be very happy
Bah just my opinion, et peut etre que j'ai vraiment pas raport