She does have a nice chance. I look back at Kid Icarus Uprising, and see all the potential Palutena has. Her moves in the boss battle, the lovable personality, all that brilliant humor, and would make such a great addition to the roster.
I'm already aware that Pit will most likely be improved in a way or at the very least be influenced by Uprising, and said game could bring her in. Even if she isn't a reveal at the beginning, I have faith that she'll just be a secret character, although I'd prefer if she was a newcomer available at the start for plenty reasons.
Besides, I'd be sad if Uprising's influence didn't bring in Palutena as well. Just imagine how fun it'd be to have some nice Pit+Palutena codecs that surpass both the Starfox and Snake ones, some Pit+Palutena teams in 2v2s, and a playable main female character that isn't blonde who happens to be part of a revived series that is Kid Icarus, and so much more! <3