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Montreal Thread - You better comming!!!1

what do we do now?

  • Play Brawl.

    Votes: 127 41.4%
  • Play Melee.

    Votes: 167 54.4%
  • Steal Airman from the Toronto guys, think about it later.

    Votes: 42 13.7%
  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUVdA9ABzpg

    Votes: 19 6.2%

  • Total voters


Smash Journeyman
Dec 20, 2005
BigRick said:
Newayz, since so many of us need a lift... why don't we all take the bus?
because its too complicated i guess

i just ask for my freeday so ill see this weekend... it would be july 1


Smash Journeyman
Dec 20, 2005
alright... i can't do my smashfest this sat/friday so...
unless we do it the 29 ( but i heard card can't the 29)
it's gona get reported to the like ... july 5

sorry guys


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Jih said:
alright... i can't do my smashfest this sat/friday so...
unless we do it the 29 ( but i heard card can't the 29)
it's gona get reported to the like ... july 5

sorry guys
Both of those days are bad for me since they're in the middle of the week :/

Mista Sinista

Smash Lord
Mar 3, 2002
Fogel said:
Both of those days are bad for me since they're in the middle of the week :/
Same. Chances are that whenever this **** happens, I won't go due to schedule conflicts, sucks but oh wellz.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 20, 2005
alright then im sorry i cant do it on the weekend...

if card can get his *** in the week i'll still do my smashfest

unless that... good luck fiding a good day to meetup guys


Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2005
Montreal, Québec, Canada
Jih said:
alright then im sorry i cant do it on the weekend...

if card can get his *** in the week i'll still do my smashfest

unless that... good luck fiding a good day to meetup guys
doh :( ya tu encore des chances davoir un tournoi a montreal?


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2005
Darn, I was saving my 666th post for something special but I posted in the June Survey Contest and got owned XD. Better luck next time it seems...

Vwins : Est-ce que tu parle de Montreal ou des alentours ?


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2005
There will probably be a tournament during this summer. We're just waiting until Card or anyone else get a room where Nox will be able to host.
If this one never take place, me and Jarc will come up with something else, since we have a free local, chairs, tables and tennis courts in Les Cedres. We are simply waiting for a date and everything could be settled up easily.

So don't worry Kryptocide, you'll be able to get to a tourney before school begins,


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2001
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
I feel so much pressure D; D;
Really it's kind of out of my power as of late, since I'm usually at school from 9 till 9 most days working, so I dont really have the chance to call the churches (and weekends their offices hours are closed). So I wrote up a huge list of everything that I would say if I could ask the church (like what it is, how we'll do it, etc...), and gave it to my parents to call for me. But they usually forget to call.... and also its been pretty hectic around here too, on friday I became an uncle :D My sister gave birth, so that was a pretty busy time.

I'm not sure if I mentioned this on the boards, but the first place I asked was a church which my Uncle is in-charge of, and I got turned down because the last time "youngsters" rented it out, they paid 200$ in rent and did over 400$ in damages. So that one was shot down...

Anyways now onto the good news; today St-Brendans Faith Community Hall said that we CAN host the tournament there. The bad news... Their hall is meant for 350 people and costs 500$ to rent dot dot dot

Tomorrow my father says he'll be going to his friends smaller/cheaper church to ask him. If all goes well that should probably be good. If all fails I guess we could consider st-brendans... *shrug*

and for a date I was thinking sometime at the end of July on a weekend, is everyone ok with that? Sorry for the delay guys >_< This was kind of put on me suddenly, I didnt expect it /stare nox :)

Jih said:
if card can get his *** in the week i'll still do my smashfest
Ehhhh why does it matter on me! XD Oh wait... I'm Nox/Apoc's ride over :laugh:
Seriously though, Friday/Saturday/Sunday are good for me, Weekdays I usually have class at 6:00 PM so ya...

Mista Sinista

Smash Lord
Mar 3, 2002
cF=), we were chatting on MSN about how much of a pain space animals are for Falcon. Today I got a few hours of footage against Jarc and for some reason I was demolishing his space animals for quite a while before everything started screwing up (luckily I got it back together again for a few rounds before he left).

I just figured I'd post this in here 'cause if any other Falcon players have trouble against space animals (I have a real tough time but something just clicked today, getting me 2-4 stocks, even against Falco) then they might be interested in checking out the vids.

Oh and Jarc thx again for coming, sorry for landing so many moonwalk knees and some Falcon Punches :laugh:


Mar 6, 2002
Montréal, Québec, Canada
Call to the community.

Ok so this is how it goes.

For the moment, we need to check who is interested in coming and who's not, who can and who can not.

Technically, st-B's is 400 dollars. If we don't clean up, it's 500$ cuz they will use the hundred to clean up. 400 bones is a ****ing lot of money.

We need commitment from you guys. Here are the people who card and me think will come. If we forgot someone, tell me now.

  • chet
  • card
  • apoc
  • rick
  • nox
  • fenostol
  • testrider
  • vodka
  • vwins
  • jih (10)
  • bam
  • life
  • locke)
  • Dice
  • Rimi
  • Fogel
  • Sony
  • Gino
  • H4
  • Wak (20)
  • krypto
  • kryp's friend (sorry man, don't remember.. joe?)
  • melaf
  • steve_v
  • Smokey
  • cF=)
  • card's friend
  • card's friend
  • ganonpwn
  • shuriken (30)
  • Shiz
  • Jarc
  • Elef + 3
  • Nephiros
  • Jim
  • Farm
  • Mystic (40)
  • nosh
  • kev, mystic's bro
  • swordgard
  • Paty
  • Maxor
  • ThatGuy
  • JustaPnoy

That's 47 people. If I forgot someone, tell me now.
If you are SURE that you can bring someone from your entourage that we don't know, tell me and I will add that to the people count.

The tournament will be on a saturday. Tomorrow, card's sentry is gonna check for another location. If we can have it, it probably will be cheaper, but for now let's unite to see if we can have this location and if we should get it right now.

I would like everybody on that list to post at least once in the next 5 days. The thread has been spam-free for a while. Help me keep it that way so that we can work on this more efficiently.

EDIT: WHO CAN HOST PEOPLE FROM OUT OF TOWN?! In your reply, include:
-number of spots
-would bringing sleeping bags help?


Smash Apprentice
Nov 28, 2004
Da Cornfield!
J'imagine qu'il va y avoir plein d'autre monde no where qui sont pas sur Smashboards... genre qui vont entendre parler du tournoi, comme la dernière fois où la moité du monde n'était pas sur les boards.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 16, 2005
what are the numbers inside the brackets for?

k well, you forgot maxor.

3 of my friends are going for sure. (up till 5, either way theyll be in a crew together) but ill need to confirm that.



Smash Master
Jul 26, 2005
Laval-Ouest, Quebec, Canada
I would definately go to this. I cry at the fact that I was not worthy enough to make the list =(.

I'm glad to see that you and Card are working hard at trying to make this tournament work, chet. I wish we could find a cheaper place though =(.

Cf and Jarc, why not host a tournament in Les Cedres whether the tourney happens or not? Worst case scenario, chet's tourney flops, we have a backup; best case scenario, we get 2 tourneys for the summer! Better to plan now than to act later.

Shiz, I think I need to give you an owning sometime soon...or was it the other way around? =/

And chet, I have a question: why not use the basement near nox's place again? I know it was the ghettoist place ever and it was pretty chilly, but now it's summertime (it might get humid...we'd need air purifiers or something =P), and in all honesty, I don't care where we play, as long as we actually get a tourney. We'll just have volunteers bring chairs and **** this time.

Mista Sinista

Smash Lord
Mar 3, 2002
Joel, we'll have to do some hectic playing soon if you don't want to end up dead last again. If I keep 2-3 stocking you over and over and over again like the last few times we played, then you have no chance in hell of placing well at this thing.

Just being honest, lemme know when you're free so I can whoop you and get you better lawl.
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