Kenny practice your peach instead of your fox? Playing fox feels like playing an uphill battle honestly. I enjoy playing fox for some reason though I am pretty sure I told you that one day last summer where I said I'd never play fox because he's difficult haha
if you think fox is an uphill battle you're trippin'. he's one of the best characters for a reason. him being good outweighs everyone knowing the match up, imo.
i feel like kenny's spacies have improved past his peach
but a main is a main hehe
no matter how good i get with falco
it's just not the same and i perform 5x better in tournament with iceys
kenny u got this
i bet if u pick up peach again she will be immediately better than ur spaceys
i agree that your falco always seems better each time but it's not your ic's.
i can feel myself getting the advantage over your falco but something about your ic's is just smoother.
a main is a main hehe
technically, my peach is prolly a little worse but overall about the same as it used to be.
fox is too good.
i wanna go back and have that everyday session with kenny
that will either motivate him to get better
or say whats the point? LOL
i think what sucks about modesto is we all live in separate parts of the city
we played alot more when me, jamie, mike, and edy all lived on the same part of town
plus modesto needs more than one person on different sides to drive
cuz no matter who it is, there always one person that drives for some reason
Operation: "Get Modesto Good"
we got this!
more like YOU got this. ha
i'm out of that game.
i'll play when someone's here to play but idk about trying or practicing anymore. haha
i barely notice a difference in when i practice and when i don't.
i'm just not the type to dedicate myself to anything... ever...
i'd be down to play every day for a while though.
"modesto is dead but too lazy to bury itself." -Lumpy Higgins