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Mini | DnD Statbuilder Mafia - Game Over!


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008

chaco whyd yu pick drex over myself/gorf?

vote gorf
Cause JeXs callout. I figured he was new, and he kept asking for Drexels presence in thread, just wanted to see if I could figure out anything useful to go off off with him. I have a town read on you, and a leaning scum vibe from Gorf now. I had nothing on Drexel, plus since my post after thread closed for night....I wasn't sure if my thievery would get taken away toDay like it did yesterDay, so I fired at my first hunch.

Also, I didn't go after you with it because of that reason for one, and also, I wanted to use it on someone I wasn't familiar with in play.

Lastly, Drex is right, I am a Pixie. Digit, to be exact. No need in hiding my name if my persona is already aired out. I will not role claim however, no point at this time.

@ Drexel Drexel : Your reaction in #204 is awful, man.

I really wish I would've gotten something to use on you. Do you mind relinquishing me your stats that made up your role plz?


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
Marshy, let's lynch between drexel and chaco. Trust me
FML, based off of what? I liked you D1, but please don't try to gut everything, it'd gonna get you nowhere. How about reasons?

Personally, I'm entirely uncertain of Drex. I feel like scum lies between him and Gorf, and I have an uncanny feeling now about OMG, but I want to say that's how I react to Marshy's playerslot in a game.. I try to stay uneasy feeling about him because I've been sheeped with Marshy before, but on the flip side, we've made some past killer plays... So I tend to ride the fence on him all game.


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
But what knowledge of yours would suggest a fairy could not be scum ?

@ Chaco Chaco What is your ability called, why Drexel, why did we not see it publicly ?
My Day ability is called Thievery with action of steal. Flavor talks of my day action being spawned from shiny things distracting me, why is why chose to crumb it all D1.

But he'd be new to the role, plus his relative newness to forum mafia, i don't see why he'd need to be worried about you
It's not that I'm saying to be worried about me, I'm saying that if you got flavor calling you out about someone trying to pick your pockets, would you not post it publicly? That can imply indy, etc. Which is why I posted after posting to Drexel " No shiiny for me" FOR the impending post. But he didn't do it. I feel like if he was new, and I may be reading to much into it, he would definitely bring that to attention, even if questioning it. Otherwise, as scum, I don't feel he'd feel comfortable enough to draw that attention to himself, which is why it surprised me when he didn't. But I'm getting conflicting reads on him, his callouts for saying him lynching me would be a mistake ring clear like a new townie who doesn't know how to properly defend themselves, no offense meant. I've been there before in a game of Mentos' and I was town and just didn't have the skill yet to properly defend myself. So I'm conflicted on him at this point. Him detecting my action does not help that. In role it says I have a small chance of being detected, the fact he did detect me, while it is null, unsettles me. But of course, I've no other thievery to compare it to.

i am genuinely confused.

chaco, was your thief a Night action or Day action? drex, why is a fairy NOT scum? is that the most of an indicator you have?
Day Action. And I'm a Pixie thank, ya!


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
@ Dabuz Dabuz please make more of a presence known. Having you cleared as town, and literally no presence to speak of is awesome...


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
I just want you to know, if you lynch me you are making a HUGE mistake.

Why are we making a huge mistake? SHOW us why, don't just tell us. Build up a case on who you think is scummy, and show us your point of view.

FYI, what you see in this game is not typical mafia, Drex. This is overloading with flavor, and everything about it becomes a red herring. Ignore it. Find what sticks out to you and show us from that. I want clear cut thoughts and process so we have places to look in terms of flips.

So, you're a potential lynch target today...Where do we look after your flip if you were to flip town?


marshy|dark horse
Jul 12, 2014
Marshy, let's lynch between drexel and chaco. Trust me
no. dude ask yourself

if you were a flavor cop (which is basically what chaco has claimed) and scum why would you use it on the new player as opposed to slots who could potentially read you correctly as scum? its bad scum strategy and i think chaco would be wasting it. plus at least the dude looks like hes trying to find scum to me as opposed to gorf who ****s on everyone who isnt himself and drex who...confuses me and i need to think about more

vote gorf


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
@ Dabuz Dabuz please make more of a presence known. Having you cleared as town, and literally no presence to speak of is awesome...
Conflicted. OMG tells me to have less presence because more telling interactions between suspicious men. You tell me have more presence because why? Is discussion with Orbo in neighbor chat not enough?


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
Conflicted. OMG tells me to have less presence because more telling interactions between suspicious men. You tell me have more presence because why? Is discussion with Orbo in neighbor chat not enough?
Ehh, nah. That's not public information. I'd like to have something to work with on future days, means interactions with all players. You're clear, your interactions with players do have bearing still. If there's none to work with, what's the point of you being cleared besides a slot that's essentially a town placeholder? I get it's good, but make it great.

@OMG: It is like flavor cop Im guessing, not for sure since it's not been successful yet. And I have reasons why I didn't use it on you, for one, I didn't know if you could be targeted by it either.

Yay for activity though.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 27, 2014
Dryden, MI
@ Drexel Drexel : Your reaction in #204 is awful, man.

I really wish I would've gotten something to use on you. Do you mind relinquishing me your stats that made up your role plz?
Yeah I know...

If you must know... here is what I put down...

STR: 3
DEX: 10
CON: 5
INT: 7
WIS: 5
CHA: 10

You can probably figure out who I am from this...maybe.
Last edited:


Smash Journeyman
Jun 27, 2014
Dryden, MI
Why are we making a huge mistake? SHOW us why, don't just tell us. Build up a case on who you think is scummy, and show us your point of view.

FYI, what you see in this game is not typical mafia, Drex. This is overloading with flavor, and everything about it becomes a red herring. Ignore it. Find what sticks out to you and show us from that. I want clear cut thoughts and process so we have places to look in terms of flips.

So, you're a potential lynch target today...Where do we look after your flip if you were to flip town?
Honestly, I would have to say you or Gorf is the scum. That is my gut feeling right now for these reasons:

1. Bunzy is automatically cleared, and FML is dying so that narrows it down to you, Marshy, and Gorf.

2. Gorf doesn't come across as scum in his posts, but his lesser postings make me somewhat suspicious as he maybe just be reading through our posts deciding on who to kill in the night by what he sees.

3. Marshy I am suspicious of as he was more of a instigator trying to force thoughts/information from players trying to see what they know and take them out accordingly.

4. When FML, who seems to be highly experienced at this got rid of JeXs and then was poisoned the following morning, I reasoned that the person who would have done that would have known FML to be a big threat. That would mean that the scum would have to also be highly experienced. That lead me to believe that it is you, or Gorf as Marshy doesn't have as much.

So that is where I stand as of now. If I had to rank the 3 players at hand on who's scum, in my opinion...

1. Gorf
2. Chaco
3. Marshy

And if that sounded stupid, sorry for wasting your time.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
first off, you aren't allowed to edit your posts.

second off your logic is so far off it's ridiculous. your points are almost ENTIRELY wifom based (if you don't know what that means, http://wiki.mafiascum.net/index.php?title=WIFOM) and also pretty wrong, like the fact that me chaco and marshy all have more experience than fml.

im actually thinking it's drex. this post is the first post that's actually had any insight given and... it WREAKS of newbscum. his entire play has been a conglomeration of tiptoeing and dancing around subjects, and quite frankly, i can ABSOLUTELY see jex's small interaction with him as svs. id move my vote if it wasn't stuck.


marshy|dark horse
Jul 12, 2014
2. Gorf doesn't come across as scum in his posts, but his lesser postings make me somewhat suspicious as he maybe just be reading through our posts deciding on who to kill in the night by what he sees.
What do you even mean by "lesser postings"? How is trying to get thoughts scummy? Why is your FML stuff ENTIRELY wifom?

Goddamn I didn't think that this would happen but I actually agree with gorf. I want to talk to marshy about this.

vote: gorf


Sep 3, 2010
Morrisville, NC
MOD NOTE: Drexel mistakenly sent in a point chart with 40 points assigned rather than 30. This was overlooked during the character creation phase. This was a mod error. The game will continue as normal with no changes. Thank you.


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
I may be dumb as rocks but even I can count.

3 + 10 = 13 + 5 = 19 + 7 = 24 + 5 = 30 + 10 = 40

Seeee, maybe mod have 0 poits in INT wahahahaahahaha!


Jun 7, 2012
DH, it may be bad but it's not scum bad. Trust me, me and Orbo had a long talk. Don't be a goof, vote gorf with us


Jun 7, 2012
Drexel is playing too badly even for newb scum. Chacos town.

That leaves you and marshy and I Def don't think it's marshy after d1


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
Honestly, I would have to say you or Gorf is the scum. That is my gut feeling right now for these reasons:

1. Bunzy is automatically cleared, and FML is dying so that narrows it down to you, Marshy, and Gorf.

2. Gorf doesn't come across as scum in his posts, but his lesser postings make me somewhat suspicious as he maybe just be reading through our posts deciding on who to kill in the night by what he sees.

3. Marshy I am suspicious of as he was more of a instigator trying to force thoughts/information from players trying to see what they know and take them out accordingly.

4. When FML, who seems to be highly experienced at this got rid of JeXs and then was poisoned the following morning, I reasoned that the person who would have done that would have known FML to be a big threat. That would mean that the scum would have to also be highly experienced. That lead me to believe that it is you, or Gorf as Marshy doesn't have as much.

So that is where I stand as of now. If I had to rank the 3 players at hand on who's scum, in my opinion...

1. Gorf
2. Chaco
3. Marshy

And if that sounded stupid, sorry for wasting your time.
The first major problem I have with this post is, I'm ranked second on your scumdar...and I'm the only one not mentioned again in that post except for that #2 slot. Where did that come from? It seems like my name is just miraculously there from the slight bit of pressure I've put on you. Earlier in the Day you've claimed I was town for "obvious" reasons, and now I'm #2 on the list without any reasoning at all, and without a mention?? Oh wai-- you agreed with me that your reaction was terrible. Okay, I can't follow your thought process with this sooo, to the rest of the post.

Drex, your reasoning on why FML got targeted last night is making me laugh:

Dayvig catching poison N1 =/= Super experienced scum

That's honestly the most suggested target, they're scum mate got roasted D1 by a davig, WHO do you think is gonna catch the kill? Honestly, it shows to me a newer scum thought process. Because I would've thought personally that most dayvigs are 1 shot, and let alone this is a SMALL set-up, there's no way he's a multishot vig.

No, what this post clears up to me is that you're the last scum, (assuming this game laden with PRs doesn't hold a 3 scum team or an indy, since we got an autoclear D1 and a vig in a 7 person set up...) and here's why:

-I lay down a slight bit of pressure on you, and I'm not #2 on you lynch sheet with no reason whatsoever.
-You dickride FML; buddying a known town presence, and someone who roasted your buddy, why not try and get in his good graces?
-You try and lead us to believe with your thought process, that the most likely kill for N1 happened because of super experienced Scum.
Well that's convenient since we're kind've discussing you being new, funny how hand in hand this post points to the fact that the last scum must be super experienced since FML was targeted...which makes no sense.

Also...wait... did you claim Marshy to be less experienced than me or Gorf, or am I reading that wrong? XD Dying, if so.

GG Guys, let the hardbody begin.

Vote: Drexel


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
Not this badly
Actually, I think so. Think about it, if JeXs and Drex are both scum that's an entirely new scum team, neither would know what to do.

Makes sense for a svs callout, Drex to be acting the way he does, and as to why he is the way he is. He's trying to inadvertently play the new card, once you realize that, you see it clear for what it is. Either that or...I don't know how you could be that stupid, dumb or scum has always made a lot of sense to me. Especially in cases like this..


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
Also, I know it's hard to start out talking on a fresh day sometimes, assuming you don't have a lot to start with; but look at the size of that fluff in the first post of the day by Drexel..
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