LOL. i like it. i'm actually having a normal sane conversation with someone. shoutoutz 2 trying to have normal conversation on a random chat site
LOL. 2 good
shoutoutz 2 normal conversation.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: wombo combo
Stranger: Salut!
You: greetings
Stranger: Tu es anglais?
You: si
Stranger: It's oui but nice try. So what's up?
You: LOL. darn. nm you
Stranger: Haha same.
You: this is my first time trying this out
You: LOL
You: boredom
Stranger: I know! It's pretty fun if you get the right people.
You: most people just say something weird then leave
Stranger: Yep. My last person said "banana" then left...
You: hahaha. my last person sent me some porn link
You: well now that i think of it, i started this conversation by saying wombo combo
Stranger: Yay aren't they nice lol.
You: indeed
Stranger: True. But I assumed it was some weird way of saying hi or something lol
You: ah. it's actually an internet meme, and the name of a pizza
Stranger: Ooh nice! I try to keep up with all the memes... It's too hard lol
You: ah yeah LOL. it's actually from super smash bros melee
Stranger: Oh I suck at that so much. You have no idea lol
You: ohh haha freals? i used to go to tournaments and stuff :D
Stranger: Oh my god my friend did that but she stopped cuz everyone was too intense
You: LOL. yeahhhh people get real serious
You: so is french your first language?
Stranger: I learned French and English at the same time... yay for bilingual families! Haha
You: oh interesting! my parents actually spoke tagalog to me
You: so i understand it but i can't speak it. kinda awkward
Stranger: Hmmm where is that language spoken?
You: the philippines' main language
Stranger: Nice. Never been there.
You: i have 3 times. it's pretty nice, just gotta know where to go
You: probably how it is with all 3rd world countries
Stranger: Yeah that's true... Although I'd like to go sometime. That would be nice
Stranger: Where do you live normally?
You: northern california, you?
Stranger: AWESOME I live in canada
Stranger: How's Cali? My uncle lived there for a bit. San Francisco loves French speakers
You: ooh yes! that's actually where i go to school
You: i live in daly city right now, just south of san francisco... kinda dreary
You: ever been to seattle? always cloudy. where i live is kinda like that
Stranger: Ooooh I've always wanted to go to Seattle! Never gotten around to it lol... But the rain is kinda nice
You: which part of canada do you live? guessing not around vancouver/bc?
Stranger: Haha no, I live in montreal
You: ah i see
Stranger: It's a pretty nice place. Sunny most of the time
Stranger: And nice mountains for skiing and stuff
You: sounds fun, i have never skied
Stranger: It's great!! I'm not that great, but it's fun sometimes lol
You: haha i see! it's so rare that i get to see places with snow
Stranger: I would hate living in a place with no snow! I like it, plus I can buy a crap ton of coats. Yay!
You: haha sweet. here in the bay, the temperature range is like 45~75 year round
Stranger: Oh my god you live by the bay? That is so cool!!!! I wanna go there
You: haha, you should! maybe some day i'll go to that part of canada as well
You: i've only been to the vancouver area
Stranger: Ehhh that area is pretty nice. Montreal is better.
You: hahhaha alright i'll take your word for it
Stranger: Absolutely! I live there, I should know!
You: hahaha that's good that you like where you live
You: there are plenty of people who just want to leave home for another place
You: i personally am tired of daly city (though i've only lived here for a year)
You: it's directly south of san fran. real crowded and always gray
Stranger: But it sounds fun! Where did you live before? Was it better?
You: hm, yeah i liked it more. it was in the central valley of california
You: more peaceful
Stranger: Is that by death valley sort of? I have nooo idea...
Stranger: Nope that's more south. Never mind.
You: ah yeah haha, it's a stretch of valley from sacramento to fresno
You: the bay is more heavily populated, then mountains, then the valley, then more mountains, then nevada
You: that's northern california at least
Stranger: Well I like northern California! Especially san francisco
You: yeah, it's really nice. there's so much to see in sf around every corner
Stranger: Yeah if I had more time off from school I would totally check it out.
You: mm yeah
Stranger: And Seattle definitely
You: hmmm yeah. seattle's cool, though i don't really know what to visit when i go
Stranger: I went to that area when I was like ten and we just walked around for hours. There aren't a lot of famous places.
You: hm yeah. not knowing where to go is the best time for exploration!
Stranger: Woohoo exploration! That's pretty much what I do when I go places
You: yeah it's awesome! SF is the perfect place to do that
Stranger: That's sorta how some parts of chicago are... I love chicago
You: ah i see! i only went there once
Stranger: That's sorta how chicago is... I love Chicago, it's a great city
You: i love the pizza!
You: haha well i have to go now, ttyl
Stranger: Well I have to go. It was nice talking with you without porn links popping up haha
You: HAHAH. yeah forsure
You: later
You have disconnected.