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Jun 5, 2009
Lost in the Underworld
That's the old school metagame Andre. People are too smart to fall for that now. Marth is still very good though. He's a pretty good answer to jigglypuff I still think. I would say he's a viable answer to fox and falco on starter stages.

I hear m2k talk all this **** about how jigglypuff is broken and how he ***** so many people with it, yet I don't see him use puff in a real tournament


Smash Hero
Jun 15, 2008
tl;dr message before my post: Puff is pretty much top tier, doubt she's number one, I don't know **** about the rest of the tier list

puff as one...I don't know man. I know puff ***** falco and fox (see mango and hbox). Any little mistake either of them makes is a rest. Not teching, not sweetspoting ledge (as if they will get to the ledge anyways), missing l-cancel, missing DI on uthrow, etc. But I'm just full of **** though. Maybe if the fox is like TA godly perfect it's even. I definitely think puff is top tier though, just...in no particular order. She has pretty strong counterpick stages. Good luck beating a puff on brinstar

I don't know about the rest. I almost want to say fox is still the best, but I don't really see people winning those big nationals with fox because it's incredibly difficult to play so well for so long. Depends if you think the tier list should be mostly based on ideal conditions/playing (yet somewhat realistic) or based on practicality and tournament results that back it up.

Heh I kind of agree with marth's placement in m2k's list. Marth hasn't been doing well for quite a while. Don't know about the rest. And who gives a **** about any character below ganon

edit: Nvm, looked at m2k post in that thread. If only I could learn to play puff, but I hate puff. Makes me feel like I am playing brawl in melee.
i don't think puff is number 1 either, but over all i like the list.
i also don't like that dk is above samus.

i like his grouping. it makes sense.

old school azen ken kdj and m2k videos make marth look godlike broken
fox and falco have gotten a lot better, imo.

That's the old school metagame Andre. People are too smart to fall for that now. Marth is still very good though. He's a pretty good answer to jigglypuff I still think. I would say he's a viable answer to fox and falco on starter stages.

I hear m2k talk all this **** about how jigglypuff is broken and how he ***** so many people with it, yet I don't see him use puff in a real tournament
in that post about beating taj, forward, and axe with puff, he said he was new to puff (or new to planking). he just said they were able to beat his mains and secondaries.

maybe he'll whip the puff out in tournament.

i hope he wins the next big melee tourney.
ESPECIALLY if he whips out the planking puff. that would be amazing if he picked up puff and won a tourney with her.
Jun 5, 2009
Lost in the Underworld
m2k really knows how to play gay. He times out people in brawl all day. m2k v. gnes, it's in Meta Knight Da Bess song for a reason. I want to see him bring it out on melee. Heh Nick tries to ledge stall me sometimes, I just shine him and shine him again...and it's a gimp, but I'm sure m2k knows to to do it near frame perfect


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2006
Union City, CA
That's the old school metagame Andre. People are too smart to fall for that now. Marth is still very good though.
im not sure about this hahaha

its more so those good *** marths stopped playing

but hey, who knows hahaha

i think puff is 5th at best hahaha

oddly the 2 best players in the US right now, both happen to main puff is all

cuz is puff was that good, you'd see her like fox

but you don't hahaha


Smash Hero
Nov 18, 2008
in Makai
alright so who's going to this tournament on sunday?

nick i also need to leech a ride off of you, i'm basically assuming that there isn't a problem with that lol since i don't have a car that day
Jun 5, 2009
Lost in the Underworld
I don't know HMW. Well **** punish puff still requires excellent reaction time, something smashers in general aren't so good at (see bad DI, bad SDI). Puff has the ill label as being a "gay" character. I'm pretty sure people enjoy playing and seeing fox move around so quickly. Fox: The walking combo video. Some characters in games just don't rise to popularity even if they're pretty good. Perhaps puff isn't first, but it's obvious she's top tier now.

Yeah I also know what you mean when you say there aren't many good marth players. Marth hasn't been all that popular lately. You would think the new stagelist would really help marth since he has less stages to be counterpicked on. He's already very strong on neutral stages


Smash Hero
Jun 15, 2008
falcon is the best non-gay character in the game.

fox is gay. (waveshine/grabs/usmashes all link together however you want??, shine gimps, fastest camper in the game)
falco is gay. (laser laser laser laser laser laser COOOOMMBBOOOOO... laser laser laser)
marth is gay. (chain grabs, fair spam, pro gimper, TIPPER KILLS AT 13 PERCENT WTF)
sheik is gay. (chaingrab/techchase/autocombo every character in the game zero to death, needle camping, edge stalling)
peach is gay. (downsmash gives 60 percent, chain grabs on ffers, stitch/bobomb, downsmash, downsmash)

puff is not the only gay character.


Smash Champion
Mar 14, 2007
Modesto CA
^ lol, thats so true

But hey, I'm heading over to keiths for some smash. Anyone who wants a ride should let me know


Smash Champion
Mar 14, 2007
Modesto CA
dumb *** double posts

yeah though I really wanna get the stagelist figured out today, although honestly i've pretty much come to the conclusion that it'll be the same as before with only 1 or 2 changes


Smash Champion
Mar 14, 2007
Modesto CA
Aite, I called everyone and it looks like I'll be bringing Adaias and RJ. Everyone else is busy, out of town, breakdancing, ect.


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
ah im having a fun and busy summer hehe

oh and about marth:

marth is not 'old metagame.' justin and jr can still win tournaments, brandon is right that its just that the godlike marths stopped playing. it is true that spacies have improved a crapload, but marth still has the exact same tools that ken used in the past, and tools that m2k still uses to this day that taps spacies all day. did anyone watch new pewpewu videos where he got second at a tourny, 3-stocking lunin? marth too good baby

get at the kids.
Jun 5, 2009
Lost in the Underworld
Well Kenny just ***** my fox in some seriouslies sets. I did okay against Nick's puff though I did end up losing 3-1. Won the second set versus Kenny with my marth 3-2. Good games everyone.

I am thinking that I jumped out of that phantom rest hit. I don't think it's possible to SDI moves without knockback otherwise you could teleport when you got hit with fox's lasers. My dumb reasoning here.

I actually enjoyed playing smash today. I kind of want to pick up my marth a bit because I feel really uncomfortable using fox on battlefield though I always ban that stage. Ban mindgames against Kenny. I love trying to read techs...and failures to tech haha

Sage Osaka

Smash Ace
Jan 16, 2006
ah im having a fun and busy summer hehe

oh and about marth:

marth is not 'old metagame.' justin and jr can still win tournaments, brandon is right that its just that the godlike marths stopped playing. it is true that spacies have improved a crapload, but marth still has the exact same tools that ken used in the past, and tools that m2k still uses to this day that taps spacies all day. did anyone watch new pewpewu
videos where he got second at a tourny, 3-stocking lunin? marth too good baby
get at the kids.
yeah then he got 3-0d by shroomed :(

but yeah I agree marth has all the tools to be top tier and although he isn't competing at the top level m2k is(with the small exception of like one round of a set or against spacies) I do believe he can still be in top 3 spots on the list. It's just that he doesn't have the crazy lockdown combos that spacies have or the crazy mobility, recovery and broken hitboxes puff has. It just takes a very specific playstyle and dedication to said playstyle to make him really shine the way Ken m2k and azen did
Jun 5, 2009
Lost in the Underworld
...you're saying marth doesn't have broken hitboxes like jigglypuff? Marth has the biggest hitboxes in the game, he just isn't as mobile in the air as jigglypuff to dance around shields like she does.

I do think marth requires some smart thinking and a bit of luck when it comes to trying to read DI/teching. He still has some automatic combos on fast fallers, but you still have to space yourself around to make sure hit the tipper when you want to and when you don't want to. Small things like that where you can't just autopilot combos

Also in the face of a good player, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by fox or falco as marth. Well that's how I feel. I mean what quick close combat moves does marth have to create some space between himself and his opponent? He pretty much only has the grab and wavedashing away from the situation. No quick shine to break those awkward situations

Marth is still very good either way. Definitely graduated top of his class for smash.

Sage Osaka

Smash Ace
Jan 16, 2006
...you're saying marth doesn't have broken hitboxes like jigglypuff? Marth has the biggest hitboxes in the game, he just isn't as mobile in the air as jigglypuff to dance around shields like she does.

I do think marth requires some smart thinking and a bit of luck when it comes to trying to read DI/teching. He still has some automatic combos on fast fallers, but you still have to space yourself around to make sure hit the tipper when you want to and when you don't want to. Small things like that where you can't just autopilot combos

Also in the face of a good player, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by fox or falco as marth. Well that's how I feel. I mean what quick close combat moves does marth have to create some space between himself and his opponent? He pretty much only has the grab and wavedashing away from the situation. No quick shine to break those awkward situations

Marth is still very good either way. Definitely graduated top of his class for smash.
well first of all, its very logical for marth to have somewhat considerably broken hitboxes, he uses a long *** sword ffs. but second of all, with a lot of experience playing as marth, you come to realize that they arent as broken as they seem (except maybe when you have all the time in the world like when edgeguarding a recovery,) especially playing against a good peach you will come to realize that lot of stuff ties or goes through perfectly spaced forward smashes or fairs. on the other hand, its very illogical and very seemingly broken for a pink ball of puff to stick her nubby *** foot out in the air and have it hit **** as far away and as safely as it does. this is all IN ADDITION to her exquisite mobility in the air.

but yeah, like i said it takes a very specific playstyle (aka very good dash dancing and grabbing, as i learned when i started playing marth for one example) to excel at playing marth.


Smash Hero
Jun 15, 2008
Well Kenny just ***** my fox in some seriouslies sets. I did okay against Nick's puff though I did end up losing 3-1. Won the second set versus Kenny with my marth 3-2. Good games everyone.

I am thinking that I jumped out of that phantom rest hit. I don't think it's possible to SDI moves without knockback otherwise you could teleport when you got hit with fox's lasers. My dumb reasoning here.

I actually enjoyed playing smash today. I kind of want to pick up my marth a bit because I feel really uncomfortable using fox on battlefield though I always ban that stage. Ban mindgames against Kenny. I love trying to read techs...and failures to tech haha
don't take this the wrong way, but keith's marth is hella harder for my fox than yours.
idk why i lost to yours. i was able to bait and punish you and even overwhelm you at times.
i actually think i play better against keith's marth.
keith's more patient and he's good at dashdancing to bait my aerials.
also, when he gets a grab, he punishes like a marth main.
you punish like someone who only alts marth. haha idk if that makes sense.

you should play more marth.
he's an underused character and he's really good.
having a marth and a fox is too good.
Jun 5, 2009
Lost in the Underworld
Jigglypuff does indeed have good mobility and large hitboxes to weave in attacks against marth, but I still think marth has noticeable advantage against jigglypuff. Marth's aerials are not that fast, which is why you have to mix it up with some jabs and tilts between aerials so that jigglypuff has a harder time trying to weave in and out.

Yeah Peach has some **** like dash attack that goes through marth. Try full jumping aerials more often, more mix-ups, etc. I am personally bad in this match-up as marth. Marth does have slight advantage against peach on starter stages. He just doesn't have those easy combos like he does against fast fallers

You are right Kenny. I mean...how many times did I get hit by your random side b's? It was ridiculous. I don't dash as much as keith either. I should really do that more. Also I'm not the person who likes waiting for people to come at you. I just got lucky reading techs and garbage like that. Also nair is too good, really good move to just throw out there. I did throw out a lot of random bs and it worked.


Smash Hero
Jun 15, 2008
You are right Kenny. I mean...how many times did I get hit by your random side b's? It was ridiculous. I don't dash as much as keith either. I should really do that more. Also I'm not the person who likes waiting for people to come at you. I just got lucky reading techs and garbage like that. Also nair is too good, really good move to just throw out there. I did throw out a lot of random bs and it worked.
for the record, fox's shine to side be is a true combo on marth. it pops him up.
i was doing some dumb stuff though.
i wanna watch my matches on kongo64.
maybe i'll see some things i obviously need to improve.

i wanted to record against brandon so i could post it on smashboards for critiquing. lol
he beats me badly even when i feel like i'm playing great so it'd help for me to watch the matches over again aand think about what i could fix.

NICK, we didn't discuss stages.
i think kongo64, brinstar, and stadium is enough counterpicks.

kongo, brinstar, stadium, cruise, mute, corneria. they're all cool, but it's just so many stages lol


Smash Champion
Mar 14, 2007
Modesto CA
Yeah I guess we can talk about the stages on here a bit before the tourney though, so it should be fine. I'm not gonna add my thoughts about the stagelist at the moment though... I'm hella tired and I'm going to sleep lol.

Good games today though. I learned a lot about the marth matchup playing against keith today (although I always seem to learn a lot playing against him)

The seriouslies today were good too. I'll try to get the sets up tmw when I have time. I wanna review my games to see where I messed up, as well as look at that phantom rest and a few other things again.


Smash Hero
Jun 15, 2008
i can't wait to watch my fox laser the **** outta you on kongo.

edit: just got rank11 on tetris friends. i get a gold emblem now instead of silver. hehe
i practically quit playing and recently i remembered how fun it is.

Sage Osaka

Smash Ace
Jan 16, 2006
Yeah I guess we can talk about the stages on here a bit before the tourney though, so it should be fine. I'm not gonna add my thoughts about the stagelist at the moment though... I'm hella tired and I'm going to sleep lol.

Good games today though. I learned a lot about the marth matchup playing against keith today (although I always seem to learn a lot playing against him)

The seriouslies today were good too. I'll try to get the sets up tmw when I have time. I wanna review my games to see where I messed up, as well as look at that phantom rest and a few other things again.
heh yeah i have gotten a lot of my puff exp from you too. i dont know what was up with me today i just couldnt keep up against your puff with marth, maybe it was just because i had been playing for like 3+ hours beforehand or maybe it was just an offday. you did really good though so no johns about that. i just gotta up my game xD (not like that can actually happen, i dont actually see myself getting any better)


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2006
Union City, CA
after reading some stuff in the thread

here's what i think i guess

marth probably has the most priority in the game prolly

but what makes him hard to use is that is hard to apply that priority in some aspects of his game (spacing, edgeguards)

also what i think is making marth really hard for people to use is that people got better at getting inside marths range, to be a good marth you definitely have to tighten up ur spacing, now people bait marth by like dashdancing or throwing a projectile you n-air in place with marth, then they time their approach right and get that grab or usmash, or that knee they wanted, most good marth players are not only aware of your approach, but they got answers for them

ken would rush down with marth and cut off ur chances to approach (which is hard as ***)

m2k sees u approach or sees u spotdodge, then BAM!, dashgrab and u lost a picture

azen baited you by wiffing out moves, you approach cuz u think ur safe cuz he just got done doing a aerial, then he grabs ur ****t and you get whooped

@suuwo i just dont see puff top tier, high definitely. Honestly tho like i know mango,hbox, and darc are around but other them, puffs still get whooped, i just dont see what makes her so good other than the fact that hbox is getting off.

i mean yea you say puffs have jumps and rests, but if it were that broken, you'd seriously see puff like crazy hahaha, i feel like saying "puff soooo is broken" is easier to say than "**** hbox is pretty good" so thats why people say it. It's the same thing in 06/07 when ken and azen put in work, then m2k start whoopin everyones ***, people said that marth was the best hahaha,


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
lets talk about a better character

ics < fox 40:60
ics = falco 50:50
ics > sheik 51:49
ics < marth 49:51
ics < peach 35:65
ics = falcon 60:60 (**** or be *****)
ics = puff 50:50
ics = doc 50:50
ics = samus 50:50
ics < ganon 35:65

ics are so fun with their even matchups

i think marths are well prepared for spacies in tournys, but i think they should watch out for awesome characters like doc (shroomed 3-0'd pew cuz pew didnt kno the matchup) and ic's (i tap marth all day unless ur name is kfc. if ur kfc then ill tap u like 40% of the day.)

unless we're both sleepy. then jr will tap 100% of the time cuz i cant play on no sleep. jr is like a vampire from twilight, except filipino
Jun 5, 2009
Lost in the Underworld
Hahaha Andre. Hbox is definitely a top tier player. He uses puff's toolbox so well. I look at his matches and he punishes every little mistake with a grab or a rest. Jigglypuff does seem to have better options when it comes to punishing unlike any other character. Puff's no auto-win character, you still need quick reflexes and godly spacing. Difficult to play in her own way unlike spacies and what not

^Yeah Anthony knows what's up. Andre can you ever make it to a Modesto tournament? You're always busy on sunday


Smash Champion
Mar 14, 2007
Modesto CA
yeah pewpewu lost cuz he kept tryin' to edgeguard shroomed. I think he lost a stock somewhere between 0 and 10% one life by getting gimped by an upB.

There were actually a lot of marths at the last modesto tourney though-- KFC, Catnip, Keith, and RDA (and adaias is starting to use marth again as well). JR 2 or 3 stocks me consistently, but thanks to the experience i've gotten against keith i don't feel that bad playing the matchup anymore. I pretty much just agree with everything brandon said about marth though.

And Puff is definitely high tier, but not top. She's got a move that's commonly a one hit kill that has no startup lag, a **** b-air, 5 jumps, and a bunch of other good stuff. But she dies at hella low % off the top, she's not that fast so she can be camped to an extent, missing a rest can cost you a stock, and she can be outranged by a few characters. Mango just has godly spacing and hbox has obtained the ability to rest anything lol. Generally speaking though, puff as a character just isn't quite good enough to be at the top of the tier list imo

The tourney on sunday is 11am-7pm, and i can give you a ride if you need one anthony. ****, i'd even give andre a ride if he needed one EVEN THOUGH HE DOESN'T CAUSE THE VENUE IS ONLY A FEW MINUTES AWAY FROM HIS HOUSEEEEE

lol, you should try to go if you can andre, even if it's only for a little while. There aren't that many entrants so each event finishes pretty fast. See if you can make it for the crew battle at least haha


Smash Champion
Apr 2, 2006
Fullerton, Socal
unless we're both sleepy. then jr will tap 100% of the time cuz i cant play on no sleep. jr is like a vampire from twilight, except filipino
LMFAO god i love all your posts seriously

JR 2 or 3 stocks me consistently, but thanks to the experience i've gotten against keith i don't feel that bad playing the matchup anymore.
get @ my fsmash spam LOL


Smash Hero
Jun 15, 2008
how about this marth is good puff is good

now shut the **** up and play noobs
i ****ing love you.
yeah pewpewu lost cuz he kept tryin' to edgeguard shroomed. I think he lost a stock somewhere between 0 and 10% one life by getting gimped by an upB.

There were actually a lot of marths at the last modesto tourney though-- KFC, Catnip, Keith, and RDA (and adaias is starting to use marth again as well). JR 2 or 3 stocks me consistently, but thanks to the experience i've gotten against keith i don't feel that bad playing the matchup anymore. I pretty much just agree with everything brandon said about marth though.

And Puff is definitely high tier, but not top. She's got a move that's commonly a one hit kill that has no startup lag, a **** b-air, 5 jumps, and a bunch of other good stuff. But she dies at hella low % off the top, she's not that fast so she can be camped to an extent, missing a rest can cost you a stock, and she can be outranged by a few characters. Mango just has godly spacing and hbox has obtained the ability to rest anything lol. Generally speaking though, puff as a character just isn't quite good enough to be at the top of the tier list imo

The tourney on sunday is 11am-7pm, and i can give you a ride if you need one anthony. ****, i'd even give andre a ride if he needed one EVEN THOUGH HE DOESN'T CAUSE THE VENUE IS ONLY A FEW MINUTES AWAY FROM HIS HOUSEEEEE

lol, you should try to go if you can andre, even if it's only for a little while. There aren't that many entrants so each event finishes pretty fast. See if you can make it for the crew battle at least haha
if you have to give anthony a ride... can i... maybe... come along?
keith prolly has to work so idk how ima get there.

also, when are you gonna upload that stuff?
i really wanna watch it now.


Smash Master
Jul 19, 2007
Austin, Tx
idk if ill be home in time for nick to pick me up but if he picks you up and i get dropped off he should get us back to ceres lmao


Smash Hero
Jun 15, 2008
man... that's gay... haha i don't think i'll have money for the tournament.

nick... no videos uploaded today... get at it....... now...

just watched memento. GREAT movie. i recommend it to anyone who likes good movies.
Jun 5, 2009
Lost in the Underworld
That's meta knight's cousin right there. She doesn't need a sword to **** up the whole tier list. Just a ledge

I honestly want to try planking like that, but my puff is garbage

HAHAHA, taking puff to mute city to stop this nonsense, pretty legendary
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