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Sage Osaka

Smash Ace
Jan 16, 2006
ya saw that a while ago. I wonder if he will do some other stuff
i kinda wish he made it so the part that raises up and shoots swiveled back and forth like it does ingame, that would have really hit the concept home.

Bizzarro Flame

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2005
San Francisco
that game seems very legit and violent.

unfortunately i'm preoccupied with resident evil 2 for the PSX

oh yeah, i'm probably going to SF next friday to go to another museum. can i stop by any one of any SF player's house *erhm chok*?

Sage Osaka

Smash Ace
Jan 16, 2006
Hahaha MKP had HUGE smile when he saw T-ara and then he went to the back to go stare at them hahaha. Too good
haha yeah that was ****ing adorable. when he finally was getting ready to pose with them he was like "she's so pretty" and everyone started laughing. i had the biggest "d'awwwww" moment evar at that point.
Jun 5, 2009
Lost in the Underworld
that might've been the greatest moment of his life, ever
nah, it'll be the day he wins a GSL and gets the pose with some kpop group girl. I wonder if T-ara will perform at the finals. That would be neat.

The other moment I remember was "You lost because you didn't make rollie pollies" - from tasteless girlfriend. She was referring to the reaver heh.
Jun 5, 2009
Lost in the Underworld
yep mc lost 3-2.

and mc just lost in the nasl too...

and he's in code A in gsl i think

MC, what a noob!
MC is just getting figured out and he's....overly aggressive with his plays sometimes. I know he's the god of PvP because of that, but yeah :(

A lot of good players are in code A now. Code A is pretty good now too. It was a complete joke back when it started, but everyone's gotten so much better in the last couple of months. I like MC for sure


Smash Champion
Apr 2, 2006
Fullerton, Socal
i never did like mc's playstyle much.

all he does is like 1 or 2 base timing pushes and its really boring to watch.

i'm glad he's getting figured out, cus for somebody with the "best player in the world" title, he isn't very diverse imo...

although he did play cool macro games in the tsl


Smash Ace
Nov 17, 2007
Vegas, NV
Hey jr, I have a quick melee question for you when you have the time

Ive been trying to figure out lately what stage I should be banning vs falco.
Counterpickingwise, im debating between BF or dreamland, tho im pretty sure BF is always the right answer. Its close either way.
Banning wise, im somewhat clueless. I started banning FoD cause of obv platforms, but then I realized it messes up falco laser camps, so I ban YS due to small platforms. But now, i find myself getting 0 to deathed real easy after I mess up missing a grab or I gentlemen to early in the % (allowing the falco to sdi the 3 hits to the ccshine). PLus his edgeguards come really easy seeing the lack of platforms. Is this the right path of thinking, and should I start banning FD now? Or am I not DI-ing the shines right and getting 0 to deathed too easily, meaning that I should go back to YS?

IM asking you more so than asking the falcon board both cause its a hit or miss whether I get responsed to there (usually do, but its not certain) and cause you might still remember how I played a little bit more than they do now =p.

HEy joon, quick question for you too.
Using the spoiler thing, give me your rough numbers on how each of the stages affect the marth falcon MU. . . like how you think it alters the numbers, ASSUMING they are even
which they obv arent . . . . ^_^
like if you thought FD changed falcon marth from 50-50 to 60-40 in falcons favor, youd go: FD: 60 falcon
again, whenever you have the time.
Ill give mine too in spoilers. edit: and i also gave a sentence or two quickly explaining why
And all the legal stages please. SO YS FoD BF FD DL KJ Brin PS and RC, please
YS: 70 marth. Maybe a bit much, but the slants of the edges and the perfect height of the platforms (taking away a good deal of my sweetspotting) seem to be built for the char lol. platform protection from aerials. Plus randal always seems to jew the **** outta me *cough**bias*
FoD: 60 marth. platform protection some of the time and just the overall size of the stage hinder most falcons with big aerial games.
BF: 55 marth. platforms lend themselves to easy tips, but marth's recorvery is more difficult than most to sweet spot.
FD: 50(ish?). easy as crap to edgeguard falcon but I guess he gets a **** ton of room? =p
DL: 55 falcon. HIgh platforms and size of the stage gives falcon a decent time recovering high and avoiding an early death. Wispy helps out in needed time, too, maybe?
KJ: 60 falcon. evens out a lot of the recovery disadvantage and makes marths recovery that much harder to ss.
Brin: not really clue atm. dont have time to think about it. maybe 55 falcon?
PS: 55 falcon
RC: 65 (maybe 70) falcon. nothing goes marths way in this map.
anyone can reply to this is they want. . . just think no one would really want to . . . .
my bad if its hard to read, I just thought of asking about this not too long ago and decided to jot down rambles of what I as thnking as I was thinking it =p

Btw, HEy everyone! lol
works sucks. . . I m working at my first job ever and im realizing its not all 'lollipops and Popsicle sticks' like I thought it would be


Smash Champion
Apr 2, 2006
Fullerton, Socal
Hey jr, I have a quick melee question for you when you have the time

Ive been trying to figure out lately what stage I should be banning vs falco.
Counterpickingwise, im debating between BF or dreamland, tho im pretty sure BF is always the right answer. Its close either way.
Banning wise, im somewhat clueless. I started banning FoD cause of obv platforms, but then I realized it messes up falco laser camps, so I ban YS due to small platforms. But now, i find myself getting 0 to deathed real easy after I mess up missing a grab or I gentlemen to early in the % (allowing the falco to sdi the 3 hits to the ccshine). PLus his edgeguards come really easy seeing the lack of platforms. Is this the right path of thinking, and should I start banning FD now? Or am I not DI-ing the shines right and getting 0 to deathed too easily, meaning that I should go back to YS?
hey john :D

i think banning FoD would and should be the most obvious choice... like vs every falco.

of course falco can't laser camp u all the time, but falco is still somewhat functional if he can't shl. falcon on the other hand is not functional AT ALL without his aerial game, and he gets screwed cus of the random platforms on FoD... unless you want to dashdance camp. i dont remember your style being very gay so yeah. also i dont think you should be getting 0-deathed every time. you're probably di'ing wrong, or mistaking falcons lack of ability to recover from a combo as getting combo'd. the thing with falcon vs falco is that at the end of a combo, falcon is in such a horrible position that you'll probably just eat another combo if you arent really smart with tech rolls and stuff. falcon vs falco on YS is like a combo fest for falco. but if the falco messes up once, then you can throw him on platforms and stuff and react to knees,uairs, or bairs, and those should all lead to falco being off the stage depending on the % falco is. i think with a lot of practice, you'll start liking YS vs falco.

but idk what im talking about really, im not a falcon main!

now i have a question for you....

wanna tell me how you got your job? :D i have a stack of job applications that are half filled out, kind of just really missing out on the reference part... they said i cant include family members... and ive never had a job before so who am i supposed to use as a reference?

Sage Osaka

Smash Ace
Jan 16, 2006
i wont provide a full list, but i will say that in my opinion, FD is the best stage for falcon against marth. this is assuming that falcon knows exactly how to play the matchup against marth (as m2k definitely does) and can do the guaranteed 0-deaths from a grab. but like i said, this is assuming a lot.


Smash Hero
Nov 18, 2008
in Makai
i think i want to learn melee for real

shorthopping and l-canceling and wd out of shield and NOT ROLLING.

i feel like i could be one of socal's greats if i just sat down and picked up the requisite techskill...but that's almost all talk. i just know that i am decent at everything else that i've put real effort into.
Jun 5, 2009
Lost in the Underworld
And stop spamming crouch cancel and godly spenser will appear

Alright so I'm going to Stanislaus for university. I got a full ride + spending moneyz so I think I'm set as a computer science major here lul. Sry UC system I'm broke.

Looks like I'll be stuck in Modesto for another Four three years.


Smash Ace
Nov 17, 2007
Vegas, NV
yeah, they definitely dont want you using family members due to the perceived bias n stuff like that. . . but for reason theyll let you use neighbors, friends, friends of parents n stuff if for some reason you havent had a job prior to.
But yeah, basically anyone you mightve worked an oddjob for in the past or who might have known you long enough to "be familiar with your work ethics" (lol i guess is a way to put it?) would be good to choose for ur resume.
That being said, I currently work for my dad and a couple of his friends, so I didnt need references, AAAAND Im going to be able to use them for my next set of references. lol

you can always lie too and have a family member pretend to be someone who you have babysat for. . .

meh, dI nowadays make the 'easy 0-death combos' on marth seem harder. . . . but ill keep at it; havent played vs a marth in awhile so im not 100%. . . .
I need to get a couple good recorded games for me to ask you to look at. All of the current ones of me are balls now. . .
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