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Montreal Thread - You better comming!!!1

what do we do now?

  • Play Brawl.

    Votes: 127 41.4%
  • Play Melee.

    Votes: 167 54.4%
  • Steal Airman from the Toronto guys, think about it later.

    Votes: 42 13.7%
  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUVdA9ABzpg

    Votes: 19 6.2%

  • Total voters


Smash Journeyman
Feb 16, 2006
Quebec city,Canada
Ses nice jvais avoir du monde a rencontrer pî a jouer prochaine foit que j vais vnir a montréal (skill lvl up x 30 chaque foit lolol)


Mar 6, 2002
Montréal, Québec, Canada
Pour les PR, je vote qu'un membre élite (being whoever) se construise un comité en suivant les regles qui sont affiché sur smashboards. C'est sur que l'esprit de compétition va être stimuler si on veut se classer dans le top 10.
vodka, vwins et moi avons parlé ensemble hier soir, on va contacter fogel, dice, lanowen et delorted pour en parler bientôt.


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2005
Le probleme avec le character ranking, c'est que sa juge pas vraiment si tu main ou non le bonhomme et en plus faudrait faire un denombrement de qui joue qui (et je suis bien sur que tout le monde ou presque peux jouer les 26 characters)

Si tu regarde par exemple qui a le meilleur falcon, tu te rend compte que PKM, Chet, Jih, Bam, Dice et autre jouent toute falcon, faque sa devient dur de ranker qui est en haut de qui parce que c'est pas leur main.

Chet: C'est parfait, y reste pu juste a attendre qu'Agora nous confirme que la place est a nous a partir de quand.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Felt like digging up the oldest EC Canada tourney...ever? We'll start our Power Rankings discussion from there.

FYI there are older tourneys...the Ontario scene actually started the summer before that one (2004). There were about 4 or 5 H2H tourneys in London, ON that summer, and I had a terribly unsuccessful tournament in Ottawa that summer as well. For my tourney, only one other person from SWF came...everyone else were just our friends from around town :( The London tourneys were more successful and had a lot of people who still play today: Metaknight0, sprocket, Greg W., tMoC, Marco (aka: Ice44/IceAvenger/Jagg), Ambrose, and myself.

After that summer, things kind of died off before PhoenyxFyre's first tourney the summer after (in the thread you found). Threads of interest:

http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=35438 - First H2H tourney thread
http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=35766 - Yet another H2H tourneys thread, unfortunately I updated the first post when a new tourney would happen so a lot of info was lost :(
http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=40331 - My first Ottawa tourney thread, check out my triple posting skillz!

Well, that concludes the history lesson for today folks :p I don't know much about the old Montreal scene, chet or pkm would know more. The first Mtl tourney I went to was No Mercy vs. the World, which was already linked in this thread.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 15, 2005
Canada, Longueuil, near Grande-allée
Le probleme avec le character ranking, c'est que sa juge pas vraiment si tu main ou non le bonhomme et en plus faudrait faire un denombrement de qui joue qui (et je suis bien sur que tout le monde ou presque peux jouer les 26 characters)

Si tu regarde par exemple qui a le meilleur falcon, tu te rend compte que PKM, Chet, Jih, Bam, Dice et autre jouent toute falcon, faque sa devient dur de ranker qui est en haut de qui parce que c'est pas leur main.

Chet: C'est parfait, y reste pu juste a attendre qu'Agora nous confirme que la place est a nous a partir de quand.
Ouin agreed


Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2006
Mail requesting official bi-weeklies will be sent tomorrow!
I'll ask him if we can start next week's Thursday.

- Every 2 weeks.
- Alternating between Thursday and Wednesday.
- From 16h to 23h.
- Will ask if fee remains 5$.


Smash Lord
Aug 13, 2005
TO THE CORNFIELD... BYAAAH!!!!!! (Montreal, Canada
Si t'arrive pas exactement quand sa commence sa derange pas vraiment. Le but d'apres moi c'est que quand t'arrive tu peut tout de suite commencer a jouer. Pis de toute maniere, si a meton on fais un mini-torunoi sa va pas commencer pile a 16H, faut attendre que tout le monde arrive. T'es surement pas le seul qui va arriver un peut en ******, je suis un bon exemple.


Mar 6, 2002
Montréal, Québec, Canada
Si c'est vraiment 16h, jt'encore a l'école (on fini crissement tard) frais chier. J'dirais environ 17h30-18h
Hey, tu sais écrire mais sais-tu lire? Messemble que l'un va pas sans l'autre, si tu peux juste arriver à 17h30, ben ça sera ça. On va pas couper dans notre temps de jeu pour qu'on puisse avoir la joie de commencer en même temps que toi là...


Smash Master
Apr 9, 2006
Montreal, Canada AKA Real City brrrrrrrrapp!
*pointe le message de Jarc* Vous avez l'option d'arriver à l'heure que vous voulez...

Cependant, faire débuter les séances ''bi-hebdommadaires'' a 16h pourrait vouloir dire que Gamerz World va nous charger plus, alors l'idéal serait de négocier avec le magasin pour pouvoir débuter le plus tôt possible tout en conservant le bon tarif de 5$.

Néanmoins, si on doit payer plus cher pour pouvoir débuter a 16h (7$ par exemple), il serait bon alors de négocier avec l'administration pour ke les retardataires puissent bénificier d'un tarif préférenciel, vu qu'ils vont jouer moins d'heures. En plus de cela, on pourrait commencer le tournoi a partir de cette heure spécifique (parce qu'on sait ke le monde en ****** seront plus tentés d'arriver à cette heure là, voulant profiter du rapport temps de jeu/prix).

Bref, ma proposition se résume à cela:

Plan A: Chercher à obtenir lentrée a 5$, en commencant notre smashfest a 16 ou 17h - ceci serait l'idéal, bien sûr
Plan B: Si Gamerz World ont l'intention de nous charger parce que l'on veut débuter a 16/17h, alors mettre en place un systeme a 2 tarifs:

- Ceux ki arrivent a 16h vont payer un peu plus que 5$ - il y aura smashfest
- Les retardataires pourront arriver vers 19h-19h30 et payer 5$ - début du biweekly

Alors, j'aimerais avoir vos opinions sur mes propositions, et j'espère avoir de bonnes nouvelles de la part du magasin, Agora.

P.S.: +rep pour le post en bon français... *quitte en chantant Bohemian Rhapsody*


Mar 6, 2002
Montréal, Québec, Canada
The East Canada Power Ranking panelists have talked and made a list. We still have a few issues to figure out. Everything will be put into place after the Toronto tournament on November the 25th. There are 15 people on the list. Taken into account were rankings at previous tournaments, consistency, improvement, team placings, as well as possible mess ups in brackets, personal encounters in each tournament to split the close calls, and adaptability. The list will be released around November 29th.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 12, 2005
Montréal , Canada
I hope to see you on the panel chesterr01, even though you suck. YEAH I SAID IT, WHAT ?!!11 *BRAP*


I will definitly beat you !

*anime pose*


Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2006
Here's the latest Gamers' World mail, for your convenience, with SLIGHT edits for names:

Hi XXXX, this is Me... LOL, the unofficial spokesperson of the Montreal Smash Bros Melee community!

After some deliberations, we've found that the Gamers' World was obviously the best venue for hosting our bi-weekly SSBM events :)
So if you are still proposing a spot, we would be able to start as soon as next week!

Here's the lowdown on the details we (the community) debated and came to an agreement on:

- The events would be held one evening every two weeks.
- Due to an almost 50/50 split on votes, we would like to request for the events to alternate between Thursdays and Wednesdays.
The first event would be held on a Thursday, the next (two weeks later) on a Wednesday, and so forth.
- We will provide the games, controllers, memory cards, Gamecubes, and will lend at least one television (clearer details regarding amount of TVs yet to be confirmed).
- Gamers' World will provide seating, tables to hold TVs and 3 TVs.
- The prefered schedule would be from 16h to 23h.

The initial chat we had ended up with me suggesting a schedule of 19h to 23h for a total fee of 5$,
so the immediate question is; would the fee rise for hosting from 16h to 23h?

If the fee would indeed rise, here are a few suggestions/questions on the matter:

- What is the earliest the biweeklies could start to sustain the 5$ rate?
- Considering the price would go up to start the event earlier, would it be possible to allow players who arrive late to pay an alternative, lesser fee?
For example: If the fee to begin at 16h would be 20$, would latecomers arriving later than 19h be allowed to pay 5$ for the remainder of the evening?

Also, I believe an added fee for tournament prizes was mentionned last time we met.
We have not decided on this aspect so far, but out of curiosity, how much would we expect to add to the initial fee to hold tournaments with a prize to win? :)

One last concern some of us might have; Assuming our TVs are a given, could items like Gamecubes, games, etc, safely be left at Gamers' World for storage until the next bi-weekly event? If so, would there be an extra fee?

Again, thank you for your generous offer!
I will be eagerly awaiting your reply to these final questions so we can hopefully seal the deal and get on with the fun as early as next week :D

Me... LOL!


Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2006
I gave an outrageous example so as to not give a "realistic" example that he might have picked up on.

"10$ to start at 16h eh? Well, if he's okay with that, let's charge him 10$ then!", that kinda stuff :p Obviously he wouldn't charge us 4 times the price for 3 extra hours...


Smash Master
Jul 26, 2005
Laval-Ouest, Quebec, Canada
Damax = E-40?

Does anyone else here think that E-40 is a black version of Damax? Let's compare...


1. They are both probably the same size.
2. They both can't rap.
3. They are both goofy-looking.
4. Neither of them can speak proper english.
5. They are gangsters.
6. They both suck at Smash.
7. They are both homosexual but are afraid to admit it.
8. Neither of them know how to drive properly.
9. They both have ghetto report cards
10. They're both posers.


E-40 is rich.

+Rep me now.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 16, 2006
Ile Perrot
hey hi everyone i just found out about this thread :chuckle:

so i live in the west island of montreal so if anyone wanna smash let me now


Smash Lord
Aug 13, 2005
TO THE CORNFIELD... BYAAAH!!!!!! (Montreal, Canada
Hyrule is one of my old apprentices ;D.
He lives in Ile Perrot, wich is like 5 minutes away from JAC. Or like 30 minutes if you like walking ;O. Taxi would prolly cost you like 5$~10$ to get there. Or train to Ile Perrot and walk up the street.

We can maybe arrange something along the lines of me + Joel taking the train the get Hyrule to pick us up at the train station. His Jeep goes up to 200km/h. I was with him when he did it for the first time ;D.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 16, 2005
besides them wearing a cap (which look so totally different)....i would never have linked damax with that blackguy.
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