yes, i went undefeated in project M and made it to winners finals. on the other side of the bracket, i think i was waiting for alan, sfat, or shroomed, but the bracket couldn't finish because sfat and shroomed were constantly in the melee bracket. my best character is bowser, though i also use fox, marth, and peach since they are very intuitive. i won some matches with them, but mostly bowser. i think my matches were recorded and will be uploaded on jb's channel.
in melee, we did pools
the only person i lost to was lucien. i lost 1-2, it was a good set. i 2-0'd everyone else, including azusa, a peach! i asked a friend if i should stay ice climbers, and they said yes! so i stayed ic's and was able to beat azusa convincingly. the lesson of in merced of NEVER COPPING OUT AGAIN really paid off. i 4-stocked like half my pool bc they didn't know the matchup lol. there was walt, funkyfresh, silly goose, and 1 or 2 more but i forgot them. funky fresh asked me to go falcon because he knew he would lose badly to my ic's, but i still 2 and 3-stocked him with falcon lol. it was funner for both of us though
in bracket:
defeated berto 2-0 (not close)
lost to bob$ 0-2 (both games close)
defeated bluefoxxt 2-0 (not close, he was demoralized after losing to boback in winners and also losing a bad match in p:m)
defeated zeldafreak 2-0 (close)
lost to sfat 0-2 (not close)
edit: oh yeah, project M bracket. i don't remember it completely, but here's what i remember
defeated silly goose 2-1. he bodied my bowser with sonic using some crazy tricks that i've never seen before. it was clear he had put in some extensive practice. in game 2 i picked fox and won by spamming bairs. and in game 3 i defeated his ike wth peach. it was clear that he had practiced the game more than me, but i won with basic fundamentals.
i defeated another player 2-0. first game i won marth vs link, which was surprisingly tough. i think game 2 was also bowser vs ike and i won.
i think the last match i played was vs hostility? idk who he was. he played as ike. i won 2-1. i think i lost game 1 with fox and then won the next two games with bowser. i think ike is a clear bowser counter, so i am going to have to change my main next time i play the game in pleasanton, or maybe just keep getting better with bowser.
this is just to hold out until ice climbers get released though....