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Modesto Tournament: FEB 10 *Park's House!* RESULTS!

Sage Osaka

Smash Ace
Jan 16, 2006
well guys, that was a great tourney. i cant beleive i beat oni my first match. he 3 stocked me the first round and then somehow i pulled something out of my *** and won the other two. low and behold, kfc won, congrats dude, i was rooting for you the whole time. i need more practice against a variety of people, so if anyone doesnt have school/work on tue wed or thur, send me a pm and maybe we could play some friendlies or something. see you all in two weeks.


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2005
san francisco
lol yeah im hella tired but im glad i went i got to play kfc he's hella good. nice job getting first man ^_^


Smash Lord
May 31, 2005
Salinas, CA
Results? Yeah I know KFC got first but what else? I'm juss curious cuz as of this morning I was going but my ride flaked out last minute (as usual:ohwell: haha w/e).

Sage Osaka

Smash Ace
Jan 16, 2006
kfc got first, snap second and dark mike third. you'll have to wait for the official roster for any more results than that, sorry.


Smash Lord
May 31, 2005
Salinas, CA
kfc got first, snap second and dark mike third. you'll have to wait for the official roster for any more results than that, sorry.
Oh ok then thanks.

GJ to KFC, Snap, and DM, I'm guessing KFC went Fox this time...haha I've never seen his Link though, so w/e good sh*t to the top 3 though.


Smash Champion
Apr 2, 2006
Fullerton, Socal
SNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP.......... ur hella good man.. lol. i wanted to use link vs you but i cant handle ur Captain falcon.. and **** dude your falco is like.. iono mindgame based.. you dont even spam!! im used to playing spamming falcos and i would try to full jump over you but.. you knew i was gonna full jump then u punished me for it. we needa get more friendlies next time dude!! "LOL"

TOMI-X- **** dude you got hella better since oc2......... its just my playstyle is wierd lols.

NINTENDO KING- dang man ur fox is hella good. you have like inescapable chaingrabs. we didnt really play that much so i dont know what else to say. lolz. DARKMIKE SAID "work on your fox"

ZOAP- YOUR PEACH IS LIKE WTF MAN. haha. we had close link/ peach matches.. the last one omfg... anybodys win but i guess i got lucky


park/brandan/sage/oni. (LOLZ)- you guys are all steadily improving, nice tech skill and all that.. but just use smarter moves and dont rush too much.. work on your mindgames



Smash Cadet
Jul 10, 2006
Somewhere lonely in the shadows
my shoutouts go to---

Meep-Nice Luigi ur luigi is already crazy and the scary thing is..........its getting CRAZIER!!!! also those Yoshi/Shiek matches a Lot of Chaingrabbing LOL! :)

DarkMike-Good Samus and Ganon I think I would've played better if didn't rush my attacks but still even if I took my time u still would've been tough

TC1-me and u played hella we picked off chracters ur Link and my IC's nice fox and Mario u hella improved

The Marth Madness-Nice Marth ur style is crazy i used get killed by ur Marth its about time i can hang with that Marth filled with Rage and Madness

Oni/Jamie(Park)/Tom-X-playing with u guys was fun that Bowswer Challenge was cool and when me and Park teamed as Link and u guys were both Falco that was funny when tomi and oni both tried to spike Jamie ROFL! :)

Snap-Nice Falcon i kept up for a little but not much ur really good!!

and to everyone else good job everyone that went was great there was not a single no0b that was a shock congrats to KFC and Snap for making it to the finals thanks to everyone u all helped MY DOC!!!!:)

Oni Shinigami

Smash Journeyman
Mar 1, 2006
Hueco Mundo
This tournament was probably one of the oddest tournaments I've ever friggin played in,in all of my life (...lncluding my Tekken 5 semi profesional career! lol) .

Still though,probably one of the coolest ones also.

Though one of my biggest complains towards this tournament was the need for more SSBM compatible T.v's

I remember tons of incidents where I would just be standing inbetween tournament matches looking for a place to play,and finding nothing. So more tvs should be in a demand. I'm not sure if we as players should bring them to that degree,but more so rather the place returns some of those lame unused XBOX 360 lame machines.

More T.v's would have resulted in more friendy matches and time well spent. Though scoping out some of the matches today was pretty sick. I seen alot of cool ones out there today, good shiznit out there guys.

Congrats to all the top placers.

... KFC your friggin good dude! lol.

Sage - I don't know really,I've been going to college full time and working part time...pretty tired. I was playing with you doing fine near three stocking you after my first victory and then you threw me into a funk and I was just zoned out getting my head beat. Then for some odd reason that even I right now don't understand,I picked Link vs you. You bashed my link in,I tried coming back but it was too late and I got owned. the only other link im used to playing vs is KFC's. Good stuff you got me. I wish we could have played you again before you left...was fun, =) .

KFC - Wtf man I don't think we even played man! hahaha!!

ZOAP - Nice seeing you again man,I seen some of your games. niiice. We didn't get any games in today either, WTFX0rz!!1! hehe

Kev$ - Seen some of your luigi stuff vs Snaps Falco,impressive luigi...like meeps in some of the essential ways but its also very your own play style. Also no games with you,sigh.

Meep - Wtf ....have we even played against eachother since this last month?...or EVER...gasp!

TC1 - Nice stuff man. I had the pleasure of playing vs you several matches. Fun stuff,you've improved alot, Right on.

Dark Mike - Great stuff man. I wanted to play vs your Ganondorf but you picked Marth vs me. Definitely not what I expected. Great stuff as always man,you don't give yourself enough credit man, awesome games.

Snap - Haha I don't think we played vs eachother this one. Seen some of your matches,still awesome stuff...I like your falcos style, <- this guys my Game & Watch Guru. " Dude you promise? Dude LOL say you promise".

Nintendo King - Dude I could tell you were capable of some crazy stuff from what I played vs you/ seen today. Perhaps you were having an off day or mabe the tvs really were laggy enough to effect you but whatever. You displayed some amazing technique this tournament. I hope to play more games vs you in the future.

Afro Justin - DUDE, Yours Pikachus like...WOW. I tossed my two biggest bombs at you and you swatted them away with your pika might. Haha,my Game and Watch DID do better vs you than anything I picked in the tournament lol. good stuff,hope to play you again in the future.

SARS - DUUUUUUUDE NOICE. You keep improving dude,don't stop. In many ways you got me owned. Lets play some more later!

Other Link Guy I don't remember his name I beat 2nd round - I'm sorry, I had to vent off some of that link hate onto something after my last match. Good stuff though still.

PARK - Your Yoshi is sick dude. Keep improving dude. I heard you pulled off some sick stuff man. Right on.

Tomi - Those team games were awesome. I'de like to play vs you some more in the later tournaments.

Did I forget anyone? I dunno,if I did...im sorry. Im tired.

ANDRE AND KDIZZLE show up to the next tournament,k thnx.

My Marth,Falco will be better next tournament,I promise.

WOW this is the longest rant ever to even touch these boards I imagine! SORRY!!! I'm kinda go to sleep soon x_x....if you read this... Im sorry and I owe you a quarter or something.

Oni Shinigami

Smash Journeyman
Mar 1, 2006
Hueco Mundo
btw I lost my Neon Blue Memory card. its a cheap off brand one. I think its still in one of the gamecubes. Vouch for me to get it back from the owners if they try to gank it!


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2006
Sacramento, CA
woo...saturday's tournament was such an off day for me...maybe ive just had too much smashing over the past week and im worn out...i dunno. i think i played more smash last week than i have in like 5 months or somethin. but yeah, none of my shine combos were coming out and i wasnt able to follow up on throws and...ARGH! but whatever, i had fun.

KFC- yes, your playstyle is 100% original, no one at OC2 plays like you do. you've given me a lot of ideas on mindgaming though, ty. and yeah, im hella better, the problem is your playstyle atm counterpicks mine, and yesterday was an offday. like i said, maybe its a mental thing, and my brain just says "you can't beat KFC, just stop trying."

Snap- although we didnt get any matches in i was watching a few of your games and im like "****...who's this guy? no wonder he made it into brackets." your falco, c. falcon, and game & watch are all amazing. we need to get some friendlies in or something next time.

SARS & Park & Oni- why the hell did oni manage to win that bowser challenge? park jacking 92348092340 lives from us and stuff. haha but yeah, you guys are hella good, just keep getting better. i loved the team games guys, they were fun.

Sage- link is such a hard character to play and yet you manage to do it pretty well. excellent job man, i want to see you pwning kfc soon with your mad skillz.

NintendoKing- you chaingrabbing ***** you. it was nice to see you try to infinite combo that peach though. we need to get together and play though. like you and me and danny or something.

DRGN: Not enough friendlies. Well. None actually, except for the team games, me and Park against team "dergan" XD.

Zoap- peach is gay. just stop playing her. its not like she's any good or anything. she's not high tier or anything...yeah. im saying this because fox doesn't like peach...so yeah...peach is gay...stop playing it...blah. your peach is hella good. we need to get in some friendlies next time.

DM, TC1, Meep, Afro Justin- OC2 was the ****! R.I.P for life yo.

everyone else- gg at the tournament guys. sorry if i forgot about you. but anyways, later.


Smash Champion
Mar 14, 2005
Johnsville, Johntana
****zzzz TV Johns, lol oh well. got beat and that's all there is to it. Just gotta show you guys what it's like on good TVs ;)~

well I never really do shoutouts but here goes:

KFC: Good first set. Your fox is really fast and you can control a match really well. wish we coulda got some friendlies in. Next time I'll CG more than one time lol. MM?!?!?? Congrats on foist.

TC1: Good stuff with your fox. I don't think I really let you see the full force of NK in our matches, but it's just too fun to sandbag lol. MM!?!? You live right by danny which means we're gonna be smashing a lot. Prepare to see me awesomerized.

Uhhh Meep: Er.... I had fun in Team friendlies? Rofl I don't know, next time we gotta MM WHERE WAS THE MM?!??!

Oni: You showed some impressive falco skills and for someone who basically trains like M2K. you do a fairly d3cent job keepin up with people who smash on a regular basis. Good stuff man.

Dark Mike: Mmmmmm congratulations on our matches. I would john but alas that's not cool.
Your samus is very smooth and fluid from what i noticed. Next time I'll have to show you how i really play a samus ;)

DRGN: ttyl. lol.

Kevmoney: What can I say you failed. I think some of my bad playing day rubbed off on you.
And bullsh8t those TVs do mess your game up. MCD$????

Marth Madness: Good stuff with your marth and trying to predict the unpredictable NK lolol. If anything i say you just need to ease off the throttle and learn to CG fox and play range games. We're definitely gonna be playing really soon seeing as how you live so close.

guy in the back seat of my car: Um I hope the car ride home was fun. . . . . >___>

Snap: LOL OH NOES YOU 4 STOCKED ME LOL. Oh man I wish I was as good as you. . . . Riiiiiiiggghhhhht. Hella Johns. 1001 of them in fact.

Zoap: DUDE BOWSER + M2 + LAGGY TV = HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!!! We really didn't get to play like for reals which sucks. Bah always the biweekly. I love our stupid banter though, makes for a johnning good time. Expect the book to be out this fall.

Kid with the Doctor Mario: Lol mangz you have a decent doctor and a **** good cape. I recommend you use a little more variety in your approaches though, really easy to read when you WD back run forward WD back run forward. I tried a little in our second match and you saw how that went lol. Good games.

TOMI-X: WHAT HAPPENED?!?!? I THOUGHT OC2 MADE YOU LIKE SUPER DUPER MAN!? Lol good stuff though Tomi. although you still haven't seen me play in super saiyen form. It's pretty **** scary. . . . ~T~ Your fox is decidedly a lot more mindful of his surroundings though which is a vast improvement from the last time i played you. keep workin SON.

AFro Justin: Um we didn't get to play but good talking to you. I'll let you have your revenge if you have your revenge from the last biweekly if you go to this coming one.

Yeah to everyone else who was there good sh8t N' stuff.



Smash Cadet
Jul 10, 2006
Somewhere lonely in the shadows
btw I lost my Neon Blue Memory card. its a cheap off brand one. I think its still in one of the gamecubes. Vouch for me to get it back from the owners if they try to gank it!
hey oni me and park grabbed it caused Park found it on the floor and I knew it was yours so we took it home we'll give it back next tourney i guess what sucks for u is u cant play marth and Falco without unlocking them


Smash Cadet
Jul 10, 2006
Somewhere lonely in the shadows
Kid with the Doctor Mario: Lol mangz you have a decent doctor and a **** good cape. I recommend you use a little more variety in your approaches though, really easy to read when you WD back run forward WD back run forward. I tried a little in our second match and you saw how that went lol. Good games.
yea its very hard to fight fox on FD i actually don't know how to fight fox with Doc FD but anywhere else i manage the Dreamland fight for example the only game we didn't play at FD.I can't avoid the UAIRS something every fox player at the tourney did i forgot about u NK good matches honestly i'm not sayin u tried in all but u can tell u tried more than 1 match Probably half of them but yeah u have a really good fox


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2005
san francisco
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does anybody else see that shhit on top of their screen? hella pisses me off

anyways, ill try to do some shout outs:

tc1: ok dude i really dont know what's up with you. we've always been on hella good terms and im always hella nice to you, but then when we had to play in tournament you started hella hating on me. i know first match u suicided a couple times against my GW and lost, then my falco beat your fox to finish the set, and you got HELLA mad about the first match saying that it's bull**** and that it shouldnt count since u suicided, and that you can take on my game and watch if you dont suicide. so we played a bunch of friendlies and you couldn't beat my game and watch, but you were still hella pissed and said if you had more GW experience you would be able to take me. it seemed like you were just looking for an excuse to hate on me, even though i never said sh*t to you and ive always been hella nice to you. if you honestly think you can easily beat me, we can do some money matches if you want next time. whenever i suicide in tournament yeah i get pissed but not at the other person, i just get pissed at myself for suiciding. it doesnt make sense to get mad at the other person. oh well, i hope all of FTA doesnt hate me because of stupid sh*t.

marth madness: hi. lol. whats up. we always have to play each other in tournament. i think your sheik is better than your marth, in my opinion, it seems like you're quicker with her maybe u should use her more in tournament. i dunno, good stuff man hope to see u again. ur hella kool dude lol

oni: suppppp man lol yeah we didnt get to play, that sux, next time we definitely gotta get some matches in, you're hella nice and im glad i inspired you to play GW, so maybe next time we can get some GW dittos in and maybe some marth and falco ones too. o well, peace out until then playa!

kev$: sup dude lolllll im glad u came man i love to play ur luigi its hella sexy. bring the rest of KGB next time omg lol! o well take care bro hope to see u at some tournaments sometime soon

S.A.R.S. yo dude, you're the one who played doctor mario right? you hella improved since i first played u man, keep practicing and soon u'll dominate these tournaments lol

kfc: hey man im seriously in love with your fox. i always tell u that man but you never believe me. your fox is hella sexy. its too original i never played anything like it. my falco wasn't clicking on the last sets of finals, i probably should have tried my GW more, but its all good man. im really glad u won cuz you deserved it. we definitely got to get some friendlies in next time ^_^ take care

tomi-x: dude im trying to remember what you look like. i swear i remember the name and i think i saw you a couple times, were you at 0c2? i dont remember!!!! o well. yeah we gotta play next time we see each other, i'll show u my GW lol.

afrojustin: sup. pikachu. lol. i thought of a song it goes like this: i wanna be the very best, and smoke some cigarettes!

if im forgetting someone, sorry lol.


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2006
Sacramento, CA
Snap- im the short stocky kid with the long black hair that kinda looks like PC Chris. :p i was wearing a tool shirt at TGE if that helps, and hell yeah i went to OC2. got knocked out of the first pool though, i was lucky enough to get hoshino kirby in my pool. i hella almost beat him though. >< argh. oh well. im proud to give mike monkey and hoshino kirby a run for their money. mike barely one-stocked me. and kirby (hopefully im not totally screwing up his name) barely beat me too. oh well. let me see the insanity of game & watch. btw, how do you rank as far as best game & watch in the world?

Oni Shinigami

Smash Journeyman
Mar 1, 2006
Hueco Mundo
Everyone show to the next tournament! I'll carry my own tv on my back so we can't get any johns! Expect to see a stronger oni next time. Let's keep improving guys! Central CA will be recognized as a place for great smashers on a high level.

Oni Shinigami

Smash Journeyman
Mar 1, 2006
Hueco Mundo
hey oni me and park grabbed it caused Park found it on the floor and I knew it was yours so we took it home we'll give it back next tourney i guess what sucks for u is u cant play marth and Falco without unlocking them
DUDE! awesome,thanks guys. I appreciate it a bunch. It's ok,it only takes like 5-10 minutes to unlocke marth/falco. Perhaps we can get together and play some friendlies before the next tournament. =)


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2005
san francisco
Snap- im the short stocky kid with the long black hair that kinda looks like PC Chris. :p . . . .oh well. let me see the insanity of game & watch. btw, how do you rank as far as best game & watch in the world?


i'm probably one of the best game and watches there are. i like to think im better than dire vulcan and chu dat, just by looking at their videos, but that's only to be decided whenever i get to play them in real life. i did beat eddie with game and watch in tournament, if that means anything to you lol, and i pretty much beat pc chris's ganondorf with my game and watch in crew battles which got me compliment from korean DJ lol (korean DJ was in the same crew as pc chris which my crew was fighting)

tomi-x what character do you use? i use marth, falco, GW, falcon, and doc.


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
hahah you guys lost to kfc wtffff O_o he's easy. HAHAHAHAH jk man yeah guys his fox is pretty freakin brutal.

i hear darkmike threw his match against kfc? man what a scary samus. i'd lose to him so bad.

well it's nice to see the results. next time i'd love to play snap/zoap crew and fta again, you guys know it's always good to have a sexy ice climbers at every tournamet ;DDDDD

yo jamie and brandon (park and sars): once school starts up and we get settled in at lunch, NO FREE FOR ALLS. we need to seriously go all out, i'll train all of you up, especially jackson since it seems he's lost some of his game. (heheh)


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2006
Sacramento, CA

i'm probably one of the best game and watches there are. i like to think im better than dire vulcan and chu dat, just by looking at their videos, but that's only to be decided whenever i get to play them in real life. i did beat eddie with game and watch in tournament, if that means anything to you lol, and i pretty much beat pc chris's ganondorf with my game and watch in crew battles which got me compliment from korean DJ lol (korean DJ was in the same crew as pc chris which my crew was fighting)

tomi-x what character do you use? i use marth, falco, GW, falcon, and doc.

i main fox, and i can play a decent falco, but i can "use" doc, falcon, marth, and ness. whew, at oc2 i was at the top of my game and i expected it to stay with me when i went to TGE but unfortunatly that wasn't to be. btw, the top of my game = barely getting one-stocked by hoshiro kirby and mike monkey. and beating hella and clod-zero. but yeah man, that's awesome. G&W is such a weird character for me, its hard to pick up. especially the nair. i have like no idea when the hitbox comes out, you know? but anyways, that's real nice man, beating PC Chris in crews. his characters are just deadly. x_x. well alright, ill see you at a biweekly or something, later man.


May 26, 2005
Los Angeles, CA
I missed the past few ones because I was in India.

I'm going to miss this one because of the 1st fundraiser tournament for NCT2, darn. :ohwell:

Hopefully I'll make one of these sometime.


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
hahah same day as nct2 fundraiser -_- i'd like to go but i'm gonna stay here and rep my hometown at TGE.

tomi-X, my ic was able to destroy you last time, but i heard you got WAAY better. i'd like to play you again man, ;D


Smash Rookie
Aug 14, 2006
Hey guys, this is Monique from The Gaming Edge.

First of all, I'd like to say thank you for attending out tournaments in the past. We really enjoy hosting the tournaments for you guys because out of all other game competitions that we have, you guys have the most honor and class.

To be honest, it'd really help us out if we knew about how many people were coming, so if you guys could let us know if you're coming either via phone, email, or post here, it would be really appreciated and would help speed things up. (www.GamingEdgegaming.com)

Otherwise, I hope to see you all the weekend after this one.


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2006
Hiding from La Migra
Hey, Nintendo King, are we still on for a money match whenever we finally get to play each other? If so, lets make it best 2/3, you decide how much money you wanna wager, up to $20.


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
i honestly hope i can make it this time around... its up to me to finish all the homework, especially this long history paper. then after that it's my parents decision lol. well team pauk will be practicing once school starts up... HOPEFULLY i'll see you all sept 2.

i'll money match anyone for 1$

Oni Shinigami

Smash Journeyman
Mar 1, 2006
Hueco Mundo
i honestly hope i can make it this time around... its up to me to finish all the homework, especially this long history paper. then after that it's my parents decision lol. well team pauk will be practicing once school starts up... HOPEFULLY i'll see you all sept 2.

i'll money match anyone for 1$
i'll MM YOU A DOLLA!!!!

Sage Osaka

Smash Ace
Jan 16, 2006
for anyone that lives in modesto/turlock area, i can give people rides to the tourneys that i go to (i try to make every one). it would help to give gas money but if you really cant i guess i could do it just for the sake of people coming to the tourney. if anyone wants to just play some friendlies and is in the area im also down for some practice.
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