i remember the fta golden days, i held FTA in almost as high a regard as DBR and deep norcal. at one point i remember jr saying something about being spiritually in fta because i played more than and hung out with them more than one or two of their actual members.... simply put, i was glowing that day =3
almost held us as high regard as deep norcal? lol i'm kind of insulted. I don't think FTA has ever lost a crew battle to Deep Norcal... and the good members of FTA had winning records vs their entire crew i'm pretty sure. =/
but to put us on the same league as DBR, lol....
pretty sure DBR was way out of our league for a long time. Even when we would go even with bob$,zel, and germ, we'd still get our ***** ripped hard by theking and DSF >_< not including silentspectre of course because he will always be part of the baysians, and not DBR imo.
and yeah keith you will always be part of FTA lol, you basically ARE fta, the other members of FTA always introduce new random *** members, so i feel like its in my power to induct you into FTA haha i hang out with you more than i hang out with any fta member anyways =p
i remember we took a tight *** group picture at some random fastfood joint in frisco? with you in it, on you or vincents phone or something... i wonder what happened to that pic, cus it was really cool
oh man i wish we still had crew battles in norcal hahaha
Edit:: also idk if i'm going to genesis either, still haven't registered and i'm damn broke >_< train ticket is expensive, let alone the entry fee (although if i went to genesis i probably wouldn't enter anyways)