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Monday Update: Excitement A(earth)bound!

Trouble the Cat

Smash Cadet
Aug 22, 2007
What is it with all of you people who say that Roy, Marth and Ness won't be in Brawl because of Ike and Lucas? I keep hear people hearing that now that Ike is here "We already have a Fire Emblem representitive" so Roy and Marth aren't needed.

Did Mario, Luigi and Yoshi leave when Peach, Bowser, and Doctor Mario arrived? Did Fox leave when Falco arrived? Did Link leave when Young Link, Zelda and Ganondorf arrived? Did Pikachu and Jigglypuff get replaced by Pichu and Mewtwo? Has Kirby left now that Meta Knight is on the scene? And what about Donkey Kong? We don't need him since we've got Diddy now don't we? I guess this would mean Ridely fans will be disapointed because Samus is already in. Or NOT!

Why is it that only the non obscure popular games can have more than one or two reps, huh? Who's to say that Lucas isn't here now so that Ness isn't the only Earthbound character anymore? What is it about Roy and Marth that prevents them both from returning with Ike around? Especially since Fire Emblem is starting to gain popularity in the US. If the only new characters from those series can come in is if they're replacing the old ones, then why is that happening to no one else? I know there were rumors about Ness being replaced with Lucas, but they were just rumors.

I don't understand you people! >_<

Kirby knight

Smash Lord
Nov 10, 2006
What is it with all of you people who say that Roy, Marth and Ness won't be in Brawl because of Ike and Lucas? I keep hear people hearing that now that Ike is here "We already have a Fire Emblem representitive" so Roy and Marth aren't needed.

In my Mind Roy is gone, Marth is most likely returning and if Roy was to be included I don't see anything unique he could bring to the table as Ike steals his ranged sword attack; the only thing that could make him unique from Marth. Not to mention he was put in purely for advertisment purposes, why not make room by having an entirely unique FE character to make it in. Roy, Marth, and Ike wouldn't make for varyed play style for Fire Emblem representation.

Did Mario, Luigi and Yoshi leave when Peach, Bowser, and Doctor Mario arrived? Did Fox leave when Falco arrived? Did Link leave when Young Link, Zelda and Ganondorf arrived? Did Pikachu and Jigglypuff get replaced by Pichu and Mewtwo? Has Kirby left now that Meta Knight is on the scene? And what about Donkey Kong? We don't need him since we've got Diddy now don't we? I guess this would mean Ridely fans will be disapointed because Samus is already in. Or NOT!

I really don't understand what point your trying to get across with that statment. Mario, Pikachu, Link and Kirby are the most important characters in the Super Smash Brothers Series.

Why is it that only the non obscure popular games can have more than one or two reps, huh? Who's to say that Lucas isn't here now so that Ness isn't the only Earthbound character anymore? What is it about Roy and Marth that prevents them both from returning with Ike around? Especially since Fire Emblem is starting to gain popularity in the US. If the only new characters from those series can come in is if they're replacing the old ones, then why is that happening to no one else? I know there were rumors about Ness being replaced with Lucas, but they were just rumors.

I don't understand you people! >_<
I already stated why I don't think Roy is returning, and honestly I don't see any good out of adding both Ness and Lucas to the same game because they're basicly the same. Sure Ness could have a unique moveset by stealing the moves from his party members, but why not just add those unique characters instead of a clone?

Comments in bold*


Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
I was hoping for Lucario when I saw that image.

I guess we can't expect all of our suggestions to be hosted this early.


Jul 1, 2007
I was hoping for Lucario when I saw that image.

I guess we can't expect all of our suggestions to be hosted this early.
Lol, my screen resolution is maxed out, so when the blog is updated, I instantly see the title and the first two or so screen shots. I've got quite used to that image though. I really didn't even notice it when the site updated, all I saw was Lucas' stud-dotted-eyes. Awww yeahz.

Sir James

The Doctor
Aug 19, 2007
Connecticut, USA
Sakurai's statement could go both ways. After thinking about it I feel that Ness will be returning because of the simple fact that Sakurai mentioned him. If a character is not going to make an appearance in a game, then why bother mentioning him? Like most people have said, Lucas will be the "Luigi" of Ness. I've never played a Mother game so I am unsure as to how Lucas would play and be different from Ness.

Kirby knight

Smash Lord
Nov 10, 2006
Sakurai's statement could go both ways. After thinking about it I feel that Ness will be returning because of the simple fact that Sakurai mentioned him. If a character is not going to make an appearance in a game, then why bother mentioning him? Like most people have said, Lucas will be the "Luigi" of Ness. I've never played a Mother game so I am unsure as to how Lucas would play and be different from Ness.
Maybe Sakurai wanted to give a hint that Ness is not returning by the statement that he made. Hopefully there will be more information released on the Dojo this week to either pull for or against Ness's inclusion in Brawl.



Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
I already stated why I don't think Roy is returning, and honestly I don't see any good out of adding both Ness and Lucas to the same game because they're basicly the same. Sure Ness could have a unique moveset by stealing the moves from his party members, but why not just add those unique characters instead of a clone?

But the thing is, we can't take series like FE and Mother like they're all one game. Each individual game from either series has its own special cast of characters and storyline. It would be like having a "SquareEnix All-Star Battle" game and saying that it doesn't matter if Cloud and Sephiroth were from a very popular game, they shouldn't rep the FF series because the most recent game to come out was FFXII, so Vaan and Vayne should be in.

Marth is popular, Ness is popular, Ike is popular, Lucas is popular. If this is an All-Stars game, why shouldn't ALL THE STARS be a part of it?

(Roy's still out, though.)

Kirby knight

Smash Lord
Nov 10, 2006
But the thing is, we can't take series like FE and Mother like they're all one game. Each individual game from either series has its own special cast of characters and storyline. It would be like having a "SquareEnix All-Star Battle" game and saying that it doesn't matter if Cloud and Sephiroth were from a very popular game, they shouldn't rep the FF series because the most recent game to come out was FFXII, so Vaan and Vayne should be in.

Marth is popular, Ness is popular, Ike is popular, Lucas is popular. If this is an All-Stars game, why shouldn't ALL THE STARS be a part of it?

(Roy's still out, though.)
Unlike Marth and Ike, Cloud and Sephiroth vs Vaan and Vayne. Ness and Lucas are clones of each other in their respective games. Sure they are vastly different in the storyline element of MOTHER 3 and Earthbound. I just don't see any good that can come out of it. Ness could be the perfect alt costume of Lucas and hardly anyone would know the difference as far as cosmetic apperance. That leaves room to represent other MOTHER/Earthbound characters with a playable spot.

Now you may say? " Why isn't Ness the face and Lucas the alt costume" The reason is. Lucas is from the most current MOTHER game and it's Japan only right now. Having him be the face of MOTHER genarates alot more hype to bring over MOTHER 3 than Ness ever could as he only represents Earthbound. I don't know about you but I want MOTHER 3 released over here so people can have more than just one taste of the series.



Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
I say this means that Ness is out.

Lets say that Sakurai is revealing the starting roster which is most likely. He will probably leak unlockable characters near November 22 (when it comes out in Japan) like he did with Melee on the Japanese website.

So Sakurai is revealing the starting roster. Ness was on the starting roster in Melee. Why, then, would Sakurai reveal a character with the same shirt and style of fighting as Ness before Ness?

If Lucas and Ness were in the game, I think Sakurai would reveal the main star first. Just like Pikachu came before Pokemon Trainer, Donkey Kong revealed before Diddy, Samus revealed before Zero Suit, Kirby before Metaknight, ect.

This argument goes for Ike as well. Why would Sakurai reveal a blue haired sword fighter with similar special moves before Marth?

So I say that Marth and Ness are out. But that does not mean that their original movesets are gone. Seems like Lucas and Ike are just going flashier, more refreshing version.


#1 Super Grimer!
Aug 24, 2004
Why are people jumping to the idea that Ness isn't going to be in this game? Lucas' moveset from what we can see don't look very similar.

Also do you think that Sakurai would talk of Ness in that manner if Ness wasn't returning? Come on, the man ribbed about crying over the lack of confirmation that Yoshi had gotten. If anything this pushes the idea that Ness will in fact be returning.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 7, 2007
when every one says ness is out... I think of Stickers > Trophies,(how a lot of people thought they where out, becuse "Stickers are easier to get a hold of than trophies") not quite the same thing, but it could be. you never know.

"Is it possible he can surpass even Ness?!"?

Kirby knight

Smash Lord
Nov 10, 2006
Why are people jumping to the idea that Ness isn't going to be in this game? Lucas' moveset from what we can see don't look very similar.

Also do you think that Sakurai would talk of Ness in that manner if Ness wasn't returning? Come on, the man ribbed about crying over the lack of confirmation that Yoshi had gotten. If anything this pushes the idea that Ness will in fact be returning.
Sakurai would talk of Ness in what matter? This:

While he is timid in nature, he fights splendidly. Is it possible he can surpass even Ness?!
Sakurai seems to be implying that while Lucas is timid in nature, he fights splendidly ( perhaps refering to how awful Ness was in Melee). Is is possible he can surpass even Ness? Which means that Sakurai did his bet to try and make Lucas better than Ness was in Melee.

I think it pushes the idea that Ness will not return more than Ness will return.



#1 Super Grimer!
Aug 24, 2004
I still feel it's the opposite. Simply talking about a founding character like he's just a thing of the past. He wouldn't throw Ness' name around in such a relaxed manner if we were losing one of the founding twelve.

Also keep in mind that NONE of the four hidden characters in SSB have been confirmed. I'm thinking that it will stay this way until the game's release. Luigi, Jigglypuff, Ness, and Captain Falcon will probably all be hopefuls to those trying to unlock characters.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
Why are people jumping to the idea that Ness isn't going to be in this game? Lucas' moveset from what we can see don't look very similar.

Also do you think that Sakurai would talk of Ness in that manner if Ness wasn't returning? Come on, the man ribbed about crying over the lack of confirmation that Yoshi had gotten. If anything this pushes the idea that Ness will in fact be returning.
Why would Sakurai reveal Lucas before Ness? All the main characters of the franchise are revealed before additional members.


Smash Master
Apr 9, 2006
Montreal, Canada AKA Real City brrrrrrrrapp!
Sakurai would talk of Ness in what matter? This:

Sakurai seems to be implying that while Lucas is timid in nature, he fights splendidly ( perhaps refering to how awful Ness was in Melee). Is is possible he can surpass even Ness? Which means that Sakurai did his bet to try and make Lucas better than Ness was in Melee.

I think it pushes the idea that Ness will not return more than Ness will return.

:urg: I don't like your reasoning... it is based heavily on interpretation


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
in that case, then we CAN kiss Marth goodbye.

I agree. Marth and Ike are blue haired sword weilders. Ness and Lucas are boys in striped shirts with psychic powers. Marth and Ness (in the Smash series) are the main representatives of their franchises. Why would two similar additional characters be revealed before them in the additional roster?

Probably because they are being replaced.


Smash Master
May 17, 2002
in that case, then we CAN kiss Marth goodbye.
I don't think it should happen but it could be possible despite the FE logo being Marth's Falchion.

It makes predicting a full roster kinda hard.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 28, 2007
Why would Sakurai reveal Lucas before Ness? All the main characters of the franchise are revealed before additional members.
that is how sakurai has done it in the past. but we cannot assume anything. he enjoys mindgames. he knows that the ness fans will return everyday to see if ness is revealed or deconfirmed the same with the fact he released zelda but hasn't given us a moveset to confirm or deconfirm sheik. Mindgames, a hook for the dojo.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 23, 2005
Wyoming, USA
I am glad to see Lucas, I never really liked Ness anyways... but even if Ness does return hopefully he will get a similar graphical upgrade as Lucas still looks young but much better then Ness.

Oh and is that an earthbound stage their fighting on in the first screenshot?


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
But revealing Ness after Lucas is a poor mindgame. A mindgame is a good way to reveal a great suprise. Such as leading people to believe that Sonic is not in the game and then showcasing him later.

Tricking people that a similar looking kid with similar powers may not be in the game just to reveal a similar looking kid with similar powers is a bad payoff.


Smash Lord
Sep 5, 2007
New England
Wrong. If Ness wasn't in Brawl then Sakurai wouldn't even be asking this question. It would have to be more rhetorical if he meant SSBM Ness because we all know the answer would be: "Yes, he can surpass Ness because everyone surpasses Ness... excluding Mewtwo."

P.S.- People need to stop saying Lucas is from Earthbound. Ness is from Earthbound and Lucas is from Mother3. Earthbound is a branch of the Mother series, not vice versa.

Go, Ness, go!
I'm still rooting for you buddy.
I know you'll make it back!
Well Ness is From Earthbound....... in America....but Earthbound in Japan was actually "Mother 2: Gyiyg no Gyakushu" ...and while the storyand characters are totally differnt of course....there is in fact one character in Mother2 (Earthbound) that was also brought back in Mother 3...so basically Earthbound is not branch of Mother (^^)v

and no I wasnt saying that Lucas is from Earthbound (^^)v

PS. if u ppl and u Dyce already kne that....I aplogize for I have OCD XP
and if u were tlking about what i just said then i apologize again XDDDDD


Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2007
Why would Sakurai reveal Lucas before Ness? All the main characters of the franchise are revealed before additional members.
I still have faith in Ness. The only consolation prize for Ness not being in Super Smash Bros. Brawl would be for big boys to release Earthbound 2 or Mother 3. Anywhere, I don't care. WiiWare? I dare!


Smash Apprentice
Aug 28, 2007
But revealing Ness after Lucas is a poor mindgame. A mindgame is a good way to reveal a great suprise. Such as leading people to believe that Sonic is not in the game and then showcasing him later.

Tricking people that a similar looking kid with similar powers may not be in the game just to reveal a similar looking kid with similar powers is a bad payoff.
it is to the people who want ness to return and don't care about the similarities.


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2006
Lancaster, PA
You guys should really just start listing these threads as exactly what they are. I'm a fan of puns and all, but some of these are downright painful.

Last night was like a roller coaster to me. I was initially excited when I saw red on the japanese site, and shortly after I returned there as I grew impatient waiting for the US site to update. I was originally displeased by the sight of Lucas, until I looked over his screenshots. I just can't make out any of Ness' attacks in any of those four screenshots.

The first screenshot shared similarity with Ness' "dair", but after further observation it seems more like he's jumping, and there's also a PK-Freeze-like effect present partially hidden by MetaKnight. The third screenshot obviously shares similarity to Ness' PSI Magnet, although Lucas appears to be wielding it drastically differently.

Now, evolved from what I originally thought last night, my present grasp on the matter: Lucas is not taking Ness' moveset, much like Ike did not take Marth or Roy's. So, Lucas is not replacing Ness. The question is, will Ness still return? That's far more unpredictable. It's entirely possible, as his moveset is still standing without a character to wield it.

Keep in mind I made these thoughts based solely off of the screenshots, and before I ever saw Sakurai's words on the US site.


Smash Lord
Sep 5, 2007
New England
I still have faith in Ness. The only consolation prize for Ness not being in Super Smash Bros. Brawl would be for big boys to release Earthbound 2 or Mother 3. Anywhere, I don't care. WiiWare? I dare!
uhmm actully thats Earthbound Zero (the actual first MOTHER) and Earthbound 2 (MOTHER 3) but yeah i want to play those games as well.......Im suprsied they didnt drelese Earthbound one (Mother2) the one where Ness is from) on the virtual console yet...


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2007
I'm hoping/betting that Ness will be a starter and Lucas will be unlockable. There's just no point in replacing Ness, and I still hold to the theory that "Warning! Challenger Approaching!" marks an unlockable character. The Mother series needs to have a starter, since it did in Melee.


Smash Lord
Sep 5, 2007
New England
I'm hoping/betting that Ness will be a starter and Lucas will be unlockable. There's just no point in replacing Ness, and I still hold to the theory that "Warning! Challenger Approaching!" marks an unlockable character. The Mother series needs to have a starter, since it did in Melee.
but it seems kind of Early to start showing characters that need to be unlocked do u think???




weird name for a game. They should make one called ''MotherF**er''
I take it u dont like the game very much XDDDDDD

Drik Khaail

Smash Ace
Jul 25, 2006
Why would Sakurai reveal Lucas before Ness? All the main characters of the franchise are revealed before additional members.
*coughIkecough* seriously, why the Ness hate? He friggin rocked in melee, from his aerials to his fwd smash he friggin rocked, apparently you guys are just too lazy and stick with what are supposed to be higher tier characters! boring? his hat is lame? are these good enough complaints to remove our favorite pshycic demon child from brawl? and speaking of Ike, I think sora ltd is going for more of a worldwide friendly approach, rather than just sticking with japanese characters this time... so why does Ness get the boot/ become the costume of a newcomer?
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